Netflix dropped money on a new African toon

Netflix dropped money on a new African toon.

Mama K's Team 4

>The series follows four teenage girls living in a futuristic version of Lusaka, Zambia, who are recruited by a retired secret agent to save the world.

The creator is from Zambia, the artist from Cameroon, and the studio is South Africa's Triggerfish. (The Adventures of Zambezia, Khumba, partner on Stick Man, Revolting Rhymes, Highway Rat, and Zog) Triggerfish and Walt Disney tried to find African talent and she won.

>No Footage Yet.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd fuck everyone but Red

Yellow is the only fuckable one


Wasn’t the Drag Superheroes enough?

It’s like Netflix just wants to lose to Disney+

yea but this was made by an actual minority than someone nonblack trying to get society bucks on pandering

I'll take yellow and green. Yellow's hair is a little perplexing, though.

Mama KKK's Team Fo

Meanwhile at Cartoon Network Africa

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>tfw this is KIIIIINDA similar to an idea of mine that's been boiling in my head for years so I'm kinda salty they're making this

Considering Netflix's typical political correctness pandering, and how much everyone on Yea Forums hates and wants to murder black people, this will be pretty much the ONLY thread ever to mention this series.

Shit put a smile on my face.

Good for Africa. Hope to see more from there. Movies and videogames are the next step.

This show had a thread before. This won't be the last.

Got a link to previous thread?

>all black women
>all lolis

I'm down for something from another country like that. Looks good. And I too would fuck everyone in this image.

>[company] lose/win to/against [company]

>posted September 2017
Damn, I wonder how much longer it'll take to air this show. The art looks cute

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/pol/ memes aside, I'm looking forward to this. We don't have all that many cartoons coming out of Africa, and I feel this could be fun. Blue is also a cute.

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they actually let uganda knuckles meme be in a cartoon airing on CN africa?

aids and rape capital of the world oh boy i cant wait for the hijinks!



Yeah, Nigerian creator put it in there.


>the white guy is a ginger

What did they mean by this?

Real Africans are so much better than yuppie Californians who usually write for Netflix.

>fun premise
>cute, distinct character designs
>taking place in Zambia
I'm excited. This and Big Blue make me happy to see more African artists and writers making shows that can reach wider audiences.

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Red is hot. I need her in my bed NOW

Interested to see what they’ll come up with now that they’re making their own cartoons

Hopefully it’ll be half as enjoyable as Who Killed Captain Alex?.

>white guy
It looks like an all girls school to me.

Since this wasn't made by self-hating, white liberal hipsters, I will give this a chance!

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Even the cat thing?

I don’t know how to respond
The comments seem to be supportive, so maybe I shouldn’t bash it

So if actually people from Africa think it's funny, then why the fuck are white liberals in the US and Europe crying blooding murder over it?

So basically cartoons in africa are like canadian cartoons, except in africa?

Its just an influence group exploiting another group to further their influence. Its like Speedy Gonzales, Mexican love them but Whites think is racist to Mexicans the real reason why they feel offended is because it makes them feel second hand embarrassment.

Netflix should do an animated serie about


Wait until the casualgaters make this the target of their next outrage.

>Netflix HATES black MEN!!111
>Why are there FAT Africans?

Company vs Company isn't a Yea Forums exclusive subject dumbass.
Cartoons would also be a Yea Forums subject, as well as /mlp/. There are degrees of separation.

So this is gonna be a shitty idealized self-built Wakanda wannabe Africa TMNT knock-off pandered exclusively toward African females between the ages of 5-10y/o?

British colonial settlers means higher number of gingers.

He's an exchange student, since DC swapped out all their gingers for blacks.

Even Who Killed Captain Alex can't manage to be about killed Captain Alex.

Is that Tracer on the left?

>So this is gonna be a shitty idealized self-built Wakanda wannabe
user, Zambia is a real country.

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I know that dumbass. I can read, much unlike you.
I said this was gonna be a shitty, as in not very well thought out, Idealized, as in better than it's reality, self-built, as in not being the product of western intervention, and Wakanda wannabe, as in being some type of bullshit utopia.
But you probably think its gonna be the best thing since Steven Universe. So obviously you just like to make shit up.

