Will it be everything we hope for and more? Or will it just be a massive disappointment? I’m still hopeful

Will it be everything we hope for and more? Or will it just be a massive disappointment? I’m still hopeful

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Other urls found in this thread:


I dunno man, after rereading the darn thing in prep for just such a time as this, my hopes aren't very high.

No. Also it will take 5 hours until it's out.

His girlfriend was a better writer than he was, but since she's not around it's going to be a fuckfest

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Probably more like 4 hours and 23 minutes from this post

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Counterpoint, some of the insiders on reddit seem to think it's releasing closer to 1pm

I'm hoping for a supermassive walkaround. I fucking loved Meenahquest and Hiveswap (which is basically a glorified walkaround)

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Are there any REALLY loose plot ends? Shipteases don't count

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what's caliborn's masterpiece about,
how le was defeated,
what the fuck happened to vriska
et cetera

oh, easily! We never get confirmation that Lord English actually died; most of the character arcs are never completed before the end because he tried to push what should have been three years of development into A6A6I5 and all we get is that Dave is impotent now, Karkat is impotent now, Kanaya is a useless lesbian, Jake is at the lowest point in his arc and we only see a glimpse of the other side of his arc in the Masterpiece in A6A6A5. Terezi's arc is only complete because deus ex Vriska. Vriska ALMOST had an arc and then that got booted to the curb once Act 6 swings into gear. I mean, hell, most of the reason why the epilogue probably won't amount to much is because all the kids have become fanon versions of themselves in canon and Hussie's never going to going to bring them to a satisfying ending because the chance for doing that already passed.

Apparently this series ending is required reading

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I think a black hole is a definitive enough "end" for LE. It's something that will keep him trapped for untold eons until it doesn't matter that he's not trapped anymore. Maybe the entire multiverse is doomed because he can't truly be killed, but given how long a black hole lasts, the main cast and the denizens of everywhere will effectively lead existences that are more than full before he comes back.

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Why does meenahs hair look good when it's not stuck in spritemode?

Care to explain?

What do untold eons really mean for a Lord of Time, though?

because it looks loose and fluffy, but also styled.
sprite-meenah looks gross and nappy.

It's going to be awful, user. But at least I'll get to experience it with you guys.

>Shelby Cragg
>A good writer
Pick one and ONLY one or fuck off.

I'm talking about Rachel

Attached: 06419.gif (650x450, 6K)

Shelby never was his girlfriend.

Shelby wasn't Andrew's girlfriend. He's talking about Rachel.

explain please?

Really, I think what we should be focusing on is epilogue(S) part of the announcement. I mean, what could they mean by this? Is the ending a choose your own adventure thing????

Can’t you autistic high school fuckers keep this shit in one thread?

>bump limit

>the most important day for the webcomic
>it gets multiple threads on Yea Forums
because we're not fucking omniscient you retard. go be a newfag somewhere else

Nah bro. The Homestuck cannot be contained

Not an excuse, you ONLY make a new thread when a thread reaches bump limit and reaches page 10.
>because we're not fucking omniscient you retard
There's also a concept called not stepping on eggshells you spaz, remember that the mods can EASILY revoke their kindness despite what day it is and go back to deleting Homestuck threads on sight.
>Nah bro. The Homestuck cannot be contained
You want to end up getting your threads deleted again? 'cause that's you get your threads deleted.

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>I’m still hopeful


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they will have onscreen buttsex

You’ve forced my hand.

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Threadly reminder that Spades Slick did nothing wrong.

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I'm seeing it all over. "I still have faith!" "I believe!"

idk man how many times a franchise needs to spit directly into someone's mouth?

And then Dave and Jade leave Karkat for Vriska and her huge 8ulge.

So what if supposedly happening? Redpill me.

