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Other urls found in this thread:

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Best girl

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Wait, Gauche gets a boner whenever he cares about anyone?

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this episode is fucking amazing

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>secret nosebleeds when thinking about Asta

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Grey is best bull


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Manson a precious

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>Infected with magic mushrooms
I can help with that.

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>"lets get drunk"
based Yami

>eating her own head-shrooms.
Well, that's recycling at least.

Where else are you going to spend your magical bitcoin tho?

Attached: nox.gif (482x291, 729K)

god I love dogyd's work

Manson speaks the truth and so they muted him. Also he keeps talking even when the subtitles are off.

breasts >>> ass

Attached: bring.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

>Don't look at meeeeee~

>Asta back to doing the bitch work

Do they ever use those beasts?

Would you a Black Bull party?

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>who told you you could open the door
I am fucking dying

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 106 (of 131)
11:30 My Hero Academia 45 (of 64)
12:00 The Promised Neverland 1 (of 13)
12:30 Sword Art Online: Alicization 10 (of --)
1:00 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 31 (of 39)
1:30 Black Clover 65 (of --)
2:00 Boruto 27 (of -)
2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 245 (of 500)
3:00 Hunter X Hunter 138 (out of 148)
3:30 Attack On Titan 19 (of 12)
Week 359 of Toonami

>Ratings for 3/30
11:00 DB:Super: 840,000
11:30 Boruto: 616,000
12:00 My Hero: 523,000
12:30 Sword Art Online: 442,000
1:00 Megalobox: 439,000
1:30 JoJo: 374,000
2:00 Black Clover: 346,000
2:30 Hunter: 300,000
3:00 Naruto: 319,000
3:30 AoT: 232,000

how can you be so wrong

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I definitely agree.

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What's Tokyo Ghoul doing in the Black Clover ED?

>saggy tats
Hard pass


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Attached: 15.png (913x1300, 225K)

damn it, no more tenjou tenge.

This pic makes my Shen long


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I love the Black Bulls

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Best girl Mimosa in the ED

Those ain't saggy. get your eyes checked.

Man, the minute I get abs, I'm going around shirtless all the time.
>mfw pipe dream

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This episode is adorable

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Another edgelord to convert


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Anyone got a webm of Mimosa dancing on the water?

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I'm guessing we get a Mimosa arc next

wow that voice was pain

>tfw been waiting for over a year to get my comm from him

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>Asta, Yuno, and Tig old Biddies healer in ED


>You're about to lay siege to the forest of witches and need to customize your skeletons to do it.
Make your choices!
Also, this brings an end to this week's skeleton posting. Hope everyone enjoyed the cowboy ones. If anyone has another theme they'd like to see, let me know and I'll see if I can drudge up any images.

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>Black Clover into Boruto

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Oh fuck, I forgot all about Boruto, sadly that put HxH in Shippuden's time slot too

Time for Bort!

Lmfao just fucking kidding. You are out of your god damn mind if you think Iā€™m sitting through Bort AND Naruto when itā€™s this easy to skip now. Thanks for 90 extra minutes of sleep Demarco, you stupid fucker


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Truly the best Bull, I wanna be her bull and impregnate her seven times!

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I just posted it last thread by mistake.

Sit down, do some crunches, and make that dream a reality.

Dammit, I didn't realize they moved hxh back for Bort

Time for BoNar

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In the series they have a god say they're starting to sag.

>naruto power hour
oh god no

so is this an edit or what


>Burrito and Nacho
Fuck off.

I'm probably in the minority but I'm not a fan of Boruto or Naruto getting pushed back this far. I was kinda enjoying it.

I can't believe that there are technically 2 hours left and I'm going to stick around for this shit.

>Black Clover into bed

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>pink nipples

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Contain yourself Pyromancer. You'll get your waifu eventually.
Unlike me...

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So which one?

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Damn man, HxH is at midnight/3am now? and naruto autism hour plays before it?
That sucks dude. What happened Did demarco give up on Bort?

Press F to say your respects to HxH, it died so Naruto may be buried.

>nardo and susky power hour

good night bros

>Another other to not pay attention and do whatever.
Guess I'll get ready for the games

Ah I'm feeling refreshed after that monster shit and nice warm shower. Oh good Black Clover is over. And now an hour of Naruto and Son? Time for a marathon fap session and then off to bed when Boring x Boring comes on.

is that official nip

At least its in the back of the block instead of the front.


Yo real quick what show is that bitch from
I just saw Isekai Quartet and now I gotta watch all the shows

>Want to watch HxH
>Would have to sit through an hour of Naruto

I'm sorry /tg/ I just can't do it.

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Does Japan not have thongs? Why does every anime girl have pantylines?


way to take one for the team Hunterchads

>Boruto airing AFTER Black Clover
I can't fucking believe this is the reality we're living in. I fucking love it.

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But why choose, my friend?

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>We traded a SAO power hour for a Bort/Bort Sr. power hour
I guess this is preferable

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saruda the series is awful


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Tan Gyaru or no tan?

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I'll take the one with pink nips.


I might just watch HxH on my own time now.

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they can't all be winners.
I don't see the problem.
I'm with you.

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What if it's just The Boss calling through the phone?
[Spoiler]My precious Doppio...[/Spoiler]

That was a fun Toonami. Good night guys.

I am free from the shackles, slumber will set my body free.

Goodnight everyone and lets fall in love again next week.

