How and why is DC universe turning a profit? Yea Forums you told me it flop as a streaming service...

How and why is DC universe turning a profit? Yea Forums you told me it flop as a streaming service. Now it sounding liking it’s outperforming CBS all access.

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Because DC has great source material, their movies were just tarnished by one bad director


You shut your whore mouth

Dc always flop

Because CBS All Access is fucking garbage.

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>thinking Yea Forums actually knows anything about business

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I agree, Whedon was pretty bad for the franchise as a whole

When I was a kid my old man took me to the things like the Star Wars movies, Indiana Jones movies, ghostbusters and Back to the Future. I feel happy I've been able to take my kid to the Marvel movies.

How does DC turn a profit? Probably same way Michael Bay movies make a profit, turning out shit and relying on opening day box offices, catering to dumbass white males age 12-25. Shit, their biggest name is Zach fucking Snyder.

>can't make Superman likeable
>can't live up to the self-imposed Batman standard
>can't make Wonder Woman useful
>their only success is a comedy movie that's still underperforming

imagine owning DC

>comparing all the DC content to STD
Never mind that STD is terrible what else do they even have?

You know the latter is easily applicable to Marvel films barring Zack Snyder, right?

>How and why is DC universe turning a profit?
Two words.

Doom Patrol.

> beating cbs means success

fuck, i must be a millionaire

Actually this is a good question, what else do they have?


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They were talking about hack Snyder you dumb dumb

Whedon is worse in every way

How is Avengers worse than BvS?

Avengers is like a cheesy episode of Power Rangers for one. It's cheap and the script dumbs down every single character to one or two notable traits.

Woke TV-MA twilight zone?

No it's not, Whedon movies were highly praised and made a lot of money.

Snyder movies were hated by critics and audience, they also barelly made profit.

The only measure that point Snyder as better than Whedon is your personal taste.

>Hey guys this literal retard is better at writing than a blind dog
>That means he's a great writer!!!
That's you right now. You mongoloid.

I’m pretty sure you’d get your ass kick at a convention if you said that out loud

Oh and BVS is better? Dull script, trying way too hard to be edgy and cool but not, bleak color desaturation, and unintentionally funny moments.

>How and why is DC universe turning a profit?
They sold the foreign rights of their shows to Netflix

>Yea Forums isn't aware that this is the strongest DC has ever been
Aquaman was their biggest movie and Shazam came immediately after. You know what came out after TDK? Watchmen and Jonah Hex

Writing a serious Batman/Superman story is trying too hard to be edgy? Watching Bruce's descent into madness is a dull script? I'm sorry you apparently pissed your pants laughing at the Martha scene but it was a decent narrative in spite of one or two goofy moments.

TUBi technically beating CBS all access and it’s free without a need for an account.

Snyderfags are idiots. The movie offered nothing of interest. The Martha moment as bad was only one of the low moments in an entire movie of low moments

Age of Ultron is worse than any DCEU film. Fight me.

I will. AoU was great at it's corr but the executive meddling forced Whedon to include too much shit that didn't need to be in there. It was how Feige stole the entire franchise away from the board and Ike, cause the blame for the mistakes of AoU are squarely on their shoulders. AoU still had great stuff but the main flaws are too much random shit forced in by execs and the bad 3rd act. But the bad 3rd act is still far better than the DBZ Doomsday

Ultron is fucking awful though. He doesn't stop quipping and his CGI mouth looks retarded. He never seems like a threat and you can't take him seriously. The dialogue is terrible and Whedon packed it with fights to distract from how bad the script is. Widow & Banner romance is awful but idiot neckbeards defend it because feminists didn't like it. I don't give a fuck if Tumblr thinks it's sexist or whatever, it was just shitty. Padme and Anakin was better set up. Also Hawkeye ranch was boring af and that's all Whedon.

BvS isn't great and is littered with problems but at least it tried to be something meaningful. Ultron was just a cynical product. It didn't even TRY.

Spader saved Ultron quite a few time. He quips a lot cause in the MCU he is based on Tonys brain rather than Pyms so that makes sense, he even has daddy issues in a few scenes, which is what makes Ultron to me. The Widow/Banner stuff is bad, i got nothing to argue there. But Ultron was a major threat until the final act when Vision just solved him connected to the internet, hard to defend that but unless you cut him off from replicating you can never defeat Ultron, which is why i love him in the comics, he is unstoppable now that he has been to multiple planets and now has muktiple versions of himself.

Suicide Squad is a DCEU movie.

I'm sorry I don't fight the mentally handicapped.

we're in a brenaissance thats why

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