Broke: the national anthem

Broke: the national anthem

Woke: liberty’s kids theme song

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Stuff like this depresses me. When you're a kid and you see this stuff you get a completely different and more naive perspective of your country's history and place in the world only for reality to hit you. Anyone from other countries have similar cartoons about their history/cultures?

All I can remember is Big Black Dick.

Assassin’s creed 3

I only know about this show because of the orgy comic by Storefront8

This show had a LOT of big name celebrity guest voices. Like, holy shit.

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It was actually a pretty darn good show historically speaking.

Lots of nuance. And it painted a realistic picture of a lot of the people involved.

It looks like the shit cartoons that would always air on PAX.


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>Paul Revere
>Sylvester Stallone
Oh I HAVE to hear that one.



>orgy comic by Storefront8



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My mom is an immigrant, didn't learn english til she was like 30, and anyways she loves this show. She loves this sort of revolutionary period and colonial era stuff in general. Her favorite historical figure is Benjamin Franklin, because he was so accomplished

It's a little weird because the CIA destabilized her home country


One can both embrace American values and ideals and condemn America for not living up to them.

But, I don’t see any native Americans.

Oops meant to reply to

Is this Worth a watch ?
I'm not American but is the show like very pro on the side of Founding Fathers or does it show both sides to the war?

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Every show about the revolutionary period is done from the perspective of the revolutionaries.
It's the only side of the conflict that makes for good television.
That in mind, yeah it's about as solid as you can get for a kids' show about the American Revolution.

>Feeling the pain as innocence dies
That's a pretty hardcore line for a kids show
Sure it's about a revolution, but still

Bruh, Chinese cartoons about our own history are filled with propaganda from the government. It's almost surgically precise on how to get the version of history into you.

What are you talking about?
This show had slavery, genocide, death, and loss.
It even portrayed Benedict Arnold in a sympathetic light.

You disgust me.

Better version.

Is the Hercules series the only one that can match it in terms of guest stars?

t. retards that never actually watched the show

There was a Liberty's Kids computer game. I don't remember anything from it except that it came with a template for their newspaper so my friends and I (being 12 years old) made all sorts of ridiculous newspaper sheets to hand out at school.

Also does the scene of James shaking his ass about the British sailor who got tarred and feathered haunt anyone else

>Hooty hoot! Hooty hoot! I'm hooty the sailor!

thanks but no thanks, I prefer the original.

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>> in b4 storefront8

We really haven't had a major historical cartoon in a minute, I wonder if will get one anytime soon, seeing as Pups of Liberty is essentially dead and nobody else is really pumping historical Yea Forums material like some were about 10 years ago.

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So would the ginger girl be on par with Gwen Tennyson as waifu material?
You're not too far off

Personally though my favorite is Liam Nielson as John Paul Jones

these days i'm suspicious of any media with a US history theme because I anticipate it will be a vehicle of ideology

You clearly never watched the show, faggot. I was taught since an infant that Arnold was simply a filthy traitor with no redeeming qualities. And I'm sure this was true of most white Americans here on Yea Forums. This show played entirely against that.

>yfw Henri was most likely gang raped and murdered by Jacobins during the French Revolution for being the adopted Americanized son of an aristocrat

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The more I ever learn about the French Revolution the more I think it was a mistake.

Hot shota rape is never a mistake user.

You're the kind of person who got mad when NPR read the Declaration of Independence because you thought it was anti-Trump, right.

Didn’t Sarah from liberty kids had a lot porn of her for some reason?

We live in the world where EA games teaches people they were black female Nazis in world war 2. Would you want ea games to make a game about your nation history? Imagine those same writer retelling the founding of Australia.

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>I was taught since an infant that Arnold was simply a filthy traitor with no redeeming qualities.
I am not even in the anglosphere and all i was told about him is that he is a traitor and a coward.

>the world where EA games teaches people
I found where you went wrong.

The only good rap Aaron Carter ever did in his career.

imagine being such a retard that you play videogames lol

He'd die on the streets during the famine of 1795 like the quasi-adopted black son of Marie Antoinette

The most I know about this show is that Arnold Schwarzenegger is in it and what said.

That kino storefront 8 comic

No. He would be raped until his rectal bleeding led to blood loss and therefore death.
They'll dump his corpse with a gaping anus and dry semen mixed with blood into the cell of Lafayette just to mock him.

