Tropes you love

Tropes you love.
>season 1 villain permanently joins the good guys

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Other urls found in this thread:

>character gets really addicted to a certain food and gets really fat.

>joke villain becomes more threatening over the course of the series

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>lighthearted cast in a dark setting
Not just comedies, either

> It's The rule 63 episode

>tough, stern badass softens up over the course of the series

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like Sunset Shimmer!

>sequel actually accounts for the first movie's character development/gained skills
Why is this so rare, for fuck's sake.

I think The main reason for this is so folks could rehash it. No use in writing a story where the character already undergone their arc and changed as a person.


Soft in the head maybe

>hero starts to date the ex-villain after his wife dies
>ex-wife bless the new couple

Jasperdemption Season 6 baybee

all i want to see is a relationship between a tomboy and a cute nerd, it doesn't even have to be romantic

>Hero is crushed by large object
>We later find out they were able to catch it and we see them lift it off

It's a shame that he essentially disappeared after this development
I loved my stupid bird son

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>You'd better STEP OFF

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Character whose viewed as weird or crazy has an episode dedicated to him and in it, he's the normal one while everyone else's personalities are exaggerated.

Or the quiet guy is actually very intelligent but never says anything because no one ever asked him.

and beserker forms. I love beserker forms. And woman undergoing transformation sequences. Sharper teeth, bigger muscles. Beast trasnformations are cool too.

Also whenever an episode is dedicated to my fetises/fetish.

Normal woman becoming gigantic and eating everything

Has to be the whole cast or it triggers my tism

>tries to cut Jade's stomach open with a sword in the second episode
>by later seasons, they're BFFs

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>movie/episode ends abruptly with a surprised character

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But you can still have a movie about the character even after they had their arc, instead of them reacting and changing they're the ones acting

>season 1 villain permanently joins the good guys

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>A girl and her X [(but only if the X is bigger than her) bonus points if she can ride on it]

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>Lets be clear, I'm only helping you so THEY don't get to rule the world
>After this, its all back to normal

>Questprovider who never fights joins the battle

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>characters form the authors previous works make a cameo in the authors next work
bonus points if they help the help the current protagonist

Rent free in yours, it's just a reaction image aspie

>questprovider is often made fun of and shittalked, generally dicks around
>gets off his ass, gets serious and joins the battle when it's clear that the party is fucked
>completely carries the fucking party, main characters start treating him with respect/fear/awe
>goes back to being a clown when it's all over

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>Lovable one-shot character becomes a recurring one.

>One-shot characters who were literally created for the purpose of being waifu'd.

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>the narrator turned out to be the big bad

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Bubbly sweet girl goes darkside.

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>enemy matches the protagonist's abilities
>everything just boils down to a bare-knuckle brawl at the end

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Having the guy who speaks the motivational lines in the Kubo trailer turn out to be the Moon King himself was brilliant imo

I love this shit, even in anime.

>People/animals/mystical creatures live in a world that's post apocalyptic and they interact with "modern" human things that they find alien and intimidating

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>season 1 hero permanently joins the bad guys

Same. Best character in the show and Alan Tudyk is great.

He didn't actually try to do it, he just suggested they could.

Pic unrelated I hope.

He was the best character though. He had legit development.

That's one reason why I love Squidbillies, the abrupt endings.

He was! It's just kind of funny.

>the narrator turned out to be a joke side character

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I'm sure there are a couple of examples

>Character burns someone else.
>Scene Cut
>Character is wounded and doesn’t mentions it

>show tricks you into thinking there's gonna be a moral at the end
>it's always the opposite of what you think it's gonna be

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ludo is unironically the best part of that show

you're looking for nagatoro user

>The most unlikable character in the series finally gets their comeuppance in the most satisfying way

Kamen Rider Kuuga has one of the most perfect examples of that with it's final battle

a man of good taste, I see
I fucking love that kinda shit

Any time they change the normal intro/outro to be on theme with the episode is the coolest shit to me

>MCs were the bad guys the entire time
Always fun

Sunstone made me wheeze. Fucking sue me.

