Why did he kill everyone, Yea Forums?

Why did he kill everyone, Yea Forums?

Will Tom King make Wally become the biggest hero killer of all time a compelling and sensible story?

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Wally killed everyone in Sanctuary but because Poison Ivy is a plant lady you can just plant her and she'll regrow. Wally probably used speed force to accelerate the growth like he does metabolism to heal.

Wait why would Wally do that?
I thought he died there and Harley was being framed for it and managed to escape Batman and Clark and Diana.

the fuck is sanctuary

He's sad that Barry erased his kids from existence and his wife's memory.

Super secret, superhero therapy ward that is very bad at doing its job.

You can't kill someone who isn't real, They're an anomaly of time, a speed force aberration, quickly replaced as easily as they could be washed away. Barry taught him that.

Been avoiding heroes in crisis like the plague so don't know shit. Still sad they're doing this to wally even tho the whole point of rebirth was to make things right.

Heroes in Crisis shits all over Rebirth,

Attached: Heroes in Crisis (2018-) 006-005.jpg (1988x3056, 1.41M)

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ikr, the direction they took was so odd. I mean I even thought with the new Titans book having Wally in it and finding his way back that we'd get some semblance of pre FP shit but quality of the books just went to a hard nosedive. I use to spend like 100 dollars on DCshit a month now I spend like 10 bucks.

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>Wait why would Wally do that?
He didn't and the people who said he did are not paying attention.

Tom King's psychiatry session that we pay to read for some reason

I hope to god all of this bullshit is retconned and promptly ignored

He did, bro.

Who did? Please explain it to me

It will in a few years. I'm just waiting for the next universe reboot user. Shit is so unbearable right now, especially sad about Superman Mythos being trashed, I mean the whole Super Family at the start was executed pretty well but when Bendis got a hold of the book, damn did it took a nosedive

>who did?
We don't know yet but my bet is on Hunter zolomon.

>Hunter Zolomon
You mean the guy that hasn't shown up in the book yet? Not even named?

Oh, sweet child...

See, you weren't actually paying attention.

Because he's CUHRAZY

He didn't between this and the solicits I'm betting Sanctuary's AI went insane(possibly as a result of dealing with wally; It had an existential crisis after realizing Wally wasn't crazy and had actually had his family erased from existence without being able to anything) and killed everyone.


>You mean the guy that hasn't shown up in the book yet?
Yeah, that's why it's a murder mystery because the identity of the murderer is a mystery.

Solicit for #8

>You've seen all the clues. You've heard the testimony and eavesdropped on the secret confessions of the World's Greatest Super Heroes. Now, with the killer revealed, it's time to find out why. What could have driven a hero to the brink, to turn a savior into a murderer? Rifts will form between old allies, and the trinity of Wonder Woman, Superman and Batman will have their leadership challenged and will question their own judgement. Sanctuary has become something they never imagined...and it's still potentially carrying on without them!

Sorry my dude, my Wally is the killer. The mystery got resolved already. It's Wally.

That’s not how Ivy works!

Introducing the culprit early is one of the rules to writing a good murder mystery story
Unfortunately, HiC isn't a good story so who knows

>Oh, sweet child...

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For it to be a proper murder mystery the murderer would have to be in the story from the beginning and there should be at least one clue pointing out to him.

>Sanctuary has become something they never imagined...and it's still potentially carrying on without them!
Yeah, This is EXACTLY what has me thinking Sanctuary went Brother I on on everyone.

Modern writers can’t do whodunnits

ITT: youtube.com/watch?v=YV4oYkIeGJc

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Till you actually read the story you can't confirm that it's Wally, Solicits are meant to incite buyers.

>Introducing the culprit early is one of the rules to writing a good murder mystery story
Not in a shared universe.
>there should be at least one clue pointing out to him.
Oh there has.

>Oh there has.
Where? He wasn't even named.

It's a Z, Z for Zoom.

Attached: heroes-in-crisis-7-cover-1150238.jpg (600x911, 133K)

Or it is a lightening bolt for Flash.

Oh, you sweet, sweet honey-boo, boo, babbly boo.

