>A classic of literature
Stories about the human condition of stagnation and a feeling of being stuck
>A classic of comic books
"Non-capeshit" stories of a demon punching bad guys.
How do comic books compare to other mediums
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Yea Forums what are you doing wasting your time here? James Joyce's dick isn't going to suck itself.
There's a difference between the medium and the works within it. Judging the potential of a work by the medium it's in, and vice versa, is retarded. And comparing two different mediums to try and say one is somehow "better" than the other is doubly retarded. Every medium has different limitations, and theres more than one way to tell a good story.
This thread is an even more stupid argument than the dumb East vs West bullshit we get weekly. You are literally arguing apples to oranges. Both are tasty, but sometimes I want a nice apple pie and sometimes I want an orange tart.
... you're just comparing the plots? The... art, the thing that is more than 50% of the medium of comics, holds no sway here?
Comics don't compare to other mediums just like other mediums don't really compare as well.
You can say one work feels picturesque or literary or whatever but this will always be a shortcut or a critical crutch, almost poetic language.
No one tries to compare woodcuts and painting or sculpture and sign-writing, I don't know what makes people so willing to compare vidya and comics.
If you think these things should be art, then stop trying to judge them on other mediums' strenghts and try to think of them on their own.
If like me you know there's no difference between being art and not being art, just live and let live.
You're not much better if you think "James Joyce = Yea Forums"
I only see cinema to be compared to comics.
They're both young arts that uses visuals with/over time.
>A classic of literature
"non-genre" large shitpost about nothing happening
>A classic of comic books
stories about the freak condition of desperation and not holding up to the world
the serialized nature of comic-books undermines its relevance as a form of literature while also making it unique to any other medium.
I don't know user, how does this shitpost compare to a cheeseburger
>A classic of painting
Some bitch just standing there
>A classic of music
Some dude playing the same melody a bunch of times
>A classic of sculpture
Some guy sitting down
>about human stagnation
How about you actually read the book op?
>Some bitch just standing there
Okay, honestly, I will never not be salty about the fact that the best known paintings are either generic portraits like Mona Lisa (funnily enough, only considered a famous masterpiece because of its theft, never considered anything exceptional prior) or abstract stuff that's made to be "thought provoking", but doesn't actually convey any message, while there are so many great paintings that are both well crafted AND tell a story
Reminds me of wrpg vs jrpg bait threads.
Teenagers are sl desperate to be seen as mature and intellectuals so hard it's not even funny.
Ha, I wasn't even thinking of Mona Lisa actually, just giving a generic description of a painting.
>Teenagers are so desperate to be seen as mature and intellectuals so hard it's not even funny.
It’s actually a very important part of the aging process, when you shed off immature interests and attempt to educate yourself. Not that you would understand.
Neither do those teenagers he mentions.
There are quite a few comics that contain classic stories in my opinion and I'm certain that the superhero archetype as codified in comics is already considered a classical trope.
If I was a literature professor I'd make books like Planet Hulk, Kingdom Come, and Astro City required reading and teach about sequential storytelling and comics as an artform.
Not to mention the loads of manga books (japanese comics) that are also wonderful. Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix is a masterpiece and the progenitor of Seinen fiction.
I think people limit themselves too much. Wonderful Stories and art transcend into multiple medias and resonate when we encounter them in any form. Whether they be books, movies, music, games, or comics.
Based normalfag thinking rationally.
>Planet Hulk
That's like teaching Hunger games.
>comparing literature with a medium that’s less than 100 years old
How can people not realize how retarded they sound when they say this?
>Planet Hulk
Kingdom Come is iffy but choosing Astro City means you’re based
>Stories about the human condition of stagnation and a feeling of being stuck
There are comics like that
What is the point you're attempting to make here?
I guess so... Planet Hulk is like a story that kind of reverses the monster dynamic and heroism. The beauty equals goodness trope is turned on it's head and it really explores Hulk at his most ideal and free apart from societal expectations of him as a monster and stereotyping from other heroes. Here we see Hulk at his finest and who he really is apart from Bruce Banner (Jekyll).
