Are Popular Kids Fake?

Did popular kids never exist?
We see them in practically every cartoon, every sitcom, and tons of teen movies. They’re the group that everyone knows and everyone wants to be a part of... but never in my life did I notice that phenomena. Not in elementary, not in junior high, not in high school, not in college, and not at any company I’ve worked for. Everyone just seems to keep to themselves and aren’t bothered with the lives of others.
Did they exist for you?

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I had a group of bullies once in elementary. But i wouldnt call them the popular kids.

Probably depends on the school you went to. There were tons of different cliques in high school when I went there, but in general there was a group of students who were the "popular" kids that did things like run student government, participate in all the big competitions and awards programs, played the solos for big concerto concerts in band/orchestra.

Those were the “popular kids” in your school?
They were mocked constantly at my school for being the teacher’s boot lickers.
Yeah, bullies exist for sure.

I did the last thing but I was in the bottom of the social barrel. Meanwhile football players with shit for brains were worshipped by the school administration constantly. Luckily being good at handegg isn't an accomplishment in real life.

Was your football team good? Our athletics were all middle to awful, so they didn’t get any special treatment of favoritism outside of mandatory rallies attempting to build school spirit.

They were nothing special

>They were mocked constantly at my school for being the teacher’s boot lickers.
Okay, then. Who were the popular kids?

They didn’t exist

The jocks in my school were the popular kids, they’d used to get in my nerves a lot but they’re alright people (much to my dismay correlating OP’s pic with my memories when I was still in school)
The real faggots were the seething losers pretending like the world owed them something without actually working for anything, blaming it all on luck

Nobody actually ate in the cafeteria at my school, they either ate in classrooms they liked, or in the quad area.
I personally ate in the graphic design classroom since I could use the computers to do whatever I wanted

They were a couple of athletes and student government but no, not like rich popular kids with sunglasses

They existed when I was in school, but they were always really nice to everyone. Like they were so popular for a reason. They were usually rich, but they'd throw parties anyone could go to so you could use their pools, get free drinks, etc.
The only people who disliked them were like bitter anime nerds and potential school shooters who just hated everyone.

Honestly the majority of popular kids are actually nice kids, most of these cartoonists thought they were bullied by popular ones when they were trying to include them or were actually bullied by people who were not actually popular.

Popular kids are popular for a reason and it isn't because they are cunts.

You can tell a lot of creatives were jealous spergs in high school.

I met a lot of them at my school by being randomly approached in class when I was accidentally placed into theatre arts after my chosen enectjvecwas overfilled. Was invited to a lot of group movies and parties. I only stopped hanging out with them when they wanted me to join in for a political protest.

The hot girls and a bunch of dudes that hanged with them I guess. didnt pay much attention to high school when i was there.

I went to a majority black public high school as a white boy. I asked out all the white girls I found attractive and they all turned me down. White kids were their own clique as we all congregated in AP classes, debate team, and theater. Fraternities were a real big thing, I guess because black dudes don't always make it to college? Some social cliques identified themselves with unique jackets spray painted with their nicknames on them, like it's a spunky street gang from an anime or something. There were cliques I didn't know about because I never socialized with the real student population, just the smartest and best provided for students. I hated dances because it was all fucking rap music back then, and I fucking hated most of it and I fucking hate dancing because of it. No one ever bullied me. Athletes are given better grades for less effort because sometimes they win games, I guess. No one knew we had a debate team, and it was the best in the state.

A group of popular kids existed in my school. Chloe, Taylor and Kiara were the untouchable girls. And whoever was best at most popular sport was most popular guy, which would able been Trent, Amadeus and Jeremy, with a bunch of hangere-oners.

>the cool kids are cool because theyre friendly, confident, and fun to be around
>the bully is the edgy tryhard bitchboi

SU had it right

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they didn't exist because his entire school was made of losers.

Sounds like you went to a terrible school.

That happened with my school’s golf team. We were apparently the champions 17 years running, and my entire senior class learned of their existence after the head coach died. Everyone was like “we have golf at this school?”

