Comics Sivana: A hunchbacked gremlin-Jew scientist

Comics Sivana: A hunchbacked gremlin-Jew scientist

Movie Sivana: An alpha handsome chad with superpowers

Comics Lex: An alpha chad super genius

Movie Lex: A snivelling insane jewboy

What went wrong/right?

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He’s still a Chad in the comics

>Comics Sivana: A hunchbacked gremlin-Jew scientist
Not for the past 8 years. Movie Sivana is based on current comic Sivana, only that they made him way better, as pretty much everything else they adapted from Johns boring comic.

Snyder should be drawn, quartered and then shot.

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The point is even though he built himself into Mark Strong, he's the same insecure and envious man

Killing his family won't make him feel better, releasing the 7 won't make him feel better, and neither will ultimate power

It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't shitloads of actual people inexplicably arguing on here and on Yea Forums that Snyder is a genius and autistic child Lex was a good character.

>Comics Sivana: A hunchbacked gremlin-Jew scientist
Don't you mean ultimate chad? Yeah, he's bald and hunchbacked, but also he is handsome as fuck, charismatic as fuck, brilliant as fuck, and propably has the biggest dick in whole DC.

Last I saw of Sivana the magics effects on his body made him into the gremlin form he had in the old comics

>comic Sivana not being the most alpha Chad of them all
>comic Lex not being a petty bitch LARPing as a chad
Read a fucking comic.

I think the idea of making Luthor more of a nu-billionaire isn't bad, and I think Eisenberg could've been great for showing the evolution from that to evil mastermind Luthor. The problem is that all of his dialogue was shit and his plan didn't make any sense at all.

*Lex not being an insane homosexual with a rejection complex

Sivana co-produced the DCEU and kept vetoing it when the director wanted Ron Howard to play him

I'm convinced a significant portion of them are contrarian trolls, though there have to be some genuine Snyder-supporting retards as well.

If they had made him more like an Elon Musk type, with lots of PR and hype while behind the scenes he was getting cheap resources by funding civil wars in Africa or some shit that’d been cool.

Yeah, when I saw they got Eisenberg for the role I thought that was what they were going for, sort of a mixture between Musk or the Facebook guy. The I saw the movie included Doomsday and I didn't understand what the fuck was going on, and watching the movie didn't help at all. The whole movie would've made so much more sense with Metallo, due to how much of a McGuffin the kryptonite was but I guess that wasn't good enough for Snyder to shove as many christian imagery as possible.

Maybe if they had been more faithful by being unafraid of making Sivana more of a sniveling, ugly scientist and Shazam a proto-Supermanesque, inspiring character, it wouldn't be bombing the way it is currently. Snyder's vision would've suited this more than discount Deadpool meets Big.

Literally just show Lex about to give some speech to reporters about his new genius project, only for all of them to run off because superman saved a bus or some shit, and show Lex is pissed off.

Then you can have him talk about how he’s actually saving humanity by killing superman or whatever his usual spiel is, but the real motivation is obvious.

Also I agree, Metallo would work great. Show off Lex’s genius and would make an interesting fight.

Fuck, they should’ve had Lex turn that dude who lost his legs and family into metallo, then you’d even get superman feeling shitty for having to fight him, and Lex achieves his goal of making superman look bad

>Snyder's vision would've suited this more than discount Deadpool meets Big

Cry some more, your era is dead

BvS was a great movie. Just because people like it that doesn't make them retards.

Lex motivation WAS obvious.

Hardly. For better or worse it was Snyder who paved the way into the nu-DCEU, the same people pretend is "free of his influence". It was him, after all, who casted Gal Gadot and Jason Momoa and had James Wan consult him for the film. It's no surprise that the movie most devoid of Snyder's uncompromising vision is the one that's struggling in the box office.

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Not only that, with a Metallo/kryptonite plot you can also give Batman something to do in the climax when Superman gets weakened by the kryptonite. He's got absolutely nothing to do in BvS finale against a monster that not even WW and Superman can contain.
It's incredible they'd greenlight a script with such basic mistakes.

t. talking out of his ass

How is Shazam like Deadpool?

>Movies start doing all they can to be as unlike Snyder's movies as possible


Lex Luthor in BvS was pretty much Google's Silicon Valley types, but evil. Not that Google as a company isn't already pretty evil. They also showed that he was behind a not-Blackwater type of operation helping the US train and arm guerrillas in civil wars around the world.