>They say while green is around
I can't tell if Green is a guy or girl, but I can tell that its ready to fuck.

Looks abysmal, but maybe it'll be worthwhile.

>Africans trying to save the world
So they will stop reproducing?

They are African and in Africa. There are like 2 billion of them, that's not exactly a minority.

Niggle me this, Batman. What is 7% of the U.S. population but does 99% of the whining about representation?

Blue and green. fite me

I like this. Concept art?

Red is easily the worst. She looks like she's their mom.

will they deal with such topics like the genocide of white South African farmers?

Who hurt you?

Africa must really be horrible if the first thing they do in their cartoons is not making it African Cultured.

Why does it look like Steven Universe human gems?

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About time

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As a South African,I hope they continue this

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yay more propaganda.

How is this propaganda?


I would only fuck Red

>African show
>It's a generic future city and american way of life
they can't face that they have nothing on their own to show.


>tfw a cartoon forces you to acknowledge the fact that black people exist

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at least it doesnt look like super drags

more like super FAGS haha

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>(The Adventures of Zambezia, Khumba, partner on Stick Man, Revolting Rhymes, Highway Rat, and Zog)
I know JACK SHIT about these titles. Any of them good? Any of them have waifu of the week potential?

Having them get their shit together to make one decent budget show isn't TOO much.

Non african liberals are appropriating african identity to dictate what is and is not allowed in culture.

Maybe Africa's idea of utopia is Dakota City?

they literally don't. they make up way less than 10% of the population in the west now.

Is it Morocco where fat is so culturally associated with wealth that girls are force fed from a young age to appeal to their society's memetic fat fetish?

Because if you haven't noticed, liberal extremists are literally just as racist as unironic poltards, they just get a pass on it for (((some reason)))

>The west
You mean the US? Because the black population has been sitting comfortable at 12-13% for decades now.

She's cute Yea Forums.
[SPOILER]Hope she's not another Pinkie Pie rip-off[/SPOILER]

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I can't relate to any of these characters.

last data is 10 years old

Holy damn this looks ugly. Are they making them ugly on purpose?

>this will be pretty much the ONLY thread ever to mention this series.
There will be multiple threads just to piss on it and be mad at its existence

Well, yeah user. That's how the census works, they do it every ten years.

Theres no footage though. Did you open the link?

>calling the black kid “garbage”
Someone’s getting angry.

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Every fucking time I think I'm ready to stop hating Africans I see some dumb shit like this
Killmonger was right

this looks so much better than the OP pic

Those designs are ripe for some excellent porn, but then again, you'll get people with brain-worms that just see "non-whites" and have a fit. And you don't have to read through the whole thread to guess that there are posts like that already.
And people like this one too, honestly.


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The words of the Man

>Imagine Red and Yellow in their school uniforms, on their knees, looking up expectantly to a big thick cock

Kind of fucked up that Lapis candy is a mirror.

thank god. some real sense in this website.

Do we have names for them, even? Other than the speculative "red, green, yellow, and blue".

Looks cute. I'll give an episode or two a watch when it comes out.

you'd think that boners would overwrite that shit, but nowadays, you can't even count on that

>They literally don't exist
>Provides numbers that indicate they do exist
Do you know what literally means?
Also 10% is a very large percentage when it comes to population.

Pamela Odame Watara animated cameo, when?

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Just think of it as balancing out the people who say "yay, non whites". And don't expect anyone who says either one to believe it, or you'll be eating troll bait all day.

My word...


>yay, non whites
>proving a point this easily

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>the legginess of Yellow
I couldn't really appreciate it until I saw that image.
Ironic since Green is looking like the tallest.

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>Yea Forums hates black people
There are threads outside Stonetoss threads user

holy shit this looks great



Would bone Black Tracer and the loli of course.

Yellow > Blue > Red > Green

It's not an American cartoon, it's an African cartoon taking place in an African country, so it makes sense that the cast are African people. Do you complain when an anime has too many Asian people?

But who would the old Japanese men be? The traditional faceless user? Bunch of white cartoon nerds?

>misha thinks people care about his attention-whore long posts

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>three sentences is a "long post"

Imagine the back pain, but DAMN those tits are fine.

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Oh, you like that, huh?
What do you think of this, then?

