Why exactly was Cap so against the creation of Ultron?

Why exactly was Cap so against the creation of Ultron?

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he's against murder bots in general

>why does an old fashioned Murican boi who spent much of his life fighting against conquest hungry dictators not want an all-seeing machine with so much control and power

I'll be generous and assume you're being retarded on purpose

so basically he's a senile retard who thinks technology is evil and smashes a TV to bits when he sees one

Why is no one against Thanos's idea of balance? Surely ridding the universe of half it's population would create better lives for a lot of people.

hes a luddite

Tony has this misguided ideal of ending all conflict, which would require essentially to become the totalitarian dictator villain you've always fought to stop in order to stop them from ever existing again, while Steve understands their job is to be constantly vigilant and stand against evil whenever it inevitably arise. Steve is willing to sacrifice a normal life for this, Tony still wanted to go back to living for himself.

Fighting evil is like mowing your lawn. Steve will do it dutifully for his whole life. There is no retirement. Tony tried to chemical bomb his lawn so it never grew again by building a god like machine intelligence to guard the world

What about the people that get snapped

He was against the fact that Tony and Bruce did it without collaborating with the rest of the team.

>being this obtuse
Oh no, I think you might actually be retarded

Why is there an increasing amount of normies who are totally fine with complete government control and surveillance?

Except it makes killing all too easy, there should be thought into whether or not you should but with Ultron they would be willfully ignorant of the suffering of others.

They weren't going to live forever to begin with? Afterall, a society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. Thanos literally saved the universe. Thanos actually didn't do anything wrong.

He didnt think humans having the ability to monitor and if need be execute anyone on the planet at any time was a good idea in the slightest, what makes you think he'd be fine with a freaking robot behind the wheel?

Get off the internet Thanos

Because it was done in secret between Tony and Bruce without bringing it up to the rest of the Avengers. It’s explained in the like very next scene after the whole “no strings on me”

Did you watch the movie?

He granted it an extra 50 years tops

Because it was done under the nose of the team, and his introduction to it was Ultron trying to kill everyone. So clearly, it wasn't that good of an idea.


The cost wasn't worth what would likely turn out to be a temporary solution.

Well when the media and government spend every waking moment making that reality seem palatable, more and more normies will take to it.

fuck off ricky

>literally too retarded to understand how population dynamics work


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It was a Tony idea. And Tony ideas should be ignored.

>government control and surveillance?
buddy, just like in this movie, corporate surveillance is an equal if not greater danger

IT mimics the bullshit that Hydra was doing with the helicarriers

Because he's against an all powerful government entity having complete control over people, you know like Nazi Germany, or Sheild in Winter Soldier.

pretty ironic since most idiots write Cap to be a Democrat and those assholes love big government

this isnt government, its corporate. stark is a private entity. the avengers are (at the time of this movie) a private entity.

Cause Tony showed him T2.

Okay you know what?

Literally anyone can look at a population graph and see that the birth rates are the lowest they've ever been. The population is going to naturally decrease.. it *already* has naturally decreased.

And if thanks wanted to do the right thing he could've made half of all women barren. Then that generation and every other generation would've been fine. But the way he pulled his bullshit, he dismembered actually half of society. In mere seconds millions of cars crashed, planes fell, reactors exploded, and a shit ton of infrastructure was destroyed. The generation and the next one would suffer, and then what? By that time they'd be back to their original numbers, by Thanos logic. Or they'd have already solved the problem as the population graph tells us they would've.

Thano could've done anything and he went with the least thought out shitty plan.

...And that changes nothing about how he believes a singular entity shouldn't be making those kinds of decisions

no no i agree, i just think its an important rhetorical distinction and that the dangers of corporate surveillance should be given as much weight as government surveillance, which i feel they are not in the US

fuck you lahey

How was this one scene good when everything else Whedon tried to write for Cap was so awful?

Shit clock's tickin' Rick.

Attached: lahey.gif (240x135, 2.73M)

>Wanting a social safety net is the same thing as wanting a panopticon run by a murderous AI

Jesus I know republicans are brainlets but fuck.

>seriously implying the American government doesn't work for the corporations
You can't be this naive.

Good scenes with Cap from the first Avengers were cut. The scene where he sits and watches the city and we see him being introduced to Tony via the evaluation file by Fury does a lot in terms of making him seem less like an asshole when he actually meets Tony for the first time.

>Didn't pay attention to Winter Soldier at ALL apparently

Cap just got done smacking SHIELD and Fury around for their Project Insight bullshit and now someone he calls a partner and friend is building a LIVING, thinking, self replicating robot version of Insight behind his back.