>MC is just an average joe that plays a part in aiding the chosen one

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>character is introduced with a picture
>camera pans down to show the character in the same pose as in the picture above

also why is this thread going well but mine devolved into lawnmower talk?
thanks for doing another one of these anyway, it's always fun to see what other anons like instead of another generic "why is this so shit bros" or random e-celeb thread

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>Hero is severely outnumbered/outgunned
>Looks like the odds are even now

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>secondary villain is the final villain and the cause of all the problems in the series
I love bakura

>hero powers himself up with something that hurts him and could kill him, butbhe is so hurt and outmatched already he doesn't care and beats the bad guy up with that
Spidey's first fight with morlun should have been the only time he fought him because it was so perfectly executed

It's sad how they kind of gimped him considering how dangerous he originally was. Dude was a massive slab of fuck you at first.

>that looney toons show episode

I wouldn’t really call him a secondary villain, the season zero stuff positions him as the big bad but then he got eclipsed by Kaiba’s autism.

Man that art is beautiful.

Yeah, but they kinda had to, or they wouldn't have any issues. Also, he seemed more opposed to violence after he started Chi Wizard training.

>Comic relief character is actually useful and important to the story

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>exploding for no reason

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This is always great

>character has a fear of clowns
>clowns are always evil

>cat villain is distracted by a yarn ball

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>comic relief character becomes the most powerful character for one episode

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>Puritan character gets drunk for first time, master of the drunken fist.

>Protagonist can be just as underhanded and sneaky as any antagonist

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>villain is replaced by more powerful and intimidating villain

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>main character dies and the comic relieve becomes the protagonist.

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>this new villain isn't more powerful or intimidating due to powerlevel, but by not being stupid

>Villain arguably has better motives than the hero.

>Villain is a good boss to their minions.

>Villain is only a villain because the hero doesn't know anything about the real situation and they're actually doing the hero's job for them.

>Villain ends up as the main love-interest.

>Mooks take advantage of the hero being a "good guy" to fuck with his life without fear of repurcussion. Hero shows them how low you can go and still be the hero.

>badass grandma

I miss you Genkai

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>tfw actually rewatching this right now

She was pretty great
Shizuru was best girl though

Truly I'm surrounded by the greatest minds.

>Villain is absolutely a great person to be around when they're not pulling over their next evil scheme.

I see you are also a man of culture. Well met.

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>final fight between protagonist and antagonist
>both used up all their power and are shirtless
>both decided to forgo their weapons and use their firsts
>fight becomes a full-on knockdown drag-out

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This one is the best

I kinda have a love-hate thing with stuff like:
>split personalites/alter egos
>bersek modes
>the imitator who's there to ruin shit
They usually are only there for bad drama but god they are really fun tropes

>Villain tries to play with MC's noble sense of honor
>MC deliberately does something crafty, underhanded or unexpected
>Villain is genuinely shocked at the development

That episode of Action League NOW!

>Bad end.

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Some god-tier taste in this thread.

Villain turns out to be sad, lonely and bitter.

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>go into Yea Forums trope thread
>without fail it's always 90% shit that happens in anime and video games and not comics and cartoons
Or am I just reading the wrong comics and watching the wrong cartoons

Clearly the latter, user.

>Main villain's plans looked evil for MC but in reality were supposed to be used to defend the world from total destruction and/or greater threat. Only after MC defeats villain do they realized they fucked up. Villain previously tells MC lines like "Get out of my way if you know what's good" or "you wouldn't understand my plan"

>Middle-aged/Older character presents ID
>They have a Mustache and/or Afro in the picture

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Incompetent, loser villains against a highly skilled hero and the villain is just trying to make his life better, but in the worst way possible.

Try to guess the example I use before you click on the link:

>Villain just wanted to see their loved ones one more time even after death

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It's extremely rare but
>Good character turns evil/is brainwashed, corrupted
>Gains new powers
>Possibly new uniform
>Eventually redeemed by team and brought back to the side off good
>Still keeps their powers and aspects of dark uniform
I love the fuck out of this when it happens.

Cody LYOKO pulls this off. Further cementing itself as one of my favorites.

>Mysterious mentor-y character starts out a borderline villain and antagonizes the protags
>Mostly just fucks around
>More powerful than any other character in the series, usually reality warper
>Despite power doesn't constantly interfere and just watches over others, gives advice and snark
>Even becomes a close friend/mentor to said protag
>Still a goofball some days, mischievous dickhead all others
Glossaryck, Data, Discord, Beerus, Kisuke Urahara please hang around more
I basically wish wish Salem the cat would fuck around with Sabrina now and then.