>A hunchbacked gremlin-Jew scientist
Who has mad game and is a fucking chad that cheats on his wife

>A hunchbacked gremlin-Jew scientist

whose wife is super hot and super loyal. comic sivana is more chad than you will ever be

>Movies start doing all they can to be as unlike Snyder's movies as possible
Which movie is that? Not Aquaman, or Shazam, or Birds of Prey. They either use Snyder's left-overs or aesthetics.

Attached: justice-league-aquaman-1.jpg (1920x3059, 790K)

I lost all respect for Snyder when the only way he could express himself was a F bomb saturated tirade while still missing the point about comic books.

I can't say I agree with it, but I can appreciate the Lex casting as more an interpretation of what the modern genius/business mogul really looks like (e.g. Zuckerberg, Gates, Jobs, etc.).

Still, not what the character is really about though.

The whole scene where Shazam is chasing Sivana through the city near the climax of the film, then they stop midway so Sivana could deliver his "villain speech". The self-aware humor would've looked completely out of place in a more serious movie, with real stakes... But in here, Shazam constantly quipped and made fun of the conflict as the Doctor spoke, as if millions of lives weren't at risk.
I'm sorry you feel this way. The conflict was asinine, at no point I felt threatened by the Seven Deadly Sins and the inclusion of the "Marvel Family" near the end was a true gutpunch compared to the sort of inspirational hero we saw in seminal comics such as Kingdom Come. Under a more seasoned director, Shazam's potential would've shined.

He didn't miss the point of comic books. What point did he miss?

>first thing we see happen in Aquaman is the complete disregarding of the line in Justice League about Atlanna dropping Arthur on his dad's doorstep and vanishing

You mean a line dropped by Whedon? Yeah, there's a reason why Wan ignored Whedon's changes and opinions. Because they were fucking stupid.

Have you watched any Marvel movie, or just Deadpool? This is the standard Marvel formula that has made them billions, you blithering retard.

>while still missing the point about comic books
It is truly a shame when daring writers like Millar and Moore deliver memorable pieces like Ultimatum and Watchmen that purely exemplify the ethos behind comic books and graphic novels, just to have anonymous posters assume they've "missed the point" by not portraying these heroes as unfaltering paragons of virtue.

The heck you talking about? He legit can't hear what Sivana's speech. Deadpool will directly make fun how he can't hear it because he's too far away.

Lmao Aquaman is the exact opposite what Snyder did, and it made a fucking billion, chinks ate that shit like it was rice and the ratings weren't trash for fucking one. Snydercucks are truly worse than carolposters and ladderbros.

That was from Whedon.
Do you really think a Snyder's character would despise his own mother?

>It's no surprise that the movie most devoid of Snyder's uncompromising vision is the one that's struggling in the box office.
Unlike MoS, BvS that didn't struggle at the box office at all, right? You know, those movies that did only twice as much as their opening weekend despite having the 2 biggest DC characters because they were such shitfests.
BvS opened at about the same numbers as Captain Marvel and it'll end about 300 million behind. A movie with both Batman and Superman, and Wonder Woman too. And it didn't have any competition at all.
So yeah, keep comparing it to a movie about a virtually unknown character, with a much lower budget and sandwiched between two much bigger superhero films if it makes you feel better. Everyone else is just glad that retard is going back to making tax write-off bombs that nobody gives a shit about.

>You mean a line dropped by Whedon

Citation needed. I don't believe that it wasn't
>what was I supposed to do, let them die?
Snyder's doing

Is that why Wan consulted with Snyder while ignoring the WB executives and Whedon? Is that why AM picks up directly from Snyder's JL script instead from the changes Whedon did?
The things i'm mentioning have all been confirmed by Wan and Mamoa, by the way.

Seriously, that single scene that lasts only a few seconds means the whole movie is like Deadpool? Do you also think Spider-Man is like Deadpool because he makes quips in the middle of fights?

It has been confirmed, yes.



Yeah, exactly. Biggest problem with BvS is Lex had no idea what he was doing in that movie, no real purpose or direction. You never believed anything he did made sense. If he didn't really hate Superman and was just pretending for financial gain or power there wasn't any hint of that in the movie itself, and if he was sincere in his stance against Superman then the movie did a terrible job making you relate to or believe he had reason to hate or oppose him. No matter which way you try to justify it he was most definitely a character without a believable purpose, acting only because you knew he had to in order to play out the villain role. Terrible writing, terrible actor.

So Wan lied?

