Let's see if we can't share some fun comic book style stories here.
Short/Indie Comic Thread
Nicholas Rogers
Hunter James
Jaxson Mitchell
Benjamin Richardson
Jace Long
Liam Hughes
Luis Long
Jason Miller
Oliver Flores
Justin Taylor
Brayden Morris
I recognized JJ's artsyle from panel 2. Cute read.
Brody Gomez
Hunter Allen
I laughed. It was a fun twist.
Noah Allen
Ryan Clark
Brandon Jackson
Evan Rivera
Brayden Price
Asher Moore
haha that fuckin' cow
Caleb Roberts
The way this woman is drawn makes me think the artist usually does porn.
Is this going to turn into porn?
Robert Howard
He does.
This does not.
Juan Evans
I remember this from the feels threads, back when Yea Forums still had them.
Adrian Rodriguez
bumpity bump bump