>Take Sokka
>make him the protagonist
unironically genius.
so is season three just gonna be a teenage boy and girl traveling across the world with each other?
The Dragon Prince
This horny elf demands you put her in the mating press and give her missionary sex for the purpose of procreation
so is season three just gonna be a teenage boy and girl traveling across the world with each other?
they probably won't stay alone for long, they might get bad ideas
Will I like this show, I liked Avatar, tolerate elves, and am absolutely autistic about dragons.
Lore I can take or leave as long as I like the characters
Yeah characters are it's strongest aspect
It feels as strong as season 1 of ATLA.
Waifu material females throughout.
Am cautiously optimistic.
Which tier is experimenting sexually to relieve stress?
Tier 13
So is this actually any good?
I'll need something to help me along when Blizzard returns to stealing most of my life this summer
Tier 69
Tier Comfy.
I like this show doesn't pull its punches. It'S lighthearted and all that, but it doesn't fuck around when shit needs to hit the fan
Xadia is rightful human clay, remove elves.
>dat showoff spin
>not pulling back and calling archers the second after he vaporized the first soldier
i shiggy diggy
My guess is that most people don't have experience fighting mages, so they don't know what to do
Fucker is just amped up and in murder mode.
>Sub-Zero finisher!
That image is genius. But yeah they'll do something to slow or drag out the romance, or worse they'll accelerate and damage it, so they can milk it.
Tier 12
>grabbing a boob
Tier 13
>experimenting sexually
Tier 14
>Pure, Wholesome, Hot Love sex
Tier 15
>Breed her race out of existence
Does goat princess ever take her shoes off or is the show too cheaply made for that
She hasn’t yet, but we’ve received confirmation from the creators that she has four toes on each foot.
We also know she’s afraid of water, so she’s not gonna take off her shoes for a swim or a spa bath anytime soon. She’ll need some other reason to get barefoot.
The heck is tier9?
i want xadia to be a paradise to show that humans where exiled to a shithole.
It sounds almost like Jake got fugged by Rainacorn, despite him being the dude. Maybe she stuck her horn in him?
I just want the show to explicitly acknowledge that elves and dragons are awful for what they did to humans. Just show some elf/dragon antagonists/villains, maybe some of whom are explicitly genocidal, for Callum and especially Rayla and Zym to explicitly reject and fight.
Right now the show is kind of glossing over what the elves and dragons did, framing it as almost justified and presenting the elves/dragons as uwu mystical/noble/wise no matter how awful they act.
I want Xadia to be a shithole. Because it would be funny. Like Mewni or something.
>Ah! Home Sweet home!
>Rayla, is that a corpse floating in the communal well?
>Yep! Good old Xadia!
Have you thanked Viren, who will be humanity's champion and deliver us from the Xadian Menace, yet?
>canonically Chaotic Neutral
Nah I'm good
That old fool has the Xadian menance crawling in his ear canal right now.
I wouldn't trust him to deliver anything.
tier 15 is cuckoldry?
Jake's right, better stay the fuck away
I laughed at this way more than I should have.
It's "#WOKE" SJW pandering garbage, just like Netflix did with their Voltron remake.
That should tell you all you need to know.
Except that's wrong, you retard
So he is useless and dumb?
He's wrong in that would tell you all you need to know, but that doesn't change the fact that stuff like the lesbian queens is forced as fuck and cringey.
Like Sokka, he is
>powerless with magic (except when using a magic object)
>older sibling
>gets a harem
Except that's right, you tumblrina.
It had one lesbian couple in an episode that got killed anyway. Is that really that pandering?
How was it forced? What made it cringey?
The creators have confirmed Half-Elves are possible, so we just gotta wait to see the episode where she meets deserters that inform her that interspecies compatibility is possible.
Half-elves are abominations and should be stoned.
The very fact there WERE lesbians at all means it's pandering.
That it had lesbians to begin with.
Endgame lads
>Yea Forums doesn't like lesbians anymore
We are living in worst timeline
They need a chaperone.
Guess it has to do that most dykes now are the screeching kill all men type
No it isn't.
It's going to be that and the suddenly emotionally mature boyking being a near-perfect ruler.
I don't think it was that bad, but it did leave the question: how was babby formed? Like, who injected their spunk into one of the royal wombs to make the current child queen?
Overall, the diversity of this show has been handled pretty well. It's been pretty low key and hasn't felt like empty virtue signaling.
Haha that image is hilarious, source?
I don't get the joke.
I-Is there a joke?
The fuck does that have to do with fiction?
how do you think he fucks like
He's a squirmy bottom.
threadly reminder
lewd elf armpits
Fiction (especially fantasy) tends to be a reflection of reality. Most of the lesbians in western animation tend to be extremely misandric (Noelle being a prime example). Its hard not to introduce or see a bit of this ideological hatred in the products that homosexual women create and truth be told, it is not a meme that lesbians are a bit hateful (but tell anyone this and they will deny it, despite being one of the main reasons why violence among lesbian couples flourish like flowers in spring).
Other times, it's simple persecution complex that makes males or people see things that aren't there.
That's not explaining how it was forced or cringey. It only explained why you didn't like the show.
Yay, more odor-fags. Take a shower and leave your basement.
Half-elves are precious and must be loved.
More importantly, which tier is stroking and fellating her horns?
Tier 9? What exactly did she do to him?
I'm still assuming Soren and Claudia will catch up and join permanently.
He tries so hard, it's endearing
Due to the spinal and muscle structure of human/elf anatomy, those things are clearly more ornamental. The only possible purpose would be contesting mating but they'd be impractical for that, if that were the case then it would be very very very high up there for you to play with them even if she couldn't feel it.
Goddamn it takes a lot to give a boner these days...
You do realize an armpit fetish can exist without having a stink kink, right? I just find the structure fascinating, along with the back of the knee.
Maybe elves will lose their horns like humans lost their tails.
Probably somewhere near experimenting in domination play. A good grip on someone's head gives you some serious control over their movements.
cringe & yikes
They're going to have to deal with the fallout of their father's betrayal first. Season three will be developing a fragile power dynamic between Ezran and the siblings. But, they might catch up for season 4.
Well essentially yes, they might be completely vestigial. But the tailbone still serves purposes. The question was what tier playing to it was?
That seems reasonable. If the seasons were TV size I'd say they'd join now, but with only 10 or so episodes there's not enough time unless Claudia throws away her mission.
>when you can't stand rayllum or any of the children characters besides rayla but you love how stupid viren is
>Ozzy Osbourne will never be the dark magic lorde of Rock
What she's saying is from a tweet from a scottish twitter account that people were showing around joking about how scottish people make no sense when they talk.
what part of that made no sense?
That one makes more sense but the og meme was a screencap with like 12 nonsensical tweets
I haven’t even watched the show and this makes my heart melt
Imagine being as mad as all the folks here who hate this cartoon. That no one is forcing them to watch. Who's threads they don't have to enter. And none of it matters because it isn't real. Just angry boys with nothing going on in their life. Probably because they're not out chasing girls or advancing their careers. Just arguing about some fictional characters because they... may be gay. It's sad.
Whoops I posted this to the wrong thread. Sorry lads. Enjoy the doggo anyways.
I only just got here and haven’t read much of the rest of the thread, and if you hadn’t apologized, I would have no idea you’d posted in the wrong thread. Your post can apply to nearly every single thread that is on Yea Forums at any given time.
four fingers, elf horns, elf birthmarks.
only human thing the baby has is the hair color.
also, heterochromia, really?
I think I’m bothered less by the heterochromia itself, and more by the way it’s perfectly cut with an eye color from each parent.
What do you guys think happened to Runaan's broken horn and did Viren add it to his dildo shelf.
Far more likely that the irises would be two-toned.
Was it made of high grade silicone and/or have a pump allowing it to shoot lubricant out its end?
>Viren is telling the story of how the queens died saving their kingdoms
>figure the part where he says how he bravely charged in to try and save them was just him lying to get the royals to trust him
>creators say that actually was true
I swear Viren is one of the most fascinating characters, how he bounces from a well intentioned extremist truly out to do good for humanity to a manipulative vizier willing to kill the princes to get his way is amazing.
I'm sure he has a spell for that.
Did the creators explain how it was that Viren intimately knew the private bedroom conversations between King Harrow and his wife, right down to the kinky pillow talk?
Or, if that flashback wasn’t supposed to be in Viren’s story but instead was supposed to be in Harrow’s letter, why he’d wrote about the pillow talk to his son?