>Deadpool will directly make fun how he can't hear it because he's too far away.
Exactly. The fact that Shazam somehow didn't have super-hearing broke the immersion of the movie right there. There was no point for this scene to happen aside from cheap laughs from the audience, just like the titty bar sequence.
>Do you also think Spider-Man is like Deadpool because he makes quips in the middle of fights?
Spider-Man would never break the 4th wall and address the audience by talking to himself and say the villain is about to make his speech, all the while mocking the entire act of it. At that point I knew the nu-DCEU was desperate for recognition.
>BvS opened at about the same numbers as Captain Marvel and it'll end about 300 million behind.
Captain Marvel made 1 billion dollars.

Just because you couldn't understand a movie, that doesn't mean the movie did a bad job portraying a character. Lex himself states why of everything.

Who the fuck likes Ultimatum? It’s literally Millar getting a murder boner cause his kid died, complete trash

He states it, and it isn't believable. It was forced. Also show don't tell, first rule of creative writing 101.

>every other word is Jew

Oy vey, enough with the projection already!

>oldschool Sivana
>not a chad

Bitch, please.

Citation, again, requested

What, but you just said his plan wasn't understandable.

You weren't threatened by the sins because the main focus was Sivana, in two of the first scenes he appears as an adult someone dies, then he uses children as hostages and then tries to drown Billy. you were looking at the wrong bad guy.

Don't bother arguing with Snyderfags, just point and laugh.

No, I said it wasn't believable and didn't make sense.

>The whole scene where Shazam is chasing Sivana through the city near the climax of the film, then they stop midway so Sivana could deliver his "villain speech".

He stopped because he was confused, he was not sure if Sivana was giving him a villain speech or trying to say something to him.

But it clearly did make sense. Just not for you.

Shazam doesn’t have superhearing. He doesn’t have superbreath either

Copy that. Phone's dying anyway.

>as if millions of lives weren't at risk.
He didn't know about the Sins plans, he didn't saw Adam story, all he knew is that Sivana wanted his powers.

Why did he hate Superman then?

You do understand Shazam is a comedy, right? Do you also complain during Ghostbusters about Bill Murray not taking the world-ending threat seriously by making sarcastic comments all the time?

>Captain Marvel made 1 billion dollars.
It's over a billion now and it still have several weeks to go, while BvS made 875 million. Therefore, BvS will end up being about 300 million behind Captain Marvel, like I said.

Because he reminded him of his dad. The biggest problem is the whole kryptonite bit, why did he set up the whole Africa thing and what the fuck was his goal with Doomsday, not to mention how did he know how to create him.

There is concept art for Metallo floating around. Wheelchair guy was originally supposed to be him.

It was actually Loeb, and I believe it's one of the most uncompromising, true to the bone stories with the depiction of intent and behavior in the superhero community that only the likes of Squadron Supreme and Watchmen were able to tap, decades before. Snyder understood this, and it's why his grossly misinterpreted statement regarding the true grit of the cape crusaders has resonated as the true interpretation of what it means to be a Hero: flawed, controverted, but ultimately self-made.

Wan confirmed the air bubble conversation was part of the changes the executives did to the movie, and that he was unaware of it. So it came from Whedon.

>Snyder understood this
The Watchmen movie proves otherwise.

It's because Lex believe that power can't be innocent, that man with power can't really be good people, and that Superman was conning everyone just like he.

Did he say that in an interview? Got a link?

>metallo in BvS


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Again, citation needed.

>Lex believe that power can't be innocent, that man with power can't really be good people
And that is because of his relationship with his dad. It's right there in the movie.

I'm searching for it.
By the way, i'm not saying that Snyder ghost-wrote the Aquaman movie or even had anything to do with it other than some very few ideas. The reason why most of the DCEU directors like him is precisely because he wanted them to have the freedom to do whatever they wanted. For example he was going to introduce Aquaman with his golden suit and have the Flash get a second suit more in line with the CW shows, but he then decided to not do and let the solo movies' directors be the one to make the necessary changes to the characters. That's why this suit ended up in AM and not JL like originally planned.

I'm the guy who said they should've used Metallo but what the hell is this shit? Why do all Snyder's designs have to be so fucking awful?

Surely that's a fan design

>By the way, i'm not saying that Snyder ghost-wrote the Aquaman movie or even had anything to do with it other than some very few ideas
Its success at the box office proves otherwise.

Other than the lack of legs, Maximum Gun Metallo isn't a bad concept assuming he uses the guns to keep Superman away while the Kryptonite kicks it. At least it attempts to address the fact that Metallo wears his power source/anti-Superman weapon on the outside of his body and gets defeated pretty much the same way every time.