>ayoo white boi,no touching taylor,she is mine you hear me?

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Congrats, you're socially retarded.

Even if it's not cartoonishly obvious every social environment has cliques and there's almost always a clique above the law. In poor schools it's usually sports stars, in rich schools it's rich/donor kids, in businesses there are usually several among the different branches (a secretary/assistant clique, a management clique, etc)

Not noticing them is autism

In my experience every clique dislikes or is indifferent to every other clique and there's no dominant "popular" group.

Nobody cared about football or cheerleaders, the "smart" snotty kids hung out with each other but the other kids rolled their eyes at them. The dorky, socially awkward kids clumped together, but they weren't really picked on. The punks were amusing in their antics, Etc. Etc.

My school was a weird mix of ghetto kids and "privileged" kids carted in from the suburbs to raise the school's standing, though, so it wasn't really a typical school. Any real conflicts were more along those lines, and had a "get whitey" quality to them.

Or just not caring so much that you don’t pay attention to people who don’t effect you personally. Cliques exist, but they have no power if you truly feel apathy towards everyone

>unrepetentant normie thinks the popular kids were cool and nice because only the "outcasts" ever caught shit
Jesus christ the lack of awarenes
Why are you here

they are a projection of what a 12 year old imagines having your shit together to be.
Recess is the only show that did it right. The "popular" kids where just a couple of normal girls whose parents had money
We definetly had those at school

>cliques have no power
That's not true at all, anywhere. Especially in a business environment your ability to move up is decided by cliques

also never noticed this phenomenon but i also was very unsocial in HS. you're divided up too much for there to be some kind of popularity hierarchy, even if it was somehow necessary. though maybe i could see how an extreme loser would look upwards and see those who socialize normally as 'popular'

As time goes on, I have been wondering where I stood.
I was somewhat quiet in class, and I kept to myself. but I was wellspoken due to acting and public speaking classes, so I talked normally whenever anyone talked to me.
I was always approached quickly during group assignments for whatever reason, and my outfits were always somewhat different but not overly professional or overly cringy. A story was randomly written about me in the school paper, and I noticed my hair style being copied a few times by other students. To make things a little weirder. I never took school photos, so my picture and name was never in any of the 4 year books.
Fast forward and I get hit up on Facebook all the time by people I never knew, but recognize me from high school. And I get approached in the street by people with the same story. They all know my name and my appearance from then, but I truly don’t remember any of them. Hell, one guy I did remember, a football player, hugged me last spring when I was at an event with a company I work for.
I truly don’t know if I was popular or so socially awkward that everyone wants to say they know me.
Never bothered by this though

Like I said, depends on the school you go to. Probably helped I was in an upper middle class area public school.

>cliche is literally that popular kids are two-faced, appearing perfect to those with something to offer and villainous to those without
>people posting "the popular kids were so nice to me I always went to parties it was just the losers they were mean to"
The forever summer just keeps getting fucking worse
It's time to create a second internet

In business, you move up by getting a new job atva different company. Only a fool believes in growing with the same company

Same thing happened with my school and rugby. 90% of the school wanted us to be a renowned rubgy school and we'd barely win 3 games in a season but they'd still get 2 buses of supporter from every year to attend games. Meanwhile me and the 15 other people on the basketball team won the regional tournament three years in a row. We owed a lot to our coach who made us train twice a day from 6:30 am to 8:30 and then again from 7pm to 9. If we were lucky they'd send a single bus of supporters to the final.

t. someone who was never in the management clique

What could a future Yea Forums user possibly have to offer a rich popular kid

You weren't an outcast because you were randomly selected for harassment. You were an outcast because you couldn't act like a human being.
The whole "Popular kids are demons who targeted special boys like me" is a desperate cope.

