I want to speak to your manager please

>i want to speak to your manager please

Attached: D4OJf5JWwAYXbtm.jpg (1200x675, 65K)

Is this real? are they really doing Godspeed?

Are they really going to cast August or will he just be some generic "gas all speedsters race war nao" kinda deal

Why does the Flash got the worst villains?

>Alright we need a new idea for a villain
>How about another speedster?

a literal semen demon.

STOP TRYING TO MAKE GODSPEED A THING! He's fucking terrible, forgettable, redundant, and best left forgotten

Attached: 1463949314856.jpg (480x480, 60K)

Not if Williamson stay on the Flash, and you know he will stay on the Flash

>they really did it
The madmen, I thought the title was just a wink

Did they repurpose a Spawn suit

I like him, the concept of a Flash with god complex is interesting.

It would work better if he was more powerful tho.

Huh, Looks alright

>Dumb power level fag has dumb opinion
You, stop talking. He's a shit character, and "more powerful" isn't a problem nor a fix for Speedsters given what they do already. Furthermore, you could already argue Thawne had a god complex

Is not about power lvl shit, is about the concept.

Flash powers are perfect for someone who want to play God and change the world however they see fit without anyone being able to catch them, God Complex is interesting concept and those powers fit it like a glove.

Yes, he'll be in tomorrow's episode.

But apparently he's just a one-off.

Attached: Godspeed.jpg (959x1200, 140K)

Attached: D4OJf5IWkAAJ9Q8.jpg (1200x675, 69K)

That actually looks pretty nice.

>another evil speedster
For fucks sake

It's not an interesting concept, it's tired out time travel bullshit we've had in Flash material for years. The god complex characterization itself is fucking cliche. We already have no less than four fucking evil speedsters already.

Holy shit he looks spooky, looks like the kind of horror villain that will show up the moment you start taking a shit.

>Make them more powerful
You are totally missing the point. It's about character and personality. Not muh power.

Looks like a rejected Power Ranger design.

Probably just a tease for him being the big bad next season.

Not really, GodSpeed is a way to portray someone with superpowers wanting to help the world without personal gains but while thinking himself and his cause above judgement, being free to be as brutal as possible if that means bringing justice and making the world better.

Lol Williamson is writing Flash Year One just to make August super important. He's in the franchise for good so long as Barry's in it.

Attached: ixa henshin.webm (1280x720, 2.42M)

He looks fucking great, i'm sad that he'll be just another Rival

>I like him, the concept of a Flash with god complex is interesting.

That's Savitar, not Godspeed. Godspeed is just an idiot.

He actually doesn't care about bringing justice to the world. Barry told him he fucked up and that he got it wrong about his big justice spiel and he was just like WHATEVER BARRY YOU NEED ME

CW wouldn't spend so much to give him a top-tier costume if he was just a one-off. They even reused Trajectory's suit for Jesse.

Godspeed will definitely show up again in season 6.

Imagine...someone with the power to rape every supervillain in the world in a single damn second...

Attached: GordonBTAS.jpg (640x480, 38K)

Fuck off Williamson. Do you know how many characters you just described?

Bueno already exists.

That's not Williamson. Probably some Brazillian Jason Todd fag who gets off on anything vaguely resembling an anti hero, given how he types.

And you just summed up why Godspeed is trash
>"We wanted a Red Hood Speedster"
Fucking hell

Gloves are too light tho.

We've gone two seasons without a speedster villain.

Not coincidentally, the two weakest seasons in the show so far.

Attached: The Thinker & Cicada.png (862x370, 472K)

Bullshit, this season was much better than the absolute shitshows 2 and 3 were.

Holy shit, no.

Even season 4 was better.

Season 5 had exactly five standout episodes so far out of 18, and one was the crossover.

>weakest seasons
The Thinker was kino.

>Do you know how many characters you just described?

Yeah. Something you'll see on reddit (I know I know) is every idiot with a redhood avatar popping into every Flash thread going "GODSPEED SHOULD JOIN THE OUTLAWS HE'S LIKE A SPEEDSTER RED HOOD" and it's the most insufferable shit.

>They even reused Trajectory's suit for Jesse.
If only they reused Trajectory's actress for Jesse.

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See Godspeed doesn't even fit the fucking theme of that team anyway. If they wanted a Flash stand-in, they could have went with Pied Piper or something, who's often a hero.

>i require the presence of the board of directors

Attached: FE83B4D2-7B48-4476-AB07-14ED357104B2.jpg (1024x1077, 483K)

>Openly consistently using reddit.

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>Something you'll see on Reddit
You lost me there.

why does he look like PS2 CGI all the time?