I'm not opposed to the idea that with other people providing the proper oversight and their own ideas that Snyder can contribute to good things

But to act like his influence is the sole reason that Aquaman or Shazam were decent is dumb

Man, pretending to be a Snyderfag isn't as fun as I expected, because people reply in earnest and I can't keep the bait going

Honestly movie Sivan’s could still go classic as the magic keeps fucking with him and he starts turning to science because it has less of a chance of screwing You over
Couldn't find the proper interview where Wan said the air bubble thing came after, but these help.

I surely hope so but it still looks believable enough as a Snyder design.

You do know that Snyder's doesn't design, stuffs? He had Wilkison, the same man that designed all these costumes that resemble so much the comic book ones.

Also, you can see that the air bubble scene from JL is Whedon because of Mamoa's eye contacts and tats.

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I'm the guy who posted the first of these. Poe's law is a bitch, my friend.

Indeed. I'm the one who was implying Ultimatum was at the same level of Watchmen and the whole "uncompromising vision" bullshit

Of course he doesn't design himself, but he obviously the one who approves or disapproves and everything follows his "vision". It's not like the designer does whatever the fuck he wants.
And the only good costume designs were Batman and Wonder Woman. Superman was passable, Aquaman was boring and Flash and Cyborg were fucking terrible, as well as Doomsday and Steppenwolf. And everything on Krypton and the original Apokolips ships design was the 100th Giger derivative to come out 40 years after Alien. All of that made even less appealing by desaturating everything so it looks as dull and unengaging as possible.

You do know that Flash, Cyborg, and Steppenwolf all changed designs against his wishes, right?

The problem is that they made Batman the "oh god I need to kill off Supes" character with no reason other than MUH WAYNE BUILDING shit when instead they SHOULD have had Lex do that while Bruce was just always the Batman, even prior to Superman fucking shit up. That way, you can wangle Lex into manipulating Batman, who gets outed as a thing by Supes on a random encounter as a thing, into attacking Superman by manipulating data and facts via Lexcorp/Wayne business and culminate in the fight. Meanwhile, Lex is doing his normal shit as he did in the mother by turning Zodd into Doomsday and it proceeds as normal.

Plus make it so that instead of MUH MARTHA, Batman drops the truth bomb on Supes during their fight after someone finds Martha in a warehouse with the thugs on a random police search/lois finds them while looking for Batman and thats what ends the fight.

We've all seen his "original" designs, they were boring shit like his Krypton stuff.

Doomsday makes absolutely no sense from Luthor's perspective. He's just creating something that is everything he hates about Superman, but even worse.

You're an idiot.

definitely Aquaman and Shazam

He wants to show the world Superman isn't a saint, so Doomsday made sense. Doomsday is how he sees Superman.

But Aquaman, specially, takes several cues from Snyder's take of JL. If anything it ignores Whedon's take.

>I want to show the world Superman isn't a saint
>By creating a being that will either be destroyed by the guy I hate, confirming that he's a saint in the process, or destroy the whole world including me.


Frankly if they made him Steve Job, the plot could have worked.

He should make some blizzard clone then, not Doomsday, who just looks like a completely different alien

It doesn't, really. He's supposed to be a smart man, so he releases an evil version of Superman just to show that Superman is bad? And what was he planning to do if Doomsday killed Superman? It just turns Luthor from an evil schemer that plays the long game to a complete raging retard that doesn't even know what he's doing just so it can have a big CGI climax.

That is probably more related to scheduling issues than anything else. Aquaman was in production long before JL got its reshoots and such. By the time Wan was making it, Snyder's JL was probably still the version that was going to be released. Since any reference in the movie was probably a reference to what Snyder was doing, they just decided to drop everything other than a throwaway line rather than having to rewrite and go through a bunch of shit just to fit Whedon's version. I think it's more likely that it had to do with logistic reasons than because Wan wanted to keep true to Snyder's vision since it was his film and it had no obligation to tie in to anything anymore.

>just like the titty bar sequence.
the titty bar scene was at least a set-up, pay-off, and therefor did have a point. granted it didnt have to be a titty bar, but it served the story

Wan purposely ignored Whedon's changes and "opinions", user.
>We could have gotten a whole movie about Aquaman basically fawning over Mera the whole time and making all kinds of dirty jokes and things like that, and they really had to get away from that, which is all what Whedon had done, so Snyder had a little bit of an influence on Aquaman. James Wan was showing Zack Snyder – against the studio’s wishes – cuts of the movie and early test screenings and storyboards to make sure that they’re on the same page with what he originally wanted and Snyder gave his blessing of approval, bringing it back to what he wanted all along.”