>being this oblivious
You don't belong here

this popular kids thing is a american thing, in any other country nobody gives a fuck for those things.

in my country you have the nerds, sport kids, tech kids all in the same table eating together.

are you sure? the popular kids thing appear in anime as well. though they're usually tied to something (sports/student council/club)

Running you through my database of actual high school archetypes, you were possibly an infamously quirky fuck, but not in a bad way. It probably sounds empty for me to insist it wasn't some backhanded mockery, but the Quirkiest Fuck in a particular year at my school was downright beloved. Ran the gamut of popular-vote club and student council positions, everyone looked on with fondness when his name was mentioned (specifically, his full name, because I think it wasn't quirky enough to just call him by his first name). If you're friendly & chill when people talk to you (no matter how performative it is - they aren't noticing what you do when you're not talking to them), they'll like you, & that's why they're actually eager to interact when they randomly run into you.

You'll have to hope I'm not wrong I guess.

I never really noticed one clique stand out above the rest in terms of popularity in school. Years later though i realized my highschool friends were basically the bullies .

Ha, my AP classes were entirely white despite the halls being full of loud blacks

Not really sure. My school had three types I guess. Athletes and Smart kids, thugs and dipshits, and student gov. I was with the athletes

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In my school the popularity caste was separated in two, those who didn't enjoy anything "nerdy" and those who did outside of school among themselves. Those who didn't tended to be upper middle class or rich while those who did tended to be middle class or lower. I never realized this until I became popular enough to hang out with those who secretly enjoyed nerd stuff late into junior year.

I live in the UK and in high school there was this big long table against the window where the cool important boys sat (every day without fail) and then at the bottom of the table there was a round table where all the cool important girls sat (every day without fail)

you could basically not sit in this area of the cafeteria unless you were one of them

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It’s possible, but who knows.
Incidentally, I have always nice to everyone, expect for one person. For reasons I have since forgotten, I decided to be weirdly mean to this one girl in my 8th grade English class. I thought it would be funny to respond to anything she said with “don’t talk to me.” And I mean anything and everything. Often times I’d say it multiple times a day. For whatever reason, I stuck to it for the entire school year.
She tried to get other responses from me all the time, even saying things to me from behind while I was talking to others, but I would add the “don’t talk to me” into my sentence without changing tone, as if I intended to say it the whole time. Further, we kept being seated next to each other. So it became a well known dynamic very quickly.
At the end of the year, we were both voted most funny in the year book. I never saw her after that, we went to different high schools, and looking back, I feel awful for it.
She signed my yearbook with “thanks for being my friend.” And I signed hers with “Don’t talk to me.”
Honestly, I wish I hadn’t done that, because anyone who can put up with that is probably an amazing person. And I’m hindsight, she probably liked me. But at 13, I was much too dense to realize that.

This, and not only that, a lot of the people who continued bullying past elementary school were generally criminal dipshits despised by just about everyone else at school.

my class went to a very large but overcrowded high school and we all viciously hated it. Our popular kids were overachievers and really confident nice people, they probably were popular because everyone else was so bitter and defeated.

Of course they existed, autist-kun. It's just that cartoons are written by 40+ year old dudes that have no fucking clue what's actually popular with kids and can barely even remember their own youth, so they rely on cliches in other media, which just creates a feedback loop of artificial reality that never truly existed. Actually popular kids don't behave like popular kids do in cartoons.

Replace blacks with Mexicans and you have my high school. My friend got bored and counted. In my senior year, we had exactly 13 black students in the school. He would should “one of 13” every time one walked by, but I have no idea if they noticed or not. Luckily for us, the biggest, strongest black student was one of our good friends, and the nerdiest weeb I have ever met in my life. His Instagram is a mixture of gym pics and one piece.

What would happen if someone sat there before anyone else showed up?

My friend was the "popular kid" in high school.
Charismatic, good looking, getting good grades.
While she got many friends, she also frequently became a target of the more mean kids.
Jealousy I guess?
She had so many friends, I quickly faded into the background. Haven't spoken to her in years.
Popular kids are not neccesary the bitchy ones, though they are very ambitious.
Which can be a good or bad trait depending on the person.

