Acts of Evil First Look

>“You know what everyone says is worse than the devil? The devil you don’t know!” teases editor Kathleen Wisneski. “For ACTS OF EVIL, Marvel is pitting our heroes against villains they’ll never see coming, and we’ve lined up creative teams with fresh takes on these characters to make sure our fans are just as blindsided. So readers should steel themselves! And make sure they don’t miss the launch of the next legendary rivalry, or hints at a supervillain’s next masterstroke…”

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Other urls found in this thread:

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What’s with that art?

I'm pleasantly surprised how relatively popular Lady Hellbender has become

Yeah, it looks kinda porn-y for some reason

Finally Ms Marvel interests me again.

Nevermind, I spoke too soon.

Looks like he's getting rammed in the ass, lmao.

>Still not fighting Mystique

I like how they can't even bring themselves to have an annual 2 in the same volume. Just make it Annual 2019!

But she's good. Eternity Girl is one of the best comics in 2018.

>For ACTS OF EVIL, Marvel is pitting our heroes against villains they’ll never see coming
So it's an Acts of Vengeance rehash.

Meh, I've seen people wanting another take on that idea so whatever, it's just a bunch of annuals anyway.

no it isn't

>Still no Pymtron

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Not quite, he's infected Viv's dog. He's watching the Champions closely.

What hacks are writing this crap?

Lady Hellbender is a cool character glad they're pushing her.

That's referencing something but I'm not sure what, I don't think it's Sentry and Carnage, something to do with splitting someone in two people.
I'm thinking a Firestorm situation too where it surprises the victim how it was possible. Hulk? Ghost Rider?

So it's literally Acts of Vengeance 2.

Last time they did that, Spider-man went cosmic to have any chance against Mags and Graviton.

So what? Will we have Daredevil vs Ego The Living Planet? Nova vs Mr. Negative? X-men vs White Rabbit?

if it only involves the annuals, I'm fine with iot, it's nice to see heroes fighting different enemies than usual

December probably.

wonder if she'll learn any stretching skills from him

Pitting a young hopeful hero against Mystique is just sadistic and needs more build up than a single annual.

Mystique can be a great mother-figure

but yeah, it would need a long atory arc to be worth

Just those three?

I read the article now. My bad.

>Written by RYAN CADY
>Cover by WOO DAE SHIM
Ryan Cady is the writer behind Infinite Dark, a series that honestly feels like something I'd write. It has a lot of elements I'm into, and a very hard sci-fi vibe going on not too unlike an Alastair Reynolds novel. So maybe this will be good.

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It's one of those sci-fi books that slips through the cracks because it's a sci-fi book at Image, and published at an imprint to boot.

Yep... There's more of those, like Outer Darkness and Stellar, or The Last Space Race and Relay over Aftershock.

Isshe showing up a lot lately? I honestly never expected her to show up again after her invention in Chulk since she was unambiguously Cho's compensation for doing a few issues.

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HMMMMM that art looks familiar. Like a hentai-artist familiar

he seems like a cuck

That's because they basically draw exactly that:

Attached: woo-dae-kang-shim-003-012-2.jpg?1507171364.jpg (1920x2560, 1.07M)

Though in all fairness, the cover art isn't really in the same vein.

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Yeah, but so do you

agreed but her other stuff is so split. Calamity Jane is terrible but Sex, Death Revolution is good.

I like Infinite Dark but he needs to work on how his dialog moves, it doesn't flow very well.

I've only read Eternity Girl, so yeah I guess I don't have much of a frame of reference here.
Hah yes, it is a bit stiff. I chalked it up to the context since they mostly are gruff technicians in a claustrophobic setting, but there's probably some polishing necessary.

>Marvel: Strangers on a Train, but with supervillains
>DC: Giant evil person #231 has a power level of over 100,000,000,000
Can we just stop with events for a while? Like, if you can't come up with any good ideas for an event, just don't do it. Are the big two just contractually obligated to do like two events a year or something, regardless of how lame the concepts are? For fucks sake.

This isn't an event

What sort of garbage art is that?

>company-wide crossover
>not an event

The more I look at it, the more mistakes shoot out at me and I've only just now looked at it. What a mess

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Events have dedicated miniseries

Not necessarily. It's not like there's a hard rule about that.

She showed up in that short lived Monsters Unleashed ongoing

So this would be her third appearance, which is pretty good considering as you said she's Frank Cho's big titted compensation for drawing some of that Totally Awesome Hulk series

I like her mostly for the T&A but also because we always need more non-villainous antagonists. Mercenary in perspective and goal oriented make for good enemies that can be defeated without being beaten which keeps them threatening.

God I wish that were me

>top cow is an imprint at image
I legitimately did not know this what the fuck. Why didn’t I know about this?

Yes there is. Inferno wasn't an event, it was a crossover. Same with the original Acts of Vengeance. This doesn't even affect the actual ongoings.

>act of vengeance 2.0

Okay, I'm down for that idea.

I don't know, it's always been like this. Marc Silvestri was an Image founder and everyone had their own imprints. McFarlane had McFarlane Productions, Liefeld had Extreme Studios, Lee had Wildstorm, Valentino had Shadowline, Larsen had Highbrow Entertainment, and Silvestri had Top Cow.

> Marvel is pitting our heroes against villains they’ll never see coming
>is an inhuman, mentored by Carol skrull killer danvers, and semi successor to the vell namesake
Kamala is a fake superhero fan if she didn't see this a skrull fight coming.

Seriously, between her shapeshifting and the comparison to Mr Fantastic's stretchy powers I'm surprised that she hasn't fought Kl'rt before now

Today I learned that the logo was Busiek idea and the jaggies are because he made it in his old computer and Marvel never fixed them...

have you been living under a rock? Top Cow was one of the biggest Image imprints, Witchblade, The Darkness, Cyber Force

If it's a good fight and K'lrt doesn't straight out job to Kamala then I'll tune in.
So they're recycling the Acts of Vengeance event?
I'm waiting for him to find out about Nadia which might happen in Champions since an Ultron drone infected Viv's dog and is spying on them but the writer is slow burning it. Maybe waiting for the Unstoppable Wasp comic to end.

Whose this huge tit goddess?

not that user but, I knew Top Cow existed and I read every issue of the Darkness and Witchblade up until the reboot and artifacts when people stopped scanning it for a bit and I fell off hard, I just had absolutely no idea Top Cow was part of Image.

Why do they insist in putting Frank in this type of stupid shit.
>He's wearing War Machine armor!
>Now he's in space fighting the brood!
>Now he's Frankenstein!

that you Becky Lynch?

Lady Hellbender, she's a Frank Cho character.

remember when the punisher was a serious character based on works of fictions like death wish, heart of darkness and full metal jacket?
a character who´s brutal realism worked as a perfect counter point to marvel comics usual rather colorful and childish stories?

Remember Space Punisher? I sure do!

Protip: there's good precedent for that stuff. Just because a lot of Marvel writers have zero creativity regarding Frank Castle (and some of them even make their own OCs based on him) doesn't mean there's no potential for greatness.

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Hasn't she jobbed to Doctor Minerva before?