Shazam! Thread

What did Yea Forums love the most from Shazam?
What would you want from the sequel and Black Adam spin off which is set to film next year?
Btw,Darla is best girl.

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I mean they're obviously hinting Monster Society for the sequel. I don't mind Billy having a big Marvel family but I wish it was just Freddy and Mary who transformed and Mary and Freddy were biological siblings again.

The Foster kids are better. Darla is qt

I would like them to bring back the same director. I know the same writers are coming back but I would also like the same director. Villains should be Mister Mind and Sivana and Black Adam saves for a later movie so they aren’t too many villains. Give Mary some more screentime. Since the plot is the Seven Realms maybe they can bring in Tawny.

I don't mind Billy having a foster family, I think it's fine but you'd rather have him and Mary be Foster Siblings? I don't, speaking of the comics I mean, Idgaf in the movie since the girl playing Mary had nice tits.

If they do the seven realms, will we get the Funlands and whatnot from John’s run?

I think you mean Mary and Billy should be biological siblings and twins. Mary and Freddy should be a couple. Mary should also have a white costume. I don't know why they've been pushing her in red since the new 52. Every body else has thier own color, why have her share red?

The multicultural lieutenants are ok. they do lead to bit of cast bloat since we got six Superman tier characters when three is more manageable.

>Mary as foster sibling
Yes because then Billy could actually bang her.
>Mary is 18
>Billy is 15
Just what? A 3 year difference?

>I think you mean Mary and Billy should be biological siblings and twins
Ah fuck. Yeah, I'm sleepy. Freddy and Mary should be a couple I mean in Power of Shazam, Mary had a crush on Freddy and when Mary went into a coma Freddy dropped out of college and used all his money for her medical needs and when she became corrupted he went tooth and limb to save her.
That is weird my man.

They should have slightly different designs Imo. Not bad but could use a different costume.

>that is weird my man
Why? Why is this weird? You know what's weird? A age gap of 10 or 20 years not fucking 3 years. My gf is 2 years older than me. Why is tgis weird?

I think Billy should hook up with Darla

I’m liking the current series

Because if they have wacky multiverse adventures they'll see their parallel universe selves.


They're Parallel Selves are biological siblings! real answer tho is I'm used to them being bio siblings so them fucking is icky.
>Mary should also have a white costume
She did for a bit and yeah I agree if she's not gonna be related to Billy there really shouldn't a reason why she should have a red costume

>he isn't into incest

Out of all the things to complain about you chose that? Buddy, that’s not the weirdest thing the Multiverse offers.

I really wasn't expecting the child abandonment that shit was harsh.

Wasnt it kinda obvious tho?

So who is the 7th family member; Black Adam, Tawny, or the rabbit?

Anyone else got happy when Sivanna threw his bro off the window?

>What did Yea Forums love the most from Shazam?
I loved how it got progressively more old school Captain Marvel as it went on. The other Marvels, Billy beating Sivana with his wits, etc. I wasn't on board with a lot of the foster kid drama but fuck, the movie got so fun in the end.

Black Adam. He and Billy usually become close anyway
Boardroom scene was fucked up my man

Adam most likely.
Tawny and Marvel Bunny are associates and/or pets to the main Family.


The real question is who’s “!” ?

The Tiger

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Why is Mr.Mind so awesome?

Kek,Ancient aliens?

I loved the end lunch room scene and so did the theatre. Mr mind is great I’m surpeisef they used him. Sivana is menacing but I’m biased and I love mark strong. The Shazam family transform and fight was great and the audience cheered.

Can’t wait to see black Adam. It would be nice if Mary got a different coloured constume but I do like the red so I’m abit conflicted on that.

Shazam 2 needs tawny and giant mr mind

Black Adam should tie in with hawkman ancient alien type origin. Spin off into jsa and rann thanagar movie full on Flash Gordon shit plz

Black Adam should be in the sequel and Giant Mr Mind in the third film to,end the trilogy with abang,Mr.Mind is Shazam's biggest threat. Sivanna should start his redemption arc by the end of the second film to the end of the third film.

That would be cool what do you imagine for black Adams own film? I worry they’ll add too much jsa. Hawkman and hawk girl maybe vandal savage seem like they’d fit

I hope they bring in the Aligator men again.