Popular kids were just the future yuppies

they were always there first somehow
it was like they spawned there

Yeah we were all oblivious to how great you were as you stood in the corner scowling, never spoke to anyone, and probably Naruto ran from class to class. Nice cope sperg

>She signed my yearbook with “thanks for being my friend.” And I signed hers with “Don’t talk to me.”

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I know, I was terrible to her.

>80's and 90's Pre-internet juvenile social structures no longer perfectly apply
Gee what a shock

>She signed my yearbook with “thanks for being my friend.” And I signed hers with “Don’t talk to me.”
holy fuck

It wasn’t that bad. If anything, it’s a full circle illustration of the relationship we had

He's right fag

Honestly, most of the popular kids I knew were really friendly and were poplar for both that and just getting really involved in every activity, and I was the awkward hyper sperg who always talked about Pokemon. Granted they could've just been nice to me out of pity, as a lot of sped kids suffered that fate at my school, but I doubt it since the kids that fell into that category were typically the downs kids.

I think this is strictly the viewpoint of an outcast looking in. To an outcast, any well meshed group would appear admirable and popular, and it's that sense of belonging and happiness that they want.

The problem that arises is when they don't actually fit in, and that's not really anyone's fualt. You cannot force a group to accept you, and a group cannot expect you to change for them.

>when a kid thinks they're one of the least popular kids in school but it actually turns out that everyone who knows them really likes them and thinks they're smart/funny/just a good person to hang around with

has this ever happened?

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Could it be that most cartoonists were outcasts as children making them believe every group that didn’t cater to his quirkiness were mean? Or just wanting to point the protagonist as an underdog because it gives you easy emphatic points with the audience?

I was in the “smart” classes in my high school and while there were Black girls in them I can’t remember sharing a class with any Black guy aside from freshman year.

It did in OTGW. I don’t know about irl, though.

Depends on the show. I think Pacifica is relatively realistic (she's still a cartoon character obviously but in concept) where she's just super rich and can afford to buy her way into popularity. There's also characters who are just popular because they get along with everyone, these are sometimes protagonists (Arnold) or someone like Leni Loud who's just super sociable and friendly.

That's just my experience anyway, I remember both. Not so much the super stereotypical prom queen type though.

School cliques used to be a thing decades ago, which is where the stereotypes came from. People wanted an identity, so they created identities based on how they dressed, the music they listened to, the sports they played, etc. Now everyone is just "a person" walking around starting at smartphones, creating their identity on Facebook/Twitter/Insta etc. People are defined by their likes/reblogs/upvotes instead of how they dress or act, so cliques aren't as important.

I could see the popular kids also bring the class president and things of the sort. The student council in my high school all got elected essentially on charisma alone, most of the people who "hated" them were the kind of bitter edgelord that hated everyone too look cool

Those cliques in my school were so intermingled with each other that the Popular kids ended up being theater snobs, choir brats, that one robot guy, and the guy that got tazed by the officer.

ITT Yea Forums is full normalfag

Popular kids where just the most outgoing and confident, and also where pretty chill and friendly.

The bullies where all from the middle-class of any hierarchy we had. They'd have enough friends to be considered liked but where looked down on outside of that for obnoxious behaviour.

The real conflicts where all in-group. Once in a while you'd hear about a vicious falling out inside one of the cliques and it would separate into two.

Sports brings in a lot of money for the school, my old school's teams were made up of pothead gamers - but parents and no life weirdos would show up to see them lose a lot. Also, kids would just hang out. Weekly, the games were sure to pull in a few thousand. It's really weird to see old men with none of their kids in the school cry after a loss, it's just fucking weird man.

Yea Forums has been normalfag since at least 2009

We had a queen bee like Trixie. Funny thing was she was so idolized she didn't even have a clique like the rest of us, although other successful kids provided a social group

Yo just got b8'd m8

The popular kids and the bullies at my school were the same group.
Being an asshole was cool.