Hulk is actually a hero all along and not a monster, but the story ends with hulk becoming the Worldbreaker and the monster they all wanted him to be. A fine tragic hero story example!
Astro City is like a master class on deconstructing and reconstructing superhero tropes. If you want to understand archetypes and conventions in the genre then this series is where you start.
Sorry for being a nerdlinger. I love comics!
Literature also has stories about teen gangsters who are too damn impulsive to see if anything they do is a good idea.
Also it has 2-3 books written by every dumb politician or businessman who got lucky who wants to make some more money.
Classics in comics? Yeah, they exist too
>Fredrick Wertham seething
>A gay man illustrating Oscar Wilde stories
oh yeah I'm sure Wertham wouldn't have a field day with that one
that being said holy fucking shit why isn't Russell better known, one of the most underrated artists in comic history (even though the man has a procession of awards, his Elric work has marked like very few works of art ever and it's still the one comic that completely cured a hangover of mine.
Actually, since we're talking about him (or at least I am), I would love some recommendations similar to his work or the Studio guys, I can only name it that "American Heavy Metal" style of guys, if you know what I mean.
It's said the creators of O Brother Where Art Thou never read Homer's The Odyssey, but read the comic adaptation.
As a person who reads both lit fiction/belles lettres and comics I'd like to post about comics I think are good to be next to the western canon but OP is just bainting and he deserves nothing but being shot.
t. fart-sniffer
>not a substitute for going back to fucking school
Why would you stick something so genuinely funny on such an awful edit?
Did someone say classic comics?
Normalfags don't read comics
>MFW I was recommended this chart
WTF happened guys? Why do you have to do this to me?
>holy fucking shit why isn't Russell better known,
2 reasons, he is not a writer and he doesn't do superheroes. Sad but he is one of the most underappreciated artists in the genre
Even cinema blows comics out of water. What is the taxi driver, clockwork orange of comics?
>If I was a literature professor I'd make books like Planet Hulk, Kingdom Come
>clockwork orange
How do you mean, in terms of subject matter? Because there's a buttload of distopian violent comics about how we live in a society.
>If I was a literature professor
If I were a literature professor
Yea comics are some serious shit mirite
>What is the taxi driver
Steve Gerber's Foolkiller. Please go read it.
What's L'incal, La Nuit, who's the José Roosevelt, Umezu Kazuo of movies ? Comparing isn't throwing names.
Let's find works that have a foot in each medium, like blutch's Peplum, that's largely influenced by Fellini's Satyricon, or Maruo's shojo tsubaki with Terayama's cinema and actually talk about them for a start. Any suggestions ?
Roflmao at all the defensive cucks in this thread.
There literally is no highest form of fiction than epic prose. You need to get over yourselves and accept that comicshit is for actual, literal underage children. There shouldn't even be a board for it on this site.
>you need to accept something that is objectively wrong
I know this is bait but work harder.
>epic prose
But epics are written in verse?
Lyrics are written in verse faggot shitstain idiot retard.
You need to be 18+ to post on this website kid.
Nah I'm pretty sure they're all poems
>Illiad, poem
>Odyssey, poem
>Aenid, poem
>Beowulf, poem
Not prose, bro
>You need to be 18+ to post on this website kid.
No u.
>implying you comicshits have read any of the epics
Lmao at your loser bitch life loser.
Well I clearly know more about than you do just based off of this conversation.
You may enjoy reading P. Craig Russel's comic version of the Ring of Nibelung opera. Give it a try, user!
stop feeding
is right.
we could have decent threads even with OP faggotry if you just stopped responding to him, just saying.
I guess I should read Mort Cinder.
Breccia comics are a pain to find though. Online seems easier
Looks to be 24 euros, not hard to find at all.
I'll mention that one user made a thread for the 100th anniversary, that passed to the archives quite unnoticed
Your problem is the Hellboy isn't a "classic" anywhere outside of Yea Forums.