I imagine that was for the viewer and Viren's retelling basically went like "the king and queen were a fun loving couple who always had the perfect quip ready to go."
I hope Viren gets a redemption arc. He's the only well written character in the series. Ideally, he'd get proven right and usher in an imperial Golden Age of magical advancement and peace for all races with his Archmage apprentice and heir Callum at his side, but it would never make it past the producers.
It's not really bouncing. Killing children is a dark part of politics for most nations at that level, and honestly it can be very justified in a certain context.
He has good intentions but he also clearly has an inferiority complex as he deep down wishes people could listen to him. It's really interesting.
Elf horns are vestigial, ornamental and grow with age.
An infant elf could not pass through the birth canal unless it's horns were merely nubbins like adolescent reindeer. Elf horn nubbins are equatable to a human baby's soft spot.
>Part of that is horrible to visualize, the other part is adorable and should be visualized quite extensively.
Since hair and nails are the same material in humans it can be surmised that elf horns are the same for elves. despite the fact that we are different species. Therefore, logically, the base of elf horns at the scalp is velvety to the touch. They would have no more sensory input then the end of your finger nail. Since only the bottom most portion, the part with blood vessels, would be sensitive the most pleasure an elf could receive from someone playing with their horns is equatable to getting head scratches.
>Head scratches are awesome. This is scientific fact.
Elf horns are "Blowjob handles" plain and simple. This is the only practical, evolutionary path compatible to lewd thinking that can be done with them.
>The blowjob can come from Aaravos.
>You can give him head scratches if you want.
>You don't need to have a phallus to use "Blowjob Handles"
Bouncing from well-intentioned to manipulative vizier isn't unique. Every villain thinks they're the hero of their story, we just get to see the story from his perspective. The master class in writing is in seeing him fail and fail hard. He thought he'd be more reasonable and rational, as a leader, than King Harrow and then he almost immediately devolves into using an emotional story to manipulative a child queen. He's not the leader he thought he'd be. But, that just shows how cleverly the dots connect. When he suddenly agrees to make a deal with the devil. He received just enough push back to make his world crumble around him and it is delicious and I can't wait to see how he develops from here.
I keep fucking forgetting elves only have four fingers a hand and it throws me every time.
brutal legend will scratch that itch at least a little bit
They are freaky and made to fit in human hands perfectly
I love Scottish twitter.
>"U canny hate someone forever" aye a can watch me
Something about how the descendants of Jacobite exiles were key players in the American Revolution
It's so phonetic. I love them so much.
Breaks immersion for me a little. If Rayla really was a scotch elf, her vernacular would be so very laden with "cunt."
I bet elves would find round human skulls equally fascinating.
>You can rest your chin on their heads, without fear of any of you sneezing and poking one of your eyes out!
>Their hair is so soft and grows so evenly! You don't have to dodge the horns when you caress them! Human skulls are optimized for petting and headpats!
kill yourself
What this? Is it worth it? The elf dragon girl with the dude look cute.
>"Mibbie if ye didnae fud hings up wi' yer black magic Soren wid aye be able tae stuff his wee boaby in yer fairt-box, but na, tis murdurr th' dragon lik' ye human cunts aye dae 'n' greet lik' a betch wi' a skinned knee whin someone takes exception tae it. "
Even as a foot fag, I fully agree. Shit like this is unacceptable.
I don't know what disturbs me more: Rayla's cartoonishly drawn face or the nails of that hand
Claudia has personal boundary issues
She was sizing that elf up for alchemy or enchanting ingredients.
Is she really holding out for a thank you as people are burning to death?
What a cunt.
I fuckin loved that scene
Even deaf aunt got to throw some elves into a lava, it was great
If you liked A:TLA, you'll probably like this one.
One thing I love about Rayla, which was very unexpected for a female character in an action show, was that she's actually allowed to be silly like the other kid.
Too often the female lead will be treated as the serious-no-nonesense member of the group. She's actually fun to have in the main party.
Also, I don't come to Yea Forums much, ut we all agree that Soren & Claudia are the best characters, right?
Sometimes, useless traits are just passed down because the other sex finds them appealing. Isn't this why so many male birds have over-the-top colorful feathers?
No shocker, she's a sociopath
I don't understand how people can complain this show is not like AtLA because it's "woke" and "sjw" when AtLA was about as "woke" and "sjw" as possible for its time.
Wasn't the 4th or 5th episode about Sokka learning that women can be as good warriors as men?
People did complain about AtLA being too sjw, they still do, faggots just want to be contrarian
And then there's the whole character of Toph.
I bet if she was created today, people here would be screeching that she's a feminazi dyke and a mary sue.
Dude I'm convinced A:TLA would get almost as much shit on 4ch as TDP does if it came out today.
Rayla is absolutely adorable
Viren is the best character so far
>take azula and zuko
>remove crazy and angst
>put them in a relationship
Now this is genius.
I thought Chaotic Neutral were the "Screw the world, I just look out for myself" Jack Sparrow types
>Viren intimately knew the private bedroom conversations between King Harrow and his wife, right down to the kinky pillow talk?
From what we've seen of Harrow's relationship with him I shouldn't be too suprised
Friend got me watching Dragon Prince a couple of days ago. It's actually really good. One thing that strikes odd to me is some of the more "Older" characters namely the Claudia and Soren acts a bit to childish when the situation seems grim. Especially how both of them had the "Talk" with their father. They both act a little too innocent. I guess im just stuck with the mentality that knights are suppose to be more self-righteous and mature/responsible and mages a little more studios and focused at the task at hand. But not with these two they always seem to have fun which is odd. Hell the whole season1 the situation is grim and then bam we doing fart jokes or showing how scatterbrained Soren can be.
I really hope when Ezran get's back we'll actually be able to meet members of the court or noblemen with their own agendas, rather than just YesMen to tradition and Anti-Vireners
Heck, have we met any nobles outside of the Monarchs and the Military?
I think one of the staff mentioned that Claudia was possibly autistic so that could explain some of her behavior.
It saddens me how this is true. How we have fallen...
Both of those characterizations are entirely compatible. He is always working for the betterment of others, they're just too stupid to realize it. Viren is the hero we deserve.
>Also, I don't come to Yea Forums much, ut we all agree that Soren & Claudia are the best characters, right?
Behind Viren, yes. It is known the creators came up with those three first before any other characters and it shows
Honestly I kind of wish this series was about Soren and Claudia against their father, rather than the Princes.
It'd be a lot more personal.
Probably gonna turn out that way in the end. Their dad seems to have traveled quite far of the deep end.
Sure as a subplot but it'd be more interesting as the main plot than what we've currently got
Not neccessairly, Chaotic just means they have zero regard for cultural norms or following the general idea of how things 'should' be done. Neutral on the Good-Evil axis just means they're not entirely altruistic or entirely selfish, but somewhere in the middle (if that sounds very general, it is, 90% of people are neutral on both axis). So Viren is a man with a generally good goal (protect humanity) which he does a lot of bad things in aid of, and is willing to break just about any law or social norm to further, so Chaotic Neutral fits pretty well.
>your friend's wife leaves him
>tell him all about the fun conversations you have with your wife where she encourages you to fantasize about other women
kind of a dick move Harrow
>King Harrow knew that Aaravos was a great magical being
>Viren never heard of him
we don't know that he never heard of him, just that he didn't know much and had to go and do some more research
>tell him
>implying Viren doesn’t have a secret cuck peephole installed in Harrow’s bedchambers
I wanted to theorize that Aaravos’s erasing his name spell only applied to written text, and that Harrow had learned about him from an oral tradition. But then I remembered that we only knew Harrow knew about Aaravos because Callum read about him in Harrow’s letter. So I dunno what’s going on there.
How mad would you all be if it was revealed that Soren and Claudia's mum was an elf?
Might turn out a deuteragonist plotline ala Zuko's. More important than a subplot but still not the driving one of the story
Viren is manipulating the law to his own ends through subterfuge and deceit, and wants to serve as the head of an organized structure. He's pulling a classic lawful evil scramble for power
>Wife gets tired of your shit and leaves you with the kids
>Get so mad you start a war against her entire race
Would unironically love this.
Wait they confirmed it? Sweet.
In all honesty, I would be pissed about that too. Irresponsability should not be celebrated.