Yeah, Cap's issues are pretty self explanatory

>The scene where he sits and watches the city and we see him being introduced to Tony via the evaluation file by Fury
Is it on youtube?

Attached: Captain America Winter Soldier Poster.jpg (769x1100, 276K)

>equal if not greater
if the gov works for corps, then corps are an equal if not greater threat.
see, they work for some corporations, but not others. yet the others still may surveil. certain corporations do work for the government. the road goes both ways sometimes, sometimes theyre independent. hence, equal if not greater.

user is talking about this scene youtube.com/watch?v=Lfr-klePfJA
Can't for the life of me understand why it was cut. Time I guess.

Because few people actually understand the breadth of surveillance happening. If the people were informed enough to actually understand it, they'd never let it go.

They are becoming more aware but very slowly.

really great scene

Jesus fucking Christ. Why, why, WHY would you cut this?

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What was even the purpose of Ultron being fully sentient? Why did Tony think Ultron needed actual real "human" intelligence above that of something like Jarvis?

Probably to make it play better in Germany and Japan, probably also don't wanna get complaints from former soldiers with ptsd.

Bullshit and sophistry.
As a matter of course you should assume anyone who has power over you is working for a private interest, and that they are your enemy. Anything less and you are already a slave and a cuck.

Should've cast Ashley Cuteson as Valkyrie or something.

>on't wanna get complaints from former soldiers with ptsd.
They didn't give a hoot about that in IM3 though, which also featured a subplot about war veterans overdosing on explosion drugs and turning into suicide bombers.

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It was a different time.

I thought everyone was angry with Tony because he did it in secret and using a source of power known to be dangerous.

Iron Man 3 had... weird shifts in tone

avengers 2 was also butchered by unnecessary cuts.

each of the characters originally had an arc, albeit a minor one. literally every deleted scene (except for one) improves the film dramatically, and many of these cuts are literally shaving seconds. in one case i think less than 4 seconds was saved, and yet those 4 seconds helped set up an entire character arc for cap.

with these moments removed, the film feels disjointed and overstuffed. with these moments intact, suddenly the film makes sense. everyone has a reason for being there and every moment has a reason for being there.

i do not understand why anyone is ok with the producers fucking with the creatives' work like this. i cannot recall a single instance of a movie being improved by executive meddling.

Come on buddy, be serious.
It's just Whedon. What could possibly be so important, 4 seconds short, that cutting it would ruin the movie?
Now Snyder, that's a man whose work is sacrosanct.

This but unironically

>executive meddling
not executive meddling per say, but star wars was saved in the editing bay

Common sense.
Even Banner was against the idea until Stark bullied him into it

This would have come right after the Black Widow warehouse fight and the Banner introduction. It's pretty heavy shit and they do it better in Winter Soldier anyway.

The population will reset back to presnap levels within 100 years, and in the cosmic scale of time thats nothing, rendering mcu thanos' plan to be retardedunless they introduce mistress death in endgame and thanos wanted that sweet necropussy

>I don't know Tony, this seems like a really dangerous idea,
> No this is a smart idea.
>We should at least include the rest of the team.
>Lol nope, they're stupid.
>Oh-okay I guess :I

Bruce is such a pussy.

>i do not understand why anyone is ok with the producers fucking with the creatives' work like this
I mean, they weren't. Whedon left and Feige appealed to Iger so he wouldn't have to answer to Perlmutter and the creative committee anymore.

Considering that he was living rent free in the Tower and a Tony's tantrum away from being thrown out or handed over to Ross in the worst case I thought he was only thinking about his convenience
>he is such a pussy
Yeah,but 616 Bruce was never too of a chad to start with

>Ultron wants humanity to evolve quickly to combat alien threats
>kills the weak
>Thanos no longer needs to cut the population in half

Ultron was right

What did you call me?

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Ultron isn't a TV. Ultron is a murder-bot hellbent on "protecting" humanity by dropping a chunk of earth on it.

You do understand that Cap has been right about literally everything, right? In every movie he makes a point, someone tells him he's wrong, and he ends up being right.

it's not like "high technology that was going to save us goes bad and threatens everyone" is the exact plot of winter soldier

this is the kind of scene the new Marvel films are missing, the ones that make them feel like actual stories about super-powered beings rather than fight scenes linked together by incredibly basic motivations

Anyone else hate that shoehorned in romance with Cap and Peggy's great niece? Remember that it only got added in because retarded test audiences thought that Steve was gay just because skirt chasing wasn't a part of his character.

It was stupid. No chemistry and it seemed a tad creepy. Steve doesn't come off as a big homo to some people because he's not a skirt chaser, it's because he's so focused on Bucky, adding a hetero love interest didn't change that.