>Quoting a 5 year old rule that was only in effect because of 24/7 generals, often multiple a day

Man new content's coming out, can you just let them have this for a day?

even i was one of the most devout fans up until like 2014 or so
anyone who still has faith is deluded

>its the guy who posts toddlercon scat and types like a discount spiderman villain
christ if the hypocrisy bell could ring any harder the glass would fucking shatter. we get it, your voracious hatelust for hs drives you into a frothing autistic rage, but try to remove yourself from that childpad chamber of social isolation and remember that this isnt 2014 anymore. youre not going to get rid of us, no matter how many ill-fated keyboard warrior crusades you rage.
so go eat a bullet and cry about it to someone who cares, you ban evading faggot

>And now you guys are acting like ponyfags/furfags, way to prove him wrong.
>He says, as he's dumping diaperfur porn because he's mad


Some epilogue information from James Roach

you know that rage spamming shock porn doesn't get threads deleted anymore right
they just delete the actual spam

What are your thoughts on the period between Game Over and Retcon?

Attached: failure.png (648x600, 33K)

thank you to the mod or janitor who deleted that shit, it's much appreciated

What the fuck happened to them?
>DD was last seen on Derse
>CD was last seen on LOTAK
>HB was last seen on the horse calendar in a dream bubble

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Lazy jannies.

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Problem sleuth was better
>ywn live in a reality where a problem sleuth game was made

It was shit.
Everything after Game Over was shit.
most of what happened after Dirk: Synchronize was shit too

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seethe harder

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>Jannies playing favorites
And this is how you know a site has gone to shit.

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game over was the last good part of the comic
it had been bad for a while, but game over itself was half-decent
nothing of value happened in the comic after that ever

So what happened to the MSPA forums anyways?

It basically confirmed roxy x John so I'm fine with it

no one knows
no one really cares either

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they died lol


Still wondering how Roses death was heroic when she somehow did less than what John did when he died.

hacked by serbs and forgotten

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absolute shit, lowest point of homestuck

The time has come, Andrew.
Make me feel again what I once felt so long ago.
Make me whole.

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hussie decided to pull the plug so he could sell to viz
he also lied about it and waited for people to forget about it

You know everyone here has seen this kind of shit before right

The retcon was the point of no return. Most of the problems in the comic up to that point were still fixable, but then the retcon just solidified them and ensured the ending would pu dda reven to anything decent.

update WHEN

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Either in 3 minutes or 4 hours and change. I'm hoping for more than just an update though. I want some goddamn Hiveswap news too.

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official explanation: The serbs mysteriously went down to outtages or haxorz
Actual truth: it's pretty much an open-secret that Hussie pulled the plug on them, exactly on 4/13/2016 as his comic ended.

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What should I post when it's nothing?

A fart feels appropriate, but I want something more. Something that really conveys the idea that some people were so stupid to think it was gonna be something. And of course something else for when nothing happens but then they argue "timezones".

"No you don't understand, he's updating based on the western time zone" they'll say.


but hiveswap is shit
i just want the webcomic to die and we get something new for a change

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30 seconds lads

trips confirm truth
im ready to be fucking disappointed again

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Anyone have that comic about Vriska and Kanaya feet?

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I’m sorry, but I’m done watching these kinds of posts roll by without comment.

I’ve spent a lot of time in HSG over the past week, and I can say without question or doubt that your post is amazingly dishonest.

This is a short list of things I encountered over there, not counting the death threat made against me:

widespread piracy
requests and posting of pornography of underaged characters
graphic depictions of how halftruth’s sex life may be affecting the update schedule
A conversation about what Vriska’s penis would be like, and what sex acts posters there would do to said underaged genitalia
racial slurs
sexist comments
appending “fag” or “tard” to all sorts of different descriptions
telling people who disagree with an opinion that they should kill themselves
fake update calls
That is a majority of the posts I encountered. Almost entirely by anonymous posters, as that is the vast majority of posts in that thread. The “good eggs” are the rarity there, and actual conversation about the comic seems even rarer. In fact, a good portion of the back and forth was about how shitty HSG threads were. You are fooling yourself if you claim this is a positive or healthy place for discussion.








