It's been 10 years since this movie came out and not a single cartoon finale has topped it

It's been 10 years since this movie came out and not a single cartoon finale has topped it.

>inb4 Gravity Falls
That finale wasn't bad but it was definitely rushed to wrap the series up as soon as possible. Plus it wasn't as satisfying.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Regular Show is probably the only comparable finale to this one.

Adventure Time

>Mordecai never got back with Margaret
>went on to become some nu-male artist with a beanie and everything
At least Pops went out gloriously.

Disagree, GF Finale was THAT bad, but yeah, the Eds definitely earned it

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>Adventure Time

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Big Picture Show is top-tier next to Ego Trip and Operation I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.

Courage's final episode was heartwhelming too. Camp Lazlo's finale was underrated.

Samurai Jack.

That finale was even worse than Adventure Time's finale.

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Spongebob Squarepants Movie. Everything post film is null, since it was originally intended to be the finale.

Lol! No, it wasn't, since it was actually good, unlike Adventure AIDS.

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I've said this before, but I always thought the intended finale for Dexter's Lab surpassed it.

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I didn't like the EEnE finale. I don't understand why other people did.

Can we call it a finale if there was a couple more seasons after it? Same thing as with the spongebob movie.

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Canonically, the SpongeBob movie takes place after the series.

AT was better at being bad tho

By that logic Beavis and butthead do America also counts. Which I think is up there with big picture show, but it's a different kind of show.

was the EEE finale that bad?

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Anybody got the download link to the movie in 480p or higher?

Based and redpilled

>thinks season 5 was good
>thinks Trashi become Jack' wife was good

Patrician taste

I don't understand your implications.
EEE is great. And with latest movie finales in last years, Regular Show was the only one who made it good and can be compared.

The Eds got a happy ending (and that's all the fandom wanted) and to an extent, we finally got to see Eddy's Brother

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Batman Brave and the Bold. Fuck you people for forgetting.

Only Few like that show they can't forget about what they never cared about.

>Batman Brave and Bold
>ever good
audible keks

This screencap makes me happy

You at least liked the Music Meister episode right?

Yes yes we get it you're a stunted individual who only ever really liked one fucking cartoon from your childhood WE GET IT you can leave now.


who pissed in your bed?

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There was a movie?

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No but the Regular Show finale was that good

I feel incredibly sorry for you, for having such shit taste

>Not liking Mayhem of the Music Meister
That episode was so great it caused Yea Forums to do a complete 180 on Brave and the Bold overnight. Absolutely trash taste.

>liking musicals

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How can you suffer through a fucking musical? It's so annoying and boring.

By enjoying it. Not everybody has the same taste as you.

Same goes to you.

I remember when I was a kid I always wondered why Ed Edd n Eddy never got a movie. This was the perfect way to end it. It was a celebration of everything we loved about the series while also exploring new things and ideas to make it feel big. It is pretty much how you do a good series finale.


imagine unironically believing adventure time's finale was actually good

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Sometimes people don't have happy endings.

I always had this feeling of dread watching EEE as a kid because we never saw any adults. It made me feel like, in their world, they were just children who were alone, and that terrified me even as a child. When I watched the movie this feeling was amplified because instead of just their neighborhood, it was their entire world. It struck me as almost being a wasteland. It was hollow and lifeless, and in this world were children just being children. What made it even worse was the fact that the only adult we ever see, Eddy's brother, is a dick who physically abuses his brother. It was a good movie and I enjoyed watching it as a kid, but whenever I think about the series and the setting it takes place in, a sense of dread washes over me.

You were a fucking pansy

Honestly it is kind of unfair to make a comparison
EEnE had a LONG time to build our relationship with these characters, and they had a whole full length movie to wrap everything up exactly the way the creator wanted with essentially no loose ends
Shows like Over the Garden Wall had a good ending, but because of how little time we had with the characters of course it can't compare to EEnE

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Both of those finales were shit and the those shows jumped the shark long before they ended

fuck you i liked it

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Ego Trip was better.

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The clever thing about this post is that no one tuned in to watch the finale so it almost seems plausible.

Literally rebbit: the episode.

Goddamn I wish you were right
All of Yea Forums watched it and were amazed how shitty and disappointing it managed to be even for AT standards


Yeah but the joke he's making is that the AT finale had sub 1 million views

I’ve seen this movie multiple times, yet I’ve never noticed Double D hugging Ed back.
It’s sweet.

I remember that there was a big delay between the last EEnE episode and the movie, and that it blew my mind that a movie was even coming out for the show. When I was younger I thought I was the only person who liked it so it seemed so random to me. I'll always love this shit.

>introduces Eddy's brother, who's been a mystery since episode 1
>Eds are no longer the laughingstocks of the cul-de-sac
>ends on a very happy note and numerous fourth wall breaks
>sets Johnny and by extension Plank up to be ostracized by the kids if a sequel or reboot ever came
Best finale of any cartoon, change my mind.

Either way that was a cool movie, I remember really loving it as a kid.

Delet this

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There are other people on the bus that Johnny gets on, you nit. And they've shown parts of their parents in several episodes. A majority of the show took place during the summer so its safe to say a lot of the adults were at work most of the show.

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I thought this ending was dumb, even as a kid.
>the kids beat up the Eds all the time
>no big deal
>Eds do something absolutely horrible
>fear for their lives
>run away
>kids follow them
>then Eddy's brother beats him
>suddenly BIG DEAL
>kids decide not to lynch the Eds

What did you think of Charlie Brown/Peanuts?

Eddy's brother was such a fucking jackass, one my most hated cartoon characters ever.

Can I get a quick rundown on this bullshit? Completely forgot this even happened.

1. Eddy apologized after the ordeal with his brother, not just for the scam but for acting like a huge jerk. This was something the kids had never heard from him, and it was probably the first time they ever saw Eddy being genuine (as evidenced by how emotional he was)

2. Finding out that the person Eddy trusts the most and talks about with reverence is actually a sadistic asshole who enjoys abusing Eddy in a decidedly non-comedic manner is a whole level of torture no kid could ever come close to inflicting.

Eddy's brother was an adult, and an adult beating the shit out of a kid is pretty fucked up man. Plus Eddy actually apologized for what he did, which had literally never happened in the series before.


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People hated this?

Name another cartoon that had great action like the ed edd n eddy big picture show that didn't try to pretend to be anime

Ignore them Brave and the Bro. BatB will forever be underrated



t. miserable prick in his 30s who still whines to mom about how lonely he is
You mean what should have been the finale

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