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That's for plebs. The only real good couple is the one with the tomboy and a cute feminine lesbian.


it was hilarious it turned that way though lol

Still remember when people would say this was Master Shake's power

>over the top action movie parody episode

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This so much! I love this trope to death!

>Hero(es) realize that they've been tricked or lied to about antagonist.
>They realize that what the antagonist has been doing this whole time was ultimately good.
>Join up with antagonist and kick the shit out of who was lying to them.

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Not him, but cringe

I know it's a worn out Trope but with Tohru going from angry henchman to gentle giant was fun to see in the show.

>Show introduces new villains
>They don't get along with old villains
>Old villians fight new villains
>Mfw it's a fight of villains episode

>Main Villains henchman becomes a main character and gets their own character arc(s)

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Alternate universe where the bad guys are the good guys.

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>Villains gang up to try and take down the hero, but fail because they keep trying to backstab each other
>Any episode about villains doing normal things on their day off (pic related)
>Random explosions, glass shattering, and cat noises when objects get thrown or people fall down

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>Villian teams up with hero because they want to have the honor of killing the MC or of being the only opposing force of the land
>Villian has a code of honor and respects his colleagues and henchmen
>Hero goes undercover as villian and starts to enjoy it more than being a hero
>Villians most loyal henchmen becomes his number 2 and eventually becomes best friends
>Audience knows the villain is the heroes mentor and the writers give the villian cheesy lines to support it
I really just love goofy villains in general. God I miss Phineasand Fern and Wonder Over Yonder.

That's the absolute best.
Examples plox.

I cannot believe Captain Marvel did this and somehow managed to make this trope fucking boring.

I've always wanted
>First season has goofy, entry level villain that later seasons replace with more serious villains.
>1st Villain starts off as secondry joke, but slowlly undergoes character development and get's stronger
>Final season is a rematch between Hero and 1st Villain, after all their character development

Good taste

>Guy has to change a diaper
>Get's help from his male friends
>They all put on protective clothing before changing the diaper
>Have to use tools cause they don't want to touch shit

>Evil Mentor for hero
>Has helpful knowledge and advice but is always pushing the hero down an immoral path
>Hero develops friendly rapport with Mentor whilst still knowing one day they'll backstab them

>Cast gets new outfits in new season

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I see you watch Avatar too.

>Villains who try to be good, fail at it, so they try to be evil again but have a moral dilemma

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>the lowest person on the totem poll is always the most disregarded
>cant do anything to contribute to the mission/adventure
>Large monster and/or odd bad guy comes and utterly destroys the team
>suddenly the lowest person freaks the fuck out and fucking destroys the boss.

The best person I can think of for this is KND when Tommy and his friends invade Number 86's home

Is KND worth rewatching? I haven't seen it since i was a kiddie buy i remember liking it

I'd say so, there are some pretty good episodes, like the GWAR episode with Slamwitch, or the all the Number 5 episodes. My personal favorite was the episode with the turnip episode

>Hero works with Secondary characters to defeat Main Villain.
>At certain point, Main Villain uses Secondary Characters as bait so he can escape from Hero.
>Hero actually can't save them both.
>Hero saves Secondary 1.
>Secondary 2 survives off-screen but everyone thinks he's dead.
>Main Villain is defeated, Secondary 2 comes back as the Next Villain and turns out to be far worse than the old one.

So basically anything made by TRIGGER

>Secondary character doesn't trust Hero.
>Actually Main Villain is using Secondary Character to spy a series of Secondary Characters so the villain can have the upper hand.
>Main Villain has Secondary Character's Mom/Friend/Love Interes so he has to work with him on purpose so Main Villain doesn't kill his loved one.
>Secondary Character tries to defeat Main Villain on his own way, but The Main Hero keeps messing his plans.
>Turns out Main Villain actually was gonna keep his word and forgive Secondary Character Loved Ones if he played nice, but after one of the Main Hero's movement, the Loved One ends up dead.
>He blames Main Hero for it.
>Becomes the Next Main Villain and has a
legitimate motive to Kill Main Hero.

Fucking kino.

>Xiaolin Showdown almost got to do this with Jack if it didn't get cut so abruptly.
They even had that future episode that proved Jack would've been end boss eventually.

The Avengers line up decreasing little by little as they were getting disposed of in season 2 of Earth's Mightiest Heroes was amazing.