How hard is it to follow Ronald Knox's Decalogue?
>Knox's "Ten Commandments" (or "Decalogue") are as follows:

>The criminal must be mentioned in the early part of the story, but must not be anyone whose thoughts the reader has been allowed to know.
>All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course.
>Not more than one secret room or passage is allowable.
>No hitherto undiscovered poisons may be used, nor any appliance which will need a long scientific explanation at the end.
>No Chinaman must figure in the story.
>No accident must ever help the detective, nor must he ever have an unaccountable intuition which proves to be right.
>The detective himself must not commit the crime.
>The detective is bound to declare any clues which he may discover.
>The "sidekick" of the detective, the Watson, must not conceal from the reader any thoughts which pass through his mind: his intelligence must be slightly, but very slightly, below that of the average reader.
>Twin brothers, and doubles generally, must not appear unless we have been duly prepared for them.

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>>No Chinaman must figure in the story.

It had to do with the "The Chinaman did it" being just as common as "The Butler"

>Knox explained, "I see no reason in the nature of things why a Chinaman should spoil a detective story. But as a matter of fact, if you are turning over the pages of an unknown romance in a bookstore, and come across some mention of the narrow, slit-like eyes of Chin Loo, avoid that story; it is bad."

Fucking Chinamen killing and cucking everyone.

>...and it's still potentially carrying on without them!
I still think it's most likely Wally (and i'm pissed about it) but this line is fairly ominous. Maybe the computer made Wally THINK he killed everyone? But there was some bullshit? idk, I hope not since they telegraphed it as being him WAY too early on for it to be a surprise to anyone


But swerve its someome else.

Prob linda a.i

Attached: heroes-in-crisis-suspect-list-jean-loring-1136122.jpg (655x328, 33K)

AI had Wally murder simulacrums of his friends to show his moment of doubt and confusion had severe consequences.

Except they're dead in other titles. A.i encouraged
Wally into killing computerized versions of the sanctuary people. As a stress release excercise.

But oops they're real.

Barry killed 2 universes or possibly more when he caused Flashpoint and then unmade Flashpoint. Wally ain't going nothing on Barry.

nice buns

Was dr.m and pandora.

Ivy isn't Groot

Or its an S for Sanctuary and it went all Brother Eye on them.

these sidekicks were the red headed step child

>good continuity
Pick one.

King has the shittiest dialogue.

Please, even that broad who killed Sue Dibny in Identity Crisis was properly introduced.

Heroes in Crisis confirmed worse than Identity Crisis.

You and me both, user.
It'll be brushed under the rug and rightfully ignored... I hope.

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Even if everything up to the reveal is a red herring, the murderer is still named somewhere before the reveal in every murder mystery ever. King is not going to require everyone to read flash War to know who killed everyone.

That was the New 52. Barry caused Flashpoint which killed the old universe and then required the death of the Flashpoint universe. Even in Rebirth, when Wally is saying it's not his fault, he still says that Barry's time travelling opened the door for things to get fucked. Barry is very, very responsible.

Does Tempest fly?

Nope. But it's a simulation so maybe Wally is just being stupid. Or it's one of those weird superhero splash pictures where he's jumping or something.

>>No accident must ever help the detective
This is true of stories in general, your protagonist can't win the day by chance, which way too many writers ignore.

Eh, it depends. In comics sometimes the hero winning by luck keeps the villain established as a threat next time they fight. Usually it's better of the luckiness is established prior for some reason, though.


>shitty dialog
>copypasta art
Jesus ... King really is going Full Bendis.

The writing on the walls point to a more logical suspect

>I'm just waiting for the next universe reboot user. Shit is so unbearable right now
I have to wonder how far off that will be given the combination of the drop in sales of the comics as they've edged back into GrimDerp territory at the exact same time that they've had massive success with Aquaman and Shazam by going the other way with it and making goofy comic book movies that are mostly just fucking FUN?

>dat last panel, tho
Reminds me of something else ...

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Oh look, a speed reader.

Sorry user, Didio likes crap like this. Identity Crisis kept getting it's stink all over the DCU right up to Flashpoint.

Wally used time manipulation to help Ivy regenerate or reversed time to a point where she was alive.

I have no idea what the other Wally's deal is. Evil Speed Clone? Crazed Evil Future Wally?
Everything in the story seems to hint at Wally(or some broken version of him)being the killer.

If he isn't the murderer, he'll probably be framed.