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my nigga

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Still a few episodes off, sadly. Sorry, I was mostly just excited that she showed up in the opening and that her entrance is drawing nearer. Didn't mean to get your hopes up.

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It was only 11 episodes away from retirement too.

Gon sacrificed his own show just to knock Bort to the back on toonami.

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>not Gray

Time for the Nardo-Bort Power Hour...

Attached: Bort.png (500x375, 192K)

Youjo Senki. That gif is from the joke short though, normal version looks like this

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It's good DeMarco finally did something right. HxH is finally where it belongs: At the fucking back of the block.

Now time for Uzumaki Boruto!

Bort and Naruto power hour will actually be more painful now that it's this late. Very tempting to rest but I must attain gold.

Come on user, Stick through it.
We still have the hungry games

>tfw cant find girls asses attractive because i have stomach problems and asses literally only mean shit to me at this point

Look the the bright the side the block catches it's second wind with boruto

Based tabata giving us big tiddy waifus

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I haven't paid yet

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>literal cartoon noises for Bort preview
I enjoy watching this shit show. It reminds me of watching Naruto back in the day

Aniki must be spinning in his grave.

>lame song
>great animation
Why this though?


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I certainly won't be able to do it next week since I have to wake up at a reasonable hour on Easter Sunday.

Nothing restful about having holidays on Sundays.

>Not Nacho and Burrito.

West Coast, best coast!

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>lady may
... major?

hanging tits are my thing so much quiet


Good... good...
We need much food.

The schedule changes were mandated by AS, apparently, not Demarco. They reordered stuff to be more in line with ratings and general expectations. Bort was only high up in the schedule because Demarco is a narutard.

Wew lad she aged like milk



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she's even hotter

Because it's superior

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Holy shit, I just realized the Retard Power Hour is now an hour and a half long. A long break is nice, I guess, but with only HxH afterwards and it ending soon the latter half of the block is gonne Squaresville, Daddy-o. What're you guys doing with your free time?

See you later, quitters.

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>Mei remained a cake
Still would tho

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Oh hey it's the Major

>Kakashi didn't tap that Mei pussy.
Why is he such a fucking homo? Fucking shit.

she looks better from the front

>Middle-Age Women

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I agree the rest of you guys enjoy shit like SAO so

She's fucking Kagura

My god, she got old.

Why is Kurenai LARPing as the Mizukage?

>she got fat too
At least it's not as bad as Anko.


Alright guys, you might be having fun on the field trip, but that doesn't mean you can fall behind on your studies. Now, spot all of the ninjas in this image.

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Mei has gone downhill.

ah yes the former mizukage

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I like when artists do that, shame its done so rarely.

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Why is this VA so MILFy?

Everytime theirs a MILF she likes voice

is hganon still collecting during naruto later

>Mizukage got fat


>sexy lava lady is fat too

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Mei, what the FUCK!?
Still would, though.

My condolences.

White people age like shit

So how long until she turns into cheese and is good again?

I'm hoping it gets pushed straight to the end after HxH ends and Titans either end or get shafted once season 3 part 2 airs

BASED AS doing what a normal person would do.

Shut the fuck up

i love that gothic lolita side-character, boys

Lord give me the strength to stay awake

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Why couldn't Anko develop like this?

This. Now we can all go to bed at a earlier time and be better rested.

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oh hey its that guy we just got introduced to in Shippuden

No one getting with Tsunade and Mei is the most unrealistic thing in this entire franchise.

Do we have a theme for this week's episodes like last week?


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>now an hour and a half long. A long break is nice, I guess
Do you not like Black Clover?

>Naruto characters

Guys what is this overwhelming sense of sadness I am feeling knowing that Boruto got pushed back this far?

Its weird, first watching it for the first time felt nice.. not great, not terrible.

I feel sad as fuck

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Is this the most embarrassing timeslot demotion in the history of the block? This was the second show on the schedule. Name a SINGLE move that was more humiliating than this

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>All these fags not wanting to fuck the plump and give her a baby.
All you ninjas are limp dicked.

Reminder the artist for Boruto loves the lolis...

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>the Retard Power Hour is now an hour and a half long
I didn't know you hated hunter.

They fucked up all the girls in the show, it almost feels american. I don't mean that because muh fat or anything, I mean like Surada and chocolate girl

Think I might try to draw... Or just read old comics I want to check up on.

What the fuck is the Miz doing here

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No, that was just Naruto.

Tsunade is understandable, she had her oneitis and never got over it.

>Youjo Senki
Awesome, thanks
As long as it's even somewhat similar to Konosuba/Overlord I think I'll be down

>Everyone saying Mizukage got fat too
holy shit you people body image of fat is ridiculously stupid.
She's like actual Thick

Attached: 42AqxuS.jpg (342x342, 15K)

>just got home from work
>Can watch Wakuwaku Super and 7 QUIRKS for the hour because Hulu has both East and West feeds
Feels good

Fuckin' adults, fuck 'em. FUCK ADULTS.

They look pretty white desu

Im just glad Black Clover got the recognition it deserves

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peter you're speech patterns have changed alot lately

She looks preggo already

Why wasn't Suigetsu made Mizukage? I know for a fact he's way stronger than this guy.

>our villages were once mortal enemies
>we were called the bloody mist
>but don't worry cuz we fixed that problem offscreen before shippuden started

Getting used as Lazzo's whore you fat fuck.

