Riddler is better at being smart

>Riddler is better at being smart
>Catwoman is better at acrobatics
>Freeze is better at coming from a tragic background
>Scarecrow is better at inspiring fear
>Two Face is better at judgement
>Ivy is better at seduction
>Bane is better at strength

The list goes on and on except the Joker who’s just le wildcard

If the Bat Rogues teamed up, would they be able to do a better job than just Bruce?

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Yes, but they are limited by their own flaws which allows Batman to defeat them. That is how character parallels work.

Bruce is of a singular mind and focus. It's highly improbably a team of eccentrics could ever muster a level of cohesion to ever be able to compete in such a manner.

Also none of them possess his sheer force of will.

>Could a bunch of villains do a better job than the hero?
No. Editorial would never allow it.

>freezes background more tragic
Uhh? I mean yeah, knowing your wife may die/or is dead while trying to find a cure is sad but I’m pretty sure a kid watching his parents get fucking shot to death is more tragic

What's the penguin better at?

Utilizing his wealth?


Riddler isn't better at being smart. If he was, Bruce wouldn't outsmart him almost every damn time, which is Bruce's go to method for beating Nigma.

Selina hasn't been a proper Rogue in years, and she's long past the point of teaming up with others to kill Bruce. Most of them wouldn't trust her on the team either, since there would be a 99% chance of her only being there to feed Batman information.

Freeze has no interest in killing Batman unless he gets in the way of his Nora research.

Scarecrow requires chemicals to inspire fear. Bruce does it with practical effects and just existing.
Bruce does it better.

Two Face's judgement is decided by coin flips and he can't handle making them without it.

Batman has had more lovers than Ivy.

Bane is a roid rager.

How bout Professor Pyg ?

There was a special prestige format comic where Ra’s Al Ghul gathered all the rogues for this very purpose actually

Batman 400

They would have the advantage of covering more ground, but would rely on knowing a situation before going into it in order to properly assign each member to the proper role.

Maybe, I mean they are an army.

Looking like the animal he represents.

What about Hugo Strange?

>except the Joker who’s just le wildcard

Well if you want to be kind, wasn't this the thing about Batman early on? That no one knew who he was or was capable of?

It was only after he established his no kill code and started working with the police that he became predictable.

Joker is the best at pushing Batman and whatever sidekick he has to their limits because he can be doing fucking anything.

>Scarecrow requires chemicals to inspire fear. Bruce does it with practical effects and just existing.

After seeing the Joker trailer, I kind of want them to do a Scarecrow solo movie. Make it a horror film of him just terrorizing the fuck out of a family in a home as he leaks a tiny bit of his fear gas to make them freak out. The whole film is just him terrifying them so he can harvest the adrenaline their body creates out of the fear response. The family lives on a farm and he's been stalking them by pretending to be their actual scarecrow in the fields, would make it easier to build tension in the beginning. Near the end she could be trying to knock on the neighbor's houses, only to find that Scarecrow killed them before and they never knew because they're out in the rural areas.

There can be a whole shit load of creepy shit going on that you can write off as traces of fear toxin he put in the house. Like seeing Scarecrow crawl like a spider and shit. Maybe even end it with Batman showing up, saving the "final girl", and the Scarecrow disappearing. Can even make it extra cliche and have her driving later on and you see a brief glimpse of Scarecrow in her backseat.

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He gets pissed at any perceived slight, no matter how small and no matter what actual intention there was, and he'll do whatever necessary to ruin that person's life to the maximum suffrage.
One time he thought a guy laughed at him from all the way across the room and set it up so the guy's wife and kid would leave him and then he would drink himself into suicide.

>Riddler is better at being smart
Is he? Because I'm pretty sure Batman's beaten him every single time.

Dick is better at acrobatics.
Babs is better at networking.
Cass is better at fighting.
Tim is (potentially) the better detective.

I'm not really sure what Jason and Damian are better at beyond killing people.

Burno better at raping people

Better at analysis?

Damian is just a superior all round Batman in the end


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>Freeze is better at coming from a tragic background

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thats stupid you're stupid

>If the Bat Rogues teamed up, would they be able to do a better job than just Bruce?
no because they're all volatile nutjobs that will end up fucking each other up