Bring back a fan favorite character just to kill her off unceremoniously

>Bring back a fan favorite character just to kill her off unceremoniously

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They kill people in this show?

Yeah Star vs is a shitty show, the sky is blue, move on nigger.


But Higgs wasn't killed. OP is just assblasted.

already the exact same thread dude, lrn 2 catalog.

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>expecting beanerfags to know basic Yea Forums tools

They killed at least two people in the past week or two on screen.

It is implied logically that she lived her whole life in there. So yes dead

At least the porn was fun to draw

Misha's a beaner?

Why didn't Queen Moon just send all the nights to train in the Neverzone?

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I also like that character a lot.
It's a shame what happened.
The only redeemable thing was the style of drawing.
It looks bigger, I do not know, different.

most of /sveg/ is

So is most of /tlhg/ and /dcshg/

>fan favorite

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You know what else is implied Misha?

Me fucking your dog's ass.

You make it sound like we'll never see her again.

What did they do to her?

>fan favorite

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She threw herself into Heckapoo's dimension and never came back. Since time works differently, she probably died by the end of the episode.

Nah, they just focused to Starco's moment on the top of the tower.
Nothing was implied that she and the other knights never came back. She'll probably come back offscreen to later make a background cameo, specially with the crocodile guy.
Can't knight Cuddles and then kill him like that.

>She'll probably come back offscreen to later make a background cameo, specially with the crocodile guy.
She doesn't have her own scissors, and Hekapoo doesn't even know they're there so she can't give them any either. Even in the episode she only came back because the portal never closed until she left the second time. 8 minutes is 16 years there, unless they somehow found a way to escape they would be dead in a few hours.

>Can't knight Cuddles and then kill him like that.
This show has done nothing but made bad decisions nonstop since season 3, they absolutely can.

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Appears 3 times

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>season 4 started and i didn't even know
oh shit what the fuck
i only have a mega link for the first three seasons and they weren't updated when the fourth started
anyone got a mega link?

nvm, found it on the archive

Ransomgram goblin is like the only redeemable part about this new season at this point.

wait so why the fuck is janna around
how the fuck is she just there
something weird is gonna happen