Storefront8 was obsessed with it, stopped drawing any other porn

fucking sucked

>The more I ever learn about the French Revolution the more I think it was a mistake
Didn’t multiple communists leaders say the same thing?

>We live in the world where EA games teaches people they were black female Nazis in world war 2.
What are you referring to, specifically?

I'd jam out to this then immediately switch out of PBS kids , didnt care about anything other than the blonde girl and the opening. I think that brown boy had some interesting plots but my attention wavered too hard. plus i;m not american

>Anyone from other countries have similar cartoons about their history/cultures?

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I'd watch a cartoon that turned all the important figures of the American Revolution into lolis.

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Im glad I never have seen this 'interesting' show.

literally no one learns anything from EA games idiot

Damn where has the time gone? I forgot Aaron Carter existed. Only other thing I remember him from was when he appeared in the live action Fat Albert movie.

Broken clock is right twice a day

>literally no one learns anything from EA games idiot
Tell that to Yea Forums

>From video games

And you inbreds have the audacity to blame affirmative action for you not getting into a college

>EA games teaches people

state of zoomers

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>yfw Lafayette was made a pariah in France during the revolution because he tried to urge for sanity and lost everything.

At least he got to tour America and got treated like a rockstar.

sounds like someone drank too much ethnic studies and anti-American propaganda in uni.

After the comic by Storefront, I don't know

Lol in what way?

Reminder that France is best ally

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Which is why we had to fundraise for the pedastal, because they gifted us a statue with nowhere to put it.

> TFW we spent a fuckload of money protecting our colonies from the French and Natvies because some colonel (some guy called Washington, IDK) fucked up negotiations with a French fort
> TFW we need to slightly raise taxes to help fund future defence of colonies, with colonists STILL getting taxed 1/10th of what people in England itself are being taxed
> TFW they respond by revolting and allying with the French

Why were the founding fathers so ungrateful?

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No taxation without representation.

I mean, that bit is fair. King George and the opposition party in parliament were in favour of it. Sadly the PM at the time, Lord North, and the Tories were against it. If it hadn't all turned to violence, it would have been alright.

But the taxes were to pay the debt accrued by the 7 Years War. You don't get representation for paying off your debt.

Yeah because India and the crown got along so well right?

Didn't mention India. Although now you mention it, they had FAR more cause to rebel, because unlike the 13 Colonies, we treated them like absolute shit.

I'm honestly just sad that Britain and the Colonies had to part ways on such bad terms because of a few stubborn pricks on both sides of the Atlantic.

You also expelled French Canadians from Acadia and most came to the US also forcing your soldiers into people’s homes didn’t help. But that relationship came back.

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I loved this show

Sarah Phillips is awesome

When it comes to judging Waifu material, you go by canon, not doujins and fanfic.

They wanted the lands of the Indians but we were unwillingly to do that for numerous reason. That's the a major reason for this whole bullshit that Americans seem to forget.

They wanted the lands of the Indians but we were unwillingly to do that for numerous reason. That was one of the major reasons for this whole bullshit that Americans seem to forget, or rather they do so to spin their dumb narrative about MUH FREEDOMS

Well, it showed a lot of different characters, and portrayed all sides of the conflict.

In one episode, it showed Hessians who defected (which was quite common, mind you). It also showed the absolute hatred colonial people had towards the Indians and their British collaborators in another, and how it wasn't exactly undeserved. The Indians in that episode were part of a tribe which had for the better part of the past 10 years been violent towards settlers.

It also touched on the conflict within the colonies themselves; it showed that most people just wanted to get theirs and keep going on about their lives, and that the war was inherently disruptive.

It touched on race relations and depicted sentiments that would, only 80 years later, blossom into full blown civil war.

Wrong. Republican France was the worst nation we ever had to deal with.

Absolute Monarchist France was ABSOLUTELY BASED.

Its much more than taxes, motherfucker.

You insisted on plantation systems to grow cash crops to fuel European markets, and didn't bother to supply labor. Instead, we get slaves from the carribean, and then we find out we're not allowed to do that anymore.

You and the east indian trading company than demand complete monopoly over who we can sell to, who we can buy from and at what market value.