Definitely the regenerate one. She was human looking before death and she's grown out of that flower into a completely plantlike person.

Wally 2 is something to do with time travel. That's the one that's going to go back and die.

And if sales tank and fans voice outrage?

If the second Wally goes back and dies, what happens to the original?

DC fans are... well, either battered wives or dumb as fuck. It's hopeless.
I miss niggas like HEAT. Those were the true niggas. They didn't fuck around.

Copying the art could have actually worked well as way to show what Wally was feeling, but the dialogue is fucking stupid.

It's possible to cause brief change, like Rebirth, but the instant they think they've got things stabilized they'll backslide. They want things teir way and at best they're only willing to make brief compromises. Unless Didio dies in a car crash or something we're never going to see permanent change. Our only other hope for actual change is that WB gets fed up paying for an idea factory and just shuts down DC in house and gives some other publisher reprint and occasional graphic novel rights.

>battered wives
My LCS's sales can confirm that. People rage but they buy both the regular and variant covers and they aren't the buy-to-sell flipping sorts.

Hell, I'm a retarded DCfaggot who's a fucking masochist. I hate HiC but I want to see how it ends so I can rage.

It's either a Flash logo, a Z for Zoom, or an S for Sanctuary.
That or a comic sales line graph.

Sales don't reflect that. It's got awful orders for an event.

>I hate HiC but I want to see how it ends so I can rage.
Just read the storytimes

It's not an event though, it's a mini.

>It's possible to cause brief change, like Rebirth, but the instant they think they've got things stabilized they'll backslide. They
This is the bit I don't understand.

I mean: Marble went FULL SJW ... and the sales tanked. So they canned Alonso and brought in Shogun Akira.

I mean: they're back to doing shitty line-wide Big Events with WotR already, so I'm not pretending that it's all sunshine and roses over there; but they rolled the top head ( and with the new Hickman-X stuff I wouldn't be surprised if they're gonna do something similar with the X-Office given that they've clearly decided to cut the current direction waaaaay short ).

>they've had massive success with Aquaman and Shazam
I mean: I know people REEEE over Muh Synergy around here; but Christ on a crutch the whole deal with DC has always been being the more idealistic and hopeful of the Big Two.

>the whole deal with DC has always been being the more idealistic and hopeful of the Big Two.
Since fucking when? The honest to God truth, user, is that this belief doesn't come from the comics themselves. Since the silver age DC has doing its best to out-edge Marvel to prove to readers they aren't daddy comics anymore. That sentiment of yours probably come from the cartoons. DC has been edgy since the 70s. DC natural state is edgyness.

god i would fertilize her eggs until the end of the universe

They literally gave it the Crisis name and marketed it like an event. It's gotten tie ins and shit, too, though not as many as your bog standard big bad guy event of course.

>It's gotten tie ins and shit, too
And was clearly supposed to be affecting mainline continuity: Roy being dead was brought up in Green Arrow right after the first issue or two were out.

Same with Titans.

And a couple months later in Flash and then Flash again and Batman.

>How hard is it to follow Ronald Knox's Decalogue?
This is funny because it took Umineko to introduce it, and later on the resolution of Umineko's mystery depends on one of these literary sins.

>compelling and sensible

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Source of the image, please

Are you retarded?

Should be a time loop, right?

One Wally goes back and dies, the other Wally lives out until he confronts Wally and Ivy and then goes back and dies. Thats why the Wally with Ivy knows he's about to die right after this. He's seen this already as the second Wally.

>Wait why would Wally do that?
bad writing

>given that they've clearly decided to cut the current direction waaaaay short ).
Have they? Hickman's stuff is just two miniseries, so its just a 3 or 6 month event book really. Rosenberg's shitstain of a run is still going to go on, I imagine.

Wally a shit.

Someone please edit Roy to say "You're gay."

So who is/are the Puddlers? Or is that Wally too.

She was trying to write M for Martha just to troll Batman one more time.

That's zoom.

It's a swastica she couldn't finish
She died hating jews and niggers

The Puddlers were mentioned but we were never told who they are.I've seen some people say that the Puddlers were the people who died at Sanctuary.

Honestly, I think they're a red herring to cook readers.

Sale did tank and fans did go crazy.

We're in the Endgame now.