Fuck you mods
ITT: Yea Forums guys you would fuck to oblivion
Other urls found in this thread:
Figure me out, I guess
Was a mod upset because I told her up that fujoshits have no good taste in men compared to real gay men on Yea Forums?
Is it weird that while his ass is an actual, legit, 20/10 i still want him on top?
What happened to the first one?
It got deleted for no reason
Just came back from the archive, it seemed to be polluted with guessing the genders of whoever posted shit and the meaning of certain terms. Yeah, I can see why. I haven't been to much waifu threads, so I can't really say it's not normal but I can sort of see why
So you would fuck Yea Forums mods to oblivion?!
we bakc
>I think the OP's gay, Statler.
>You think he's ever tried not being gay?
>Who knows? If he posts here, I don't think he's tried being gay much either.
I wonder how would his grassy ass feel
I'm a woman
Reafirming vers best boy
>You hear that, Statler? The OP's a woman!
>You never can tell on the internet.
>Or in person, for that matter.
This but completely unironically
He needs more porn
Gay men sort of have an internal split as well. One group hovers over the chub and hunk aestethics while the other is closer to the twink looks.
The fujos generally prefer the twink as well, so there is an area of ambigous overlap.
Pic unrelated
Your just mad because no one wants to fuck you to oblivion
Thank you brave OP for risking for us gays and gals by remaking the thread, I was just about to post Eugene when I found out it was deleted for no reason
>She has a point. When was the last time anyone wanted to fuck you, Statler?
>It's been a while. The last time it happened, he thought I was the OP.
No problem
I like that style, but tumblr is a bitch for sourcing back images. Artist?
too fucking based
I wish I could help you user, but I literally found it on google, and even if I hadn't I don't keep the source because I'm too messy to manage
Please tell me you have more migulio I beg of you
I don't care if he's heavily used goods. Mako is worth the sloppy sevenths and eighths. Something about caring big brothers who DON'T TAKE SIDES just screams perfection.
Why is he so perfect?
Sure go ahead and marry the town bike. Even his brother had him
Good one
It's not fair bros the movie should've ended with the ot3 we deserved
where the FUCK are my kurtfags?
Hell yes.
>You know, Statler, they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
>Judging from that angle, hers is worth ten thousand.
I'm still mad.
It's true imgur.com
stop shitting up a guy thread you attention craving slut
Mako was just guy who couldn't say no. He acted like everyone's older brother and instead of evaluating whether his partner was his equal he tried to be the bigger man. The bigger brother. Korra getting advice from that home-wrecker airbender-fanatic called Tenzin's wife just fucked everything up.
Despite Mako being the "town bike" no one knew how to ride him. Even when he puts up with everyone's bullshit and adds training wheels to the relationship these fucks can't hack it. Boy was too pure.
Mean to post this pic. Since the cat's out of the bad, yeah, I do ship Lin and Mako. Fuck everyone else
>autist op fighting with a pair of literal faggots
I meant to write puppets, what’s wrong with me?
Sssh that works better
I love these guys
I want to do Scooby-Doo.
>Wow! That girl's quite the looker, huh, Statler?
>Sure, so long as you're not looking at her face.
this dude must have mega nuts
So how long into faking exasperatedly "teaching" Bolin how you give it right to a girl did it take for him to start moaning?