It dosent make se we considering he's reincarnated across different cultures.
Why Is Hawkman Conservative?
Another one?
There's no karma here. Could have asked this in your Hal thread.
Because he's seen the cancer of liberalism destroy civilization after civilization.
He knows what's real and what isn't
> It dosent make se we considering he's reincarnated across different cultures.
I mean its makes perfect sense when you put it like that. He's seen all these cultures and knows that they fail.
Whats up with these why are X Conservative threads? lol
Because the writers needed a strawman for GA to argue.
Only one incarnation of Hawkman could be considered conservative and even then he was pretty liberal.
Because he's a good man.
He literally fought against communists in the Greek Civil War.
Oh and Hawkman's venture into conservatism began in Len Wein's Justice League run. Then after the events of Hawkworld, he was portrayed as a constitutional libertarian.
Then Geoff Johnsrevived Carter and cemented his conservative (or rather, right-wing) beliefs.
Do you actually read Hawkman comics user?
>He literally fought against communists in the Greek Civil War.
Doesn't really make him a conservative, he wasn't the communist on a ideological level.
Based. Fuck commies
You seem very strung on Hawkman not being a conservative despite having a myriad of instances where this has been highlighted. Care to explain user?
What's wrong with being conservative?
Third post best post
But college taught me anyone who fights communist is a racist sexist nazi bigot fascist Donald Trump supporter
You're less likely to help people, so it isn't a heroic trait.
Weird that every civil service profession leans to the right then
>Government employees actually helping people
This is only a problem if you fell for the cultural relativism meme and don't understand the idea of metaphysical good and evil.
You are actually retarded
What, they see a bank robbery and just shrug and carry on fighting abortion clinics or something?
>Shooting dogs & beating black people is heroic
Yes to the second one
Black people are the ones who shoot dogs, that's why they need a beating.
When twitter topical material dwindles the fisher tends to resort to the more generic variety bait of finding a topic of vague interest and tying it loosely onto something else to barely mask the dangling hook.
So they'll insist they don't just talk about politics all day, but they also want to know what political party Bugs Bunny would support and how that reflects on the party and its values. You know, just asking.
Common tells are a cache of reposted images, maybe an info chart might slip in or two, discussion lacking context and an absence of ability to elaborate on the subject matter.
yeah killing dogs is pretty bad
You are retarded if you think colleges teach that.
Hawkanon has mastered the art of baiting
People is even citing specific runs and issues
Truly an accomplishment
>being a conservative means you don't like other cultures
if anything, it's the contrary
How is it the contrary? I’m not saying conservatives can’t be tolerant of other cultures, but the idea that they are more tolerant as a whole than liberals is absurd considering the very extremes of the conservstive side advocate actual ethnic genocide.
>it's the contrary
You're the kind of person who goes "Well in 1952 the Democrats had the KKK so that makes them the REAL racists" and think you're clever, right.
Because conservatives want to conserve culture, everyone can have their own. Liberals want everything to intersect so you have no individuality anymore. It's like taking a box of crayons and melting them all together instead of having separate crayons
I don't even know how to address how incorrect your worldview is. Culture can not be static. If a culture does not continually develop, it is a dead culture. What you call "conservation" is just artificially maintaining a narrow view of what the culture is. What if two conservatives disagree about an aspect of culture? How is that argument settled? It is a fruitless endeavour.
You're fucking retarded lmao. Nothing you said is true. You're just trying to earn good boy points by parroting leftist drivel
This is a /pol/ bait thread if I've ever seen one.
>Why Is Hawkman Conservative
because he isn't an idiot.
Would Hawkman support Pinochet?
Part of me wants current day Gail Simone to write a Hawkman comic just to see how much of a trainwreck it would be.
So you have no argument then? Ok
user, he has a point...
Thank you, fellow Hawkfag.
You guys are why people hate conservatism.
True. Fuck 'em to hell.
He can be a little hot-headed.
>Some people don't understand conservative values are natural and required in a democracy.
For the same reason the Flash and Green Lantern are, they are a trio of retards.
There's no argument to be had with a commie
Can you name a reason why conservative values are retarded?
How can a culture exist without a set of values to agree upon.
How can you determine values introduced into a culture are better or worse than values from the past without people who adher to them.
Conservatives are important. They CONSERVE.
>Hey, Statler: why does Hawkman carry a mace?
>I don't know, tell me.
>Well, he couldn't carry his own title, that's for sure.