>Scottish Elves
On the one hand, my Benis approves
On the other, I’m getting friendly fire flashbacks, set to the faint sound of the word lumberfoots
>Viren is manipulating the law to his own ends through subterfuge and deceit
He doesn't manipulate the laws though, his only interactions with the laws and traditions of Katolis have been either ignoring them or blatantly twisting them. Lawful characters don't steal the king's seal so they can pretend to be the regent for a day or two
Sadly impossible, Claudia mentions that when she left Viren she went back to Del Bar, where she was from.
Viren is best boy
He does if he's trying to become the king
Wanting more power isn't a trait unique to lawful people, having respect for or at least following the laws and traditions of your culture makes you lawful, if you're trying to become king by any means necessary then you're not lawful.
When will Rayla snap and rape Callum
literally the second Zym flies off and leaves them alone, that human dick is going in a chastity cage, no question
Why do you assume that chastity is going to be any part of this equation? I predict the complete opposite, DESU.
Because Rayla knows they're about to enter an entire kingdom full of slutty elf girls and wants Callum's cock all to herself, duh
The more logical approach is to make sure he's well drained as much as possible.
Reminds me of Baldur’s Gate 2. The drow waifu isn’t worried about anyone flirting with you, because she knows she’s a better lay than them.
The danger of that of course is that if he's too drained he'll be too weak to fight off another elf trying to kidnap him.
The trick is to keep him just drained enough that it takes him hours to nut but still fit enough to at least fight off one or two elf sluts long enough for Rayla to start breaking heads.
but at that point, it's easier to just use a cage, keep him locked so he won't be tempted to cheat but he'll still have the energy to fight and can be drained at Rayla's leisure
...except Callum has all the martial prowess of a piece of wet tissue paper. I don't think he'll have much luck, caged, balls emptied, or just left alone.
The best thing is that he actually loves Rayla, so he wouldn't cheat to begin with. Be raped sure, like said he's got the strength of a worn teddy bear, but at the very least he's not voluntarily giving it up.
That being said it'll probably be for the best if she just keeps him close and preemptively shanks any bitch looking at him funny.
Those old microwaves, they could blow up an elf REAL good.
The thumbnail made me think she was scaring him with her weird alien elf vagina
Hey there, fellow human. Human fella.
Who drew that pic of two humans having fun together?
I feel that it's important to specify here that the one who would cuck Viren in this situation is Sarai, not Harrow.
Viren was secretly very relieved when she died.
Yeah, for as much shit as this show gets, it does have the balls to show the protag nearly tripping over corpses as he rushes up the stairs.
It feels in keeping with the show's inclusive theme.
And man does it explain why she is so oblivious to the harm she causes.
>Sarai seduced and started banging Viren's wife on the side
>Harrow knows and is okay with it, but keeps declining their offer to join in
>Viren just watches the two women bang from his secret passages in the castle walls
Corpses, guards being burned alive, spines snapping, Aaravos...
God bless Netflix, for Nickelodeon wouldn't have allowed half this shit.
Gee, Sarai, how come you mom lets you cuck Viren with TWO people?
you've cracked the code, user.
Every time a show has [x] in it, there will inevitably be like five guys who insist they have no problem with [x] but it's retarded the show is pushing [x] just to pander, and if the show did [x] the RIGHT way, they'd be fine with it. There will also be two guys who openly say [x] should never, ever be included in any show. The first five guys agree with the last two guys, but rarely admit it.
Horns are just Fuck Handles
We're gonna get that moment eventually where she does something so horrific without realizing it, something that causes so much damage and suffering to others, that she'll look around at one she did, realize what she did too late, and have a break down at the realization that she's actually the bad guy.
An Azula who spent her entire life thinking she was a Katara. A girl trying her best to be a good person and failing at it while thinking she's succeeding.
Anything can be a fuck handle if you're creative enough
Midnightstep1 is the artist
>Find Rayla player on f list
>Decide to watch this show
>Watch one episode
>Grow impatient and message the player anyway
>No answer
>Throw this show into the trash
You wanna bet she sacrifices herself in the end?
Fuck she is cute.
Nani the fuck?
Is this a legitimate stroke post, or did you go the lazy route and put it through google translate a few times?
user, are you okay?
unironically off yourself lol
I hope this guy comes back
I hope the guy he was fighting comes back with his biggest sword
>tfw you have a half-asleep dream where Ezran and Callum fuck (have apparently been doing so for years and Ez is frustrated they haven't been able to since going on the run) next to a sleeping Rayla, who wakes up midway through but just listens and shlicks, then rolls over to join in for round two once they're done
what. the fuck. is wrong with me.
>Sarai is somehow Soren and Claudia's real dad
elves are for superior human seed
Neither Claudia nor azula are bad guys though
I hate this board
Welcome to nu-Yea Forums
This isn't exactly new.
I dont remember the board to being that bad but then again last time when I was quite active prior to leaving many years Mr Who was still the head of the site
damn elves stealing our humans for their superior seed
>Rayla was actually just travelling with the princes to have a steady supply of human seed
But Soren is more like Sokka than Callum. If anything, Callum is a bit Avatar with the budding magic thing.
You seem to forget that it was Yea Forums who made the MLP fandom into the cancerous cesspool it is today.
Then leave, you gormless twit.
It's not stealing if you give it willingly
Or they had surrogate child, whichever.
What about quarter elves?
You didn't explain anything, you just made me want a burger.
yeah it could be, I mean Im not ashamed I barely look the place since I was mainly an Yea Forumsutistic /g/entleman
It's a major issue as far as combat goes that they're lacking a pinkie instead of, say, a ring finger. The pinkie is the most important part finger to sword use, because it's what enables a wielder to snap the blade around or twirl it. Ralya should have issues just getting them to unfold.
>f list
KYS furfag
I really hope we get a reverse of this shtick in the next season.
related btw (also second)
So what's everyones theories on humans being able to actually use magic? Sokka can now use air magic even though everyone said that humans can't use magic.
Well since it clearly requires some bullshit spiritual journey to figure that shit out, it ain't exactly gonna be for everybody.
Is it actually a woman?
They lied.
wrong user
Aaraworm is cute. CUTE!
Oi, Ezran? Wanna /SS/?
Lesbians truly are the future. Men are a dying gender.
>You won't live long enough to experience the world become 100% women making the purest form of love together
Fuck this hetero earth.
>Men are a dying gender
What the fuck is this, Vandread? Stop being retarded.
You need to reach enlightenment or something. Hopefully we'll find, like, a circle of human magi in Xadia who managed to avoid the trail of tears so we can learn more about it.
Indeed fuck it, so please make haste and Isekai yourself out of it, rope-chan is waiting since it wont happen until 3.5 million years
Chromosome Research
January 2012, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp 35–45
ISSN: 0967-3849 (Print) 1573-6849 (Online)
>watching Vandread with an anime club that was basically the guys from MST3K
I miss high school.
We can only expect more of the same
>even more aggressive preaching against dark magic
>still not a single word explaining why, despite it being the #2 complaint from season 1 and the #1 complaint from season 2
>elves do something that humans were just scolded for earlier in the season, but its fine and moral this time
>talk more about jelly tarts, that's comedy right?
>Callum masters two new schools of magic this season, and will continue to accelerate learning until the writers feel they've rushed it enough they can finally get to the actual plot
>Aaravos continues to be incredibly suspicious, Varick continues to notice and also go along with it anyways because plot
>even shittier animation following the previous step down
>fans will still rave about it because of two minutes of "human Rayla" in the whole season that's just repeating the same jokes from season 1 that season 2 did
I'm entirely expecting elf Callum and Rayla getting bent out of shape over it.
Hope we get to see more elf types next season. Sky elves look neat.
That would fit in with how the show has gone so far.
>season 1
>Callum asks if human myths about Elves are true
>Rayla incredibly offended and lectures him about it and doesn't let him forget saying it for a few episodes
>Rayla imitates humans saying they just love killing and money and lack empathy or any real intelligence
>"Haha, yeah we do do that!"
Fuck this stupid show and its retarded one-sided messaging.
>season 2
>Amaya rides across the border
>attacked on sight by elves, totally "justified" by the "invasion"
>dragon just flies around on the human side of the border like he owns the place
>humans are terrible monsters for reacting literally the exact same way the elves did earlier
Fuck this fucking stupid fuck show and it's stupid forced morality that makes no fucking sense.
not a single peep of the water ones?
