Why do they bulli her

Why do they bulli her

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The bigger question is why do her breasts look bigger in the Titans episode than in her actual series?

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She made them bigger on purpose

She is my Doomfu.

>Mommy will never angrily demand you come for spankies

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she is best girl

not the proudest achievement when the only other competition is a schizo who spends most of her screentime screaming at everyone.

>not wanting to get bullied by hammerhead

I hope the arm stretch isn't all we're going to get of her powers.

why get bullied by hammerhead when I can get a nursing handjob from Elasti-Mommy?

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She has to go giant before the end of the season.

Why would anyone want this?

when is she going to get big without turning into goop?!?!

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I was wanted to see a neat thread where people talk about Doom Patrol

Im gonna be sad when the series ends, it's great so far, I hope it get's renewed for a season 2 cause at this point I care more about Robot Man and Negative Man than I do Superman or Batman

This show is too good to not get a second season. I'm just worried we'll have a new cast when we do.

Because she did porn.

New members, sure, but I don't see them throwing away Brendan Fraser. Cyborg is going to Titans, which is unfortunate because he's stronger on Doom Patrol than he's ever been.

>being this wrong

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Who in their right mind enjoyed titans?

Which members would you like to see/ want to see more off

I agree only if I don't have to deal with the other 63 versions and she looked like that

It was better than my extremely low expectations, but nowhere near the quality of DP. But it's no doubt they'll shuffle Vic off to Titans at some point.

As far as additional members, I'd like to see Casey eventually, but only after we get Flex and more from Danny.

I'd fight all 63 and Daddy to skip rocks with Penny

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Protect this

She wouldn't. She is pure.

Yeah but desu he ruins the whole dynamic of the show. Everything that he does should have been divvied up between the rest of the cast

Dude, she literally blobs out in the cafe when the waitress starts talking about the dufflebag full of porn that rita did after her accident. It was the only acting work she could get and apparently didn't blob out while being fucked on camera.

>implying it wasnt her

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I saw a good video by Hi-Top films on the Titans show and he let out basically every issue I had with it

Big mood, I mean I'd probably die but i'd try my hardest

She never denied doing it though. She blobbed out because she lost control of her emotions due to massive amounts of embarrassment.

If she did deny it she would be telling a complete stranger that she is infact the 50s star Rita Farr and I dont think the waitress would believe her causing probably even more embarrassment

She was playing herself off as a Rita Far fangirl/impersonator, it wouldn't be out of place for her to correct her saying something like, "Actually, that was an impersonator. Rita Farr would NEVER go in to such a sleazy business."

But did she? Nope. Just blobbed because she was found out.

Eh, I've seen better actors.

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Probably the first time she's heard those rumours and didn't know what to do/say and just got confused, anxious etc. I mean it's the first time she'd left Doom Manor for decades and has probably only spoke to Larry, Chief and occasionally Cliff and Jane for lord knows how long.

But Mento does seem the type to secretly record sex tapes without his partners knowledge.

It wasn't her