>sadness I am feeling knowing that Boruto got pushed back this far
Why do you care about Boruto?
I mean, I'm watching it, but I wouldn't really care even if it was removed from the block altogether.

>the village hidden in the warcrimes

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I just noticed pink eye dude is related to the old 3 tails

On Toonami? Can't think of one. But on AS anime nights they did something like this to Seirei no Moribito. It used to air near the start, then they moved it to back to the 3 AM death slot because AS action watchers didn't have the patience for a high fantasy series focused on world building and mystery.

>We want peace
>Doesn't abolish the ninja system.
>No mass-military, economic, and political reforms.
What in the fuck is their plan for peace?


Attached: pack up the stuff and lets split.gif (400x225, 2.97M)

>Retard Power Hour is now an hour and a half long
>Get to draw or play games for a full hour and half and just mute my TV or listen to music while I work

Attached: Overwatch Short - D.Va Play of the Game 0-26 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

>try to draw
draw what?
Maybe they're worried she might melt their dicks off?

Why is Kitty Toe in Bort?!

Bort naruto power hour, might as well post waifus

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The fuck is kittytoe doing in Boruto? Go back to SAO.

Right? She's a little pudgy at worst

To be fair, there are black people in Naruto so it's not unreasonable for some of the rest to be white too


Yeah, somehow he had a son.

Sono Bisque Doll has been selling me on no-tan lately

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You can reject being Mizukage.

Wow. I had the perfect nap right before the first thread showed up. A solid 3 and a half hour snooze, so perfect that despite being tired as shit before, I woke up feeling energetic ready to do anything. Felt like the best sleep I've had.

Now Bort just fucking ruined it. I'm crashing hard.

Wow wtf The Land of Hidden Mist is AWESOME can't believe they used to murder everyone to see who was the strongest child soldiers!

too busy with pic related.

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She isn't fat, just old.

Back when Bort started Naruto had the audacity to come on BEFORE it (if I'm remembering that correctly)
And, well. It's not even before it's sequel now!


Attached: Rinko's butt.png (800x1199, 1.3M)

>Japanese people exist in Narutoland.
>White people exist in Narutoland.
>Black people exist in Narutoland.

Where are the Mexicans?

Didn't Killer B take one of those swords?

remember Zabuza?

I can dig it

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I don't know, I have a backlog of things I need to catch up on, mostly personal projects.

Why couldn't Kakashi keep the dual sharingan? He would shit over everyone.

Do we even know what's going to replace HxH? The end is coming up real soon.

I just plain haven't watched it all that much, and I find myself paying more attention to the thread than the show or something else to occupy my time. That said, I don't think anyone here is going to deny Asta's mental state.

This one is so damn good.

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Might as well post Mei since she already showed up

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Dosen't Bee still have Sharkskin?

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Please stop talking Kirito

I don't midn staying up for milfs

>these cho-cho fags
welp im drunk and its time for the serious question hour
an episode or two ago we learned that Cho-Cho will one day be able to ue the Calories>Power fighting technique.

Assuming she masters it and gives more justification to eat.. will you still fap to her even if she turns into a toned gyaru?

He gave it back offscreen.

We still have like 2 months til it ends I think. That's plenty of time for Demarco to procrastinate.

Why is Bort such a little shit?

they went to the afterlife after he was done using them.

Yeah Samehada

I can't believe as early on as we are into Bort how they abandoned the MC just for Surada's shitty arc before.

Bring it on, you freak!

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I don't have nearly enough Mei.

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There should really be an episode of Bort dealing with the kids learning about ninjitsu-aided masturbation in sex-ed. Itā€™s already tackled school shooters, cuckoldry, and fat shaming. Shino would be a good sex-ed teacher since heā€™s likely an incel.

So this mist leader is secretly evil and the whole village is still a murderhole,huh?

I'll just fatten her up afterwards

>Advisor Kakashi
wasn't that dude Hokage? His face is on the fucking mountain

I think its even worse if they make her eating a good thing.

>Kittytoe styles on other protagonists
But it's Bort so that makes it ok?

What we mean to say is that she aged normally. It's like they drew her like a real person. It's just really odd when you compare her to other female characters that have either only shown aging through outfit and haircut, like Sakura or literally haven't changed at all like Tsunade.

You can't beat Kirito at swords, you just can't


>family guy going away in a year or two
>leaves an opening or a chance at something
Do you think that Adult Swim will air some more light hearted anime for the 8-9pm slot?

No, it's just a different flavor of bad


my fucking whacking stick

>Kirito joins ninja show
>brings swords into it

he retired early

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Former Hokage don't use Hokage.

Reminder that Kagura's story makes no goddamn sense.


short hair fishnet girl is cute

FBI please be gentle

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>Bort bumper has to be from a month ago because nothing fucking happens

What's it like having girls fawn over you,TG? I'll never know this feel.

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you can say that about almost anyone in Naruto

>first started having bad thoughts about the green tunic, brown haired short girl with the belt tail
>now in this episode I just noticed the yellow jacket hime cut girl
guys what is boruto doing to me?

send help

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>missed Sakura's cool episode
Oh I'm a terrible waifufag

>Adult Swim playing anime that isn't Normie Ball outside of their designated graveyard slots.

You wish.

also, in the shot of the Mist swordsman, one was clearly holding a giant mallet

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fuck off saladfag

What's Mei up to?