Planetary, Conan (Thomas and Busiek runs), Hitman, Moore's Swamp Thing, The Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck, and anything Miller did in the 80s are legitimately excellent fiction. There are a number of others as well. Your problem is that you're using Yea Forums standards to judge what's "classic", and since 90% of Yea Forums literally came here from reddit, this board's standards are literally memeshit and faggotry.
>James Joyce
An utter meme. Might as well go try and suck off Herman Hesse while you’re at it.
I’m going to read comics because I’m a STEM chad that makes more money than your stupid barista ass and understand that entertainment like books and comics are subjective while engineering is not.
nigga both of those are overrated
>Herman Hesse
I remember my dad telling me was super hyped to read Steppenwolf because he thought it was about a werewolf.
Hellboy is a classic everywhere, get out.
The american stuff you quoted appart from Miller's isn't though. You're the meme here
>Saga of the Swamp Thing and Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck
>not classics
Not worlwide. Go get a japanese and ask him if he read Life & Times. And I only ever found wein/wrightson's swamp thing in libraries
Hellboy never sold for shit. You're obviously from reddit, as your "opinions" are memes that have no basis in reality.
> Go get a japanese and ask him if he read Life & Times.
This applies to Hellboy as well though, Japan's comics culture is very different from that of the rest of the world's.
>And I only ever found wein/wrightson's swamp thing
Nobody is talking about that though, and you know it.
You're completely ignoring sales, dude. You're also obviously too young to have read those comics when they came out and don't remember how well received they were and how strong their reputation was for years or even decades.
By that same standard there is no such thing as classic manga, since only weebs read that shit outside of Japan.
This. Osamu Tezuka is a literal who in America so his works are completely irrelevant compared to Hellboy.
>muh nips
How embarassing.
Glad you picked Dubliners and not Ulysses. That shit is trash. Both Mrs Dalloway and At Petersburg did what Ulysses did, but much better..
Also Joyce is a fast sniffing Prado.
Also if we're just being vague then
>Classic piece of literature
A bunch of stories about paddies doing nothing.
>Classic comic
A series about the occult and demonology and the stresses of being different and not fitting in with 'normal' society, and dealing with loss and heartbreak.
ah, I meant I never found moore's, only wrightson's.
I guess you're right about the argument being too much. I always tought mignola was an artist's favorite though.
Melville died without fame and all his manuscripts were rejected because he sold very little after moby dick's fiasco
Not to mention mesuring anything with sales is unholy.
>only weebs
what about actors of the comic world ?
Op is a faggot.
Joyce is dead and irrelevant. Should compare comics to modern artists like Tao Lin, the greatest writer of our generation. He understands the complexities of literature and didn't just write any old shite because he was drunk and missed his wife's arsehole.
Redpill me on Tao Lin.
I dunno, Akira is pretty popular manga even for people who don't read manga. Maybe the movie, maybe the fact it was released here reading right to left (I still think flipping manga should still happen today, fuck weeks), but either way many American writers and artists will mention it as a favourite comic.
>I still think flipping manga should still happen today, fuck weeks
This is such a weird thing to do though, it doesn't take any more effort to read them from right to left than it does reading left to right.
Up to, but not including Richard Yates Tao Lin and the new sincerity movement, or 'alt-lit' scene was filled with smart, funny, but for the most part grounded novels and short stories.
Personally I'd recommend Scott McClanahan over Lin. He writes some nice comfy stories about growing up in the southern state small towns,.
Maybe because I rarely read manga, but coming from comics and novels, to manga I always feel I need to readjust my senses and it makes the first few pages a chore. It's not a major deal and I guess it's the equivalent of dubbing a foreign movie for dumb cunts, but id rather just be able to fire in.
If I read manga more consistently it probably wouldn't be an issue.
If you don't read manga why do you want to ruin it for everyone else? You're mean.
Hellboy is a classic only because it is escapist fantasy without being called capeshit, so people can read it without any burden or guilt of being called a capeshitter. Love and Rockets, Stray Bullets, Concrete,
Cerebus are a million times better than Hellboy. There are hundreds of comics better than Hellboy, but they aren't famous because they don't have a hero punching the bad guys. Hellboy is famous only because it is a fucking franchise at this point.
> Learn about
>please take me serious for real!
