Unpopular Opinions that won't get you banned so keep it civil
Gods and Monsters is the best thing DC did since the mid 2000's
Unpopular Opinions that won't get you banned so keep it civil
Gods and Monsters is the best thing DC did since the mid 2000's
Gravity Falls is overhyped tripe that doesn’t really deserve its fandom, with cliches and unlikable characters
The Great Mouse Detective is not only unbelievably underrated but it could be a top 5 Disney film
Comicbook movies don't need to be comic-accurate.
The CGI Clone Wars series is waifu bait garbage. Whereas Genndy's is the best thing in the entire Star Wars franchise outside of the OT.
MCU Thanos is the best iteration of the character.
>Geoff Johns is a good writer that has contributed a lot over the years and naturally has his fair share of bad ideas here and there
>Brian Azzarello's Wonder Woman was a good run
>There are no such thing as bad characters, just bad writers
>The Nolan Batman movies are overrated. Good films, but not the best we can do with Batman films
>Most if not all live action comic shows are trash, save MAYBE Doom Patrol
>Old canon can sometimes prevent new, arguably better ideas, from being accepted. Just because a concept started as one thing does not mean its automatically better than every take that follows it.
>The TMNT is mostly shit, with a few okay ideas sprinkled throughout several incarnations.
>Shazam is a better name than Captain Marvel
>Most of Batman's villains are only good for like 3 stories, tops.
>"Batman can't be Batman unless he's unhappy" is stupid.
>Yea Forums will drop Kamala Kahn the minute she's an adult
>Bruce Wayne is just as important/interesting as Batman
>Beast Boy fucking sucks
If you refuse to read from an entire publisher/genre/country you’re a big homo.
There should be more slice of life content.
Diamond is alright actually, many smaller companies would die without it. What we need is alternatives. Bookstores and cons are the future.
Avengers 3 was such a bad movie, we should all stop supporting the MCU for a while...although not because we're all afraid of girls.
(Also it doesn't immediately follow that saying something bad about Marvel/DC means you shamelessly love all the content of the other.)
Dubs confirm the truth
>Yea Forums will drop Kamala Kahn the minute she's an adult
>Implying she’ll ever age to adulthood.
I agree with these.
Pocahontas is a truly underated movie the mixes aniamtion and color very well. Colors of the wind is one of the best songs, pure kino
>>There are no such thing as bad characters, just bad writers
>>Beast Boy fucking sucks
wtf dude
I probably should have rephrased that, yeah. I just really hate Beast Boy getting press while Animal Man, B'wana Beast, and Vixen get the short end of the animal theme stick for the most part
Only the weak MCU movies follow their famous "Formula"
>B'wanna Beast
My introduction to him was in Batman Brave and The Bold. Does he have any good stories
>Animal Man
Please don't bring Buddy back.
Writers will just trample over him.
Just be happy he had a happy ending.
Kingdom Hearts is the best most creative and artistic thing Disney and Square are doing right now and is also a better Star Wars than modern day Star Wars and Kairi is the best Disney Princess and KH3 was a great game and it treated Kairi well.
user, Kingdom Hearts is bad fanfic, and I'd hardly consider mashing Disney movies, Final Fantasy, and anime together in a retarded fashion creative or even good.
>>There are no such thing as bad characters, just bad writers
I disagree. If you just have a one character then I believe they are bad if too much focus is put on them and the plot+setting evolve without them.
>There should be more slice of life content
They should be spaced out or used as set up. I'd rather we have slice of life in settings that once were action, mystery, porn, adventure. To give context and help make use of worlds.
Not unpopular opinions.
Russos are overrated, Marcus and Mcfeely don't get enough credit for what they do.
Genndy's Clone Wars is a collection of mildly interesting vignettes and hampered by the massively inconsistent abilities of the characters between, and sometimes within, episodes. Also Grevious has never been a particularly interesting villain and his threat in the series is mostly due to every single Jedi being written as idiots when facing him rather than the character presenting an actual challenge to them.
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths is better.
Bendis' Action Comics is actually pretty good outside of a few admittedly questionable moves (the awkward pacing of the opening, the somewhat questionable characterization of Lois) and I'm genuinely looking forward to Leviathan Rising.
I'm really not feeling his Superman though. I can get over Jon being aged up but the plot so far has been sub-par and poorly-paced.
>Better name than "Captain Marvel"
Opinion discarded.
>Gods and Monsters is the best thing DC did since the mid 2000's
Along with Batwoman Elegy & John's Aquaman.
t. Filoni fag