>The narrator Has a dick

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>Villain has a likable, good-natured sidekick that everyone loves
>Instead of ever joining the heroes like everyone expects, they consistently prove to be just as evil as the main villain, if not even darker and more fucked up

That’s what I thought, too

This. Reminds me of that one KND episode

I still love her

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what show nignog

>Villain joins the heroes
>Seems to fit in well enough, despite some adjustment
>Betrays the heroes
>Never is quite the same after and even holds a soft spot for the heroes
So freaking good

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>Incompetent villain turns out to be a great hero but prefers to be a villain

>bad guy meeting a nightmarish end
Bonus points if it's so bad you can't help but feel bad for him even if he was a giant dick

Any other examples of this

>Hero has to take a breather...

>this fight has gone way past time to get serious
>nothing's working against it
>team down
>gotta say goodbye to my girl, probably for the last time

>..."I have to get back to work."

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It’s a shame his death was bastardized

>character spends the whole episode persistently hating a certain thing / trying to get people to stop doing that thing but ends up doing it himself and receiving the critique / punishment he originally came up with

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>the Announcer/Narrator is just as important as a character as any of the MCs

This is why I love Freakazoid, Dave the Barbarian and the Powerpuff Girls.

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Narrators having an actual role are some of my favorites. As a non-Yea Forums mention, Space Dandy did this spectacularly.

>main character doesn't know what sex is

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>villains are very close to one another and treat each other like family
>final boss is the protagonist

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>enemies described as robots or unfeeling monsters are actually nice people just doing their job

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>character gets fat in the next season/sequel/flash-forward
>stays that way

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I don't know any western media that's done this outside Ashi but
>A character has to protect someone or some town, ect
>Facing unstoppable powerful enemy/massive army with insane odds
>Just stands tall to what must be done
>Goes to fight FULL THROTTLE
>somehow, frickin' wins but just barely
the best part is just the end imagery
>They're dripping with blood, look like they're about to pass out
>You can tell they're hurting and beaten like hell and the battle took absolutely literally everything they had
>Sometimes the last scene is where they just, collapse next to protected person/place/thing
>Said thing hasn't a single scratch
Resolve tropes are so great

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>Minor Female side-villains
>Cool design
>Not the big bad, but lethal and pretty experienced, can actually fight and pose a threat to the hero/villains
>Only out for themselves, independent titwads
>Might be a hired gun, soldier, mercenary, an assassin, exile, warrior, ect
>Just occasionally show up enough to be a reoccurring threat
>On a good day might team up with the heroes, on a bad one with the big bad
>Will sometimes just appear in the heroes lair or drop a 'Hey sup' casually to good guys like its no big deal, isn't above teaming up or asking for help/being asked for help
>But will actually fight/murder someone if they get in their way and is genuinely ruthless- none of that Catwoman goody shit
one of my favorite archetypes

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>Ridiculous, situational pun names

For example
>A promiscuous druggie named Molly
>A two-bit theif lady named Ms. Dediera Meaner
>Two Rock Paper Scissors tournament finalists named Robert O. Shambo and John Ken
>A famous Canoer named Rowan Rivers


>character goes through a lot of shit in life
>eventually finds a happy/bittersweet ending after everything and dies content

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This entire thread feels very nice and, dare I say, wholesome.

I loved miss Lint too

>villain goes ballistic when a larger villain tries to wrest his position from him
>character goes ballistic and tries to murder villain after villain gets to personal
>heroes stop teammate from sacrificing himself
>character wins due to heat-of-the-moment strategy
>villain tries to break character mentally by bringing up past failures
All tropes I really enjoy

how do you cal these characters that act silly but turns out to be the most helpful and supportive?

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also the dragon prince

New villain shows up and tries to do og villains shtick better. Challenges old villain to duel to prove their superiority. Hero gets mixed up. Og villain completely destroys knockoff villain. Bonus points if new villain begs hero to save them.

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Fuck yes
Bonus points if the designated sidekick character crushes on her and she doesn't mind

>protagonist sacrifices a loved one without any hesitation whatsoever if it means achieving the greater good
Has this ever been done before? And no, Thanos is not a protagonist.

>super strong villain is just toying with hero 99% of the time for his own shit n giggles
Fuckin love villains like that

Korgoth of Barbaria?

