Other than Steven Universe, what are some Yea Forums shows that have kino soundtracks?

Other than Steven Universe, what are some Yea Forums shows that have kino soundtracks?

Been listening to the SU soundtracks on repeat shuffle during my gym workouts on full blast the past month, feels good man!

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Other urls found in this thread:



Not kino in the slightest, just random orchestral noise with predatory note assemblage to brainwash little kids. Try again.

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Over the Garden Wall.

Oh it’s one of those bait threads
Ah well even though OP is a fag maybe other anons can salvage it

Also good
>Nobody likes my shit taste? Must be bait
Fuck off slide faggot

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Whats the use of feeling blue is a song i love to listen too since it sounds so cosmic and surreal. I love sugars cover of escapism, i downlaoded it on my phone before it was deleted off youtube.

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actually hang yourself.

So, what kinda muscle groups do you train while listening to SU?

>actually hang yourself.
What about my post casued you to want me to die?

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I wonder why they wont release pink and white's diamond themes.

both of the songs you listed were hot fucking garbage, even by this show's standards.

Escapism was great when sugar did it, the orignal release before the episode aired. Whats the use of feeling blue sounds like bjork in a sense so fuck you i love it. Name a better song if youre so much better then me.

>Escapism was great when sugar did it
lolno. le watermelon angst song was garbage at the core. as for the other one, its a massive fucking mess that wastes patti's talent.

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This is the version i love, not the inferior one on that watermelon island episode that sounded like shit

this one is garbage too. the lyrics are retarded and make no sense, and the ukulele completely clashes with the vibe. pair that with sugar being an already mediocre vocalist and you have one dumb song.

you only like it because it was hyped to hell and back.

horse show

I didnt listen to the hype, i just love how it sounds sad and sombre, fuck you

And now lets hear your favorites so we can pss harsh judgement on your tastes

>i just love how it sounds sad and sombre
the fuck are you listening too? the song is upbeat and happy and it completely clashes with the lyrics.

Not a show, but Homestuck

>Over the garden wall
>Bee and puppycat

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season 1 and 2 had really nice tracks but the music has been total fucking shit since season 3, much like the rest of the show

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Anyone have a torrent or mega link?

The thing with Steven Universe it's that people mix the music all together.
When the reality it's that the actual songs, the ones with lyrics, are usually fucking garbage.
HOWEVER, the background music it's nice.
Almost top tier; good use of atmospheric synths.

Attached: It Could've Been Great.jpg (1058x755, 115K)

>When the reality it's that the actual songs, the ones with lyrics, are usually fucking garbage.

i like the show but i hate the soundtrack


Since Disney is Yea Forums-related any of their shows count, but that would be cheating. Personally, I like listening to the soundtracks of the various Kingdom Hearts games when I'm out. Too bad KH3 seems to be missing out on the fun for some reason, I really love the battle themes it has.
Check sug.rocks, they have a link to Vol.1, Vol. 2, and the karaoke soundtracks.

Ah yes synth music modified through computers and a gameboy truly the apex of music
Nothing like generic comfy garbage to stimulate my refine taste

Regular Show, both their song picks and original score. Helps that they had Mothersbaugh on the series.

It's called irony. The Police did it with their hit single, Every Breath You Take, and yet when Sugar does it, suddenly yall get all uppity.


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Clarence, Harvey Beaks, OK K.O.

If you're a fan of lyrical stuff then Tangled: The Series has been amazing so far


Why link the most fucking spoilery one when there are other great Tangled The Series songs out there you could link instead?
Here's some:



I know that song kicks ass but it's also the payoff for the s1 finale user, be mindful.

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Sorry, just been going through the show for the first time and wasn't thinking.

While plots and music was reused every episode, Megas XLR was fantastic.