You taxed EVERYTHING from amenities to simple consumer goods, because you could.

You then had us quarter your troops at our expense and we couldn't say no.

You also said that we couldn't settle beyond the appalachian mountains or into the Ohio River Valley, because somehow, the Indian tribes you never met were more important than the people you emptied your prisons of and sent to die on foreign shores at the hands of exploitative landlords.

You practiced a shameless form of extractive mercantile captialism and then are suddenly shocked when your disenfranchised subjects across the pond suddenly grow violently indignant.

I bet your the kind of apologist who feels justified in saying that Ghandi was an ingrate too.

Shut up Saberspark

You'd be lowly serf. Don't pretend otherwise, faggot.
Monarchists are the biggest cucks on the planet if they don't come from old money. And no one with old money posts on this Manchurian cotton spinning wheel.

Let’s also talk about your treatment of the Irish

I'm not apologizing for monarchists.

I'm saying that Monarchist France actually treated us well in comparison to the republic that followed.

When you have a shit ton of executions every day and ask the US to help in the bloodshed, the US is most likely going to say no

It wasn't just the terrors. Monarchist France actually had drawn up treaties with the US for protection against impressment of our sailors and to allow trade in french ports. That went right out the window with the new of many republics that followed.

We were actually in the process of debt negotiations when the revolution broke out, and thanks to Hamilton's plan, we were on track to pay them.

The only reason Napoleon sold us Louisiana was because he was strapped for cash.

>You insisted on plantation systems to grow cash crops to fuel European markets, and didn't bother to supply labor.

Isn't that what killed all the Irish during the Potato Famine? Fuckin Brits forced the Irish to grow potatoes, potatoes and only potatoes for British consumption, leaving the Irish with no other crops. Then a sickness killed all the potatoes and the Irish had nothing to eat but their own babies.

But the difference is that the Murricans got their independence and the Irish didn't. Ah well. We can't all be winners.

I thought it was because the Irish kept losing their land (or well the laws on the books said the Catholic Irish couldn't get more land and due to population there wasn't enough land for substience to go around) and potatoes are great source of calories so that's why they were forced to depend on potatoes.

This + Irish IQ.

>"Potatoes are great! Lets grow nothing but potatoes!"
>"But what if something should happen to all the potatoes?"
>"Shut yer cunting face, O'Malley! What are the chances of that?"

all those kids died before they reached 30 lol

Sarah was a 15 year old girl in 1773, it’s a wonder she wasn’t already pregnant

>He'd die on the streets during the famine of 1795 like the quasi-adopted black son of Marie Antoinette


They grew more than potatoes. They grew thousands and thousands of pounds of other crops. They were forced to send them to Britain.

Good taste, not as good as the based Aussies though

Every piece of media represents some ideology though. True some people can attempt to be more even by showing more sides of the issue, but that itself is still a bias (believing that some sides deserve to be told or given certain amounts of screen time/voice, while others need to share with them or deserve less).

>these days i'm suspicious of any media with a US history theme
Honestly there isn't a time whe you shouldn't have a awareness of potential bias. There's lots of patriots out there, and there are many many anti-patriots who want to smear the past with their self-guilty. Who is right... well, that's a really big discussion. About the best practical measure for that is intention + context (resources, constraints, limitations, knowledge, current thinking, etc.). But that will only get you so far. But the more I study history, the more I realize our ancestors we're pretty smart and often tried to do the best and most practical thing they could at the time. Sort of like today, 10% of people are crazy but they make the rest of the normal world look about 60% crazy. That seems to be pretty true even in the past.

To be even a little fair, if they could read it in such a way to be anti Trump, you know they would. And they'd admit to it blatantly with proud self-satisfied smiles. The best part about America is they have that right to do that. Even if some of us may not agree, most of us will defend that right.

Surprisingly when I read Thomas Sowell's book Basic Economics (5th edition) I learned a lot more about the past in the world and my country. It gave good perspective on the well-meaning intentions often present in the people at the time, coupled with the difficulties of their limited resources and ability. Honestly I think it made me feel better about the past and the future of the world. I would recommend it for people who wants to feel better in a very practical and logical way about the past.

This. This entirely. There's even more to it that he doesn't mention. But he had a lot of the important points.