>a World War Z game

You're going to have to wait until the Chunin Exams for more sakuga.

>everyone is eith speep of fapping

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Goth loli is the best

Can they bring their husbandos with them?

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Wait wait Missing Link is a Laika film?

Legit it looked like a copycat film from a wannabe studio aping Laika's style

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That's be nice.
I'm still holding onto hope for Konosuba

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The zombie craze is dying off but game devs wont get a fucking clue.

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>world war z videogame

way to strike wile the iron is cold and rusted guys

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Asta has the veneer of retard, but it's different than Naruto, I think. Naruto is hit-in-the-head retarded, Asta's case is more like he's just simple.
Still, I think you should try a few episodes out when you get the chance. It's my favorite show on the block right now.

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OPM season 2.


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Catfishing young chunins


You'd think ninjas would be taught the art of seduction since, you know, that being one of the main methods of assassinating targets, which is a thing ninjas do.

>The Bumps for Naruto: Shittcumed will be them on a Boat

>Not wanting to toss the Sarada

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Well, you are watching a show ran by a lolicon and that likes making Sarada look slutty.

hasn't been told about the shit his dad had to go through when he was a kid
>so the whole village hated me
>Orochimaru totally killed one of my few father figures
>and then my best friend tried to kill me
>there was the time I learned one of my other father figures got killed
>it turns out my dad was the 4th Hokage the whole time
> and then my best friend tried to kill me AGAIN
It has an axe chained to it.

What is McCree doing in Boruto?

>Jotaro selling squid

Guys help me

I'm getting bored with fapping and I can't even bother to pop a boner

What do?

Anons I know this is ironic but I really wanna know so I can have the strength to go on. How long have you managed no fap before? I think its been about 3 or 4 days for me so far and I gotta say, I'm coming off of doing it multiple times a day and it's rough.

Nothing in this thread or on the block is really challenging me, it's actually other stuff I've been thinking about looking up.

Attached: the ice.gif (268x430, 2.72M)

Boruto is going to commit war crimes in the future, isnā€™t he

Attached: 1A49BC76-C1AA-4211-91CD-4F40B15C2DD2.jpg (275x470, 30K)

Don't tempt me

Makes me think of the creatures from I Am Legend

Can you cook squid like that?

Seems like a good thing

Attached: Chun Li vs. Cammy.jpg (850x850, 154K)

Put something in your ass, that'll wake the little fella up.

Jerk off to something outside of your comfort zone and see what happens.

I want to toss her off a cliff

This Boruto x Sarada shipping is so disgustingly forced

They say a girl's stomach growling means they're hungry for semen.

Is squid any good? I tried sushi and octopus.

I can't, but they can.

>Do we even know what's going to replace HxH?
Mob S2 is still something they need to air, if I were a betting man, I'd put my money on that.

Attached: 1551413414202.jpg (1411x1529, 263K)

Any MSpaint experts here?

Can anyone edit that squid on a stick scene that happened just now?

>boruto smiling
>pixel censoring on the squid cocks

just asking for a friend

Attached: _unt.jpg (253x630, 41K)

we almost had a scene without sarada

I wonder if Joseph can bargain with him?

Attached: JoJo Kebab Battle.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Attached: 08d6ffc576ae7d48e3e59556629bd194.jpg (636x900, 293K)

And that edgy kid in the intro is going to have to stop him.

You've been hoodwinked. Boruto is actually the final boss of Boruto.

Attached: everything is fine.png (839x658, 1.15M)

Where is the based Zabuza monument?

>You'd think ninjas would be taught the art of seduction
>Akimichi expansion jutsu
>Shadow Clones

Attached: imagine.png (932x974, 672K)

You're a guy? From your posts I got the vibe you were a teenage girl.

>Mei LITERALLY fixed the shitholes village
>Kakashi LITERALLY modernized his village
>It was current Mizukage and Naruto who brought us this prosperity.

Attached: 1547454591814.jpg (800x916, 79K)

so does the show ever address the fact that the "bloody mist" was tobi's fault or does the coolest guy get a free pass for that too

Literally the only thing that can redeem this shit show.

I like it. If you like octopus you'll probably like squid.

Thoughts on Kagura?

Attached: Kagura.jpg (225x350, 22K)

Yes, it's very popular.

You never had, like, breaded calamari?
That's squid.

Bout a week
After the 4th day it gets easier.

Is Bort gonna see his dad's bridge?

Attached: IMG_20190409_212043.jpg (484x680, 82K)

Honestly, probably going to bed in future. Even having rolled over and gone back to sleep this morning, I'm feeling pretty tired now.

It's waifu o'clock somewhere.

And we'd be perfectly fine with that, if he hadn't nerfed Hinata's titty game.

Attached: 1532696674613.jpg (800x800, 98K)

Attached: 1446897993829.png (600x600, 217K)

rem,inds anfipi]

Try some new porn tags.
Or just take a break.

Attached: 1497217702828.jpg (800x1200, 136K)

>what is the bridge?

>somethings happening!
>nah its just shadow flashbacks to a better series

>They don't fucking know that it was Obito controlling the Mizukage.

Nice job, Naruto, gotta keep your Coolest Guy's legacy intact.

The bloody mist honestly the new gen has it easy compared to even Naruto's generation.

Well some studios and execs make decisions based on trends, but games take an average of 3 to 5 years to develop. So by the time a decision like that is made, said trend is out of its prime.