I felt like the animation improved in season 2 over 1. But yeah, I like the show a lot, but I feel like they have to really cram a bunch into 9 episodes. I'm waiting for there be a good argument against dark magic (other than it aging you or fucking up your body), but I doubt we'll get it.
Also, I really hope we meet some huge asshole elves just to show that they aren't perfect moral beings. Seriously, fuck the elves.
Yeah. If they wander into elf land and the elves are still perfect beings then I'll wash my hands of the show. If I want'd a "humans are bad, mm'kay?" message I'd go read angsty furry fapfics or watch some late season Dr. Who.
Every single elf who has had speaking line so far has been a huge asshole, it's just the other characters pretend to not notice because elves are flawless in this show. Rayla was fucking lecturing Callums dying comatose body last season and its played like she was justified to do so.
Haven't seen anything yet. No earth elves either.
>Season 1
To be fair, Callum called her species a bunch of blood thirsty monsters. That's a tad bit more extreme than making fun of someone for liking to talk about roads.
>Season 2
Yeah, fuck that Dragon. Soren still jumped the gun by picking a fight he didn't know if he could win, but he was 100% morally right to try to fight it off even if it was a little dumb.
>they actually go through the dwarfs and mermaid idea
I dont know, what you guys think?
It wasnt just roads you apologist idiot. She puts on the hood and they say it wont work, then she says she just loves starting wars and suddenly "oh, that's pretty good". And Callum just said some humans say that, he didnt call her anything.
What do you expect from an elf?
Down for mermaids if they can switch back and fort between legs and fins but dwarves can fuck right off.
This makes me unreasonably angry. I hate that after the framerate this was the thing everyone complained about, and now only did they not address it in season 2 but they even doubled down on it. Fix the fucking show you hacks! Justify dark magic being evil already, hold elves accountable or at least give Rayla an arc where she isnt a fucking race supremacist, do SOMETHING everyone hate this bullshit.
I've been here since 2004.
It has always been terrible in various ways. The newest thing is probably /pol/ shitting up literally every thread instead of one or two hot button threads. "Yea Forums is love" was relative (and still is; that's why I pretty much only go here and the porn boards).
There are some things we used to put up with that we don't anymore. Now the mods don't condone open loli/shota fandom (we used to have "lolis of Yea Forums" threads on the daily), although whether that's a plus or a minus depends on your interests (I think it's a minus because people who weep over drawings are fags). Pretty sure /pol/'s cancer seeping into every single conversation is the only lasting, tangible, aggravating change.
>To be fair, Callum called her species a bunch of blood thirsty monsters
The first ones he ever met were coming to kill his dad and brother, so...
There's a difference between something said while she's actively trying to get her assassin on and something said while allied and floating down a river together.
Yeah thanks for the insight, I mentioned here (You)
>Also, I really hope we meet some huge asshole elves just to show that they aren't perfect moral beings.
So, Runaan?
> A dinnae ken how come ye'r even bothering, ah ain't gonnae tell ye anythin'. Ye may as well just let me go.
> W-wait, wha are ye going to do with those feathers?
>Overall, the diversity of this show has been handled pretty well. It's been pretty low key and hasn't felt like empty virtue signaling.
This, one thousand percent. It's hard to claim something is crammed in to the narrative to score political points when it's presented as no big deal and not worth remarking upon in any way shape or form. There's no speech about the queens defying tradition to embrace their love or how nobody understands how hard it is to be a black king. The queens are heroes for dying to stall a fucking dragon. The black king is just black, the show never feels a need to give a "why" or to spend any time focusing on it.
Predictably, this drives some people nuts, because it proves how full of shit anybody who complains about fags or Asians or something in a fantasy show is: it's not that a show's too preachy in its inclusion that bothers them. It's that the show includes at all.
Now I'm just picturing the Xadian Yakuza, user.
Again, Callum didnt say shit to her. She specifically asked what public opinion was. And no, the only difference between those situations is that Rayla was even worse because hers wasnt just words. She was going to kill them and not just as retaliation, she was going to kill them because they're worthless humans.
Vandread's take on single-sex reproduction was the funniest shit ever.
Guy planet:
>you wanna make a kid?
>shit yeah, bro!
Girl planet:
>let us join our hearts.
I'm amazed you can tolerate more than a few seconds here. pretty sure Yea Forums hates us almost as much as /pol/.
Stop replying to it.
>Runaan still wants to kill Ezran even though the dragon prince isn't dead and Ezran himself shows up to give the prince back
>Illusion elf lady contemptuously dismisses Callum's dreams of doing primal magic and it turns out she was full of shit
>S2 ends with Rayla being terrified of whatever asshole sky dragon they've been caught by, presumably because he'll be a stubborn asshole who won't listen
We've seen some Xadians be unreasonable cunts. Somehow I doubt the majority of the people they meet in S3 will be enlightened gentlemen who just wish humans would stop being so uncivilized.
Does it count as replying to it if I reply to you?
I had my issues with Yea Forums and finally left, it disgusted me in my personal way and I personally even though I still like alot of Yea Forums stuff I was always open to Yea Forums material specially since I grow on some 90s stuff like the 90s Spiderman series and XMen, The Mask TV series and alot of more shit I dont want to write down but was curious about Yea Forums material both marvel or dc and also stuff like FrancoBelgian stuff and so on, yeah I knew right away it was a special brand of autismo but that made it fun at first
I stuck to this board cos I unironically met alot of nice folk that I speak now daily through discord and such so I did grow more attached to this autistic place than I did on Yea Forums
He escalated a situation where a couple dozen soldiers had arrows pointed at her instead of trying to calm things down or, you know, tell his Aunt the truth. It would be weird if she wasn't pissed about anything.
And she wasn't going to kill him, that was the point. No matter how much she psyched herself up, she couldn't follow through.
It’s very generic cookie cutter fantasy with generic cookie cutter fantasy morals, themes, and tropes.
Jesus christ. People like you do not belong on Yea Forums. It's no wonder you wear a trip, because you act like any flaming tripfaggot would. Go to Resetera's cartoon topic thread or anywhere else but here.
Posts like that is exactly why the rest of the site calls this place Yea Forumsmblr.
For all the "he's smart!" the show ladles on to Callum, his plan with his aunt was the dumbest shit he's pulled in the entire show.
>My aunt, a woman so driven and stubborn she became one of Katolis's top generals despite being stone fucking deaf, someone who spends most of her time fighting Sun Elves at a place with more lava than Bowser's Castle, has a bunch of guards with swords pointed at my elf friend
>Better tell her my elf friend is a bloodthirsty beast who will kill us with a mere moment's provocation
What did you think was going to happen, kid? She'd slink away?
>Illusion elf lady contemptuously dismisses Callum's dreams of doing primal magic and it turns out she was full of shit
Is it fair to blame her for that, though? I mean, who knows how much of the history we've been told will turn out to be bullshit, but if it really is the case that no humans did magic before some guy created dark magic, and still didn't during the last 1000 years of conflict, That's 10oo+ years of history supporting her statement. She couldn't know that Callum was a Main Character.
unless you're the next RVA, drop the trip, friend-o.
There are no people here, only anons. Yea Forums is not the place for companionship.
Bullshit. Humans are hardly sentient to her, she takes joy in their suffering and disregards their pain to suit her agenda.
not to defend tripfagging in general, but the rest of the site will call this place Yea Forumsmblr regardless. we've always been nicer than the other boards (for a given value of nice). why do you think bronies were born here?
Because the first season of MLP was legit damn good. The 'love and kindness :)' thing was just shitposting bronies used to piss off people who were butthurt about colored horses. It wasn't until a half year into it that the fandom exploded exponentially and overflowed out of Yea Forums, where 'love and respect :)' became some actual stupid cult shit bronies rallied themselves around.
Maybe I'm getting my timing messed up, because I'm a sad alcoholic who's been posting about comic books he mostly doesn't read for the past 15 years, but wasn't "Yea Forums is love" a thing well before /mlp/ ever happened?
I sometimes visit this board and you are fucking not, boards like /ck/ and niche boards MIGHT be nicer but we are still the same piece of cesspool regardless
It really was. I think that's probably the purest moment of plot being forced rather than allowed to progress naturally, and I say that about a show where Ezrum spent two fucking seasons not knowing that his father was dead, including however long everyone was bored on a boat (I suspect the only reason Callum read the letter but didn't tell his brother was pacing).
I wouldn’t imagine that someone who was both a Tripfag and a Capefag would be still able to be disgusted by anything when they’re already at the bottom.
