Are Artemis and Bizarro comming back for good? And Just how "Batterred and Broken"are they going to be?

Are Artemis and Bizarro comming back for good? And Just how "Batterred and Broken"are they going to be?
>You can no longer break the broken
>What can Lex Luthor offer former sidekick Jason Todd? Sidekicks…broken, battered and catastrophically dangerous sidekicks. The Teen Titans they’re not!
>Missing since the fateful events of issue #25, the story of what happened to Bizarro and Artemis after they were sucked through the quantum doorway can finally be told! Trapped in a strange reality where everyone with metahuman abilities has become normal and ordinary humans now possess powers, up is down, left is right and only a pair of Outlaws can save the day in a world gone mad. Meet strange new foes, and even stranger new allies. Can the Outlaws fix this broken world and still make it back to our world and their mission alongside the Red Hood?

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I hope so. Dark Trinity was the only time this book has ever been good.

God can't we just go back to the awesome team/family without all this bullshit?

I'm not liking how Artemis's hair looks here. They better not fuck up her hair permanently with some partially shaved bald look.

Bizarro and Artemis will be a couple, Artemis will be pregnant, and they will come back but fuck right off. Scott Lobdell doesn't want to deal with them. This is just to shut up all the people that keeping bugging him about them. He wants to write about Red Hood, All-Caste, and all that stuffs from his New 52 run.

>Bizarro and Artemis will be a couple, Artemis will be pregnant,
No and No. Both those are horrible ideas. Can wew just give Artemis back to the Wonder Woman books and kill off Bizarro if thats what he's planning.

She might not be pregnant, probably, but you can bet your ass the annual will drop hints of them being a couple and that they'll disappear together right after coming back to the main universe.

user, please. Stop making up stuff. This overdrama for something that is entirely on your imagination because you just cannot stop thinking the worst is not helping.

That may be the worst side cut I've ever fucking seen, jesus christ.

We will see who's right, won't we?

I think it some before after contrast going on with them looking clean on the left side and damaged on the right. Artemis's hair on the right side has me worried. Hopefully it'll grow back to normal in a few months

bearded Bizarro is very very good

shes either going to have a mohawk, or a half cut like actually pictured probably

Whatever it is I hope it's very temporary. Artemis should have long hair and a ponytail.

artemis is back

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hopefully they don't fuck her up

>Are Artemis and Bizarro comming back for good?
Doubtful. Lobdell supposedly hates the trio together and especially hates the Jason/Artemis pairing.

Says who?
I keep reading this stuff, but the most I've to read is that at some ppint at the start of Rebith he sais he wasn't interested in writing them romantically at that time.

good lord that Artemis' haircut
>Are Artemis and Bizarro comming back for good?

I honestly stopped giving a fuck a long time ago, i doubt even this would make me want to read this book again.

The man himself in several interviews. Plus someone with some kind of inside knowledge keeps posting info and they've been right so far.

no Bizarro/Artemis than me no read RedHood

I remember reading he originally wanted Blackfire, then Johns "suggested" he'd use Artemis instead. But why not just let Artemis leave the team and go back to being Wonder Woman supporting character? Why send her and Bizarro of to some living hell dimension?

Wonder Woman has no real supporting characters though currently which is a huge wasted opportunity by DC. Superman and Batman both have huge families and they should be using Wonder Woman's current popularity to help build hers up with characters like Artemis, but they basically never interact.

Wonder Woman's book had also been in a weird dead zone between the Rucka and Wilson runs.


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Hell, Wonder Girl (Donna) was much, much more of a Teen Titans character for most of her existance.
She had less than ten appearances in the pre-crisis Wondy book, and only became more of a supporting character in the post-crisis book when John Byrne yanked her from the GL/Titans books.