>TWD first aired in 2010
>World War Z movie released in 2013

Youā€™re a terrible waifufag by virtue of having Sockra as your waifu

If you're getting bored of fapping you may as well buy toys and use other methods to make things fun for you

this guy looks straight out of the boondocks

Ah, a fellow of culture

Attached: 73602832_p0.jpg (1728x1743, 557K)

>Lord Chojuro
>Mishead it as "Lord Jotaro"

Attached: JoJo Jotaro Thesis.png (634x718, 617K)


Attached: 1551851867706.png (447x665, 452K)


Sakura is literally the Best Girl of the series, dumbbell.

Mist nins will always be Mist nin, savages one and all, don't buy into their modernizing propaganda.

>brat of the Uzumaki clan
Isn't the Uzumaki clan like 4 people right now?

If the Mizukage is trying to foster peace between villages, he needs to execute these thugs who are trying to start another war by killing the Hokage's kid

the two sides of /tg/

>buy body massager
>use it on self for months
>someone tells me that it might give me cancer

>Literally tried to assassinate the Hokage's son
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Literally trying to start a new war.

>Trying to attack the son of the hokage of another village
are these fucking idiots trying to start some war

Youā€™ve been kacking off too much
Abstain for a few days, maybe a week, and itā€™ll start to feel good again
In the meantime, donā€™t think about sex too much, and donā€™t watch porn.

Take a week long break. You'll be raping T-rexes by Wednesday.

Three. Naruto, Boruto, and Sasuke's cuck.

um, no she isn't.
She isn't the worst, but still, not the best.

Tsunade uses her chakra to look young, she is old as fuck

>Was about to kill the son of the Hokage.
Did he intent to cause an international war?

With how big the following is here I could see myself being at least mildly invested in it, though I'm not sure how far I could go. It would take a hell of a lot of catching up to where we are now, though.

I'm down for both of these, even if OPM isn't even close to as good looking as season 1 was.

If you need sleep, then sleep is probably ideal. Not like you'll miss much now.
>nerfed Hinata's titty game.
I'm still mad as hell.

Attached: 1526803139473.png (804x1284, 565K)

And of course the one that makes you look like a girl.

Like the one time, in a filler episode, where Naruto transformed into Ino because she looked like some princess before the princess got fat to try to seduce the prince because Ino sucks at being a girl and then ended up pissing on Ino while still transformed into Ino and falling off of a roof where he was pissing as Ino.

It is sad that I only ever saw this episode once and still remember this many details of it, like with much of the first filler hell since it was more episodes than not filler hell.

I wish a girl would touch my hand like that.


No you don't get it, if we execute the literal terrorists we'll be just as bad as they are.

Also don't browse Yea Forums, lewds get posted everywhere.


you ok there champ?

You forgot Boruto's little sister.

Remember that time Sasuke was in a Gang

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Is Himawari not an Uzumaki?

I hate how the characters are drawn in this series but I think the shading is especially shitty. Everyone has this weird glow to them in any setting and they look glossy.

Gee, I wonder who this hooded stranger could be...?


Yep, just walk down that dark alley. Now you're gonna get raped.

Rate this episode of boruto.

Someone will need to cover for me next week since I have to be awake for Easter.

Attached: boruto terroralert.jpg (600x1655, 266K)

Someone post an image of that guy's hand. His sleeve makes me think he's that kage guy.

this little nigga literally just wandered into a dark alley for no fucking reason and got assraped

But we have a freaky fish guy instead, so not much has changed.

Oh shit, Denki was captured by Urahara.

Now seems like a good time to ask

Do you have a type? If so, what is it and how did you find out? Ever met someone who was that type? What did you do?

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Oh yeah, forgot about her.

hey that kids gonna get raped is that ok

>it's a Denki gets raped episode


Attached: 1461478425991.jpg (1859x2000, 1.58M)

>Mist nin chimping out again
As expected

I dont see best time of the week Ragyo user anymore so might as well do it now because Sarada is not on screen

>strange influx of people in my town
>realize the strip malls on the other side of town got a total makeover
>new people everyday
>two pharm tech quit suddenly
>never got to use Ryuko all week long
>trying to stay true to the block
>but I have a boner that just wont quit

On another note.. isnt AoTs3p2 starting soon? I mean its april, right?

Attached: IMG_20180811_025719765.jpg (1008x756, 181K)

Pokemon Purple.

It wasn't too bad.

I just realized, we didn't see any resolution to that scene of Koichi getting blacked in Jojo, did we?

The Naruto episode nexts gets real hype. THE WAR IS STARTING BOYS

Are they trying to keep the Mizukage out of this? Because taunting some literal tourists and telling them to come to some location they likely never fucking heard of is a stupid fucking plan.


Attached: IMG_20190131_140712.jpg (410x620, 58K)

i love that little walk

What was that one anime that aired on Toonami where a dude dressed as a girl or something and almost or did get raped? They went into some factory or something.

Well thatā€™s how it happens, user
If you ainā€™t a big enough nigga you could walk down an alleyway and get raped

Blue as Terumi's ovaries.

>Following a guy that wants to return things to the Bloody Mist days that too cowardly to throw a coup

Blood Mist my ass.


Purple I suppose

Fuckin Serbians man.

He's been hitting hard times ever since Bleach ended.

Attack on Titan?


The anime combined three or four Stand battles into a three parter. That'll be dealt with next episode.

