He...put his father, the ruler of asgard and protector of the 9 realms, in a fucking retirement center in new york city
He...put his father, the ruler of asgard and protector of the 9 realms, in a fucking retirement center in new york city
Odin had it coming
What's the fuckin obsession with NYC seriously?
It was the one place on Earth Loki was actually familiar with?
I mean, in the alternate version he was left fucking homeless
t. SEETHING socal fag
Why not Berlin.
Because Europe is a shithole and Loki secretly loves his dad?
Was there ever a reason given why they scrapped the original idea? You can see it in the trailer Hela destroyed Mjolnir in an alleyway, not in Norway
>mythical creature
>explores vast universes
>decides to do his stupid shit in a world normies recognize
for what fucking reason
Maybe to fit the Doctor Strange cameo in
Strange was already part of it, the deleted scenes have him mention Odin is in the city before going to a portapotty to retrieve Loki
Test-audiences didn't like that Odin died a crazy dirty hobo living off scraps in the slums of NYC, so they came up with a new version where he met a serene and dignified end in Norway.
Hm, dunno then, maybe it was just too much of a downer
That's a shame, since the retcons of Odin's legacy Ragnarok introduced would make that feel really fitting.
As it was, the Norway scene just had it feeling as though a big Odin scene got cut.
i wasnt even aware this happened but i totally preferred the other way it turned out, apart from the god of hammers meme
Why are test audiences complete shit all the time
That's one reason I still buy DVDs, extra content that possibly shows off neat shit like that.
Same. Odin dying as a dirty hobo would have been a fucking bummer.
They were right this time.
So why exactly did Odin go along with this, I can imagine he was grieving for Freya but Loki doesnt have the power to stop Odin from doing what he wants and I doubt Odin wanted to leave Asgard to Loki.
Last place anyone would look?
Loki ambushed him and magically erased his memories. When the spell wore off, Odin already knew he was dying and preferred to spend his last days in the fjords.
The MCU did a terrific job shitting on all the magic that the Thor stories could provide. By the third movie the asgaurdians became refugees and killed off screen by the next event.
to put it simply
Anthony Hopkins didn't want to do these films anymore
Cause the centre of the Marvel Earth is NYC
Hopkins phoned in every Odin performance and was an all-around net negative to the Thor franchise. Change my mind.
I really like this shot. Thor being the golden child sits on the same elevation and closer to Odin. Meanwhile, Loki is obscured by the larger rock and sits further from his father.
Also when he says that Frigga is calling and if you can hear it, he is facing Loki
Because marvel comics are unimaginative and boring
He only appeared in RAGNAROK due to Taika Waititi. When THE DARK WORLD came out he was more than happy to say he was done and his character was 100% dead.
It would've fit with the way he had led his life.
He propped Hela up then locked her away.
Didn't notice his heir was a bloodthirsty warmonger until it was too late and then cast him out.
Was all around shitty to Loki and kept his origins from him.
In his final moments, when he knew calamity was going to befall his sons and people, at least it showed him more humble, even willing to waste away. Remember that vikings were terrified of not dying sword in hand.
If he died a hobo in an alley without anything to his name, by choice because he was out of the spell, it shows he was in part willing to atone.
>Was all around shitty to Loki and kept his origins from him.
This I don't really buy. It seems he treated Loki very well up until Loki found out the truth and tried to conquer the Nine Realms, whereupon Odin would be justified in getting kinda' salty.
what the fuck even was Ragnarok
>It seems he treated Loki very well
In the first Thor, kinda. It's like Loki was a well treated hostage; he'd never amount to anything through Odin and yet he told him he was meant to be a king as well.
On Thor 2? Jesus, it's like he's a different person. I mean, that's because the script is shittier, but still.
Loki never tried to conquer the nine reals when he found out the truth in Thor: He renegued his origin and sought to make Odin proud by annihilating his enemies (Which is exactly what Thor wanted to do at the beginning of the movie).
Didn't Odin say his plan was for Loki to eventually reclaim the throne of Jotunheim and achieve long-lasting peace with the Frost Giants?
I don't recall it from the movie. Also, it'd be doubtful that that happens without Loki or Laufey and the other giants knowing he was a jotun.
Besides, Laufey was shooting blanks for a thousand years? How come there was no other heir?
The giants would've probably scoffed or laughed at Loki if he had tried to rule them.
odin went full zaheer when he lost frigga
but the FG cast him out as a baby. they will never see Loki other than as a puppet for Odin.
>but the FG cast him out as a baby.
Didn't Odin pick Loki up while he was raping and murdering the giants?
There's a lot of crime there, what with the crime families, and the evil super science corporations, and the mob bosses, and the secret society of ninjas, and the vampire underworld, and the high cost of living coupled with low wages for the middle class.
It takes a lot of Superheroes to keep it safe is my point.
The best Thor movie, for one.
Odin himself says in his monologue that the baby had been abandoned to die because he was so puny.
For once I agree with the test audiences.
I feel like him getting in that final farewell to Loki, that, "Yes, despite all the ways you've hurt me and continued to hurt me, you're my son and I will always love you", was the only thing that made Loki's redemption ring true.
>because he was out of the spell
I thought that wasn't the case, tho. I thought he would've died a smelly hobo who didn't recognize his own children.
Odin may have been his father but he wasn't his daddy. That was the Grandmaster.
It's stated in the movie that Odin broke free from Loki's spell (Though it took him a while, and says Frigga would be proud) but he decided not to return to Asgard, presumably because he knew his time was at an end.
It's the perfect shithole to shitcan your abusive father to.
and new york isn't?
Well stark tower was there so he wanted to tell the avengers to suck his fucking dick as he conquered the planet.
He gets to walk through those memories whenever he's in town - what might have been. It's introspective and a fantasy. So when he wanted his dad hidden away he thought of not-Asgard, then Earth, then NY. At that point it's a big why not.
Writers are obsessed with it because it's THE major US East Coast city and they're lazy so they write it as a generic clusterfuck. They'd have to put in some effort into the particulars of other cities and why do that when you can go home and play your Nintendo Switch while your wife fucks black dudes.
>Get excited about the Loki live action series with Tom
But how could they do LOKI of all things on a constrained budget?
>Series revealed to just be Loki jumping around in time on Earth making it a better place.
Ah, of course. I wanted a shitty Doctor Who and didn't even know it! Oh wait, I didn't. My disappointment is extreme.
why are people saying the test audience was wrong?
If this happened we would still have threads of butthurt about Hobo Odin to this day.
Probably so they could move Asgard to Norway after endgame. Kinda like Ohio in Siege.
"Asgard can be anywhere. Even here."
It's also more than fitting to Odin from Norse Mythology too, who was known to wear his cloak and gone wandering through Midgaard, seeking further knowledge.