Who wants to bet this was done in an afternoon?

dropping at 4:13 pst

>it's a fucking book
the madman

>those tags


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hail to the queenah

We just got pranked bros

>to be continued



Making my 23-minute analysis video right now

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Holy shit something actually happened.

"please don't blame me when you find out it sucks"

Attached: yikes.png (561x338, 37K)


>Just because certain events take place outside of canon, it doesn’t mean those events are non-canon.


it's probably better than literally everything he's ever wrote even if it's an actual dog turd in ascii form

so anything get announced?

>Three whole years just to basically say that DaveJade is actually canon
What the fuck did Hussie mean by this?

>They're 23 years old now

holy fucking shit

John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, Jake English, Dirk Strider, Barack Obama, Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Karkat Vantas, Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope, Vriska Serket, Gamzee Makara, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Aranea Serket, Meenah Peixes, Davepetasprite^2, Calliope, Caliborn, Lord English, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Content Warning:
Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape, The Economy, Xenophobia, Pregnancy, Alternate Universe, Mind Control, Non-Con, Breastfeeding, Misogyny, Sexism, Transphobia, Misgendering, Canon Compliant, Canon Divergent, Redemption, Dubious Consent, Mind Break, World War, Political Intrigue, Robots, Child Abuse, Rough Sex, Child Neglect, Alcohol Use, Breastmilk, Death, Incestuous Undertones, Mental Illness, Suicide, Polyamory, Clown Dynamics, Meta, Abuse, Fridging, Genocide, Diapers, Murder, Honk, Children, Gender Transition, Depression, Toxic Masculinity, Sexual Abuse, Friends to Lovers, Speciesism, Babies, Manipulation, Gore, Infidelity, Marriage, Nonbinary Character(s), Milking, Identity Questioning, Feet, Political Rebellion, Fascism, Rapping, Drug Use, Funerals, Religion, Eating, Food, Aliens, Possession, Light BDSM, Theft, Furry, Anthropomorphic Characters, Power Imbalances, Blood, Trickster Mode, Body Horror, Gerrymandering, Starvation, Cuckolding, Interspecies Relationships, Guns, Vore, Assassination, Alien Biology, Detransitioning, Chronic Illness, Vomit, Drugging, Cannibalism, Unhealthy Relationships, Capitalism, Eggs, Slut Shaming, Black Romance, Kidnapping, Faygo, Bimboification, Poisoning, Teenagers, Domestic Abuse, Reality Television, Ovipositioning, Ghosts, Revolutionary Rhetoric, Self-Sacrifice, Propaganda, Super PACs, Pica, Early 20th Century Dance Movements, Prison Camps, Existential Crisis, Xenophilia, Daddy Issues, Bad Parenting, Addiction, Clown

Hey aranea

Attached: cast.png (615x231, 13K)

Yeah, we opened the link too retard.




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>a fucking story out of AO3

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So John now 23 years old virgin?



>To Be Continued

>You wasted your time here on this idyllic restoration of Earth. Why did you spend so much time alone? Moping around the house mourning your dead father, who probably would have wanted you to get more enjoyment out of your teen years, as well as your unusually early retirement. There’s so much you could have done. You could have even reached out to Roxy again; maybe she was waiting for you to do that. Maybe your withdrawal hurt her. Maybe she was heartbroken, just like you kind of feel right now. You study her perfectly stoic face and conclude nothing from it. Her expression reminds you of how Dave used to look, when you first met for real, before years of living with Karkat softened him up. Impenetrable cool.

getting shit on even in the epilogue

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>not a single carapacian listed

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>to be continued

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>rose's analysis of what canon means
i genuinely feel like a brainlet trying to parse this, bravo hussie for bringing the math autism back

There is no way piggy didn’t help him write this. It reads like her stridercest fanfics. Which were godtier, imo


>Aranea is listed
>No WV, PM or Jack

kino's back on the menu boys

Just fucking end already please

lmao I thought John was going to fuck Rose in her apartment. Thank god I was wrong.