I have what I imagine is my type.
I'd need to actually date someone to know, though.

Attached: 1468891648305.jpg (600x612, 95K)

How? And where's the lewd pic someone promised us months ago?

Attached: 9Anime - Watch Boruto Naruto Next Generations English Subbed in HD on (1920x1080, 1.04M)

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Did Konan and Tobi fight already or are we still on the boat?

he just bought some expensive and rare swag and instead of sticking to the main lit streets, he chooses to wander towards the flickering broken light leading to the dark misty alley
kid was asking for it

There's a lot of new people in my town too and they're all FREE.

Yeah,yeah I remember. I also remember Marioman being about 3 meters higher up than that. So I must now declare SHENANIGANS upon this image and you.



Attached: Naruto_and_Kushina_meet.png (1362x768, 1.22M)


The antagonists of this arc are your average /pol/ edgelords.

Might have been, its been a little while.

Attached: gyarudress.webm (700x392, 2.97M)

>tfw no big tittied Tsunade gmilf gf

Attached: tumblr_inline_ppxihkLPQH1reto4t_540[1].gif (540x732, 2.12M)

I'm disappointed but I guess it's finally time to look her up on R34

Oh, thatā€™s just Marioman Flying, He was born with that

Yeah, it was Armin.

Pretty sure the blonde boy had to crossdress as a girl at least twice and both times he got molested.

I think its funny that there has never been a full release of the Naruto dub yet. Like all this time and it hasn't ever been able to catch up. What if Toonami dies before it finishes? Would they just go direct to streaming or DVD or would they stop like with the Disney stuff?

Bubbly girls who are open with their sexuality or like full on sluts
I had a friend like that in high school. She was my only friend for a long time and was a shoulder to cry on for a bit. Sometimes I pretended she was my girlfriend when she comforted me, and thatā€™d make me feel a lot less akibdZ

remember that guy with no teeth who was just an Uchihaboo

It comes out like April 29th or something in Japan so we're not getting it until at the least later that week. It might be even later, I believe HxH ends the next week so they might try to time it to replace it with AOT. But, I wouldn't put it above them to make a new slot just for AOT.

Time for Nardo...

Attached: Nardo and Friends.png (910x730, 271K)

I haven't watched anything past Jojo for months now. The conversation does keep me around though.

I really don't know. I mean, I can throw this out there, if anyone else can pick out a pattern.
As for the last two... I'll pass.

Attached: Center is actual waifu mrk2.png (1077x1077, 1.56M)

>Just had to explain the plot of Boruto to my brother
Please kill me

Attached: ami-chan drunk.png (374x300, 122K)

What a thot.

Can we talk for a moment how good the art is Bort is, that they can make a character recognizable in a specific position with so few lines and no colors?

I love asian women.
>worked with a half korean half white girl over a decade ago at walmart
>she had hair down to her fucking shins
>tried to talk to her a few times but it always ended weird or suddenly because work
>one day she just stopped showing up
>came back weeks later with short hair
>decide its now or never
>got turned down
>she quit a few months later
>at taco bell in the late afternoon after getting off work
>there she was
>she gained so much weight
>tan lines on her ring finger
>after eye contact I decided that maybe mcdonalds was not such a bad idea

Attached: 69f35393595be763e360bb70ccb1be29.jpg (630x627, 102K)

>Do you have a type? If so, what is it
Nerdy, dark girls.
>how did you find out?
I watched Teen Titans.
>Ever met someone who was that type?
Sadly no

Attached: raven_valentine_by_14_bis_dczpymr-fullview.jpg (600x859, 71K)

Why not bigger?

Tomboys. Anime made me realize how much I adore then since they act like guys, but that may be a stretch IRL.

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>you will never have a bro like Bee

Attached: C86ED7AC-05E6-4826-A422-6A60041507ED.png (1440x810, 1.07M)

Attached: 36098463_p0.jpg (1024x1024, 407K)

Present your motherfuckerbirthday license.

Was it rape?

And he's still less of a sissy than Erin. Just imagine.

why was this allowed but not a dude licking a girls leg

>already finished fapping
>still have to sit through shippuden
Fuck I really should have paced myself.

Did...did I miss hunter x hunter?

>those lip close ups

>putting hxh after boruto's dad shippuden

Attached: 1376307212408.png (320x287, 88K)

>make a black ninja
>hes only character trait is rapping

Attached: 1365483715988.png (300x250, 59K)

Yo, beat my meat son!

No, it's been moved to Naruto's old slot.

HxH is next then Aot.

>Naruto is a wigger

Attached: xehanort.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

HxH still has like 11 more episodes.

FUCK I forgot he does those on new premieres

Attached: baf3d84.png (1280x715, 1.42M)

Just say you dont know.

>ya know ya know all the time
Bee knew about Boruto I see

So guys, do you think Naruto will ever have a kid? Think that'd be a cool storyline to follow?

Attached: I Wonder.png (1045x1447, 417K)

>"It's y'know, y'know all the time."

Is he talking about Boruto?

Attached: 1515259844312.webm (800x450, 2.69M)


Welcome to society.

Based, someone finally calling Nardo out on his shit

Its a school sol about ninja's

there are other black ninjas who don't rap.

Naruto better not job to himself this time.

Good taste user

Attached: 1551166482074.png (1023x723, 681K)

Japan is big on casual racism, ironically.