If you don't think 80+% of Yea Forums doesn't also use reddit then you're an idiot.

>he thinks this

>looks like the kind of horror villain that will show up the moment you start taking a shit.

That was Zoom since the Zooms cowl was designed with horror in mind. Godspeed just looks like White Ranger or something.

Season 4 was better than 2 and 3 combined. At least for the first half

He has a really cool name.

3, definitely.

2, nah. Season 2 was pretty hype for most of its run, it only lost steam after the Zoom reveal.

Season 4 was great until it fell into a rut of "Cicada always wins" every episode.

He's cute too...

Attached: Flash-Rebirth-August-New-Partner.jpg (1707x850, 827K)

Fuck, I meant the Thinker, not Cicada.

Thinker was pretty good before the body switch. Everything went to hell after that.

Nice cans

Not with that art.

He probably just looks like a brown version of the generic male model of whatever artist is drawing him.

It used to be really good, back when Wally was the Flash.

Attached: HunterAndRogues.jpg (494x750, 159K)

>they're actually making a Power Rangers sequel

Attached: Fuck.jpg (769x768, 42K)

Those were the times.
Now everything is shit thanks to Didio.

Attached: Rogues Abba.jpg (1074x1650, 709K)

The Rogues are fucking awesome and modern writers aren't interested in them anymore for whatever reason. Maybe it's because they're just trying to earn a buck instead of kill thousands, which dumb writers aren't into

The fuck are you on about?
They've been making Power Rangers sequels semi-consistently since forever, and Saban hasn't even scratched the surface of Super Sentai shows they can ruin. Just now they went back and ruined Go-Busters

>Modern writers aren’t interested in them anymore.
Williamson has 3 arcs about the Rogues and so does Manapul. They had 2 minis, and Captain Cold was a major character in Forever Evil.

Vendetti had an arc too.We don’t talk about that though.

I also feel like Full Stop was the strongest arc of his run coincidentally. Not good, but stronger than the other 3.

I like how they made a great looking leather suit for a speedster right after they switched Barry to a suit with lighter materials.

The season 4 suit looked great. I have no idea why they decided to change it.

Attached: Flash.jpg (765x900, 82K)

Oh god. Fuck that run. After Manapul left it took a massive nosedive.

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Think they'll ever bring Owen back or are we stuck with Digger now?

That's actually cool and I don't mind too much, Godspeed was one of the more successful recent Flash villains. Kind of like Anti-Venom, where he was new and similar but he still stood out and stuck.

I loved their dynamics. Sure they may have had smaller targets but not everything has to be some cataclysmic event.


Williamson just seems hellbent on shoving that guy down our throats. I'll take Eobard, Zoom, or hell, Rival or Inertia over him any day of the week.

Attached: Barry Awkward.png (200x345, 144K)

People like him because he has a cool suit and name. The story around him wasn't too bad but August himself is kinda lame.

>Looks like a rejected Power Ranger design.
Have you ever read a superhero comic? Look at this stupid cunt. Superhero comics are all Power Rangers tier

Attached: Doctor-Doom-Marvel-Comics-Fantastic-Four-a.jpg (500x800, 106K)

What is that from? JL8?


Attached: Barry Chair.png (188x215, 95K)

That pic is cute

The only good bit out of that was FE

My thought as well.

Godspeed, like about half of Williamson's run has been shit.

>People like him because he has a cool suit and name. The story around him wasn't too bad but August himself is kinda lame.

This. That's what I mean by he stuck, I'm not saying he's the best character ever, I'm saying he survived so far. Unlike Bloodworks and other new villains who probably aren't popular enough. Personally I like Godspeed on a superficial level, the name and design are cool. That's all you can hope for in an adaption, it looks like they did a decent job and kept him fully masked and stuff.

I just wish the existing Reverse Flashes got more screentime, be it comics or tv. Don't get me wrong, I love Godspeed's outfit and name but he lacks the impact of the other evil speedsters. No mother murders/weaponized autism, sonic boom abortions, spouse cancer, or just flat out successful speedster murder schemes.

Attached: Eobard the autist.png (1556x557, 134K)

Attached: Barry Derp.png (146x165, 70K)

So it this one

I'm in a K hole in the ICU is this real lol it shouldn't be

I... may have a folder of them.

Attached: Barry Vacuum.png (542x389, 424K)

I wish Trajectory was my waifu.

It's funny because I agree, but I like Godspeed being a bad speedster who isn't attached to Zoom/ReverseFlash. I always saw them using Godspeed on villain teams, if the bad guy wanted a speedster counter he was a more sane, easier to manage choice than RF.

