Mayor dewey and his personal pearl chilling on the front page
Mayor dewey and his personal pearl chilling on the front page
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>Ship never ever because the one trait that separates Pearl from every other busy-body cleanly nerd cartoon character is being gay to a homicidal degree
>The sheer magnitude of Pearl/Rose stories on fanfiction sites dwarfs practically everything else while each feel like some of the most skin-crawly cuck fetish shit imaginable
I hate Pearl but even characters I despise could be redeemed in good ships. But the problem with canon gay is that there is so little media of them being straight for fear of harassment unlike your typical straight.
shit show
shit spam
Pearl has shown attraction to greg so therefore can like men
I bet he wishes Gypsy never found the escape shuttle in that crate of Hamdingers. At least on the Satellite of Love he'd be with his robot friends, not moody space lesbians and retarded townspeople.
>I bet he wishes Gypsy never found the escape shuttle in that crate of Hamdingers. At least on the Satellite of Love he'd be with his robot friends, not moody space lesbians and retarded townspeople
The joke is Dewey's VA starred in a television show called Mystery Science Theater 3000, and resembles the character he voices.
Save her from lesbian hell
Hold the fucking phone, is that Tom Servo?
If a more transparent self-insert ship ever existed, I’d love to see it.
They have the same nose.
Fuck you I was gonna make an MST3K joke
>be Bill Dewey
>have the time of your life until your wife leaves you
>son wants nothing to do with you no matter how much you try to bond with him
>being mayor is your only opportunity in life
>while being mayor, your job is pretty much useless because magic alien boy and his guardians save the town along with the rest of the planet
>have a long lasting crush on one of the magic alien boy's guardians
>she rejects you every time you want to get with her
>everyone in the town seems to hate your job and possibly you as a person after you try to do the best you can as a human
>re-election comes in
>you lose to a woman
>after losing you pretty much feel like fucking nothing and that you lost the only opportunity to feel special
Bill had a hard life.
How tight is Pearl's pussy?
>End up having to work at fast food restaurant
>Ends up likely it because the rest of his life has been such shit that it's comparably easy
>Finally being appreciated by the town folk, literally first time we see him truly happy
But user if I wanted a self insert ship I'd just pick one of the many gay ones.
as tight as her heart
>I'd just pick one of the many gay ones.
Faggot detected
It's Joel, from the earlier seasons.
>tfw no Mike Nelson voiced character to take Dewey's place as mayor
I have never seen MST3K, i usually just watched bad 50s sci fi movies without the commentary
It wasn't that he lost to a woman. It's that he lost to someone with no experience and gave vague platitudes that merely sounded confident.
To be honest, the ship would be a lot better if it actually was a self insert ship.
by that you mean political experience? because if it's leadership, she's done it twice already (called the shots against the puffer fish and organized the riot during the blackout)
Let me start you off with a good one, user.
>organized the riot
I don’t think you should put that on your resume for running for office.
>telling people how to run during an emergency
>translates to the ability to successfully managing a city
You don't really believe that do you user?
the previous administration's policy was to keep the citizens too occupied to realize their town was a deathtrap.
Oh okay I get it, instead of doing what you can to deal with problems that you can manage, for instance keeping an entire town occupied while the immortal basically invulnerable magic space rocks get attacked is worse than having everyone run away. Makes sense to me
It's still my head canon that mayor dewy also had a space station life, made to watch bad movies foe 6 years
Boy needs to get back to the s.o.l
I don't know they are trying to make GregPearl canon
The only reason they shat on him so hard throughout the series was because he was a cisgendered heterosexual white male in a position of power, which FORBIDS him from also being a decent human being. Sugar needed to get that message across to the kids as clearly as possible.
The OTP.
SU also had to shit on Greg a lot because he was a hetero white guy, even though in the context of the storylines he was generally a good guy with a good heart. Sugar just didn't feel comfortable having the other characters acknowledge him as such because "cis white male" and all that.
I like this Kama Sutra position but does it have to be these two?
Wished a character voiced by Mike Nelson ran for mayor and defeated Dewey.
Would have brought back some old Mike vs Joel debates.
Pearl is a man hating dyke tho. She only likes fat women anyway
Don't remind me, I hated that Dewey lost to some random old woman and everyone seemed to be fine with this
Would Peridot be brain guy and Greg as Bobo
Hating Greg (initially) isn't the same as hating men.
Dewey was insanely incompetent at the best of times. That was the joke.
Dude sucks at his job
Yeah, but at least he knows of politics and how to run a place. Nanefua is literally some random old woman. At least have him lose against someone with real experience on politics
This guy is her endgame and everybody knows it
Patently false
same energy
An old business owner of a multi-generational store. It does seem random, but she clearly knows what she's doing and has the support of the town. Plus Dewey always seemed on the verge of a breakdown and genuinely seemed happier working at the Big Donut.
Mike "destroyer of world's" Nelson is what beach city needs
Beach City politics are at least very small-scale. If Dewey was the governor of Maryland I'd be more concerned but Beach City is a possibly-unincorporated township that has a population of 19. It was never abundantly clear to me what Dewey's mayoral duties were, but they can't be that extensive given how small his domain is. Local people who lack professional experience in politics often get involved in local politics in small towns, especially if they're business owners.
Anymore cross over art?
>If a more transparent self-insert ship ever existed, I’d love to see it.
I don't know if this is what you meant but here you go
Yes she has, post above yours has the episode in question
That image doesn't make any sense. Hobgoblins had the couch gag, and aired after Joel left the show. It would be Mike Nelson on the SoL.
