How come no one has tackled a existential horror for the Big 2 yet? It seems each event, characters like Capt...

How come no one has tackled a existential horror for the Big 2 yet? It seems each event, characters like Capt. America and Batman are dealing with a new creation-myth that defies their beliefs and writers shrug it off. I think there's an interesting tale to be told there,
how a beloved character processes that. I think back to Cap's line from Avengers 1: "There's only one God, ma'am, and he doesn't dress like that." Just be mindful that it doesn't slip into the mistakes Heroes in Crisis and other small epics are making. It doesn't necessarily have to be grim or mimic Moorisms, just be clever about it.

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>I've never read anything from Vertigo: The Post

OP, broaden your reading material before posting

Ewing's Mighty Avengers
Doom That Came to Gotham
Batman: Gothic
Batman: Dark Knight Dark City

These might be up your alley. There's more, but these are the first things that came to mind.

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Read more. This is a common theme in big two capeshit.

What’s this from?

Sandman and Hellblazer, forgot the other titles. Animal is only partially what I'm looking for.
I said the Big 2 because they are the flagships of the industry and represent the state of it. We're far enough where no story is truly original at this point but now it's just too derivative. Ewing's take on the Hulk is refreshing and I'd like to see more in the vein of.

4th wall breaks are done to death, ive read the "Readers are cruel gods" shtick too many times.

Marvel had The Thanos Imperative. Shuma Gorath is actually far more powerful than the games let on. Also the ones mentioned here . Alan Moore's Swamp Thing was almost entirely existential horror.

You do realize Sandman is technically part of DC, right?

Fair enough.
This is mostly only a side story in The Filth though.
The rest of it is an allegory about Jesus (the same way The Invisibles was an allegory about The Bhudda.)
Pic related, later on you find out that The Crack is really just a knocked over trashbin from when Greg Feely overdosed on pills.
This black sun is the eye of god which is Jesus which is Greg Feely which is an everyman character who is you.

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Pic related.
Unsure if Spartacus Hughes is supposed to be the antichrist or is also redeemed in some way.
Also the previous panel is when Greg Feely metaphorically triumphs over the forces of time=death (recall Heisenberg's quote of I am become death (time) destroyer of world's) from the Bhagavad Gita.)

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Thanks, I was trying to think of more Marvel ones and completely forgot that one.

I don't think I realized the first time reading this that Spartacus Hughes is repeating what he did with the I-Life in this issue again with the world in miniature (on an arc of course...).
But anyway it's clear to me that Grant Morrison is trying to play with a sort of strange loop here and the idea of the universal connectedness and importance of everything.
I also imagine him being really high.

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Anyway though we're supposed to take it as a joke I'm starting to think there is some truth to the idea that Feely's going through some kind of strangeTibetan Bardo experience.
All to wake up to the reality that he's a spooky ghost who's already dead or some shit.

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>"Readers are cruel gods
Wouldn't make more sense if the Writers where cruel gods? they are the one torturing the heroes with shitty stories trying to amuse the public, when in reality having enjoyable stories seems to be what people really want.

The zenith of existentialism is realizing that life itself is a vector given to you so you can understand questions that arise through the natural causality of life (such as where we came from and what are we), by meeting the circumstances.To be the iron sharpening iron, or salt of the earth as the Bible so eloquently puts it. Existentialism is only the lot of deists and other people afraid of adopting any belief because it'd mean divesting these fragile paradoxes they believe in. And because of their shaky constitution of morality and self-indentity this is all they have. Example, Yea Forums's sin is that they subscribe to the idea that someone's success (Alan Moore or Grant Morrison) is equatable to being erudite on a topic. To other people free of such pathologies the topic has no distinction with the framework of fiction; it's merely a muse to suspend disbelief. It's just you guy who buy everything at face value who take it seriously when what you crave is religion.

I will stop here because I don't think your brains could cope with the direction the topic takes from here.

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You're ignorant.

No, we are your slaves.
We turn the page until our hands are empty.

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First Sentry mini actually comes pretty close