And now I have to jack off.

this, this feels like the revenge of old huss



>it's a fucking fanfic instead of the usual format
Does anyone have a quick recap? I don't have the patience to read all that shit

so should we move this thread to Yea Forums now?

>waiting for updates again
I haven’t felt this feeling in a long time
I don’t think I like it

You wish, motherfucker.

Attached: fuck you chadriah.png (492x411, 223K)

it's 3 chapters you goddamn brainlet PICK UP A BOOK AND READ

I see you're new here, we homestucks are professional waiters. we can wait for as long as we need to if we get promised something

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davekat snogging for 3 pages

there, you can leave now

Without getting into all the relationship shit, basically Rose tells John that he has to go back into "canon", pick up a Rose, a Dave and a Jade from a different time/timeline and go fight Caliborn like we saw in his claymation or else everything that's happened after they got to their new universe will become "non-canon", whatever that means

3 Pages of Dave and Karkat fucking each other in the ass

I never thought I'd see the day

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literally just fucking read it retard

Eridan and Sollux ascii art

Vriska's back and fatter than ever.

rose is trying to fool john into making caliborn's masterpiece happen or else that plothole will make their reality stop existing or something

>homestuck became a novel

Attached: hahahahahahah.gif (238x178, 634K)

it's literally just a hiveswap act 2 teaser

we are back boys.
i missed this feeling.

>JOHN: well, what the fuck do i know. the only illicit substance i’ve ever done is lick that STUPID trickster lollipop.
Wait, when the fuck did that happen?

Finally, we truly are the Ulysses of the internet

it's sad how all the kids aren't that close anymore

Shit that happens and matters when discussing Homestuck in a meta sense. Like if you were to use facts from a discussion of who would win in a fight between Jade and Superman the main comic up to but not including the credits would be your go-to as well as Hiveswap
>Outside of Canon
Better to say "partial-canon". Shit happens but it doesn't "matter" when you're discussing it. Literal breaking of the 4th wall and Hussie's in-comic character's interaction with the comic

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>Rose basically telling John to kill himself with 3 more copies of his friends
What a bitch

based and freedompilled
rose's wedding


>tags: suicide
>Rose goes into her bedroom alone with a bottle of pills

john has nightmares about the green black hole
rose tells him he has to exit the epilogue and go back into canon to actually kill lord english, or else the epilogue and they inside of it will become non-canon
john hangs out with roxy and calliope, who tell him he doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to


Just got back, what's happening?

Attached: jade wants a hug!.gif (500x402, 334K)

jade got nerfed


jade was soft confirmed as being a bull for karkat and dave

>hey, faggot, go back in time and killyourself so we can have our gay utopian universe


Witch of Space is still preposterously OP

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Non-Canon Earth is efectively going to fucking dissapear, and by some odd reason they decided to tell John last second.
All of this depressing john bashing is just so the reader feels nice when he fucking offs himself for a second time just so other version of himself can live happily ever after.
The past versions will indeed be the ones who defeat english
Screencap this.




>to be continued

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This shit better update every day now.


>The kids live in kingdoms that remind them of their childhood homes (john loves suburbia, roxy loves chess people, etc.)
>Canon, out of canon and non-canon is a thing
>May be doomed to being forgotten
>rose and kanaya being insufferable together is confirmed
>john still has feelings for roxy
>john is attracted to part of roxy that reminded him of dave
>dave, jade and karkat may have a polygmous relationship (possible cuckoldry??? Stay tuned to see how often jade rides dave in front of karkat)
>john dies (for real)
>john do what i say

Finally john has a choice to not do what rose says, will he finally be free and let everybody fade into irrelevance (thus saving the audience from this shitshow further) or will he fail as a breath aspect and literally kill himself?

Fuck off, I've been reading this pile of shit since 2009. The pauses killed all the momentum the comic and its fandom had, and it's never recovered. This shit's been going on for far too long, and Hussie needs to stop dragging it out any longer.

