What's Yea Forums's thoughts on Doug? Personally I find it rather comfy

What's Yea Forums's thoughts on Doug? Personally I find it rather comfy

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>there will never be another entry in the Diary of a Mad Grillbreaker

I really enjoyed that "Doug is Crazy" blog from like 10 years back. I watched a ton of Doug as a kid, but never really picked up on how erratic his behavior was.

It's fine. Many people thought he was in high school and was too autistic for his age but in reality he's just a kinda neurotic normal 11 year old. Very obviously jewish too, and I'm not saying that just for the nose.

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Red gold

Never understood why people say he was a beta male.

Killer Tofuuuuuuu

Just look at him

If Mr. Dink wanted to fuck anyone it was Judy. Remember how he always gave her money to buy things?

Hey Arnold is Doug done right.
Which is not to say Doug didnt have its moments. The soundtrack could be pretty neat.

Someone posted a story where the creator of Doug wound up meeting the girl that inspired Patti Mayonnaise after many years.
He wound up meeting her husband and didn’t remember the rest of the conversation.

Loved it. Low-key surrealism at its finest. Everything's so down to earth yet completely bonkers, just like the world can seem to someone at that age.
yeah I don't really agree with that guy but that blog was an absolute joy. It reveled in going over the top with its assessment. Also I never noticed Roger's cowboyesque walk makes him look like he has rickets.
Somehow he (and by extension Nitz) came off Italian to me.

motherfuckin Fred Newman can do no wrong. nicktoons had some solid fucking music given that mark mothersbaugh was over at rugrats.

>Hey Arnold is Doug done right.
Is it? Other than both starring a kid I don't really see them having similar premises. Even the daydreaming was something Arnold rarely did in the show.

Hell they're almost opposites. Arnold lives in an extremely realistic place that's simply oddly anachronistic. He's outgoing and brave and well-liked but not super interesting as a person. His best friend has no trouble whatsoever telling a story. Doug's dog has a super tricked-out doghouse, while Arnold has an awesome room and his dog is a pig. Doug's parents are almost smotheringly present in his life. Arnold's teacher is attentive and understanding, and the principal is a reasonable authority figure most of the time. The only thing in common is the bully that secretly likes him

Not enough of his sister

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It's the least of the first three Nicktoons, but it's redeemed by a pretty killer soundtrack. You can never hate Killer Tofu or Shout Your Lungs Out.

I never was too fond of her shaved temples or that massive fucking nose she developed in the disney season (depending on artist) but she was a treat.
It's amazing how a lot of people will say that they grew up and started seeing certain fictional characters differently, started having sympathy for bad ones or started finding some annoying that you were supposed to like, but that almost never happens to me. I still unironically love Daria and 88% of what she ever said. I stand by every line from every hot-blooded anime with every fiber of my sideburns....
but Judy? Judy I thought of as a nasty bitch back in the day, but now she comes off as a quirky fun person I would enjoy spending time with.

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I'd be proud to be 3rd after Rugrats and (classic) Ren and Stimpy

I liked the music in the show and some of the secondary characters, but Doug himself is kind of a twat. He reacts to every set back or problem as the end of the world, but typically gets a hand out or a lucky break so his shit works out. All. The. Time. It felt disingenuous compared to other characters (like Arnold, or say, Charlie Brown) and while this is a cartoon and all, it didn't leave him as being endearing.

Also Doug's supposed to be 11. When I was an actual child, this pissed me off to no end because the show basically depicts the kids as teenagers in terms of their freedom and behavior.

How well you like Doug depends a lot on whether you can identify. I was a neurotic as fuck kid, I knew exactly how he felt. It was nice seeing someone getting through those problems, god knows my problems never got solved, whether by others or myself. they just kept happening.
You have a point though, after the 9th or 10th time everything turned out okay, you'd think he'd learn... everything's gonna turn out okay.
But you could say that about just about any fiction. Protagonists go through tons of shit and always come out alright, so they should logically all be like the cast of Milo Murphy's Law, just totally blasé towards peril, knowing it will always cut close but never actually harm them much. buuut.. that threatened to make that show really boring, until Cavendish and Dakota showed up to save it.
also yeah I remember the commercials claiming Doug was in 7th grade, but finding out later he was 11 I'm like.. is this what my dad wants me to be doing? going out on my own and getting fast food and stuff? because I just fucking stay inside where it's safe and comfortable, and enjoy art and tv and videogames because fuck that noise.

To be honest, I felt like I went through some of what Doug experienced but much of it just rang hollow. The show was comedy but I didn't feel like I was watching a kid like me, it felt like I was watching a teen pretending to be one.

Roger was another big issue. From my own experience in being bullied, someone like Roger-- an overbearing self absorbed poser who talks in a nasally annoying as fuck voice and just denigrates EVERYBODY within reach would eventually be ignored and ostracized by all the other kids. I mean why the fuck would he even be invited anywhere? The kids would just try to go someplace else (or you know tell their parents they don't want the annoying jackass at their party) or some other bigger kid would have had enough of his shit and beaten him to a pulp.

I mean, I even encountered some thug-type bullies (think Moe from Calvin and Hobbes) growing up and they could, you know, not be a dick to at least a few other kids even if they treated outcasts like me like shit. I know Roger sort of has a gang but they turn on him pretty quickly given the chance.

Roger was too fucking stupid to survive real socializing in school.

I mean, kids were more mature when the writers were young, and I despise the fact that TV stopped writing kids as teens, because it used to give kids something to aspire to. Now they're just like "lol you're a brain-dead irresponsible moron until you're 30"
Schools I went to, guys like Roger were well-liked. All you have to do is mock others and you're in. Size didn't matter, the bullies were usually the smallest. because they knew picking on a guy my size meant I couldn't do a damn thing or I'd look like the monster. Most of the time the abuse was verbal and psychological anyway. My biggest concern if I actually got assaulted was my dad would find out and get mad at me for not giving it back to them worse.

My jr. high school would expel *anybody* who got into a fight, even if you were defending yourself or had been subjected to so much shit that you finally snap.

It was fucking hell for the victims more than the shitheads who knew they could be dicks and get away with it.

I completely forgot about Shout Your Lungs Out. Those are pretty good tunes.