How does one become a comic book writer Yea Forums? do you have to make it in the indie scene?use backdoor connections...

how does one become a comic book writer Yea Forums? do you have to make it in the indie scene?use backdoor connections? cut your dick off and become a diversity hire?

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Practice writing comics


That's it.

You capitalize the start of your sentences, use proper punctuation, and get your head out of your ass.

>do you have to make it in the indie scene?
Yeah, basically.

You need 1, the talent to draw a comic yourself, or 2, the money to pay someone to draw your comic. Then you publish it at a small publisher, and hope a big publisher notices you.

But I doubt that you have either 1 or 2, so you're fucked.

Comic writer here: you're fucked and I'm not going to help you -- it's less competition that way. Enjoy flipping burgers you idiot. Make mine a super size.

ba da ba ba ba im lovin it

Does anyone else feel like Grant Morrison is/was kind of larping as an underclass outsider?
I sort of have the feeling that you make it in comics by being a normal ordinary reasonable person.
I think there are really two types of people who have outsider interests: those who have enough for public opinion not to matter and those who have not enough for public opinion to matter.

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What the actual fuck do you mean?

Shut the fuck up faggot

You write comics!
Then find an artist to draw them!

Its more fun than anyone ever says it is. Just do it!

Pic related: page from a new comic Im writing.

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Wtf, Morrison with hair? Shit now I want Morrison to rock out a Moore type look.

You need to have friends in the industry.

Neat. Some great writing too.

Fuck, make the content and then put it on the net, it's easy as fuck now if you've got the work done.

He started going bald so he shaved it all off. He's very vain and insecure.

I would definitely read the rest of this.

Going bald is a tough hand to play on average. I'd shave it off too if I started going bald, looks better than that side hair shit going on but bald in the center look Alex Ross fell into, that guy had long hair too during his Kingdom Come years.

>how does one become a comic book writer
Just do it. Write for low or no pay one-off projects, make a portfolio, apply for better paying projects, etc. It's not like the industry is filled with great writers today. Only good writing around now is from writers who were in their prime two or three decades ago. You're not really competing against anyone.

Yo. I'm doing some journalism and shit. Mostly for /mlp/ but branching out into other areas soon enough. [email protected]

Hit me up when it's done if you want. I'm intrigued.

This. It's possibly the most incestuous sector of the entertainment industry. Hacks like Tynion can be elevated to AAA titles like Detective Comics and Justice League just by being Snyder's former student and current minion. Tynion the Minion.

>Mostly for /mlp/

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>Neat. Some great writing too.
How did you find out what comic that is? Google search doesn't find anything off that image.

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You don't want to be a comic writer. Nearly all of them are absolute cunts.

That's a matter of perspective.

Heh. Letters arent done yet
Thanks man! I guess maybe I’ll post it on this board when it’s done.
/mlp/ journalism? How does that work???

you write... a lot

Does Tynion really rhyme with minion? This whole time I thought it was pronounced tinny-on

Yeah, I got ya.
I remember some interview where he was gloating over how he just consciously dicked around on benefits and the good will of other people instead of getting a proper job in his early adulthood before finding his way into comics, which was probably one of the reasons former working class everyman commie Alan Moore immediately despised him.
Grant probably came from a cosy middle class household that afforded him ample enough time to hone his eccentricities, and hurled himself at the stage full of boastful ego mined from re-branded LaVeyan Satanist Chaos Magick.
With that said, I don't think he's the same guy today as he was in the 80s or early-mid 90s, he seems like someone striving to be a genuine nice and humble person.

>how does one become a comic book writer Yea Forums?

this days publishers are looking for people that already had a following even a samll (but loyal) one, so a webcomic or a blog is a good way to start

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>where he was gloating over how he just consciously dicked around on benefits and the good will of other people instead of getting a proper job in his early adulthood
I never understood that whole go on the road to find yourself Beatnik stuff or "travel."
I simply can't imagine a life with the money and freedom from responsibilities for that.
>With that said, I don't think he's the same guy today as he was in the 80s or early-mid 90s, he seems like someone striving to be a genuine nice and humble person.
Oh definitely.
I don't recall the exact bits but he sort of mentions that in Supergods he tried to become much more serious and professional when he shaved his hair.

Uh, what are the symbols for?

All religious based sigils and symbols. The idea is that those guys are a team of highly trained, anti-monster hunter squad.

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Who's the bad guy here?
This comic is giving me an SCP or Cabin in the woods vibes.
Also, where can I find this comic?