That's why she almost said the "L" word to one in 2x09
oh no they showed something that exists!!
It's why she was laughing and gloating over the dying body of one, and defending that war criminal of a dragon with no heart whatsoever for the dozens of homes and hundreds of people it burned because they were human.
user, you don't understand. the problem isn't that they're showing something that exists--okay, well it is that too--but that they're doing so in a way that portrays it as completely normal, as normal as someone having red hair or being left-handed. that is the ultimate in propaganda: convincing everyone dykes are totally cool by having two of them just show up and nobody cares about it. it's the same with a biracial couple with a stepson: horrible things portrayed as completely benign and unremarkable. if there were speeches or Very Special Episodes, it would be annoying, but less insidious. this is the true, sinister version of the agenda: convincing our children that a pair of lesbians with an adopted daughter is something completely, utterly normal when objective reality says it isn't.
...how'd I do at roleplaying as a /pol/ack?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and in this case also cringe.
Lesbians aside, how does feudalism work in this world? Aside from the girl queen, they've not really mentioned all the politicking and backstabbing.
King Harrow seems to have had rock solid nobility, such that the only threat to his son appears to be an overeager vizier, and peasantry that he apparently believed would roll with him killing 50 thousand of by starvation to help out another kingdom that fucked up (in general, all natural disasters only kill people when people fuck up and build in the wrong place, manage the land incorrectly, or fail to prepare adequately for the inevitable).
It's weird that no one has expressed any concern that Callum is trying to manipulate his brother or remove him from the picture entirely. There's are reasons almost no kings married a woman who already had a kid beyond "ew, she fucked some other dude first," and one of the biggest is that they would be a threat to their own progeny.
For that matter, where did Queen Sarai come from, other higher nobility within the nation?
holy shit you actually had me going for a second
You're special.
I'm hoping there's some expanded universe stuff that tackles these questions. Not because them going unanswered bothers me in the main story, but because if Ehasz really wants to create this world devoid of racial and sexual bullshit he's portraying in this show, it'd be neat to see how it ticks. Not to "justify" any particular kind of character, but like...there's historical precedent for adopted royals, right? And certain cultures had queens with harems of concubines that the Queendom could take cues from. And so on. It'd be fun as fuck to play around with all that.
I can get why they don't bother going into it in the show, but it should be the kind of thing the writers have an answer for if somebody asks them. Not because the show demands reasons why royal stepmoms or dyke queens works, but because any writer worth their salt should be doing the worldbuilding that leads up to those circumstances.
Xadia is half the continent, meaning the humans control HALF the fucking world, I wonder if this is just poor worldbuilding or if the whole narrative of "the humans got corralled into a little pocket" is just propaganda
Now THIS is bait
Maybe they got corralled into the shitty half? Rayla talks about how magic's all over the place in Xadia, presumably without black mages leeching the life out of bunnies to light candles. And "continent" doesn't necessarily mean "endless landmass with a wide variety of ecosystems." Maybe they got pushed to the ass-end of Australia.
It should be clear by now that nothing in the intro can be trusted
More like a poorly constructed false flag
>Xadia is half the continent, meaning the humans control HALF the fucking world
No, they control half the continent. There are probably more continents out there.
Much like Assvravos.
No one mentions the elves having to move out of the land designated for humans either.
I want another continent's residents to show up.
>humanity and elfkind on the cusp of war
>Callum and Rayla manage to stop the war after a few minutes of awesome cavalry charges/arrow barrages/fights between mages and dragons
>everyone's going to be friends
>Magitek orcs from another continent suddenly sail up in ships that run on agony
>Next season, Claudia infuses Callum with a combination of dark and primal magic, then travels alongside him and Rayla as an astral projection
>Everything in Orcworld is bolted together and constantly sparking
>At some point a dragon fights a steampunk robot dragon
Well, presumably that was a process a bit like the Israelis pulling Zionists kicking and screaming out of Gaza back in 2005, with the Elves still definitely in charge of the process.
I'm so glad no one on Yea Forums is in charge of writing shows
you tell me you wouldn't watch the fantasy version of Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla and I'll call you a liar
In what way is this relevant.
>the elves having to move out of the land designated for humans
Right, there is no mention of it.
I can't help that your parents and school system failed to give you any critical thinking skills.
You clearly do not understand the complaint if you still think this was relevant.
Did you respond to the post you intended to?
Yes, fucks sake you're so fucking smug but it's a really simple concept. Drop the "anyone who doesnt praise me is either uneducated or mistaken" bullshit, nobody likes that in a person.
just fuck already
Then say what's confusing you instead of dancing around it, since out here in the real world that event has been largely forgotten and "dominant group pulls its people out of an area designated for a subordinate group " seems pretty clear to me.
through your pants.
Nothing is confusing me you insufferable cunt. I said something, and you said something unrelated. You're just so stuck up your own ass that when I tell you that's not what I was talking about, you think you know what I meant better than I do with enough certainty to be such an fucking annoying sperg for this long over it. If I tell you that's not what I meant it means it wasnt what I meant, not that I was wrong or confused about my own fucking thoughts.
Calm down, we can't fuck if you're pacing around ranting that your hand is stuck in the pickle jar.
And you have to let go of the pickle.
>oh no, I really was being a cunt, better deflect
Nice Dan Harmon tier humor, you really showed me.
>Mechs in my fantasy
No sir
I'll leave you to your gherkin jerkin, I'm going to bed.
Just finished season 1 and boy is this show nice. I'm glad it got renewed for a 3rd season. I'll start season 2 tomorrow, but skimming this thread makes me see that Rayla and Callum get the fuck. I don't mind relationships, but if it turns into some stupid shit like in Star Vs I'm dropping it. I am not into that kind of degenerate behavior.
Relationshit's actually pretty nonexistent right now but shippers gonna ship.
It's not happening at all, that notion came from an idiot who didn't understand everything she was researching had already been done before and she opened her mouth before going through all of the data to see she what was at the end of it. Men aren't going anywhere at all. She was ridiculed immensely within the community for her stupidity.
>No sir
Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot.
Goddamn I love Escaflowne.
Reminder that Aaravos started the war between humans and elves/dragons in hopes that humans would create light magic which Aaravos would use to create more of his people.
OK, I've only seen season 2, but Callum is nothing like Sokka, who was just an annoying comic relief most of the time
Is Claudia autistic?
I could've sworn that it was officially confirmed that she is but I haven't been able to dig up anything backing it up.
It would be funny if every girl people think Callum might end up with, all just start banging Ezran instead
>Literally a sentient bomber plane looking for a fight
>Soren is portrayed as evil for fighting it to go away
>Instead of leaving the town alone after warning shots, sets it on fire
>"Omg why are you hurting it, humans are so evil"
>frees the dragon from its chains
>Dragon starts attacking human soldiers instead of just flying away
Why is Rayla so dumb?
Why is the priest woman more worried about Viren trying to mobilize human forces (he isn't even the interim king, Amaya is) than the actual threat of the assassin elves and living bomber planes that breathe fire and thunder destroying their towns?
Are we supposed to sympathize with the racist, genocidal creatures?
Why is everyone but Viren, Claudia and Soren so obnoxious?
Not seeing any indicators. She clearly doesn't have good ethics despite what waifufags would claim.
>Soren stated he just wanted to kill a dragon
>without knowing the intention of the creature, and launching small trees at it, you expect warning shots in return?
>Claudia wanting to vivisection without anesthesia that prisoner of war because it's body parts were valuable
>not even sure I need to go further from there, people were being sociopaths regardless of what the dragon was doing
Uhm, sweaty
>mother’s basement
Welp, time to add Viren to Admiral Proudmoore tier of did nothing wrong
Well it would be nice if anyone else had any ideas.
I am pretty sure Viren is actually meant to represent the realist perspective on international politics, especially since the king is clearly meant to represent American style left-wing liberalism.
>Mother's Basement
He doesn't put more than an inkling of thought into his opinions before trying to sell them to the world, dude's a legit idiot.
so, Sokka will turn into the AVATAR o magic??
and that dark elf is the DARK AVATAR?
He's right. But for the wrong reasons. Some people do think Viren is a good guy, who would solve everything if he was in charge and they're wrong. But, his claim that Viren is the worst guy and that all of his ideas are bad ideas is an inept reading of the show's text. I hate to play the enlightened centrist. But he's the exact opposite of the people he's bitching about and entirely wrong for that.