There's something ending in May I'm not sure what it is. Thought it was HxH.

what anime is this?

I don't think to guys can have a baby, user

Attached: Young_sasuke_and_Naruto.png (1354x763, 568K)

>didnt ya know

>tfw been trying to learn how to rap
>having trouble keeping up a steady flow

How the fuck do they do it? My mind just cant keep up my mouth and vice versa.

oh my

So, what Persona is Naruto going to get when he beats his shadow?

Attached: Persona 4 Helmets.jpg (1500x1071, 1.33M)

Naruto really came up huh? Guess people don't care about you until you save their fucking lives

What would Naruto and Sakura's child look like?

Attached: tunnel of bees.jpg (533x496, 63K)

try alcohol, sometimes i rap to my dick to get it hard that cant get hard because of the alcohol


Attached: 1551850392997.png (1901x1047, 877K)

Either Strength or Temperence would work I think

It's pretty obvious

Attached: P4-persona-jiraiya.jpg (730x950, 93K)

Apparently my type is Muslim sluts
I've realized my type is something along the line of dark, petite girls who put on a tough front but also have a soft side

I like pure cute sweet nice feminine girls. None of that pretentious or trying to be a dude type stuff.
I knew a girl in elementary and middle school that was like this but by high school she was cussing and talking about LGBT stuff and turned into a lesbian and she was the last pure girl before the change I ever met so it was sad.

So is Naruto talking to his heartless, or his nobody?

>Naruto vs Nine Tails
>Itā€™s just talking

Attached: 4D272697-0DB9-4691-8347-D2EB8A94F90D.jpg (443x610, 36K)

waitin' til next thread.

>Naruto even defeats himself with Talk no Jutsu

probably deku with strawyberry blonde hair.

Attached: 634x709.jpg (634x709, 96K)

I most definitely have a type, and I don't think I need to spell it out.

I can't really blame you. With all the stuff we've lost, there isn't a lot to do if you're not into HxH. I'm not even sure how I started watching HxH, I just did.

Attached: 1362860372072.png (1000x1000, 972K)

Watching Naruto is kinda depressing knowing he's probably going to die in Boruto and the peace he worked for is completely undone.



That just means they aren't trying hard enough.

Its not nine tails, its his dark feelings

>Japan is big on casual racism

Attached: racist.webm (640x480, 431K)

Ad lib. Say something to keep with the flow and but still allow space for your mind to catch up. Don't over do it though.


it's too late to submit a tribute isn't it

Attached: DmdnX1DUUAAUYDr.jpg (1096x1200, 93K)

This would have more impact if Naruto has acted like this at any point in Shippuden.


Attached: Kamina 1.png (1024x768, 728K)

Nine tails hasn't made an appearance yet, even.

>Naruto Talk-no-Jutsu's everyone
>Including himself

Honestly shouldnt be surprising

Attached: 1550002393345.jpg (171x171, 24K)

It's called Citrus
It's Yuri, I think

>trust nobody not even yourself

The most brutal battles are those of words and ideas.

Attached: 1433053134051.jpg (848x480, 36K)

Wait, is this happening? Is this finally relevant?

I'm not paying attention.

Attached: naruto fucking the fox thanks kishi.gif (400x478, 112K)

Yea the Ninja world is FUCKED



I haven't collected. I wanted to collect during Naruto but the thread is so close to dying anyway. Then again I guess people can just keep posting tributes here even after the new thread is up.

Oh my God Bros that was really sweet

oh were doing hungry games?

You ever just accept your true self?

>muh embracing and making peace with your dark side
Fuck that noise, I've been to the Water Temple and I straight-up curb-stomped that fucker.

Not yet.

I tend to fall for women that are tough on the outside but aren't nearly as stern when they're not in public. Also, the type that usually can't stand me upon first impressions. Take of that what you will.

>Ever met someone who was that type? What did you do?
Pretty much tanked it for reasons I'd rather not get into.

How does Robin go about her day without a bra? Those milkers gotta slow her down.

Attached: 1554156912558.jpg (445x922, 147K)

There's no cest like selfcest.

Attached: 1392175383273.gif (100x147, 32K)

They think it's cool, just like afros.

Tenten bump

When does Jesus show up?

Attached: The Prodigal Son Returns (1).png (525x700, 567K)

Mhm. I still do premiers and marrathon nights.

Indeed. Though, admittedly, I like tweaking the Pitou posters...

Though, I'm not sure one can really call a sole instance a type.

I mean, if I had to break down my chart, most of them have a moment of devotion/loyalty that won me over. And/or the right kind of energy about them that appeals to me.

Attached: $_57973.jpg (567x775, 97K)

Welp time to crowdsource help.

>been addicted to one mobage game for about two years
>spent hundreds of dollars a month on it
>suddenly one day an ingame patch just broke the foundation for all team synergy and everything else and I ragequitted hard between getting un-authorized refunds back dating back to 5 months
>then deleted my own account by hand before they had a chance to retaliate
>downloaded 5 or 6 other mobage games and cycle through them throughout the day
>having fun but cant help that something will go wrong soon
I downloaded so many at the same time because if I run out of stamina on one, I can move to the other. I mean its working so far and I have not spent a single dollar or have the urge to spend money on them but still.

Attached: 1460768944205.gif (500x285, 1.99M)

oddly he hasn't collected yet even with Naruto on now

God I love B. His lip flaps barely match.

Do I look like a Persona character to you?