Honestly my biggest concern for any sequel is them actually giving the rest of the family something to do that doesn't feel contrived, but also doesn't crowd the movie. They did a good enough job with that in Shazam, even if all the fat kid did was pick Billy's notebook out of the trash.

I think it could be kind of fun to throw each one of them through one of those doors we saw, and cut between little mini-adventures in each random ass multiverse-world in the lead up to the third act. Nothing too in depth but just like, a scene or two of each of them facing off against some weird or ridiculous threat or scenario.

Billy and Freddy are cute!

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>What did Yea Forums love the most from Shazam?
Adult Shazam, Mr Mind and I also loved how positive it was - you know, the good family and stuff like that.
Also I loved it when the bad guy killed his brother. It was satisfying.

Finally, the actress who plays Darla is hot as fuck.

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Ravioli, ravioli, do not lewd Fred and Billy.

Sweet jesus, what I would do to that woman.

You posted the wrong actress

You're a bad man, user

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She Gooooodt

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Mary kys,Darla is queen of Yea Forums

I'm glad we agree

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I just can't see Adam joining the kids and being all "good"
So I'm gonna say Uncle Dudley is gonna be introduced soon.


>I saw weird peepee stuff on Billy's phone...Funny funny!

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>giant mr mind
Fuck right off

Goddamn Frank and his 40 year old kids.

>hates the culminating moment of the trilogy

Giant Mr Mind is fucking bullshit. Give me regular Mr. Mind or fuck off.

I'm certain they'll do a MSoE situation since Mr. Mind is in the mix, so I'm hoping for the logical conclusion of a fight against a giant Mr. Atom, because I wanna see a giant robot fight.

I was expecting Mary to be smoking hot when she transformed, but her Marvel form was actually a downgrade
Meanwhile, Darla is a fucking chocolate goddess, and acting like a 8 year old juat made her adorable on top of that

So much this.

pedo quads GO AWAY

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>make Mary 18 so she'll be safe from weirdos
>but Darla,oh poor Darla
What did DC mean by this?

No you

Holy fucking based

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Meagan Good :)

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I disagree, she's too good for him.

Hot from the neck down.

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Meagan Good? More like Meagan PleasebemywifeplsplsplsIbegyou

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My thought exactly

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The number one problem with Shazam family that feels like go go power Rangers but with orphan kids

it's power rangers that feels like Shazam

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Quads for good little sisters who know how to keep secrets

>Black Adam

A loose adaptation of Justice League of America #7.4.

Kandaq is under the rule of a barbarian king named Ibac. He is cruel and oppresses the people in needless ways.

Teth Adam is a freedom fighter who wages a guerrilla war against Ibac's warriors. But he is also compassionate, and gives whatever he can take away from Ibac back to the people instead of keeping it for himself.

The wizard comes to admire Teth Adam's virtue, so he makes him the first champion. Teth Adam attacks Ibac in his palace, but Ibac's four sons rush to their fathers defense. Consumed with hatred, Teth Adam attempts to kill Ibac's sons in front of him, but Ibac leaps in front of the magic lightning to save them. Because of this act of familial love, the magic is unable to kill Ibac, and instead splits his soul into four pieces. Ibac's sons, each carrying a piece of their fathers soul within themselves, flee Kandaq. One travels to Russia, another to Spain, another to Central Asia, and the last to Italy.

Teth Adam replaces Ibac as Kandaq's dictator, and at first his rule is a peaceful one. However, he begins to lead his army in campaigns against neighboring Qurac, Bialya, and Umec. He enslaves the peoples of these lands and forces them to serve Karaq. Across the world, he is given the new name Black Adam. During one of these campaigns, one of his soldiers discovers the legendary Pandora's Box, and brings it to him.

This gets the attention of the wizard, who appears before Black Adam and demands he hand over the box so that it can be safely stored in the Rock of Eternity. Black Adam refuses, saying the box can be a valuable weapon for Kandaq's military. The wizard attacks Black Adam, who retaliates by opening the box and freeing the Seven Deadly Sins. The wizard seals Black Adam in the box and casts a spell on it. It may never be opened again as long as the wizard lives.

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>power Rangers but with orphan kids
Why hasn't this been done yet?