Anime pope should be able to understand nuance. But I guess that's too much for him.
what pleb you haven't even watch vision of escaflowne
You trust in western animation too much. They will fuck it up.
>so is season three just gonna be a teenage boy and girl traveling across the world with each other?
Almost certainly another dude will be introduced (probably an elf so they can do the whole we're so compatible thing we /definitely/ belong together), so that we'll basically have two love triangles going for both of the two leads.
>love triangle
Should just be renamed cancer triangle.
The moment they put a young male elf anywhere near Callum, it's over. The fujos will officially take over.
The winner is almost never in any doubt, and all it does is encourage the rabid retards to start shitflinging contests every time it gets brought up.
Given that those same people often ship people that literally never meet, you really don’t need to pander to them.
Just get Vic Mignogna to voice the character and scare them away
But that's literally the pitch of the show. Good King Harrow sat us down and gave us the thesis in his letter on the pirate ship. Power corrupts, love heals, power used to heal corrupts.
el atrocidad....
El ofensa a Garithos...
La creatura del Xadia
he’s saying he found a rayla role-player he was interested in on the website “f list” and decided to watch this show so he could talk to her, but she never messaged him back, causing him to give up on the show out of frustration
I’m still going with the user had a stroke theory.
Granted that’s probably not mutually exclusive
so fucking good
Her mother fornicated with satyrs is this why she's so sexually active?
It's pretty solid. It probably won't blow you away, but the characters are fun and pretty well rounded. They have to cram a lot into 9 episodes a season, though, so sometimes it can feel a bit rushed. I say it's worth a watch.
Yeah, the half with no magic. And even if they did control half the world, they were still trail of tears'd out of their ancestral homeland by a bunch of butt-mad Elfs. I think the humans have the right to be a little upset.
I understand that you're a deluded schizo incel, who actually believes the stupid shit you parrot, but- please understand that you're unwanted, and wrong, and should kys
Hardly. You're just interacting with a vocal minority. No more than say, most white guys are rapists.
"I can help!"
I do think it’s odd that there’s only two humanoid races in this show, and they’re human and elves. No dwarves or fairies or shit, just your basic humans and six different varieties of elves. Don’t see a lot of fantasy doing that, usually.
You're the one that should kys, tumblrina. The world no longer stands for your "political correctness" garbage, it's finally realized the old traditions were perfect and must make a return if humanity is to make true progress.
>mothers basement
Isnt he the fuy who thought goblin slayer was problematic
I think he was one of the ones that never bothered getting past the first episode and pretended that was the tone of the entire thing.
It’s not as if there aren’t legitimate reasons to dislike it, so it feels really petty and lazy to use that as an excuse.
>Implying they haven't taken over already
Your faggoty tone and typing style really make this some appealing bait, if you’re just shitposting then bravo.
But they aren't vocal rapists. They're trying to muffle their grunts and her screams.
>All his ideas are bad
He saved two kingdoms from starvation.
Viren isn't perfect but neither is anyone else, Callum and Rayla's plan to end the war by returning Az is naive and probably won't work the way they think it will, Most of the other rulers including Harrow have no plans at all for ending the war or even preparing for it.
Peace will probably only come when both Xadia and the humans have to team up against Aaravos
>Xadia is half the continent, meaning the humans control HALF the fucking world
Xadia is just one continent and it is apparently tiny considering Rayla and Callum were able to cross it halfway on foot in a week or so.
What does ethics have to do with her being autistic?
Not 100% sure, but I think Katolis is near the border, so its not like they crossed one tip of the continent to another.
Katolis is the only nation bordering Xadia; they wouldn't be so buttmad about the whole situation if it wasn't their troops having to hold it down. Could also be why the other kingdoms didn't really give much of a shit what the elves were doing.
>making her Callums love interest already when they know each other like 2 weeks.
I'm not opposed to it but it's too soon.
>I think he was one of the ones that never bothered getting past the first episode
in his video about GS he literally says that one of the reasons he doesn't like the first ep is that he doesn't think it's a very good example of the tone or strong points of the rest of the series though
fair enough.
Must have mixed him up with one of the other people screeching about it.
Seriously, I thought he was giving her some secret message through the hand signs so that only she and her interpreter would understand the situation. But no, he was giving her the most piss-poor lie imaginable!
Yeah next season is gonna show how shitty Elves can be.
That's cool but Claudia and Soren are the more compelling characters
>left-wing liberalism
He's a monarch
Honestly I don't think we're supposed to agree with Viren but I l'm pretty sure he's not supposed to be "the worst" or completely wrong either.
Pretty sure he's supposed to be a "path to hell" kind of guy.
Sometimes attraction grows quickly in hectic situations. Ever hear of the suspension bridge effect?
Still, it does seem a bit rushed. Hopefully they'll let it be a slow burn in the coming seasons.
>The old traditions were perfect and must make a return if humanity is to make true progress.
When bait has reached the level of sounding like a fantasy villain.
Attraction is one thing but that doesn't immediately mean that it's love and Rayla was almost confessing her love for him. Which comes a bit out of left field because there wasn't any previous signs of anything beyond friendship.
He gives a speech about how he feels undeserving of his stations, and states that true justice wouldn't exist in his kingdom until all people, regardless of ethnicity, class, gender, family background etc have the same opportunity in life.
Don't get me wrong, this is a lovely idea, but it's definitely anarchonistic for s king to think that. I think it's because primarily, this is a kids show, so it glosses over realism somewhat in favour of ideals
personally, I don't mind. I get enough grit and cynicism and realism from reality. Not every show needs to be The Wire. If a child watches this show and gets inspired to be a more loving person as a result, then this show did a good thing.
Anyone else like how the child queen blew off Viren even after his story that was clearly meant to open the water gates? That was pretty refreshing.
Teens are pretty prone to mistaking attraction for love, though.
I found his speech a bit jarring since skin color and all are clearly a non issue in their world.
To be fair, the water gates did open for her. But she closed them in time to make a decision.
Reagrdless of whether you agree with her or not, she definitely acted like an adult in that meeting.
It felt uncharacteristically #WOKE, even considering some other things in the show.
Yeah and it always gets treated like that in fiction like it's true.
Would be interesting if both cases of teenage love fails in the show.
For all we know, there might be widespread prejudice against albinos or something because people think they look like elves.
She's like 16, man. It can be really easy for a young person to mistake infatuation for love. They also have really good chemistry, and even in real life people don't always need to know each other for huge amounts of time for genuine feelings to develop between them.
>The winner is almost never in any doubt, and all it does is encourage the rabid retards to start shitflinging contests every time it gets brought up.
That kind of mirrors the show's current Humans/Viren vs Xadia vs TeamPeace setup.
Dude some adults don't act as mature and levelheaded as she did. Having been nearly assassinated a couple of times does that to you.
Now the big question I have is was she adopted as a baby or is she a black magic baby of the queens?
That she's 16 is hilarious considering elves seem to live for a very long time but age like normal humans?
So the show's going to end with Ezran dissolving the power of the throne?
If that's the show's thesis it's doing a bad job arguing it.
Most of the adults there weren't acting like adults. I think Elephant King might actually be mentally retarded.
Brown people aren't persecuted for looking kinda like Elves either.
War triangles are a lot more interesting than love triangles imo
There are a lot more brown people than albinos
>Peace will probably only come when both Xadia and the humans have to team up against Aaravos
This is the worst trope.
>Fighting is bad you guys! Solve it by teaming up to fight this other guy
I honestly have no clue. We hear Rayla in her human disguise mention a human's "Sub Century Life Span," which implies that elves live longer than that - but I don't think we know how long they live. They could live till like 120 years old or something. Correct me if this has been explained somewhere.
But who knows. Elves that live for like 1000 years or something are always going to require some hand-waving in fiction. Cuz, if someone lived for 600 years and were a master of their craft, surely no human who only lived for 60 could ever hope to match.
What if Albinos in that world are of Moonshadow descent?
He's clearly Lawful Evil
To be fair that's also true in real life
That's subjective, I think.
Kings aren't always wise or experienced. That's one of the downsides of a hereditary system of government.
Well Aavaros seems plently old but we don't know if that has anything to do with his prison or something. Or him clearly being the source of dark magic.
>King Harrow seems to have had rock solid nobility
I can't even remember if there is any Nobility. Harrow seems to have held all the power with only the council having advisory power.
Given the size of the kingdom, it makes me wonder if it's filled with self-governing towns and collectives who only pay attention to the Crown when the soldiers turn up.