Feels like Hussie bashing himself in there too

is... is it over? Am I free?

not even close



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>dave, jade and karkat may have a polygmous relationship (possible cuckoldry??? Stay tuned to see how often jade rides dave in front of karkat)

I was thinking Spades, but Karkat DID have red feelings for Jade so idk. Second thought, more likely poly

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you're back in

The fujos are already furious over it

The ride never ends

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>You’ve been dreaming in anime again.

What other plotholes are they talking about besides when John and gang go to fight Caliborn?

oh shit

Attached: Captura de pantalla 2019-04-13 a la(s) 12.45.11.png (734x918, 104K)

>prose is verbose and playful again
>autistic meta-analysis being expanded out into weird constructs in the story itself
>more insight into shit like classpects
>dropped plot threads being picked back up
>weird format shift that calls back to the Rose gameFAQs pages
Where were you when Old Huss returned?

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It's fucking text, it better update multiple times a day like the early comic

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JOHN: should i really punch her in the face?
JOHN: i felt kinda bad about it, last time i did that to someone.
ROSE: Yes. You absolutely should, and must, punch her in the face.

Take your bets.

I'm glad Rose is dropping lore autism again, its been so long


they wanted dave to be gay and now they have to deal with the consequences of his lifestyle. dave is a literal fag that, like all gays, cannot be sated by one man alone.

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he will never return, don't kid yourself

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It's past Rose

He's already here.

Jade isn't a man.

based on the theme of the malleability of canon, i think this whole epilogue is going to have multiple choices, so there will be no canon ending to homestuck, but rather several of various levels of canonicity

It's Terezi.

I'm thinking davesprite timeline rose

One of the Serkets no doubt

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so it is a joint effort between huss and piggy

Shouldn't john say "you" and rose say "me" then?

Her cock and balls disagree.

>still not just hussie writing the epilogue
For fuck's sake

>multiple choices
Bard's Quest? Oh god yesssss

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Read problem sleuth faggot

>check update
>it's fucking fanfiction
Most of these are meme tags, right? There's no rape or breastfeeding in this.

Whatever happened to her?

No, because that's not how this comic has ever worked

>her cock and balls
That's a mean thing to call Dave. It helps no one to be reductive.

I strated reading it

Not gonna lie so far it's better than I expected
Still plenty of opportunities to fuck it up though

it's just the first 3 chapters bro give it time

i did my browser just clears cookies every time i close it

>it's fanfiction
Sweet, this means we can make refugee threads on Yea Forums now

based hussie

>he hasn't found the secret chapter with calliope x vriska

We gonna finally see troll breastfeeding

>There's no rape or breastfeeding in this.
We can only hope there is.

Attached: mooooooooooooooooooo.png (500x536, 147K)

>Three fucking writers
fuck this shit

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all dialogue was written by hussie

>it's literally ghostwritten

aranea or jade, he's definitely going back to pre-GAME OVER.

it should be obvious

We Yea Forums now boys

>john gets shit on once more
fuck off

Oh boy two more years of waiting!

Attached: V.png (781x281, 36K)

>there's no rape or breastfeeding in this
the jade memes were real
get ready

Let's assume all the tags are 100% going to happen and guess which tags are going to apply to which characters.

Attached: hand.png (512x512, 13K)

Will John be happy?

Attached: john.gif (650x450, 69K)

>the jade memes were real
As if there was any doubt.

Attached: 280.png (1752x1235, 279K)

>Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape, The Economy, Xenophobia, Pregnancy, Alternate Universe, Mind Control, Non-Con, Breastfeeding, Misogyny, Sexism, Transphobia, Misgendering, Canon Compliant, Canon Divergent, Redemption, Dubious Consent, Mind Break, World War, Political Intrigue, Robots, Child Abuse, Rough Sex, Child Neglect, Alcohol Use, Breastmilk, Death, Incestuous Undertones, Mental Illness, Suicide, Polyamory, Clown Dynamics, Meta, Abuse, Fridging, Genocide, Diapers, Murder, Honk, Children, Gender Transition, Depression, Toxic Masculinity, Sexual Abuse, Friends to Lovers, Speciesism, Babies, Manipulation, Gore, Infidelity, Marriage, Nonbinary Character(s), Milking, Identity Questioning, Feet, Political Rebellion, Fascism, Rapping, Drug Use, Funerals, Religion, Eating, Food, Aliens, Possession, Light BDSM, Theft, Furry, Anthropomorphic Characters, Power Imbalances, Blood, Trickster Mode, Body Horror, Gerrymandering, Starvation, Cuckolding, Interspecies Relationships, Guns, Vore, Assassination, Alien Biology, Detransitioning, Chronic Illness, Vomit, Drugging, Cannibalism, Unhealthy Relationships, Capitalism, Eggs, Slut Shaming, Black Romance, Kidnapping, Faygo, Bimboification, Poisoning, Teenagers, Domestic Abuse, Reality Television, Ovipositioning, Ghosts, Revolutionary Rhetoric, Self-Sacrifice, Propaganda, Super PACs, Pica, Early 20th Century Dance Movements, Prison Camps, Existential Crisis, Xenophilia, Daddy Issues, Bad Parenting, Addiction, Clown


>yfw Kanaya has been sucking Rose bone-dry for all her tasty, tasty human blood for years but she can't die because she's a God Tier.

wwhat's up?

Attached: Eridan.png (800x1200, 96K)

He now has a chance if he don't follow what Rose says.

Transition and detransition is davepeta,

>I really can't express how grateful I am to Andrew Hussie for giving me the chance to write Actual Literal Dialogue for Dave Strider
please god no

>Not Bard Quest


No and neither will you

i can't fucking believe it, we're actually getting a retcon retcon after all

Did you even read it?

>pedoroxy confirmed

And now we know it's shit


All dialogue IN THE PROLOGUE (today's update)
the third author states she wrote dialogue for dave at some point

rose literally told him to fuck off, what do you think


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>we're literally getting Friendsim'd again

Attached: 1522529967727.jpg (232x250, 5K)

>Black Romance
Barack Obama

Tumblr's gonna flip their shit when she's shown breastfeeding some puppy and they realize trans Jade isn't canon

>he didnt even write the fucking epilogue

Attached: DzujAz-X0AAAGW1.jpg (720x960, 31K)

What the fuck does that juicy lipped motherfucker even do these days?

How can he redeem himself?

Attached: snop.png (467x310, 61K)

>LITERALLY ghostwritten

Attached: file.png (727x108, 28K)


jack off and cash viz's checks

at least he told the truth this time

WhatPumpkin's community manager who most speculate to have had a relationship of some sort with Hussie, and who had a questionable amount influence over the comic (there was a stark enough difference in its writing after she left to tell that she was doing SOMETHING, whether she was completely at the wheels or not is up for debate)

There was some theory about classpect-inversion and a few other theories that were spouted from a Homestuck fan that a lot of people followed. Most of it was nonsense and she argued with a lot of the fanbase on reddit about it where she was claiming she KNEW it couldn't be a thing. I actually think SOME parts of the theory ended up in the comic, but it was mostly nonsense.

Anyway she got fed up with the fanbase, fed up with the changes that were happening at WP, and possibly fed up with Hussie, and left. I think SOME pieces of the fan's theories actually got into the comic which might have pissed her off even more

Attached: 1413708061025.png (800x800, 690K)

The man had fucking years to do this. He's written stuff like this before with Wizardy Herbert. He does fine with it. The dialogue in this update is some of the best we've had since I don't even remember. Certainly better than the fast and loose era dialogue where everyone felt out-of-character. Why is he so fucking averse to writing? He doesn't even have to draw.

Attached: 1527882238297.jpg (500x371, 31K)

>not while she’s been gallivanting around with Dave and Karkat under whatever perplexing social arrangement they have settled on.

You know he can just fast-forward, right?

Feeling Terezi. John is going to become the new Alpha and make Terezi his number two rather than Vriska being the boss. Will also help with their spades relationship of kicking each other in the ass to do what's gotta be done

We Yea Forums /aco/ Yea Forums Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Yea Forums when?

