Do you think Grant Morrison will ever superass Alan Moore?

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Do you think any of them will ever surpass even a mediocre mangaka?

They're sort of equal. Moore has more substantial "serious" works but that's not Morrison's bag

but i also think writers should stop trying to be the "next Moore" or mingle themselves in Moore's work

What are some good manga? Everything I've tried is pretty mediocre in terms of writing.

Franken Fran.

Anything by Osamu Tezuka or Go Nagai. And that's for starters.

Idk why Yea Forums hates Morrison sometimes.
When did this all start?

Already read them. I've read all the well known names.

>Do you think Grant Morrison will ever superass Alan Moore?
I dunno, how good is the Alan Moore's ass?

Did Grant actually post his ass?

This artwork is done by Caio Oliveira, a talented Brazilian artist. I have a short with it.

user I think you're getting confused with robbi dirty ass rodriguez


then you're just shitposting

No but Morrison is finally getting the mainstream attention he always deserved

Ewing has surpassed both.

>not DC characters
Moore and Morrison prefer DC, OP image should be like Batman and Superman.

In someways Morrison already supassed Moore in terms of DC comics anyway.

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No, I'm serious. I was responding to a shitpost by asking an honest question.

you can't say that you've read all the manga written by the most popular authors and found them mediocre unless you're shitposting, or your standard for decent writing are ulysses and crime and punshment

no, Morrison fucking sucks and is one of the weaker British invasion writers, Carey, Delano, Ellis, Ennis and Milligan
even Gillen is better

Most manga is boring ass retreaded bullshit. Train to get stronger and beat the main villian with "that" asspull from no where, and usually before they use "that" we get 20 chapters of them explaining how they acquiered "that" technique. Theres very few good manga and you know it. Vagabond, blade of the immortal, full metal, vinland saga, and berserk are about the only good ones worth reading. All the rest are souless comercialized garbage that retreads the same plot over and over.

>hiatus manga or babbies first shounen
weak bait

Morrison is happier than Moore, ergo Morrison won.He surpassed him.

Try harder please

>hiatus manga
All relevant manga then?

Not knowing what you are looking for in a comic (art, story, new ideas, etc) or your tolerance level for anime bullshit (I like Made in Abyss, but its not something I would rec to a stranger because there is a LOT you have to be willing to overlook in that comic) I'm going to play the safe best and recommend "Dungeon Meshi". Its just a solid story with a novel gimmick, endearing characters, good but not out of place comedy, and its SURPRISINGLY tightly written. The amount of callbacks to minor references and panel details from dozens of chapters ago are amazing. You don't need to recognize them, the story doesn't depend on them, but its evidence that the writer really is being super consistent about all of this.

The problems you are citing are specific to narrow range of shonen manga. Unless you really think that a romance manga still has 20 chapter long training arcs for powerups.

Not everything anima and manga is DBZ or Naruto. Thats just the stuff that got imported to the states back when anime was still largely niche.

I love Go Nagai but why pretend the man who wrote manga about a naked superhero and a giant robot that shoots fire from its chest is high literary art that is only eclipsed by classics?

Morrison is definitely happy doing what he does. Quality of their works aside, Morrison is now at a place where he can pick and choose what he likes for projects.
His collaborations feel vivid despite what you think of his writing.

Moore seems secluded, morose, sullen and hardly takes any effort to move along despite having legitimately been screwed over. It’s like he hates what he contributed to and can’t move on.

Morrison can be second to Moore if you want to see it that way, but he’s definitely more successful in the end.

Morrison is working in a writer's room for a Syfy show and still doing WB owned properties while Moore is busy making creator owned comics with one of his best friends and a movie

Works like Devilman and Violence jack are on their own league, jack in particular manages to avoid being schlock for most arcs, but then theres that handful who became ovas ironically being some of the lamest, edgiest arcs

What movie?

that's why i honestly feel ishikawa managed to grasp thematic subtlety a bit better than nagai, which is a fucking shame because ishikawa still gets 2nd billing on his own work a decade after his death

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>Unless you really think that a romance manga still has 20 chapter long training arcs for powerups.
Is that not how romance works in real life?

Morrison has been at the top of his field for 30 years now. He's the GOAT. Even today he has the best book at the big 2

I doubt it. Morrison relies way too much on meta-commentary, especially when almost all of his most famous works use it as a major plot point. I'm also not a fan of how often he uses gibberish and psychobabble in place of actual dialogue, that shit is just a chore to read. Moore's stories are a lot more distinct from each other and he has a lot more variation in the storytelling devices he employs along with a laser focus when it comes to scripting.

Franken Fran is nice but not exactly something I would call an exemplifier of good writing.

No in real life you have minor crushes that never amount to anything while building up your money and physical appearance, then when you reach a certain high level at which you are finally confident in yourself you realize that all potential partners are objectively beneath you

Then you become a wizard or a cuckold

The difference is Morrison never got badly as screwed as Moore did (at least by DC) and he toed to company line pretty faithfully. Moore sort of moved on from the medium to work on other projects such as that book he wrote and the show he's currently working on.

>It’s like he hates what he contributed to and can’t move on.
This is an illusion created by the fact people always ask him to comment on capeshit, then share the quotes around while anything else he says goes under the radar. He's quite happy spending his time on more niche works about his hometown and his literary interests.

Morrison has already surpassed Moore in terms of the age of consent

Green Lantern isn't as good as Hawkman

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70s and 80s moore is unbeatable. Anything after is largey edgey trash of varying quality, most on the lower end. Morrisons early works are aping moore but he became his own thing and has written a large quanity of books that are at worse average to some of the best comics ever written. Moore is a grumpy old man, morrision is the grandpa that refuses to grow up.

who said that? High literary art and mediocre writing aren't the only two options, you know?
And go nagai isn't all the famous mangaka who wrote popular manga

>Shit opinion
Nothing to see folks, move on.