Inbreeding is also a problem, which clearly wasn't the case for the little girl
The council were probably nobles, Amaya and her sister too.
I wonder who Callums dad was.
according to one of the creators, he's chaotic neutral
name one time in the show that he restrains himself from something he'd want to do out of respect for tradition or social norms
>all people, regardless of ethnicity, class, gender, family background etc have the same opportunity in life
That will never ever happen, and it's a major mistake to not teach children about how the real world works.
>If a child watches this show and gets inspired to be a more loving person as a result, then this show did a good thing
You definitely don't belong on Yea Forums, then. Only hatred is welcome here.
>He gives a speech about how he feels undeserving of his stations, and states that true justice wouldn't exist in his kingdom until all people, regardless of ethnicity, class, gender, family background etc have the same opportunity in life.
In doing so they've just highlighted the fact that our heroes are autocrats and that's supposed to be ok, even in keeping with the other progressive ideals propagated. Like there can be equality & non-violence AND authoritarian rule.
They should have kept it to a 'with great power comes great responsibility" speech if they wheren't going to follow through with it. At least it would be more consistent.
There's a tiny part of me that clings to Harrow's classist speech against Viren, as well as his sentiment that Ezran not have to rule, as a sign that it's all intentional and that Ezran will have to grapple with the issue.
But I doubt it.
Yeesh. That reminds me of the scene in "funny people" where sandler cucks seth rogen.
>Sorry Cal you just weren't getting the job done.
>We could have had court politics driving Viren to desperation with their own agendas and manoeuvring
>Instead they just sat down, did nothing and yelled at Viren while waiting for Ezran
Why have people when you could have props?
Well it's a shitty trope that happens irl all the time.
I honestly don't see another path to peace, there is no way in hell that just bringing Az back is going to do anything.
>He's a monarch
True, but his dream is basically John Rawls version of contract theory with the iconic veil of ignorance, and he clearly holds liberal values even if monarchy is technically incompatible with liberalism.
So would Claudia and Rayla still go on dates and such with Callum, but just go to Ezran's bedchambers at night?
Being chaotic neutral doesn't mean he's "lol so randumb," it just means that he is willing to break laws, trust and bones to get what he wants. You could argue that this makes him evil, but in this case, what he wants could arguably be called noble - the safety of the human race.
So, he's not Lawful because he is willing to lie, cheat and steal to get his way. A Lawful Evil character could still do this, but they would rely on exploiting the system to get what he wants, whereas we see Viren consistently go against the will of the council and do his own shit. Also, he's a little bit on the impulsive side since he summoned the Pentarchy without much of a back-up plan for the inevitable fallout it would cause him.
He's not really evil either. He's a fucking asshole, yes, and he's willing to pit his own children against each other for his own gain, but he seems to genuinely care about the safety of his Kingdom and that of humanity as a whole. It's possible that as he is affected by Star-Elf boy's influence he might dip into full-on evil, but I don't think he is there yet.
Also, he's definitely not good, for a lot of obvious reasons. So that leaves Chaotic Neutral as the best fitting alignment for him.
Everyone are going to end up together with Aaravos. Everyone.
That's the only logical ship.
Do you have kids?
I assumed the spell was on Viren, not the world as a whole.
Viren is the only one that consistently comes up with ideas at all.
100,000 people would have died of starvation if Harrow had followed Sarai's advice of "but what about the magma golem's feelings tho?!"
And it's not like he's without justification too: There are fire-breathing dragons destroying towns on the human side (which humans were expelled to) and moon elf death squads commiting regicide. The only reason we think Viren is evil is because the story tries to portray him as one.
Imagine if we had bomber planes regularly invading our airspace and terrorist spies killing politicians; That would surely be a cause of war.
I'm okay with this.
Viren is 100% right. Everything really is the elves' fault. They looked down on the humans for being magicless invalids for years, and the second they find a way to level the playing field they label it "Dark Magic" and kick them out of their homes.
Also, calling it 'Dark Magic' is a PR nightmare. If they called it something like "Life Force Magic" or "Meatomancy" it probably wouldn't have such a bad rep
>am absolutely autistic about dragons.
Not too much of that until season 2, and even that isn't central. The magic stuff is cool though.
Aquaintin yerself with yer gals pointy fanny. Is it normal fer it ta have barbs? Y'don know, but ye also don know tha ye hate it.
>this fag doesn't appreciate hot chicks in armour.
That's even worse.
The eyes are dumb, just give him green eyes from his da.
Nope, not the ones you meet irl. They aren't usually stunningly gorgeous, but they tend to be pretty chill.
Earfuck, all right!!
Of course. Kiss on the cheek as they sneak in to the king's bedchamber to fucked one after the other.
>Callum is sweet boy, but I need a man.
Just call it "Human Magic"
Can elves not use dark magic? Or do they just choose not to?
>the chain if hatred must end!
>it must not be either the dragon or the humans who got their town burned down to end it, it must be me - random elf!
What was she thinking?
They can, but who cares? 1. They won't. 2. If they have to, they will have to use something called "Human Magic"; worst insult.
The moon elf death squad committing regicide was a direct response to a human death squad committing regicide though.
There's really no point for an elf to use dark magic since they're already able to use magic, but I don't see why they couldn't.
We literally see an elf doing dark magic. The mirror one that the fujos are so taken with.
There's obviously a big story there.
Yeah but from the human standpoint it was still a direct attack on them. Plus there is no reason for them to think that the death of their king would be the end to elven hostilities.
I'm at S2 E4 rn, good shit :) I just wish each season would have more episodes, I can't get enough!
>Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
>USA bombs Japan
Wow yankees why you do that?
>Viren is the only one that consistently comes up with ideas at all
>Let's break a thousand year old ceasefire by invading king dragons territory to kill one of his subjects and get not one but three monarchs killed in the process
>then lets assassinate the dragon and kidnap his heir leading to a war that will doom 1,000,000 people at the end of a chain of events that was supposed to save 100,000
Yeah, regular fucking Einstein. You do realize that the kings 'bad idea' of sharing the burden of famine would have led to less instability and (presumably) less loss of life than Viren's "lol necromancy is great" bullshit?
I ror'd.
Aside from some prophecy about the prince being powerful, was it ever stated why humans decided to start a war? Running across the border to kill the other side's nobility just seems like asshattery.
Viren apologists are always contrarian morons.
People get guillotined and governments overthrown for the shit Harrow and Sarai were trying to pull. Even if Viren's idea wasn't a good one he was at least trying to find a solution that wasn't 'let them eat cake.'
I said it here before, but I think it would have been a lot more powerful if Rayla was protecting humans from Xadians, rather than Xadians from humans. Protecting Xadians from humans is what you would expect Rayla to do, because she's Xadian herself, but protecting humans would really show how much she'd grown since the start of the series. It would be a real step towards peace.
I hope she gets the chance to protect some humans from Xadians in season three, even better if those humans aren't just Callum. Just her noticing when her own kind are being dipshits and pursuing justice regardless of race.
By Yea Forums perspective, wouldn't the nigger king not also be nigger, but a cum because
>my wife's son
Aren't you anons glad such a """man""" is dead? And by those same standards, wouldn't Sorin be the most "based and redpilled"?
I want /pol/ to leave
Why would anyone listen to her, though? She's an assassin that can't assassinate, and her parents are cowards that failed their duty. She's less than a nobody.
I don't think you understand to how peasants react to "50,000 of you are gaining to starve to death so we can help out this other kingdom, okay?"
Famine is, first and foremost, a policy failure. The queens fucked up royally, and they apparently waited until all reserves were gone to ask for help..
Hand over the elf waifus and no threads need to get hurt
Do you hear the people sing?
Wow if only someone had suggested not sacrificing anyone, neither Katolis or Xadia-Oh wait that was Viren. His very first suggestion.
But he turns to Dark Magic for everything apparently. The easy way!
Unlike pointlessly sacrificing your subjects who have no say in the matter to sooth the King's moral ego.
Seriously, no one suggested just asking the other kingdoms?
You can have Runaan and split custody of Rayla but Aaravos stays.
>Viren is the only one that consistently comes up with ideas at all.
I honestly DON'T think Viren is right, but I've seen even the Team Viren writers push the idea that his fatal flaw is that he won't listen to other's ideas...which has not been demonstrated well in show.