Attached: 00405_2.gif (650x450, 48K)

She had her Sun Access cut when traveling in the boats, and she still moved shit light speed, so yes

He did write the dialogue, though.

>yfw this is canon

Attached: karcuck2.png (461x286, 13K)

your welcome


For the PROLOGUE. This is basic reading comprehension, people.

redpill me on the greatest moments in homestuck(s fandom) history

As always, fuck off you vapid cunt.


Attached: 1554325712812.jpg (1016x1266, 188K)

We'll get art again when John re-enters canon, r-r-right?

I Wish

well shit

Past Rose

Not to mention shrinking planets to the size of baseballs isn't a green sun power

Attached: 137928488499.jpg (727x465, 197K)

Not as long as he's Hussie's real self insert.

all i wanted was an andrew hussie experience man, why'd it have to be ghostwritten

MLPG here

Glad to see you guys are still around

>There is no explicit pornographic content in the epilogue. But the kids are adults now, so there are some mature themes that you would expect from a story that focuses on the relationships of adults

Holy shit
The tags are real

holy shit
its like I'm back in 2013 homestuck general again


>that fucking content warning
there's no way this is official

I like it

I bet it's going to be a cyoa for deciding to eat meat or candy


>Wanting andrew hussie after 2014

Which is what came out today, so he did write this dialogue.


he wrote the dialogue in these pages though, and it was good

ill only be happy if you kill off earth c and give john the happy ending he deserved

Well yeah that was always Jade's native space power.

Attached: spacetime gods.jpg (1272x1381, 234K)

its hasnt begun yet

this is foreplay

I can’t be this hyped over a gay webcomic anymore, I’m a responsible adult

Tell Hussie "fuck you" regardless

>and it was good

>who gets raped

More seriously
>There're no explicit depictions of rape but it is a theme that is touched upon in some form, so we're including a warning.

Attached: dave rapes jadesprite.gif (500x346, 109K)

will there be anything more today?

>people are getting excited for this

Attached: 1466989611950.png (1499x836, 1.67M)

Are you v? You can tell me.

implying the AO3 stuff is just part of a larger thing?

I think this thread is going to be it for today until the next update.

so when are we getting updates? is this a once a week thing, or a once a year thing, or a nah fuck that just let john not be in the gay apocalypse where his friends literally send him off to his death thing
please ipgd
i am begging you here

will there be art or is it all reading


>John dreams of Anime
>Rose is dying
>Canon is canon except when it isn't just like people don't have arcs or get mario stars
>John's gotta go back to the past to close up the plothol- I mean timelines
>Dave/Jade/Karkat are a thing with "implied" Davekat and CaliRox

>Just go with your gut. Don’t sweat the small stuff. There are much more important things out there to fuck yourself up over.

Attached: 1518041426544.png (1000x1000, 856K)

we are a broken people

>yfw Earch C gets uncanon'd because John finally makes his own choice and says "FUCK THIS REALITY!"
>That's why Rose said "goodbye" since she probably knows John won't follow her instructions in the end so she will fade away
>John restarts the ending of Homestuck only this time he is more proactive
>We get best shipping ends and John gets best end

I want it to happen

Attached: Homestuck John payback.png (650x4672, 307K)

probably a troll then

as i said before, no

how old is this fanart, I'm curious

based piggy
tell hussie that he's a hackfraud and also tell him that i love him

Aradia is very likely bimbofication

>a whole chapter dedicated to Jade having to deal with the enormous breasts she now has

Attached: bigtiddyjade1.png (686x630, 102K)

nice, this already feels like closure.


No, that's the trickster mode, they were all bimbos.

It’s piggy I swear to fucking god

please god i beg you
have a few gay ships it doesnt matter some of them are good but PLEASE

do they call you piggy because you can only piggyback off other people's ideas and popularity or is it because of your general personality and appearance?

>Purely Andrew Experience

I'm mad.