Literally The Cattle Raid of Cooley.
All the men of the village are layed up with the pain of childbirth and only one young nonnative boy, Chu Chulainn is there to face the army of Medb.

>Heroes travel to the far future
>See one of their immortal villains turned over a new leaf and is a good guy now, either inspired by the heroes' own death or because they grew bored of their villain phase or gained wisdom/insight over the years

>Hero isn't using dangerous super form or weapon and they're getting their ass kicked
>Villain deals the final blow only for the hero to have used their powers at the last moment and they look pissed
Also, most of my examples of this are mostly Yea Forums but
>Protagonist(s) are effortlessly more powerful than any mook or side character
>Later villains show that they actually aren't that powerful or skilled at all compared to the real heavy hitters

The pilot of samurai jack did the same thing with the beetle bot army and the dog people

What are some good media you love where the villains are befriended by the heroes?

I hate this trope and think its naive and childish.
Can Yea Forums offer me some better examples?

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It would have helped if we actually got to meet any MCU Kree that weren’t evil beforehand.

Brainiac 5 ?

which show?

>tragic music plays
>character begs to stop it
Something similar actually happend in pre-reboot sonic archie.

Woolie plz

Like this?

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The closest thing to that I remember is Monsterkind

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I like it better when it's a short term truce, maybe to take on something worse. Suoer Mario RPG and Super Paper Mario comes to mind.

>Later villains show that they actually aren't that powerful or skilled at all compared to the real heavy hitters
A variant of this I love is
>zany Superman-type character is overpowered as hell, can beat everyone and villains immediately
>But is morally grey, mentally unstable, immature and lacks morals or vision, unable to utilize their power fully
>Part of the villains whole plan/agenda is just "Avoiding this X heavyhitter insane character" since they could kick their ass
>They mostly just kind of, wander around a lot tho trying to get a grasp on themselves

Or for a female equivalent
>Older aged heroine type is retired or just a mentor now, definitely a threat
>Has taken on a quiet, gentle pacifist nature and will rarely interfere
>In the past was known to be violent and badass as hell
Even better if she's forced to drop her passivity and fight seriously again. Unohana, Genkai

>villain is directly connected to heroes powers/positives in life

The full extent is a little unclear, but if a certain theory pans out then yeah

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>Redeemed villain temporarily goes back to their old ways for a good cause/reason
I love this trope so much.

Underrated. I actually came up with a few the other day, but I cannot for the life of me remember what they were.

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>character wants to atone for his sins
>is slowly turning into old self until he’s reminded of why he can’t do that again

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The only example of this I can think of is Eve from Invincible

So the Arbiter

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>live action footage in place of a character doing something like dancing or cleaning something

Just random usage of live action like in Spongebob gets to me so much I love it.

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wan't the canon reason that Frylock made duplicates of almost everything in the house that would explode when thrown?

I have a lot of couples for that, but you might not like the flavor.

>all i want to see is a relationship between a tomboy and a cute nerd, it doesn't even have to be romantic
Try a dating app.

>Protagonist slowly becomes more macchiavellan in his desire to fulfill his moral duty
>antagonist starts to recognize and respect certain characteristics in people and treats people with more respect (fair duels etc), even if it means sacrificing his goals
>final confrontation is won by the protagonist, but at what cost?

>Protagonist in the future is one of the worst antagonists in the show
>One of the villians are set up early on in the show, has a divine presence so their power seems immeasurable at first
>Episodes where the whole cast has a cameo, even better when they all play an important part
>Villian backstories!

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>when the show is on 5 layers of meta, 6 layers of wacky and 7 layers of irony

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>jojo part 5

>All the characters do the same/similar action at once, but al in different ways

I like it when a villain (using one who was fairly mild to begin with), instead of turning good in a big redemption moment, just sort of gradually mellows out over time.

>Hero and rival/villain swap outfits/weapon/powers

Kill La Kill got me roaring with energy with this

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People love it or hate it depending on the character and their actions as evil guys. There is a limit about the actions that a person is disposed to forgive (it can be a disaster if they cross that line but people around them consider them good). From the viewer point of view the story is being forced and it doesn't make sense. (if the case is very extreme they can hate it)

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This also happened with lizard in the 90s

He "gimped" himself physically when he realized that magic is much more powerful. Then he set out to learn all about it by apprenticing under a master wizard. He's basically setting himself up to be a top physical power and a top magical power. He also realized that one has to have solid moral core. He is on the way to greatness.