This, but preferably accurate to the MST3K canon.
I'm just mad it took this long to think about there both shows that have a pearl
My original favorite of the main three was amethyst for a few years. I only started liking pearl more within the last two. I dont really know why, has anyone else had a similar experience?
The opposite.
Really? I still love amethyst dont get me wrong, shes my third favorite gem with peridot being my first and pearl my second favorite.
She was just being nice after a rocky friendship because of the Rose thing. You're overblowing the situation.
Nah, the attraction was blatantly their. Best ship is on its way lads.
Pearl always was the best gem of the CGs
Now she shares first place with Peridot, but Peridot is exclusivly for Steven
>Now she shares first place with Peridot, but Peridot is exclusivly for Steven
Nana's actually good at the job, Dewey was bad at it. Not everything is allegorical of your gender Yea Forums, sometimes an individual is just bad at something. It's not like it was an asspull either, he was bad at his job throughout the whole story.
Besides, I thought Americans liked leaders with absolutely no experience in politics. Makes them 'uncorrupted by politicians and business' or some laughable shit like that
>SU also had to shit on Greg a lot because he was a hetero white guy
>things that never happened
Greg is a canon heart throb, though and through. The show only plays up his flaws as much as anyone else.
Not that user, but somewhere in the SU artbook, there was an excerpt of unused episodes, and one of these episode summaries were about Pearl having a crush on a Pizza delivery man, and she does his job to impress him.
FYI the pizza man himself looked fucking hideous, like your typical hentai ogre man, and it would've been a funny contrast to Pearl's previous crush with Rose, who was regarded as perfect and beautiful to her.
>Nana's actually good at the job
Nana is garbage Dewey was a better character one way or another
I wish that episode got made
I think Greg was always meant to be a good guy and it isn't that Sugar has a problem with Greg, I think he's her favorite character. There are only 5 characters in SU: Pearl, Greg, Steven and Peridot and Yellow Diamond
I imagine the only reason Dewey was the mayor was because his ancestor founded the town so he had name power.
The show doesn't shit on Greg. Pearl does, which is in character for her
Do you think pearl has a collection of porn, everything from playgirl with beefcake men to juggs with big tittie whores
Haha, wouldnt that make for a funny episode
Pearl's a hoarder, apparently. Plenty of episode ideas where Steven and Amethyst go dumpster diving in Pearl's pearl.
Watch, shell have something totally worthless in the junkpile that the rest of the gems and steven tease her about
>”oh geez pearl, i didnt know you had a funko pop collection”
So cracked wide open?
>All her pops are sidekicks or right-hand henchmen
But don't the Pizza chicks deliver pizza?
This was a time where everything was in concept zone, so the SU world wasn't completely finalized at that point.
You could argue that the guy was just a delivery man, and the sisters were just members of the family that actually owned the place.
>All her pops are sidekicks or right-hand henchmen
Okay im curious, why would this be?
I just discoverd this feature on my phone which classifys photos in different catagories, and all my porn is under sports while the only other catagories are animals and dinosaurs
...Because they're the ones she relates to
I imagine she talks to them too
>”Oh, whats that salcious crumb, you want to sit next to starscream instead of krang? Okay, let me move that cobra viper and you can sit right next to him”
That reminds me i always used to annoy this guy on skype with my marge simpson impression
I see someone subs to synthcool
There's definitely common ground to be had.
Remember lads, there is hope for some hetro ending for Pearl.
We must believe not in the Murdercock, but the man who wields its power.
All the SU praise in the press and awards its receiving is because of their LGBT rep, I doubt they're going give Pearl a hetero endgame
It will happen, my friend.
And it will be glorious.
It will happen, i mean thats what the logical conclusion to pearls arc would be
They can make her bi and still get those LettuceGayBaconTomato points
Thing is, Sugar has already said that Pearl is pretty much based off her/she identifies with her the most.
And Sugar, as we all know, is Bisexual.
Basically anyone that tries to claim Pearl wouldn't do that activates Sugars trap card and has to explain how they're totally not erasing Bisexuals you filthy bigot, ect, ect.
if it ends with Pearl having a husband it does defeat the purpose, despite it being canon Pearl was into females.
What do you think the B in LGBT stands for user?
The press certainly don't.
Sounds like exactly the sort of thing a filthy west coast untermensch would eat really.
How do you Anons like your Pearl?
Her nipples look like a puckerd anus
Imagine Yellow Pearl and Mayor Dewey. Its the perfect ship
You're welcome.
>humans figure out how to create gems
>mass-produce them and sell them as sex slaves
Is this ethical?
Not really, no
Dude who drew it is a fuck degenerate
This is surprisingly clever. I don't even really give a fuck about Pewey either way but this would make a good episode.
Very. They're objects, not people.
Awww. This is actually kinda cute.
I believe
Ruby and Sapphire won that shitty award and that was it, Pearl is for Greg cause foreshadowing and many hints say so besides i began to be hinted in the 20th episode in the first season and CYM hinted it too, plans haven't changed. Greg is Pearl's Endgame
nice try grearlfags
nice try peweyfags
And then Mystery Girl happened anyway and took a massive dump on her development.
Zukes gone and mystery girl will never return again, pearl is gregs now
I demand sauce
this. americans are so fucking obsessed with race and white people.
kys autismo
no one cares about your shit ship
>based ship
seek help
>seek help
>for having taste
I dont think so