Having said that I'm really glad that America and Britain became such close allies again. I am fascinated by history and I just learned about the ISpecial Relationship" which began during World War II related to breaking of the axis cryptography system. No people are perfect but there can be people that mean well and do try to live up to their ideals. The more I study history the more I generally see that. Though I do also see that there are some raging idiots that somehow managed to get into Power every generation. And no that's not a slight at anyone in the current government of the US.

Other crops don't have the caloric intake that potatoes have. Why do you think the Inca had a population base that high despite living in a fucking high ass hellhole?

The way you presented your comment sounded like you were. Though I'm not the guy who posted a reply to you originally. I get what you're saying, because the numerous French revolutions tended to be harsher on the people than the government we should come before the last. Sad really. Then you can get into the question about how having so many revolutions one right after the other shapes the peoples unconscious Paradigm regarding their constitution. In America because there's really only been one War for Independence, and one Civil War to maintain a United Nation, the people put tremendous weight behind the Constitution. There's only a small but extremely vocal minority that is power hungry (something which the Constitution precisely prevents against) wants to interpret the Constitution as fluid instead of written in stone. Most see it as the highest Authority in the land that shall not be violated. From my research into how the French people saw their constitutions over the centuries, it could never hold such weight and impact because of the frequent revolutions. I don't make any comment on contemporary French now, but it does make me wonder given what I see.

I really wanted to fuck the blonde kid

It really was a good cartoon. Very solid story. The history had some very clear, but small yet needed, glossing over. They encouraged people to pick up a history book in a blurb each ep anyway.

That's not even kind of the case. All through the famine, Ireland ran a food surplus. But the Irish didn't own the land and the food, the British landlords did, and they could make more money shipping the food overseas than selling it to dirt poor Irish, so they did.

Well, the true part remains that the British were cunts and the Irish weren't allowed to eat the food they grew because the British owned it all.

Glad to see appreciation for early 2000s PBSkino here

how the hell did they stay kids when the show had them around and taking part of not just the revolution (which lasted 8 years) but also, like, the ten years pre-war. (I know at least they were around before the Boston Massacre as that was an episode)

The characters looked the same, but they did seem more weathered or skeptical from time to time as the series went on. A teenager after a growth spurt looks the same, just an inch or two taller. They never compared heights.

>you're retarded if you play videogames
Imagine being a salty faggot.

>"The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die."

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Mexicans had Cantinflas Show, but I think that was more cultures from around the world instead of focusing on Mexican history.

Liberty Kids was kino, only commies and redcoats would disagree

>tfw the only one who remembers the Zorro show animated in the same style as Liberty’s Kids

self deprecating americans are the worst.
american history shows how strong men can be and how government is formed.
if it bothers you so much that retards were used as farm equipment maybe you should off yourself from guilt.

I looked up the pisode list and historical dates
>Episode 1:1773(Boston Tea Party)
>Episodes 2-3:1774
>Episodes 4-11:1775
>Episodes 12-20:1776
>Episodes 21-23:1777
>Episodes 24-26: 1778
>Episodes 27-28:1779
>Episodes 29-32:1780
>Episodes 33-37:1781
>Episode 38:1783(Washington resigns military commision)
>Episode 39:1786(Shay's rebellion)
>Episode 40:1787(Constitutional Convention)

Yeah, this series covers a substantial amount of time, and they really should have bothered to change their character models to show them aging.

- the plantation system evolved from the fuedal manor system. it was a natural outcome of greed, and not british policy.
- the taxes were much more limited that you're expressing, and we to pay for Washington's massive fuck up that started the French-indian war.
- the Colonists were forbidden from crossing the Appalachias before it was beyond British control, and the colonists had a habit of fucking things up where ever they went.
- it's not a form of capitalism - it's just capitalism. adapt or fail.
We still saw Washington as a heroic figure, when in his own time the French were a little uneasy about him, seeing as how he personally kicked off the french-indian war by allowing [possibly ordering] his troops to massacare french soldiers. He was a shitty commander who took credit for Colonel Stuben's work, and pulled his own slave's teeth for his dentures.
Ben Franklin disowned his own son, and Jefferson was a 5 star hypocrite who owned his own children, treated his wife like a hostage with stockholm syndrome, and never freed them. The founding fathers were terrorists who were propped up by the French as part of a Franco-British proxy war.
The UK didn't even really want the colonies. That's why a quarter of their forces were German peasants who were given a choice by their ruling class; serve in the British army and make me lots of money - or hang. Fuck, most of the British military was in India for the war.
We saw the mention of slavery, genocide and loss - but it was heavily filtered and covered in America sauce that didn't show the realities of the time.