>without fail it's always 90% shit that happens in anime and video games and not comics and cartoons
Could you point out the examples of that?

>speakeasy/secret casino episode

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>Heavy thing is about to fall on a character
>They run a ridiculous distance to avoid it
>It still somehow crushes them

Generator Rex was kinda bland despite hitting as many cool notes and tropes as it could (or maybe it was because of all that), but White Knight stepping up to bat was fucking great.

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>MC teams up with alternate versions of himself

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That works when OG villain is a sexy girl and they used to have a deep relationship with the protagonist, but if the original villain is a man in a sexual relationship with the hero both of them are hated no matter what.

It has TOO many conflicts, It's hard to find a readership for this comic.

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>show uses one-time timejump/memory loss episode to show what character relationships would be like without the secrets and feelings that are carrying the show
Phineas & Ferb, Adventure Time and Miraculous Ladybug did this well.

>One character is one of the characters from the future

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>you can see the shadow of the falling object/the object itself
>as the character runs and zig-zags around it actively follows them

>Old villain that was killed off or disappeared suddenly shows up. (Resurrected or other deus ex machina crap.)
>Both villains and heroes in fear and awe.
>Old villain kicks the shit out of the heroes and villains.

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>dirty joke gets past the censors

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>character falls over
>quack sound

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>courtroom episode

>someone weak hits someone else to absolutely no avail
>high pitched "mama!" as they strike

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>magic courtroom
>someone calls a witness
>witness appears and was in the middle of something like showering or wearing embarassing clothes and is very confused


Stand Still Stay Silent (the comic originally posted)
Daughter of the lillies (possible spoiler)
Once Upon a Forest (just humans being Eldritch to their perspective)
Bakshi's Wizards

It depends on the characters and the feelings or secrets behind them. It can be good or bad depending on these factors.

If the story contents too many other concepts it may be chaotic. More details are required. A son meets a father?

When did this happen in AT again?

>Villains get their own 'power of friendship' moment

Super Paper Mario is all I can think of right now.

I just read the first 3 volumes of dragonball z, based piccolo doesnt want vageta or nappa to kill goku or gohan because thats his job

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Are they supposed to be demonized or considered good at a certain extent? both of them aren't possible if their actions are too evil. For example if two characters are rapers they can't be portrayed having good feelings (even worst if they are serials) they are very deep in the ocean. Rapers don't respect other people's feelings or bodies.

Even if they are demonized and at the same time the story tries to tell us that they love each other, people will not feel moved for them, in fact it could infuriate some people because their cruelty is too high (even worse if they are killers too).

I think the former would need to be executed very well in order to work. Super Paper Mario is the latter though.

I was thinking about Bishop and Stockman in TMNT Fast Forward and Vandal Savage in that one JL episode, but yeah, I guess Brainiac 5 applies

>What is every single season of Kamen Rider, no exception

1939's Peace on Earth
Xenoblade Chronicles 2

>Hero faces opponent that outmatches him severely
>Can't even get a good hit in
>Villain does something to royally piss the hero off; harms an ally, threatens to do something horrible, maybe kills someone
>Hero gets second wind and one-shots the bad guy

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be a lot cooler if it was romantic though

>It’s a prison break episode
>It’s a heist episode
>It’s a baseball episode

>villain is built up to be strong and deadly
>his henchmen fear him
>his name is revealed in the beginning but they at most show his voice and silhouette
> is revealed during the last season or couple episodes
>the villain actually lives up to his legends and hype

Atleast it made sense, nerfing the miniboss so he doesn't destroy all conflict.
Hak foo just slowly became a joke for no fucking reason.
>Random generic background character sticks it out and becomes a character all their own
Way to go, George.

I like parallel universes where the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. Bonus points if they have their own designs and names too and team up together.

>villains having good relationships with each other
>villains having fun being villains

The elites are pretty much an entire enemy type that embody that cliche.
Still a shame that Halo 3 didn't give you Grunt allies because they thought idiots would be confused and friendly fire on all their own Grunts. I always felt bad for those little dudes and it'd be nice to bro it up with them.

>Fish out of water scenario

The villainess has hots for the hero and vice versa.

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i dont get it

How about this
>A lumberjack named Timothy Burr

>Character gets hit/ falls over
>This sound effect plays
It doesn't matter if it was a mild or extremely hard impact, it just gets me very time.