Mangakas have the advantage of making something new. There are also alot of them so don't act like the average mangaka is good. For every To You, The Immortal, There are a hundred shitty isekai manga.

The key difference between them is that Moore can find transcendence in a dirty little street corner, while Morrison engineers it through countless imaginary universes of entertainment media. For Morrison it's a symphony of infinite superheroes ringing out across all dimensions; for Moore it's soaking in the history, memories and dreams associated with something as mundane as a run-down town, a pub, or a puppet snake. Neither approach will ever be satisfied with the other.

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Seeing as how Morrison has continues to write good books and Moore hasn't in a decade or two, he already has

>what is Providence

LoEG: Tempest is much better than anything Morrison's done in decades



is there something that this boad or all Yea Forums for that matter, enjoys and support?

moore is good for "serious" superheroes, grant morrison is good for really off the rails crazy shit. both have their merits and flaws. some parts of watchmen for instance, can be a bit much, and some parts of doom patrol can be a bit much.

i like morrison more than moore, not everything has to be grimdark ultra serious stuff.

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Morrison has never peaked to the same level as Moore has, but at the same time he's never written anything as awful as Moore's worst works and has managed to stay consistently good for far longer.

Alan Moore when he mattered or Alan Moore now?

Alan Moore hasn't put out anything our worth reading in 15 years and even then his peak was another 15 years before that. Swamp Thing, Batman, V for Vendetta, Watchmen, Miracleman, were all from the 80s. Just about all of his major work in the '90s and early 2000s was middling (From Hell, Tom Strong, Top 10) or started strong only to wither and fall apart in the later issues (Promethea, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen).

At least Grant Morrison is still making things worth reading.

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Why haven't you read Providence yet? You built up a narrative in your head and you're afraid to see it shattered?

Honestly, I skipped it because I am not into H.P. Lovecraft's brand of horror. I will admit I am wrong on that one count. The reviews appear to be all positive.

Why haven't you read Jerusalem yet? You built up a narrative in your head and you're afraid to see it shattered?


Promethea is superb from start to finish, last issue is arguably the best part, I consider it a masterpiece, haven't read Moore's newer LXG stories post 09 but will read Tempest soon.

You can have a very in-depth conversation about Morrison's career and running themes with comic fans. The same is not true of Moore.

He did decades ago, both in terms of sales and in terms of being able to keep writing decent comics for more than a few years. Moore's work post-80s is mostly garbage.

Akira. Download the colorized version. There are links in the archive.

nothing Morrison writes is worth reading

Grant Morrison is one of those writers that I simply do not understand. His works are constantly praised and labeled as "genius" by his fans while criticisms are brushed away with excuses like "you just don’t get it." The problem I have with Morrison isn’t that I don’t understand what’s going on in his "genius" stories, it’s that I don’t understand why he feels the need to do what he does in the first place. He takes everything to the extreme and wants to make his stories the biggest and most important stories in that character’s history because he sees himself as the most important writer in the history of the written word. His stories require some additional reading to comprehend and people confuse that with genius. He spends so much time trying to weave his story that he forgets to make it interesting. This is no better demonstrated when he took over Batman and in only 4 years time DC had to reboot.

His first arc was a continuation of "Son of the Demon" despite that story ending with said child miscarried. Damian was supposed to be killed at the end of that story but his fans changed his mind. Then there's his next publicity stunt: Batman R.I.P. If there's one thing Death of Superman has proved its that killing off your main character in a comic book fails because everyone knows its not permanent and everyone else just waits for him to return. Not to mention that someone succeeding Batman has already been done before in Knightfall, except this time its Damian because Dick says fuck you. Turns out Batman wasn't dead but just stuck in the past and get to the future by becoming a caveman, then a pirate, and then a cowboy pilgrim first. And most importantly HE BROUGHT BACK THE BAT MITE. No wonder he was axed.

He's perfect for antisocial nerds with unwarranted self-importance, the audience who buy and review capes comics. Also, treating circus strongmen as muh modern myths, muh strong man on spandex so inspirational is a self-fellatio for the industry.

This. Moore has completely disowned Watchmen out of shame for the edgy deconstruction subgenre it spawned, and his final comic ever is effectively jerking off the good old days and ways while demonising what few modern cultural references Moore can keep up with. He should've thrown in the towel with Providence. At least Providence stuck to and celebrated it's genre.

Morrison on the other hand is getting a free hand on Green Lantern. He's basically Gen Urobuchi if he was permanently in a Thunderbolt Fantasy kind of mood.

To be fair, didn't Moore kind of dude that in The Mystery Play? It's fair to say he hasn't revisited much but he did touch on it here and there, arguably even Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. Speaking of underrated illustrators, I wish Dave McKean stuck around the comics industry for longer.

>Do you think Grant Morrison will ever superass Alan Moore?
As a comic book author? Doubtful, Moore is too influential.
As a wizard? Morrison is way ahead of Moore.

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Don't compare Morrison with Urobuchi, please

>prefer dc

Based worldviewfag.

I think you look way to deep into this.
For fuck sake just say you don’t like him, you don’t have to write an essay.

i think he already has.


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Realized you had no idea what the fuck you were talking about when you tried saying Batman RIP and "Return of Bruce Wayne" are the same fucking story. Return of Bruce Wayne was fucking earned dude. Did you even read Final Crisis and his Dickbats run?


>Download the colorized version
Eww, don't listen to this pleb.