RF is kind of on no one's side in DC.

I was making fun of the white ranger costume OP posted.

>Flash fans disagreeing but being civil
Love you guys.

Show me more

Please. I forgot to add please

Does Thawne even have friends? Does Hunter have friends?

Attached: Barry omg.png (277x389, 220K)


He’s here for the speed

Think this’ll snd with the unexpected burst of speedsters?

The Flash War had Thawne and Zolomon chatting about how to mess up Barry and Co. but seemed to be the most of it, seeing as it ended with Zolomon punching a monitor in rage.

Helicopters incoming.

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The dubs are blessing me tonight.

Attached: Barry Heli.png (275x256, 58K)

Daw, so close.

Attached: Barry Emo.png (133x163, 65K)

Another speedster? Don't they have any better ideas?

Now it's just taunting me.

Attached: Barry Butthurt.png (200x209, 97K)

I can imagine them scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Attached: Barry Straws.png (207x218, 106K)

I don't think so, that's what I mean. He doesn't hang out with The Legion of Doom or the Rogues or the Secret Society of Villains... He's always soloing everyone in combat, villains included.

He's like that guy who plays ganking rogue characters in games and everyone hates him because he spawn camps.

He was with The Society

Attached: B409AFEC-B438-49FB-87F8-4F73531243E6.png (699x1079, 1.59M)

Oh yeah I forgot in the newest version he was.

He looks like cum. "I came as fast as I could!"

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Did they ever beat Cicada or is it still being dragged out? I never thought I'd look forward so much to another speedster villain.

>Mom said it's my turn on the X-box

They were going to save Orlin, but future Grace came back in time to continue his mission and ended up killing him

Priest is doing his own thing. I don't think he's considered alive in The Flash right now.

I can't tell if you're joking or not.

I'm not making any of that up

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It was a pretty awful story. August's whole gimmick makes no sense.

Flash could use some more villains that have super powers instead of gadgets but Bloodworks and especially Papercut just aren't up to snuff to fight a speedster. What was the writer thinking?

Cicada got killed by his niece from the future

Saban doesn't own Power Rangers anymore, it's Hasbro

Why did they give him such a predominant bulge?

Why are they squeezing him in for one episode and not doing a multi-episode "descent into madness" type arc? Seems like a waste.

Is it weird John's wrote the best and worse flash.

Because they need to drag the Cicada story out for ten episodes more than it needed to and now they don't have time for any decent story.

So are they going to set him up as a villain from the start? Wasn't his thing that he was Barry's partner for a bit til it was revealed he has no moral compass and is killing speedsters when he takes their powers? I don't remember the storyline well

Like a hundred random people get access to the Speedforce, including Barry's friend. His friend starts killing speedsters to steal their speed because the Speedforce is stretched too thin. I don't even remember why he wanted to get even faster or how the storyline resolved at this point.

Attached: speedforce.webm (480x270, 1.29M)

He was stealing criminal's speedster powers at first, which killed them. Then he tried it on some other nu-flashes while attempting not to kill them but they still died. After that he went on a murder spree of everyone related to killing his brother then was going to kill every single villain in the Flash's rogue's gallery but Barry's speedforce asspull is better than August's speedroce asspull so he was stopped and thrown into prison and supposedly is a good boy now.

He's currently some mysterious guy's henchman, which may or may not have to do with some escapee (from the future?). I can't remember it all that clearly.

I just want Zoom to return dammit.

>We've invented like 20 speedsters
>good guys, bad guys, random alt-universers
>Really the only way to challenge the hero who is faster than death
>Didn't think we could get stupider than the Negative Speed Force
>the fans still want more
>fans still want

Attached: 2019-04-16 00_50_33-Still Force _ DC Database _ FANDOM powered by Wikia.png (892x583, 299K)

This can't be fucking real

I mean, a power of negation/entropy isn't inherently bad. The execution/name seems pretty stupid, though.

You got anymore JL8 Flash images?

It’s just what the Turtle does, just applies to a Force, Sage Force and Strength force can suck it though

this is especially retarded since the Speed Force can already slow shit down to stillness and put people/objects into stasis.

Fucking Snyder.

How does one make a good opponent to a speedster?

Stillness may be the final result of entropy, but I figurr entropy to be anything but still as it is chaos of everything going every which way. Fuck me. Morrison writing about the end of time in the 90z was better than this shit.

>inb4 Barry goes alll "Oh Eobard pls help I can't defeat this terrible speedster on my own"

didnt know Flash was a member of the KKK

Godspeed? Moar liek Codpiece.

It's Nora's brother.

Screencap this.