This fight scene was cool
This fight scene was cool
>Imagine if his mask didn't come off and Steve killed him.
>more cuts than an emo school girls wrist
>Good fight scene
Pick one
Hey the actors learned how to do knife flips and other shit, it really shows
>flips the knife handle-first, then swipes at Cap
It's the same hand in the movie
I theory the flip works as a feinted pass to his off hand or just as a visual distraction, but in practice it's just fucking stupid because you're still gonna worry about blocking both arms regardless, not just the knife.
Speaking of stupid feints, I broke my own damn weapon as a feint in a duel once. Does that even count as a feint? I didn't do a full slash, but I certainly would have connected had they not blocked...but I was counting on them blocking because I didn't do a full swing. I just did enough to break my weapon on their guard so I could stab under it. Is there even a word for that shit? It fucking worked whatever it was.
>flips the knife to the pommel to attack
Is this sarcasm? Those moves are extremely impractical.
>you're still gonna worry about blocking both arms regardless, not just the knife.
Watch the clip. Cap is laser focused on that knife because a punch can hurt, but a knife can kill you.
the gif doesn't do this fight justice, i think it's in slow motion
He doesn't in the actual fight, idiot. They were practicing in the first clip.
Pretty sure getting cold-cocked in a knife fight can lead to imminent death. Also, Cap's a dipshit, I'd be way more worried about the robot arm.
>it’s impossible for my brain to follow the action with all of these cuts
Is this what it’s like having a slow brain? Every time I hear someone, usually on that YouTube channel, talk about not being able to know where everything is because of so many cuts it just makes me laugh. How is it so difficult to follow?
He won the fight, so he clearly had the relative threat levels worked out. The robot arm was only a little stronger than he was, Bucky had to use both arms to try to knife him at one one. Cap can take a ton of blunt force punishment but you want to keep the red stuff on the inside.
It's not about that. It would just look cooler if it were a single cut. What advantage does having 10 cuts in the space of 15 seconds have other than being easy to film?
People were perfectly fine with the action in the Bourne Trilogy. It was only until "video essays" started popping up online praising steady shots and wide angles, literally mostly from just one video praising hong kong action, that people started hating it.
Contrary to popular belief, no, you can't film a superpowered man fighting without cuts because superpowered people don't exist.
Bullshit. Just watch john wick or it's sequel. Filming the highway fight scene in winter soldier in fewer cuts wouldn't be difficult. It's just laziness on the part of the cinematographer. Not surprising from Marvel tbqhwyf
>just watch John Wick
you mean a movie franchise entirely about a normal fucking guy with a gun lead by an actor who is praised entirely for his lack of any acting prowess but dedication to the craft and had to train for months JUST to become competent enough for his scenes?
Yeah, that's going to work for the entire MCU cast
>laziness leading to a product of inferior quality
Nice to see you agree that this fight scene is shittily filmed
Watch the Raid and shut the fuck up, bitch.
>The Raid
Does no one in this fucking board know how to read?
>make a post entirely about the actor
>shit on the directing
why do people like you even attempt to act like you know what you are talking about?
Just look at the Neo vs Morpheus scene, they will take a long shot anytime they are just doing a couple of normal ass punches and kicks and then take like six cuts for something that a normal person couldn't do.
It's the directors job to direct the actors as to what they have to do
The eyes tracking the knife is some great shit.
About more normal people wasn't in the post I was responding to. Seems one of us doesn't know how to read, but it isn't me.
>It was only until "video essays" started popping up online praising steady shots and wide angles, literally mostly from just one video praising hong kong action, that people started hating it.
People (correctly) complained about the shitty fight scenes in the Burton's Batman movies. The world didn't pop into existence with the creation of the internet.
>The world didn't pop into existence with the creation of the internet.
>he doesn't know
I hate snobby video essay channels that think they can make something other than a turd
He clearly wanted to end him rightly
In the proper clip he is reversing his grip, from forward to reverse grip.
>skall memes
The Bourne trilogy which popularized the messy feeling in a fight is also known for being one of the few movies that does it well.
>many cuts = automatically bad
Ask me how I know you get all your opinions from the internet
It’s a behind the scenes clip of them practicing the fight choreography
It looks cool. I would've liked Bucky's arm to have more power though. It always feel weak but I guess that's what happens when everyone else has super strength.
>Impractical in a hand to hand fight with superhumans
If anything, They can even say that it's impracticality is what makes it dangerous since nobody would expect it.
it's crazy that they actually slow-mo'd this shit.
the real-time speed video of it is bonkers.
Why he didn't hit the school shooter looking fag when the knife was in the air? It would make holding it nearly impossible.
I loved the memes from this movie. Evans just has the funniest scared look in certain/most shots.