>the villian team are the hero team's evil counterparts

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Didn't that happen in Naruto with a female character? Nice trips btw.

I want more of this.

Even a villain not so much joining the hero as much as both sides outgrowing the conflict and moving on.

>The muscle of the group is extremely intelligent but just prefers to use his brute strength
Bonus points if the villian team is vastly different from the hero team but they are similar in terms of how the team members treat each other like a family and their endgame goals

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>After said power of friendship moment, Villain kills a hero
>Still root for Villain

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Same, hell weren’t Hunters supposed to be alliance too?

>The muscle of the group is extremely intelligent but just prefers to use his brute strength
Beast and Rhinox were always my favorite members of their teams.

>hard ass edgelord who’s rude to everyone has a cute crush, and everytime he sees her he becomes a gushy timid nerd

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>Protagonist is fighting the antagonist
>Protagonist tries to help his friends out of danger while fighting at the same time
>Shit goes south (Villain kills a friend of the main character or something like that)
>Any composure the hero has is gone and he/she proceeds to beat the everloving fuck out of the villain like a psychopath
Don't know why I like it so much. Maybe it's just cool to me to see a more reserved character lose their cool and act out of character by going completely apeshit.
Best I can think of is DBZ, but that's Yea Forums, rather than Yea Forums.

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>The hero dies and the secondary characters have to deal with the weakened big bad.

I fucking love One piece for the second part of your greentext.

Serial burglar Robin Banks.

>Luffy kicking ass, causing trouble and getting away with it all over Wano
>gets brutally oneshotted upon being spotted by Kaido, in his human form no less
Felt good honestly.

Uh oh

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>Final battle between protag and antag
>Both are heavily wounded and a lull in the fight begins
>They express their respect for one another
>Antag lets the protag get the final blow in

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>Villain lets the Hero kill him so he can start down the path the Villain took
>Hero recognizes what he did but still goes down the path anyways


>Background/Side character at beginning of show seems useless just there for comic relief.
>Eventually joins the bad guys for some reason.
>Heroes don't notice or care.
>They climb the ranks, becoming more and more powerful over the course of the show.
>Villain they join dies or retires.
>They take over.
>They become the new antagonist and the most feared, even by the heroes.

>Bonus points if they beat up on the villains or heroes that used to bully them.

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I vaguely recall from my Halo days that Grunts and Hunters weren't helping out because they were taking back their own planets from the loyalist factions of their races.

But that's silly because you would figure there would still be a few of them around to help out during the events of the game. Also there's the fact that Master Chief and pals were trying to stop the extinction of all life which is several degrees more important than taking back someone's home planet, especially when there's plenty of time to take back said planet after the galaxy is made safe.

But still that part in Halo 2 with the Hunter bros is fucking hype.


I love this thread

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The only place I've ever seen that happen was Sunny in Philadelphia.

>protagonist(s) reach their darkest hour
>they're aided by all the characters they've aided throughout their journey
>bonus points if the characters do it without ever being asked for help
>Bonus bonus points if the protagonist(s) ask why they would risk so much, and the character(s) answer to the tune of "because it's what you would do"

It's kind of been done once in manga, Helck.

>the whole episode is revealed to be one big keikaku by the heroes

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>nice people
>signing up to be a roaming death squad

What is propoganda?

>The hero dies but manages to sway a villain on the path of righteousness
>Villain takes over the hero's mantle against a bigger villain

A Book: “How to Hold Pet Funerals” by Barry McCat.

>Final battle between protag and antag
>Both are heavily wounded and a lull in the fight begins
>Both drop their weapons/armors/powers, which they're too injured to use, and the fight devolves into a bloody punch out as both pain to stand up

What about a super-villainess named Evelyn Deavor?

That TMNT movie Turtles Forever kinda has this. When the 2003 Shredder looks at everything that the 80's Shredder had at his disposal, like the Technodrome and UNLIMITED ROBOTS and makes everything far better and vicious.

This sounds cool, examples?

>Character is a genius
>He is shown playing chess against MULTIPLE PEOPLE at the same time while LEARNING ANOTHER LANGUAGE OR TWO

heh nothin personel kid

They also met Dr. Doof

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>Antagonist pushed the MC harder just so he would be strong enough to beat/kill him

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Fuck I want this so bad.

