Tropes That Are Boring

Tropes that you neither hate or enjoy, they just make you sigh
>Any episode involving a love potion

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Other urls found in this thread:

>trope threads

>love triangle

>A character is "cursed"

>YA female protagonist with 2 love interests
>Female main character goes for the objectively worst love interest who treats her like shit when others are supportive of her and/or are her age
>and people eat that shit up
>edgy teen going against the system and is right about practically everything and only fails when the author wants to make sure they're 'not a Mary/Gary stu you guys'
>show/comic is objectively shit but people like it anyways because they want to fuck the characters
>the Light side is actually the bad guys and the dark is just misunderstood instead of both being wrong or valid

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>YA female protagonist with 2 love interests
Star vs. is VERY guilty of this. The constant ship teasing/flip-flopping detracts from the good parts of the show.

>the Light side is actually the bad guys and the dark is just misunderstood instead of both being wrong or valid
Star Wars (not differentiating between original and “nu”) does show the flaws of the Jedi and the reasons why the Order fell, while also portraying the dark side/Sith as inherently wicked.

>edgy teen going against the system and is right about practically everything
What if it's an edgy adult?

Mad Stan did nothing wrong

Was he right?

>a secondary character keeps getting episodes about their stupid mundane conflicts when we could be getting episodes about something interesting
I hate Tree Trunks


FCUK OFF! Stop looking at story telling elements as a tool in a vacuum. I swear you assholes go in looking to dissect a show before it's even done, it's no small wonder you're sick of certain tropes.

>lmao dude just turn off yo brain and watch

>a new cute character joins the main cast
>cute character is actually evil
>one of the main cast knows its evil, so he tell to the rest
>Nobody believed him until the cute character reveals itself
How can you not trust someone than you already know? i think its acceptable if the character has some liar status, but that's barely the case

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>prank war

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>new secondary characters jump into the plot late in the series for no reason whatsoever and you're supposed to care for them
Regular Show really dropped the ball with this one

I didn't say turn your brain off, moron. But yes actually DO WATCH. Proper story dissection and analysis isn't sitting in front of the screen with your arms crossed pointing out every TROPE you remember from some other show or shit website.

Kinda this ,some of these tropes ive seen before can be for episode if properly handled

>escalating/snowballing lie

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Every single variation of
>"he's right behind me, isn't he?"

>adorable little girl or animal is the most evil and threatening thing in the world

This is so exhausted. Not to mention just laughable in the former's case.

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>reformed villain gets a free pass for previous murderes because they're friends with the protag

>boys vs girls episode where they eventually agree that both side are special in their own way
>any episode where the main character(s) is harassing a side character
>siblings seem to hate each other, but have rare moments that show that they care about each other
>the parents looks the identical to one another with no indication that they're from separate families
>the main character's love interest is a genderbent version of said MC

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I will forever be disappointed that it turned out the Maxx isn't from another world so the hallucinations weren't actually memories from the past !

Adults get more leeway since even at their edgiest they're written as relatively tempered. Most edgy anti establishment teens are written so blandly that they could be stand ins for anyone or have a genuinely naive ideology that they try to instigate without the assumed worldly experience that makes even the crappiest adult self inserts bearable. Plus their personalities sometimes have a smugness that's not earned.