This was the stupidest, ugliest, gayest depiction of Lex.
Snoidur also ruined Mercy Graves. Fuckin bastard

>Comics Lex: An alpha chad super genius
Fucking casual
Yes, he lied, Yea Forums knows better

>oh no! i wanted the Lex from Smallville!
seriously there's nothing worse than going NOT MUH with fucking Lex Luthor. Bitch all what you want about the fucking movie, but stop pretending the version of Lex you like is the only valid one, Lex in BvS was all what Lex needs to be: an evil petty monster that hates superman

Attached: lexdd.jpg (679x1023, 118K)

I can honestly say I hadn't realised Mercy Graves was even in the movie until now.

>Do you really think a Snyder's character would despise his own mother?
Holy fuck, he's right.

Who are you quoting, exactly?

These guys just don't fucking know their lore and we are on a comics board.

I don't know, this sounds more like a plothole to me than anything.

Reminder that if Snyder directed or had any influence in Shazam he would be forcing Billy being Bruce's son because of 'Muh Batson, BAT-SON, it's so fucking genius', then include a dozen religious allegories that serve no purpose other than the movie having said allegories.

Kill yourself

Attached: Lex.jpg (980x1536, 502K)

Apparently he does have enhanced senses, but not to the level of Superman, and granted, Sivana was about a mile away and he did hear him a bit. I agree that it's a joke, though.

SEETHING dcpajeet

> all those 80% of those luthors are animated/comics
> hackman luthor is pre-crsis.
> rosenbaum is literally a CW luthor
> shea luthor is literally 90s lois & clark abc network luthor
> didn't even post spacey luthor

the fact of the matter is, WB dropped the ball HARD on lex and has been constantly. it's not that fucking hard to do and yet they keep fucking it up

Lex has always been a sniveling autist
Sivana has always been the epitome of masculinity and determination.
Sivana has several children and a hot wife who love him very much.
Lex sleeps alone in a racecar bed and dreams about beating up, having sex with or being Superman.
Luthor acts because he wants to prove he can do it to everyone else.
Sivana acts because he KNOWS he can do it and doesn't give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks.
Confidence makes all the difference, doesn't matter if you're a Goblin or an Adonis

why is movie sivana sans

>that hates superman
For what precise reason?

You are a fucking moron that missed the entire point of the image, pretending there's only 1 version of luthor is insane, only actual autists and casuals believe Loeb's Lex is more valid that Johns's lex or Snyder's Lex. Every single Lex is a good lex as long as he is PETTY and hateful.
That he is better than himself, that's all and that's the reason every Lex has had since the 70's. It's a shame so many autists actually believe Lex is being honest when he spergs about humanity, in a world without superman Lex is jelly of captain marvel or wonder woman, in a world without metas Lex Spergs over Bruce Wayne's thick and healty hairline.

Based. Lexfags will get triggered tho.

>For what precise reason?
Superman is good, and he isn't, all what he says about his dad is a lie, that's why you have the character BULLSHIT about god not stopping his father's punches against him and then you have Superman stopping a literal pucnh against Lex, and guess what? Superman just showed lex that even thought he kidnapped his mom, he will still fucking protect him, lex just continues to hate him, why? Superman is GOOD and better than Lex, that's all and that's all the reasons he has hated superman for decades.

>Mr. Mind shows up to help Sivana because he believes that Sivana is a valuable asset and has potential, wants to be his friend and show him powerful secrets.
>Luthor would rot in a cell for the rest of his days if he doesn't pay someone to bail or break him out because he's an insufferable little prick with no redeeming qualities.

Attached: lookin_good.jpg (341x219, 21K)

How's it a plothole?

Lex in BvS is a Silicon Valley-type of businessman that presents himself as being hip and woke af to everyone. He's socially conscious and believe that his products will change the world for the better. Meanwhile the real is a bitter cunt who's only after power.
Then in comes Superman who have real physical power and is genuinely nice, and despite not EVERYONE loving him is still loved by most people.
So Lex, who believes that for you to have any power in this world you need to be a cunt, and who's also a faker, gets enraged. He wants not only to have the power Superman has, but also want to prove to the whole world that Superman is a faker. That Superman is as selfish and greed as everyone else. That Superman only helps out of vanity.

That was Lex in BvS. Someone who wants everyone to eat at the palm of his hands and believes that no one can be genuinely nice.

But he wasn't suave and sexy as MY favorite Lex!