>t. R*dcoat

Time to dump your tea kidd, lmfao

the republic that followed;
>gave us the metric system
>originated the study of egyptology by finding the Rosetta stone
>brought us Louis Pastuer and vaccination
>gave us the minie ball rifle, smokeless powder, and the greatest military advances the world had yet seen, essentially creating modern weaponry
>instituted the first form of secular public education [education before this was private, home based, or religious]
>gave us the eiffel tower, the arc de triumph
>the first truly global language, and definitly the first modern notion of language as a status symbol.
>early motion picture technology, including animation
>the first flight of man via hot air balloon
>the statue of liberty, which was based in a neo-pagan political goddess [seriously, check out the 'cult of reason', and 'marianne', shit's amazing]
>and half of the enitre United States via the Louisiana purchase.

France has given the world, esp. the US, more than it realizes.

>sadam, osama, latin america

yep. the irish didn't own ireland, the british ruling class did. all crops were owned by the lords who owned the land [hence, landlord]. The british regulars sent armed patrols to collect the barely and wheat harvest during the famine. Hiding corn was grounds for immediate execution. Because fungal blight liquified the tubers in the ground, the irish starved to death and the government sent english and scottish protestants to replace the dead irish, who were mostly catholic.

Political cartoons of the time even have the Irish as being ungrateful, lazy, workshy, etc. The british were the original pikachu-boomer meme ; suprised the irish weren't grateful for their fuedal slave positions.

After the US civil war the Irish stereotypes were flipped to the newly freed black citizens, and white shitheads who were told to hate blacks accepted the old irish stereotypes as applied to black americans.

It was part of a huge propaganda effort of the behalf of politicians who were trying to maintain power, and shirk their roles in getting the working class killed. The 'Daughters of the Confederacy' and the KKK even sponsored censored and editied textboooks fabricating the 'lost cause' of the south. The ruling class divided the working class yet again, and idiocy won out.

>The ruling class divided the working class yet again, and idiocy won out.
It's sounds more like ignorance than pure idiocy, based on your description of events. Propaganda only functions in the absence of dissemination of the truth. If people were not permitted to learn the truth, or the truth was censored, then they've no access to the truth. And no way to learn it or little ability to gain that information. You might fault them for not questioning the lies they were fed, but I wouldn't be so quick to judge, when questioning a lie isn't something you instinctively do when you aren't proposed any alternative to that. Even more so, is the people who might have questioned it or asked it would have been given literally no alternative idea to adopt.

In a free society where information is freely and openly disseminated to everyone, the truth is much easier to bear out. You bring up a good point though. Truth doesn't fear being questioned, but lies do.

>gave us the metric system

What's this "us" you're talking about, eurotrash?

The 90s one?

Unsurprising, the English version is pretty much lost media.

By which you meant he learnt the history and didn't just only listen to what his daddy told him?

post lafayettes

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>The series spans 14 years
>If Sarah was thirteen when the show's first episode by the final episode she's 26-27

>>sadam, osama, latin america
I mean, all of those instances you listed are pretty recent, and an America that was fresh out of the womb is way more isolationist than the hegemon it's been for the past 70 or so years.

By which you mean only listening to a liberal college professor biased beyond objectivity?

Marie Antoinette kind of adopted kids. Not in a literal sense since that kind of adoption wasn't around, but she had orphans or children who could otherwise not be cared for by their parents raised in the royal household. But in this case she was "gifted" an African child by a visiting dignitary, but rather than have him employed as a servant (as was typical in mainland France where slavery was technically illegal at this point) she had him baptized and raised with some women at the palace, until he was old enough to be sent to a prestigious boy's boarding school. She kept up payments for his lodgings until the family was imprisoned, at which point he was thrown out. One of his former teachers tried to keep tabs on him but he the boy eventually starved to death or succumbed to malnutrition based illness during the 1795 famine