Wait, can you link me? I love lawnmowers

>He is shown playing chess against MULTIPLE PEOPLE at the same time
>Turns out he was actually just playing against himself, AND WINNING!

>Antagonist storms the combined assault of multiple factions working desperately to stop him as his endgoal draws near
That one TMNT 2K3 episode where Shredder fends off against Bishop, April, Casey, the turtles, Leatherhead and Splinter as his rocket made of stolen Triceraton tech gets ready to launch was fucking amazing

And speaking of
>Everything the villain did all throughout the season was related to a singular master plan that comes together in the season finale

Young Justice is also pretty good at this

I wish they didn't wrap it up as quickly as they did.

It got axed mate, not much he can do there. do you want to see something that was also axed get wrapped even faster

Venture Bros does it the best I think.

This seems convoluted, hasn't happened, and like you are trying to write your own thing.

I had one of those at my high school. Tomboy was a fuckin bitch to nerd and they broke up. Nerd deserved way, way better.

Same with Dangermouse

Which issue?

>Villain makes a a complete monologue about how it's greater and powerful and smarter than the heroes
>Heroes are either fell asleep, not paying attention, or doing mundane things
pic related

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>"How to deal with Weight issues" by Dr. Carl McDonald Jr.

You mean how Billy was too far away and couldn't hear Sivana? Yeah I love that kind of thing

Happened with the hero as well in KFP 2

>Villain ultimately gets what they want but they were too arrogant of any possible consequences

Lex Luthor, Darkseid

>Actual consequences for a characters actions in a cartoon

Pretty much episode X of Samurai Jack where the ancient royal constructed his death trap to ensure only someone capable of killing him would reach his chamber

>the protagonist accepts the duty of a mercy kill

The end of that episode always fucking tears me up with him thanking Jack before dying in his arms and then that >FREE shit

>protagonist gets mercy-killed

Happened with Vulture in the 60s

technically Yea Forums but jojo does it a lot

It also made sense why everyone alienated him.


Fuck AT, every episode after season after 2 feels like the ran out of ideas

Artists is JLullaby. Brace yourself for big stinky dicks.

>its a cult meeting
>some serious stuff
>someone interrups by opening the door, turn on the light, etc
>"are you sure you and your friends don't want anything?"

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Did buzz light year do that?

>Villain's son slowly realizes his dad is fucked up
>Eventually joins the heroes

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I think so, but the secondary was always a dirty cop and I think Buzz thought he failed to save him but really just screwed up his dirty deal and lost his hand.




Welcome to trope threads

>villain and hero team up (and in the end they part ways more or less amicably)

>an aloof jerk is shown to secretly care for someone (but of course he'd never let anyone find that out)

>it's a species swap episode

>the big twist reveal is preceded by quick flashbacks to every subtle clue that foreshadowed it throughout the series

bone would fit this


>When two protagonists are rivals/cannot stand each other but by series end are probably closer than most brothers.

>Heroine and male villain have a romance
>Male villain has a romance with a civilian
>Comic relief gets more emotional development than lead

Camp Lazlo takes place like 30 years after Rocko's Modern Life, so old man versions of Rocko characters would occasionally pop up whenever the plot needed an old guy. They're never referred to by name for legal reasons, though.

>villain is given power/success/riches/fame/ect
>realizes that it'll mean he can no longer autistically harass the hero
>goes "fuck that" and throws it all away

For as much shit as Jake: American Dragon gets, I love that it did this, and did it pretty well.

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>Secondary character has had enough of MC's incompetence and steals his powers or takes over as team leader
>MC has to prove himself worthy of respect once more before being reattributed his powers/title

The most prominent Yea Forums example is Thor, but my personal favorite example is Leon

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That's shitty copout style. Especially the ones where there's no room but then suddenly everythings fine.

>Not him

>all i want to see is a relationship between a tomboy and a cute nerd, it doesn't even have to be romantic
Irma and Martin in W.I.T.C.H., it's even pseudo-romantic but I won't spoil that.

>group of protagonists each has a specific rival in an antagonist group
Fucking loved this in Xiaolin Showdown, Justice League, etc

>not an action based show
>one of the characters is physically big and strong
>rare episode involving action and you get to see just how strong he is

Ya don't always end up doing what you want to do.

Hawkodile is the best thing about this show

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Meant for

Got that full page? Always cracks me up

>using random food as a substitute for alcohol

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