It is nothing like Taxi driver. It is more similar to Falling down. Taxi driver is more than just a realistic vigilante movie.
Fine, comics suck. I admit it.
I'm a self centered asshole.
I grew up post 911 what do you want from me, to be like the rest of my generation and pretend I'm not self serving?.
Hellboy is a superhero user.
Lit is simply better at everything beside capes and a few other super visual genres. It’s not even a topic
Excuses! Just read more manga and get used to it.
Th-those eyebrows.
Why are we using bellboy as classic comics?
Why not The Goon, or the vertigo titles (yes vertigo has hundreds of titles, but when people say vertigo, you know the books I'm talking about).
The fuck's Goon and Vertigo? There's no movies about them.
>There's no Goon movie
I fucking hate you, thanks for reminding me that movie is never coming out. I heard they were almost finished it too.
I actually have read Beowulf. Not the original, but the prose adaptation in the collection ‘Medieval Myths’, for whatever that counts.
Literally most mid tier capeshit. Hollywood is trash tier media.
I dunno, prose can do some pretty solid capes. The Wild Card series is popular for a reason.
It's not a topic because it's a self-fulfilling value judgement, same way people consider drama better than comedy.
Yup. Claiming an artform or a genre is inherently superior is retarded when they don't have the same criteria to be considered good in the first place. Like saying comics are superior to litterature because of their superior art and panelling.
You'd have a point if comicfags weren't so desperate to pretend Akira is a comic and the fact that it shows on every list of top comics, easily in the top 10 too.
I never quite got the whole manga =/= comics thing. They’re literally just Japanese comics. Fuck, manga is the word FOR comics over there. Weebs did it back then to seem superior, but what concerns me now is that American comic book fans are now claiming the same exact thing because they know that the current industry and market is a shitshow and can’t compare to glorious Nippon or anyone else.
Different industries. People like to separate movies into favorite from x country or by genre.
Anyway, you'll never see anyone mention a comic in his list of favorite manga, but you will see manga in top best comics list from different assholes on the internet as well as sites specializing in comic book reviews and news.
Probably because "manga" has a narrower definition as "comics from japan" on the western internet, there's no reason to include non-japanese comics.
Does it? Because it's just you being ignorant using the american word of comics for them while other countries call them band desine or manga because that's their word for it.
user literally everyone everywhere uses manga to refer to Japanese comics
t. European who reads more manga than western comics
Because manga is manga, or as you would put it, japanese comics.
Comics are american and perhaps british comics.
>american and perhaps british comics
Also Tintin, Asterix, Corto Maltese, Italian Duck comics, the strips in the newspapers, all of it. It's all comics. But manga is manga. Manga is comics, but comics is not manga.
It's bande dessinee. Every country has a word for it.
I'm French you asswipe. In Western parlance, including in France, "manga" specifically means "comic/BD/whateverclocalword from japan".
Did you mean lists by Japanese people about their favorite manga?
Yes, but when an American says "Bande dessinée", they mean Franco-Belgian comics specifically.
When a Frenchman says "comics" [en Français dans le texte], they mean American comics, even if in French comics and manga are BD.
In this context, we're speaking English, so "comics" is the general word for sequential visual storytelling.
He’s just a retard who refuses to understand what’s spelled out for him, it’s time to stop responding.
Didn’t those guys all like to fuck teenagers?
What are you trying to say here?
That’s why Yea Forums likes them.
I'm french, they're all bande dessinée, Superman, Batman, Spider-man, it's bande dessinée here.
Comics are still mostly in their infancy compared to books and much less popular. I doubt they'll ever catch up, but they can still serve their current purpose.
I know, I'm French. Please stop acting retarded on the internets.
Dumb ignorant amerifat.
Always happy to see another Terayama fan.
You and the Craig Russel guy are the only decent posters ITT.
>that guy who thinks he has nothing left to learn because he already knows everything
Uh oh.
Shitty thread was worth reading this, good one.
Would World War Hulk be included?
Stop trying to join this terrible class. Run away while you still can!
>I love comics!
Correction, you love cape comics.