Other characters reject his but they don't put forward their own, and in the few times they do they're like Harrow's "share the burden" idea or "Face my punishment but still have my soldiers guard me", just objectively terrible.
The only exception is the kids's attempts to build a relationship and make peace...but Viren has yet to actually be presented with that idea.
Reminder that Aaravos is best man and Viren did nothing wrong
Plotwise yeah, but thematically it'd just be starting another cycle of violence.
so I want to watch this show, how bad is the SJW shit, i can tolerate a little
i'm pretty sure i've seen a pic with 2 dykes kissing or something like that, what i can't do is an actual faggot couple, like 2 men
Now that Sorin wants to be a poet, which poets would you recommend to him for him to get a gist of poetry? I'd recommend him Blake and Baudelaire.
It's been subtly implied that a minor male character has a bf and it's possible that they'll appear together in future seasons.
Soren's a Shel Silverstein guy.
Anywhere to watch this besides Netflix?
There are two gay queens, a black king, interracial couples, step children, a deaf lady general and a blind pirate. I think the show does a really good job of being diverse without being preachy, but I'm not sure what your tolerance level is.
The difference for the blind pirate and potentially the deaf lady are that they make them fun.
The ethnic diversity actually make sense considering the setting. All the humans were uprooted and resettled, it stands to reason that cultural and ethnic lines would be scrambled as fuck. And with elves playing the roll of the 'other', humans wouldn't be bothered to fight over things like skin color.
what is that gif from?
l*g#nd %f k&rr@
All I've seen of that show is people bitching about muh lesbians. Is it anywhere near as good as the original?
>bitching about muh lesbians
lesbians are literally the smallest problem of the show
no it is not
>no it is not
neat. saved my time.
So how did the queens have a daughter?
It's a mystery. A very gay mystery.
Just finished the second season. I can't believe Sorin isn't going to be a based visionary, romantic and genius poet anymore. I liked that I love y- from Rayla, but I hope that if they actually show romance they make it work. I think having Ezran leave is more convenient for that to happen. Romance is something I haven't seen made good in any cartoon except maybe ATLA. Viren is based and the other human kingdoms are incel low iq redditors, all that would complete him to make him super based would be a pacifist pov.
Rayla is best character death to all who say otherwise.
So I'm calling it:
>Elf girl starts having feelings for Step prince only to run into a hotter elf boy forming a love traingle.
>Soren pulls a jaime lannister and starts to question the path his sister is on.
>Aaravos is revealed as the big bad. Corrupts Claudia not Viren
Dark Magic maybe.
I really don't don't see what she sees in Callum. If he wasn't a prominent royal figure he would be useless.
Rayla is best character but claudia is best waifu.
>not corrupting Claudia and Viren
>not having them both at odds with each other but also both being evil now
I'm sick of Good Side vs Bad Side. I want some Good Side vs Bad Side vs Bad Side.
>Aaravos is revealed as the big bad. Fucks Claudia not Viren
I'm pretty sure even Claudia kinda gets that what her and Soren did was wrong.
There was only one scene where skin color was mentioned, but it didn't feel like it was forced. It was understandable and natural, same with the lesbian queens which are just that, lesbian queens, and nothing more. Not everything "liberal" is SJW cockshit.
This. Dedicate a song to her, user. I dedicate this to her, but not from me, just her to all. youtu.be
I've always thought two different eye colors was just plain autism. Wouldn't the colors being mixed be more pleasant?
I agree. But I think it makes a nice difference having a bigger girl falling for a smaller boy. Plus, remember that a secret in falling for anyone is time. So the more time they spend together, the more likely it is to form chemistry.
>Rayla is best character but claudia is best waifu
No. Kys. And that image definitely does not help.
>Pretty sure he's supposed to be a "path to hell" kind of guy.
This. Dude turned back to try and save a pair of queens who'd already committed to sacrificing themselves, despite the fact he was crucial to saving the kingdom, just because he could help and thought it was the right thing to do.
He's clearly torn between his genuine desire to help his kingdom and a massive inferiority complex ("I thought you were going to be something SPECIAL! SOMETHING IMPORTANT! BUT YOU'RE NOT!").
He looks like Merlin?
>Elf girl starts having feelings for Step prince only to run into a hotter elf boy forming a love traingle
I don't mind this. I'd like to see Callum man up one way (working to get the girl) or another (accept that it isn't made to be).
>Soren pulls a jaime lannister and starts to question the path his sister is on.
>Aaravos is revealed as the big bad. Corrupts Claudia not Viren
I'm thinking Aaravos is the "man" who discovered nigger magic. I guess he falseflagged the elves and made them think it was humans who figured that magic out.
You misunderstood that scene. Yeah, Rayla knows the dragon started it, but she frees him to stop the cycle.
The priest is like that because, just like the moon elves with their bindings, she's stuck in tradition. That's one of the good things about Viren, he goes beyond that and becomes free.
Yes, you are supposed to sympathize. You are supposed to break the cycle. Read poetryloverspage.com
Claudia and Sorin are obnoxious as shit, Viren is the only /based/ guy.
I don't browse Yea Forums enough to know who that is, but that post tell me enough. Fuck him.
Like I said, if he had a more pacifist pov he'd be set.
> and it's a major mistake to not teach children about how the real world works.
As another user asked, uh...do you actually have children, or are you just assuming "don't teach your kids that in an ideal world we'd all have equal opportunities, and that divisions of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, etc don't matter" is good parenting?
>Solve it by teaming up to fight this other guy
That is generally how previously-constantly-fighting kingdoms resolved their differences in antiquity, isn't it? At each other's throats until a horde of completely unfamiliar dudes with weird weapons came charging over the horizon? But yeah, given the show's repeated criticisms of the cycle of violence, it should end on a pacifistic note--maybe everyone has to unite to stop Aaravos, but killing him isn't the answer.
Surrogacy probably. Assuming bloodlines matter (although I said elsewhere that given Callum is considered in line for the throne despite not having Harrow's blood, maybe bloodlines DON'T matter), one of the dykes probably fucked the other Dyke's distant cousin; assuming babby queen is a dyke too, she'll fuck another dyke's cousin when she comes of age to continue the cycle of surrogate babies.
>I'm thinking Aaravos is the "man" who discovered nigger magic.
I think that too. Remember that book that was written in danish? It talked about Aaravos' gifts, and that elves would be forced to take humanity seriously.
It's called uniting to fight a common threat, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, -*-=+. Also
>ThEy TaKe AwAy HiS mAgIc
New thread pls
Nah Callum isn't in line, else Ezran wouldn't be called king now. I wager Callum is of noble birth though since mommy dearest was clearly the commander of the army before her sister took over. Now that begs the question who was Callums dad?
>ThEy TaKe AwAy HiS mAgIc
They're not gonna reuse the exact same resolution as AtLA, are they?
I mean, it would actually be more powerful in this case, because Aaravos is scholar of magic, and Ozai is just some guy who uses magic really well, so naturally it would be a lot more devastating for Aaravos to lose magic. But they really can't reuse the same twist twice. No one will let them live it down.
If the show is going to spend 7 seasons telling us how awful it is that Viren wants to fight rather than extend the olive branch to Xadia, the show better not turn round and have the plot concluded by everyone teaming up to bully Aaravos.
That is what usually happens yes but if the show wants to push an idealistic message, it needs to stick by it.
Not just bait and switch back to utilitarianism but parade it as utopianism.
>Rayla knows the dragon started it, but she frees him to stop the cycle.
An elf helping a dragon get away with bullying a bunch of humans is not breaking the cycle, it's perpetrating it. The cycle can only be broken by the humans sparing the dragon, or by the dragon redeeming herself. The first thing that dragon did after she was freed was break Soren's spine in half, that's how stopped the cycle of violence was.
> The first thing that dragon did after she was freed was break Soren's spine in half
Because the dragon too was flawed, like the humans. It wasn't until he saw Ozymandias and Ezran that he stopped. Had Ripe Elf Cunt not thought that would've happened, she would've let the dragon be. The point was not to let the blind violence go on, and yes one side is bound to feel cucked, in this case the humans.
Rayla let the blind violence go on by freeing the dragon, who then resumed attacking humans. And the dragon was bound to do that because she is not sorry, and the humans are still angry at her for burning their homes and families.
It was just a really poorly handled point.
>his fatal flaw is that he won't listen to other's ideas...
Viren let Aaravos stick a caterpillar up his ear canal. He'll listen to anything as long as you know how to assert your dominance.