Stop reminding me that you hate Close Enough with these FSS2 ads

My type is "flexible" to say the least, I'm not exactly picky.

Looking forward to it man

Attached: 73534820_p0.png (1200x1354, 2.25M)

Attached: 37631678_p0.jpg (880x1008, 180K)

I know he shows up cause in Bort Sasuke was redeemed

Attached: The Prodigal Son Returns (2).png (525x700, 490K)

He doesn't act like an asshole and put people down like his reflection. But, his breakdowns are just like the reflection. That time he had a crippling anxiety/asthma attack and pretty much any time he talks to Sasuke in Shippuden are when that side of him comes out.

Yo, what the fuck is Sasuke doing during all this?

i hate these obnoxious air heads commercials

A chick who would say "yes sir" when I told her what to do. Can't stand these bitches sometimes.


Attached: 15435607415111.png (600x1078, 485K)

She's a very hardy woman. Also handbras.

I feel you with that. My best girls across series aren't too consistent in terms of type, but my personal best girl is most definitely my best type. I kind of miss winding up Pitou poster.

Attached: c2359.png (1280x1024, 1.8M)

Is anyone gonna make a new thread?

Attached: 1531861114913.png (1280x960, 554K)

Next Sunday

What do you want for tonight?
eye surgery?

>spending money on mobile games

Attached: 1412630161352.jpg (429x377, 41K)

Naruto IS ninja Jesus

what are you even doing

Nah, I fucking hate myself. The only thing I like about me is my superb taste in video games.

ugh, gee i wish a knew that user. you could of made it more obvious.

now i miss a whole hungry game, i dont even know topic.

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Attached: 1544444197851.jpg (249x249, 16K)

>spending any money on games
nigga just go to a library

You didn't miss it tonight. He's going to do it when the next thread starts. He does it every time a new show premieres. Can you get that through your thick fucking skull?

now they're just pissing me off on purpose

I posted in the first thread. I guess not a lot of people noticed. Theme's moms.

I am assuming TGG is going to do it sine there are 4 threads in the catalog AND there is HxH AND AoT left, plus this half of naruto

Alright fuck this
I'll watch HxH elsewhere
I'm too tired and don't want to watch Naruto sternly talk to himself
Goodnight, /tg/!

based as fuck

getting over it is pretty good. it recently been ported too the phones.

>spending money on a libraries
Nigga there are perfectly good sticks outside

>secret cavern underneath the waterfall
I never get tired of this trope

You should put that little girl from Neverland earlier in there by default just for dark humor.

well i thought i missed it

i dont have a thick skull

Fucking naggy chatty needy bitches all of 'em.

Killer Bee is just Mr. T, right?

They don't have to be biological, right?

Attached: Guren_(RenderizaĆ§Ć£o).png (476x957, 165K)

Wish TGG would communicate with us more so we would know


Attached: 62e.jpg (186x270, 8K)

>spending money on sticks
Perfectly good oxygen all around you, what are you doing?

We don't do shadow clones since they tried to take over the ship Yamato.

Play Legacy of the Beast. You can be competitive without spending a dime. You just need to invest your time in it.

Attached: legacy-of-the-beast-iron-maiden-game-1.png (900x506, 522K)

well then count her in.

This is high fantasy as fuck

Nardo's got a fat ass.



Nardo is the fat from my ass.

Nami would've lent one of hers

Attached: 1551454929757.jpg (613x760, 220K)

Sorry but my dick commands me to play games that are focused on erotic females. if I want something not-erotic I have project1999

Beardburgers are a Parrappa Town tradition.

So your headcannon is that she spends all day groping herself?

I do kind of wonder... I mean, everyone wants someone loyal to an extent... but I feel like there's a bit more buried there.
I mean specifically, I know the episode where Mina tries to take care of Moon when she's sick is what got her to the top of my scouts list. Saten similarly has a number of moments in Railgun.

Ryoko and Patty are both on the dangerous side, but they're also protective and supportive in their own ways.

I've always maintained that Lita is top shelf wife material... Fio's pretty good in that regard too. Since she joined up out of a sense of duty and wound up in a SpecOps team.

The rest... its kinda down to their energy. Though Nicole (bottom Left) is sort of cheating, as she's very much in the same mold as Felicia.

Attached: $_57879.jpg (621x800, 158K)

/tg/ I'm too drunk. WTF is going on!?!

Attached: ami-chan face.png (133x133, 18K)

I wouldn't call it headcanon, really. Just a thought that /TG/ has brought into my head more than once, and it's really hot. I respect your dedication to your personal girls. I don't have a list myself, but I could probably come up with one given a bit of time.

Attached: 1379561860781.png (1096x1827, 1.74M)

Well, Felicia is the only one that makes me smile just to see her.

But yeah, I like to know why I like them. And honestly, had to think a bit to even fill that chart out. The reason it's mrk2 is because I'd forgotten about Polt and Kiyal for a minute, and put in Miia and Orielle (LoZ:SS side character).

While, Snek is my favorite out of the main harem, Kobold is better. And Kiyal's scrapy tomboy nature is a bit more endearing than the breif bit Orielle plays. Though like Hibiki, her love and care for animals did make her stand out, despite her bit part.

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>the only one that makes me smile just to see her.
That's putting it mildly. Every time I see mine my heart starts beating faster. Lucky for me my poker face is unmatched.

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Well, you've got that in common with her at least.

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