>Tawny Black Adam is back after centuries of exile, bring me 6 orphans with attitude.

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Time skip to modern day. Kandaq is under the rule of a petty despot who renamed himself after the legendary barbarian warlord Ibac to instill fear in the hearts of the people. He is every bit as cruel as the man whose name he has stolen.

Theodore Adam, a man who believes himself to be a descendant of the legendary king Teth Adam, sees a television broadcast of the new champion fighting Doctor Sivana in Philadelphia. He knows this means the ancient legends are true, and the wizard is dead. He digs through his pile of ancient relics, and finds a dusty old box which was never able to open. But this time the latches fall off, and Black Adam is free.

Meanwhile, in the palace, the modern Ibac is visited by the ghosts of Ivan the Terrible, Casare Borgia, Atilla the Hun, and Caligula. They introduce themselves as the descendants of the four sons of the man whose name he stole. Their spirits have been biding their time for centuries, slowly gathering scraps of magical power. Now that the first champion has been set free, they have come to take their revenge. If he wishes to truly become the successor of the legendary warlord, he need only speak the name. Their souls will enter his body, and he shall be reborn as the ultimate conqueror. "Ibac!"

Black Adam flies to the palace to free Kandaq from tyranny, just as he did in ancient times. But Ibac is waiting for him, this time with magic of his own. Ibac accuses Black Adam of being a hypocrite, as he became just as ruthless a conqueror as the original Ibac.

Black Adam defeats Ibac, but he is haunted by the truth in his enemies words. He resolves that if he is to be a better king, he must seek council from the new champion that has replaced him. This sets the stage for Shazam! 2.

>"What's a stripper?"
>"They gave me glitter!"

>Flopzam General
I guess the mods are asleep.

Anyone have any decent references of Darla's super form from the film?

>Shazam 2

A loose adaptation of the first story arc in the Shazam ongoing series. Doctor Sivana and Mister Mind travel to the Monsterlands in order to free the Monster Society. Billy Batson and his family pursue, encountering new enemies along the way such as King Kid, the Gamemaster, and the Crocodile Men. However, they also meet new allies, such as "Talky" Tawny Tigris, a friendly native of the Wildlands.

When Black Adam arrives at the rock of eternity, he sees that the door to the seven realms has been opened. He eventually finds the new champion and his companions, and is shocked to see that the wizard has entrusted the role to mere children.

However Billy and the others prove themselves in the final battle against the Monster Society. Black Adam tells them his story. Billy says that the reason why Ibac's bloodline was infused with magical powers was because the lightening resonates with family. Black Adam never had a family, and that is what ultimately corrupted him. Black Adam invites Billy and his siblings to come live with him in the palace of Kandaq, where they will become princes and princesses. Darla is very excited about becoming a princess, but Mary tells them they have responsibilities in the United States and can't go.

Billy invites Black Adam to come live with his foster family in Philadelphia, but Black Adam says he cannot abandon Kandaq after creating a power vacuum by deposing Ibac. In the end, they agree that Billy and his family will come visit. Black Adam will teach them how to use their powers, and they will teach him the magic of family.

The kids return home and awkwardly introduce Tawny to their foster parents.

At the end, some military leaders in Washington see footage of Black Adam's battle with Ibac. They agree that it's time to fast track the "Mister Atom" project.

Let me look around

This is the best I can do with cam rips available. The toy at least gives a better idea

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>black adam: set in ancient egypt (but a fantasy version of Egypt). Adam is a slave that the 7 wizards give super powers too. he frees his people but eventually turns evil and kills the wizards..except for Shazam who sends him to one of the realms

>Shazam 2: Mr.Mind/Sivana free Adam from being trapped in his realm. (introduce Tawky from the beastlands). Adam uses his wickedness to turn mary into "Black costume Mary". Billy gets Black Adam to say shazam and he turns into dust.

Shazam 3: Mr.Mind opens the monster realm and lets them lose on earth. Billy uses magic to bring adam back (they need all 7 shazam heroes...for some reason) to stop Mr.Mind from eating all of reality.

also Mark Strong plays Sivanas two kids (Jr and Georgia) by CGIing his face onto different bodies.

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Sick. Thanks user.