Gumball: NEW leaked episodes

The Master: The Wattersons play a fantasy role-playing board game to resolve their differences

The Future: A desperate Banana Joe seeks the help of Gumball and Darwin in order to find his missing mother!a84wySCK!cNe-FNp8fJuNG81frCCg18uM19sziI47PAvIi9lgJSE

What do you think about the new episodes?

Attached: The wattersons.jpg (1000x715, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:!tLhyHCoY!qEqlnxDeZ1VsBh-0D9AJCQ!6W5TCYAK!BrzZJb-A8fBpKrYClh0OIQ

Why are D&D episodes so comfy Yea Forums?

The gravity falls one was cancer

That Nicole. And Richard as the DM?

>What do you think about the new episodes?
COULD PEOPLE FUCKING STOP ? say what you think instead of seeking other people's opinion first.

Never liked Gfalls except Pacifica episodes and the Karaoke one.

It's just a simple question, why are you even mad? But okay
The Master: good
>the ice bridge joke
>good visuals
>snu snu Nicole
>the wattersons acting like raging assholes to each other. AGAIN
>two melee classes (warrior and barbarian) in the same party
>cool shit was just imaginary. AGAIN
>lame final battle
>the "we family" lesson. AGAIN

The Future: best Gumball episode in years.

Attached: The Future shot.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Attached: nicole stuffed.jpg (520x480, 175K)

What are some D&D episodes

Oh no

I think Dexter’s lab had one and so did Community

Nice Owlbear.

Attached: Owlbear.jpg (1669x937, 1.07M)

Voltron had one. If you're including game come to life variants, there's also one for Gravity Falls, that show which shall not be named and one of the Futurama specials.

TTG had one

Nu-ra is having one in their second season

Any art of big muscle Nicole?

I enjoyed The Future, but I'm still confused to why everything related to the void has been played with so little in season 5 and season 6, and how it's most likely going to be the final for the show.
I wished more had been done with it, but I'm also surprised that it wasn't wrapped up sooner so that more regular cartoony stuff could be done instead because that's been the bulk of the show.

Missed out a lot of the past episodes. Anyone had links to them?

Attached: barb nicole w sword.png (2000x2000, 457K)

and this

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Bad writing

It’s like the moral of that show was “nerds suck” when the creators are nerds and just about the entire fanbase are nerds

As if the Rule34 for this show needs more abundant material.
Here we are.

Nicole should be tall and buff all the time.

"The Disaster" Gumball:
>risks his life for saving Rob from the void
"The Future" Gumball
>barely cares about Rob got erased by banana

What happened ?

Attached: gum.jpg (744x563, 272K)


>S6 (sadly no recently leaked episodes)!6W5TCYAK!BrzZJb-A8fBpKrYClh0OIQ

But Gumball brings him back right after. He does a half-assed but Rob comes back to life a few seconds after.

Too small and thin

They look like little koalas with owls heads, goddamn that's cute.

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>tfw not even new episodes can bring activity to these threads

Wise words man. The last weekly /trash thread about the Master episode was removed before reaching 150 replies I'm worried about the state of the fandom after the show hits its finale.

Attached: whatnow.jpg (558x274, 77K)

We are all already over Richard being cool for once and the mysteries of the void are barely existent enough to be build upon and talk about.

Maybe because it's the middle of the week and gumbros are simply too exhausted to contribute?

Wasn't there also a new episode that premiered in the U.S. yesterday?

Is there any female character this isn't true of?


I don't even remember seeing a thread for it yesterday. Is the Gumball fandom really that dead now?

Attached: your photo on the screen.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

I saw the episode with one of those shitty cam-rips and I had no desire to watch it again in a higher resolution.

>tfw not even kimcartoon cares
Okay, now this is sad

Attached: New.png (721x747, 187K)

When everyone is an amazon, no one will be

True enough. We should have muscle girls in all the sizes of the rainbow. Amazons, normal-height hulks, swolestacks, the whole nine yards.

What fandom?

>whole nine yards
>"The whole nine yards" or "the full nine yards" is a colloquial American English phrase meaning "everything, the whole lot" or, when used as an adjective, "all the way", as in, "The Army came out and gave us the whole nine yards on how they use space systems."

Only a few of us left it seems.

Attached: a work of art.png (285x490, 46K)

At least we can always count on you my dear drawfriends.

>only one

>It's poorly disguised fetish episode

You also had some trouble focusing on anything but Nicole's thighs, didn't you?

Uhm...that's the reason why I so rarely visit /co gumball threads.

There's about 4 who are regulars in the /trash/ threads

Venus de Lmore

That is the reason you should go back

kek. That's good. I like it.

Attached: some titties.png (730x987, 132K)

I'm retarded or just tired. I thought that was a reference to something else.


I can only recall CallMeWritefag for regularly contributing his new stuff ( speaking of which)

Only writefag. Others just show up once in a blue moon.

>I'm retarded.
No I am. I mistook The Birth of Venus painting for Venus De Milo one.

4Ball shows up every other thread or so. He actually draws something every other other thread. There's myself, as you said, and there's my good pals Xerifox (pic related) and Starburst Crusader. I swear there was another guy too though

Kek. Ok so I wasn't retarded I was just tired. Or maybe we both need to brush up on our art history, user.

Attached: spiked drink for barbed dick.png (750x750, 124K)

>I swear there was another guy too though
Zambs perhaps ? And there was another user who used to post his traditional drawings.

ah yeah, Zambs does too. There was the guy you mentioned, he's the one I was trying to think of (pic related?) and there's the two Terifag drawfags

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>sees the pic
We are talking probably about the same guy. He posted a lot of lewd pics back in the last summer holidays.

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This is so bad

What did you just say?

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Anybody got The Possession?

Already saw it on DVR. Anyone?

Mods please delete this awful furry thread. As you can see it's just an excuse to spam furry Nicole pictures.

Attached: amaterasu.png (640x1021, 826K)

Yeah. Same guy. I think I recall him popping into a thread a month or two ago and saying he was super busy lately.

#1: rude
#2: how do you think people git gud?

have this

Attached: 100 watcher req 1.png (2500x1800, 1.7M)

>have this

That's why I like this man. See ya on Friday buddy!

Attached: 22f61aa9c6f6e6de7162baec33f381f9.jpg (564x806, 38K)

removed...alright then

Heh. I like me too.
Have a sneak peek my man

Attached: sneakpeak.png (191x144, 12K)

Go away writefag, your art sucks

You should draw more than porn and incest, writefag. That shit is getting boring.