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See? Can't help himself.

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You fucker. I hate seeing that again because it's been years and no one has been able to find the source.

Requesting Pamela Odame Watara drawn in the show's style.

I guess Soul Calibur got it right first, and proved that 2P was real before Nier proved that 2B was real.

african witch doctors


Looks great.

wat? You do know that there are schools in Africa right? Especially schools like that.

[Citation needed]

>ginger taking creep shots of all that THICCness

Nah, we'll start reproducing with whites instead.

They're all girls, if OP is accurate.

I wonder what a game from there would look like. Would it be picked up by a big publisher?

Yellow's hairstyle kind of reminds me of one of my own characters who's also a black, or at the very least biracial girl so I'm inclined to agree

But with a link, though.

Yellow is the best, I want to fuck her

Not really, I can see this show changing peoples opinion on the African continent.
Newsflash, not every place there is a shithole.

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Like the theme

>dat Red

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And those still have anons that hate black people, user.

It's interesting to see so much purple and green in the character designs and backgrounds. Especially that really dark green you don't get too often

Show takes place in Africa. And For the people REEEEEEEEing over the fact that a main character of a kids show is not white/European: thanks for showing how 'not racist" you are.

The colors and characters all look good, but the background looks like something in the background of a power point presentation. Hopefully the characters are animated enough to distract from it, then it wouldn't be a problem

Woolie is not a real rasta man

>Mama K's Super 4
Hell yes, celebratory image dump

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I for one am happy to see direct support for the African entertainment industry.

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Please tell me it's episodic, I'm getting real sick of the lore shtick. Also I like that the designs have edges. Tired of soft shows.

Has he gone full centrist? Has Pat gone alt-right, yet, like his wife or whatever?

Especially since that'll incentivize people to be proud of their country and make it better instead of leaving. Can't wait!

>Also I like that the designs have edges. Tired of soft shows.
Heck yeah.

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I'm 100% behind more people from actually African cultures making their own shit.

Especially since non-Western people are much less hung up about race and are much more likely to make characters actually look attractive

Neither of them really give a shit about American politics, they just talked about it on the last podcast how little they really know about the US. They aren't like some Canadians who nose their way into US politics all the time like they have any authority. Pretty sure both of them were pro-Trudeau at least for a while and there's no evidence to disprove that now. Woolie has been sounding more and more like a guy ready to settle down, he mentioned to Pat that he had some names for his future kids that he didn't want to mention on the podcast, and he's getting married sometime in the near future, it's kind of adorable. I just hope he names his firstborn Woolie III
Also Paige is not alt-right, she believes firmly in trans rights, she just likes messing with people on Twitter. Those freaks will never have kids in order to benefit mankind.

>make show with women
>it looks obnoxious
is it so fucking hard to not do this

Your optimism is as depressing as it is adorable.

Different user on this off-topic kek but
>gg slut for years
>not an alt-right slut now
Saying "X Rights" does not exclude one thing.
Off-topic Ended!

That reads like a You problem, really.

General buttnaked? Morgan Freeman? Kony? Ugandan Knuckles?

Dude are you ok? I hear South Africa is rough right now, even more than usual

Nice to see SOMETHING to come out of Africa.

Maybe if enough things are produced there then eventually something will be produced that is good.

Good on them. I've been very vocally saying make your own black shit and stop shitting up our white stuff since day one, and they're actually fucking doing it. More power to them.

"Captain Alex The Animated Series" when?

Is she just black Tracer?

Hey now. Africa is a very large continent, with significant non black populations that have been there for hundreds of years.

But seriously, you need more chill in your life. It's taking much self control not to feed you non stop bait.

>mango jasper

I know why the last one, obviously, and I've heard of Kony. How old are the other memes?

Blue is illegal, even in Zambia.

You know not all of Africa is a bunch of mud hut tribals with baskets on their heads, right?

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When the FUCK are we gonna get an African Cyberpunk movie or something? That shit would be pretty cool

You were expecting grass huts?

Ah, Mango Jasper!

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I don't even know why you tag me if I was shitting on the guy who was saying that black people don't exist.

This can't be your first time running into that attention-whore, right?
I mean, people already know

Oh, I never even look at names.

same here