I’ve always wondered why in fiction the parents of the rich-as-fuck snobby popular kids would send their kids to a goddamn public school. Just off the top of my head:

>all grown up
>danny phantom
>fairly odd parents
>family guy
>teenage robot

Time to blogpost
I was so bad at acting like a normal person I got sent to psychological revisions. I wasn't liked and I was fine with being outright skipped for activities, only one professor gave half a shit about me in middle school and invited me to eat my meals at the teacher's room as long as I was respectful to the staff. My favorite talks were him showing me how Chemistry always welcomes the loners (it was his class) and showing me classical music and art. I took up medicine for him. I was never school shooter material, but that old dude probably saved my ass.

>I’ve always wondered why in fiction the parents of the rich-as-fuck snobby popular kids would send their kids to a goddamn public school
Some parents honestly felt, "it builds character."

Public schools in rich areas are typically far more prestigious than private schools, public school funding is tied to property taxes.

You pay for a private high school if you're in a poorer area or if your kid is retarded and you have to pay for a gpa

Hi, different user here. I live in Texas and our schools basically worship football players. From public school to college,you can count on school administration giving out butt loads of cash to the football team regardless of their quality.

I don't blame the players, I've never met a football player who was very stupid or mean, most are quite charismatic. It's mostly the schools fault for wanting to get a slice of that football pie and ignoring the rest of the schools financial needs in favor of it.

Back in middle school when anime was having its heyday in the west, me and 6 other friends would sit around before classes and during break/lunch and just talk, play on our GBAs. Eventually that group of 7 people turned into like 25 to 30 in the course of a week. For a short time that little group was considered popular as fuck. People I didn't even know came up and talked with me during break. It was because of us that "cliques" were banned and we weren't doing anything harmful compared to the other shit that happened on campus. (Some fucker torched the vending machines, so all soda and Gatorade was banned and only water vending machines remained)

That’s understandable but except for angelica pickles (she’s upper middle class at best) these kids were portrayed as forbes levels of rich, the parents could’ve afforded private schools just with their pocket change

also was Kim possibles rival a rich girl?

Where I went to school, most money for the school came from football games. This meant that the players were pretty much untouchable. Handing out detentions and suspensions would keep the players from practicing or even playing in games. They could do what they wished to who they wanted and staff wouldn't do anything to them.
Without that money from high school football the school probably would have to be shut down for lack of funds. They knew the teachers wouldn't do shit. Then again, the teachers didn't really do much with inter-student conflict at all, regardless of who bullied who. Teachers and staff didn't really seem to care.

Again: going to a private school meant you were too stupid to make it. Prestige is everything.

There are a few other reasons a rich parent might send their kid to a public school.
For one, a public school might be the closest school in the area. If you were in a small town in the middle of nowhere, you might send your kid to the only school within 30 miles - which would be a public school. Another unusual example is where I lived, the private catholic school in town only went from kindergarten to 6th grade. Kids had to finish middle and high school at the public schools.
Or perhaps they were rich and also cheap. It's possible to be a cheap ass and wealthy too.

they're typically not popular and bullies at the same time unless you maybe live in a superficial, financially divided area. Doubt you'd encounter bullies in fucking college.

Man, even at 13 I was never close to being this much of a jackass.

The "rich girl" in my school was an object of mockery. Her money did nothing to enhance her social standing.

In my experience the popular kids were just decent good looking people who were more involved in school activities. Usually they were preppy white kids or black kids who acted like preppy white with a few exceptions
I didn't find out I was popular until my last semester of senior year, apparent;y a lot of people liked my distinct sense of style and humor. I really didn't put it together until I realized I was friends with most of my graduating class and had a nickname most people under my class knew me by.

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I think one of the biggest disconnects between school cartoon cliches and real life was finding out how really sexual active nerds/geeks were. I thought sexually active band geeks was just a joke in Mean Girls but no they all fuck regularly with the occasional orgy. They didn't brag about any of this so the only people who knew outside of this particular clique were usually people who were dating someone in band or people who got invited to the orgies sometimes.
I was invited but I always turned it down

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