Attached: Untitled.png (602x249, 20K)

oh right.

literally what the fuck did he even mean by this if it has three authors

Just waiting for the Dave dialogue and see you guys' opinion on this do a 180° backflip.

Attached: 1474805220441.png (474x311, 151K)

It'll be a branching story with many endings, all various levels of canon and non-canon.

Frustrating, but an appropriate way to end Homestuck. At least better than just the unintelligible fucking mess of a non-ending we had before.

>hussie wrote one part of the dialogue
>everything else is ghostwriters



Attached: 1550979427262.jpg (375x375, 28K)


it hurts, man
knowing that hussie is still capable of quality but actively choosing not to do it hurts more than him just being unable to do it anymore

why do these people always write like this
like hussie is able to write something that "LITERALLY BLOW YOUR FUCKING MIND YOU GUYS" when he hasnt wrote something decent in YEARS

Attached: 1399281486035.gif (295x221, 574K)

God, I love Homestuck

do you want to go face caliborn or do you want to stay on earth-c with meaningless sugar


>Infidelity, Marriage,

Do you know who drew that?

God, I hate Homestuck

he also has to pick up a set of alphas


Attached: makes me think..png (1349x397, 17K)


>when he hasn't written anything in YEARS


Attached: 1d5.jpg (680x680, 72K)

>Eridan Ampora

John has to travel back in time and beat up Caliborn, using the juju. Nobody but John is canon anymore because they retired on their victory. Now John has to choose between eating meat and candy.


Is this what being an abused housewife is?

>>rose and kanaya being insufferable together is confirmed
more like kanaya rapes rose in the brooding caverns and only let her out when she got a troll std

okay, but how often is this going to update? every week? every day? will we have to wait for the next 4/13? how much longer is this ride gonna last?

Attached: jio.gif (182x205, 16K)

No Nepilogue, no sale!
Give the people what they want!

Attached: tumblr_mw8hlhpzR01r35rn9o1_1280.png (1130x1018, 652K)


i thought homestuck threads werent allowed? can we talk about it again now?

I feel like some of the old Hussie is back

this isnt homestuck

There was an update.

Rose my dude
She or Condy

they said rape will be touched upon

bro raped dave confirmed

Attached: 02698[1].gif (650x450, 132K)


I trust other people to write Dave, he's the easiest to write.
But I don't trust THESE particular people.

I was hoping when Rose said he needed to gather a team she meant gathering some of the less important crew that didn't do much like Nepeta and such. Would be neat seeing John interacting with em

it's probably tags for the thing as a "whole"

andrew abused her

So who's got the bun in their oven?

>CALLIOPE: again, we aren’t here to inflUence yoU. it’s very important that the decision come from yoUr desire to go throUgh with it, one way or another.
>CALLIOPE: any tampering coUld taint the resUlts.
why the fuck is everyone so cryptic with this shit

It's funny. Just a few days ago I was reading the Problem Sleuth science page and going "remember when Hussie cared enough to think about shit like this?" And then the Rose dialogue in this is all about a thought-out analysis of the idea of canon and manifesting that as a concept in the story.

>literally every a2 troll included except nepeta
bro isn't the only one

Attached: jade repopulates.png (650x3129, 117K)

trolls do not have tiddies

I want to see Eridan's personality clash with more people, his conversations with Rose and jade were good.

Attached: bonk eridan.gif (650x450, 22K)

have you read homestuck?

They only weren't allowed when it wasn't updating. And baby... we're upd8ing.

this fucking site doesn't even have an rss feed, this is bullshit

I'm just glad Cohen isn't writing.

But you knew who it had to be, this is something that has already happened that needs to happen to have happened so everything doesn't fall apart.

Obviously rose.

Because it probably leads up to John chosing to die again of other Parallel John, or stay in the Post Canon and eventually fade

CYOA, bro

Not a fan of DaveJadeKat apparently being canon. Last I checked Karkat was an asshole to her and Dave didn’t have any romantic attraction to her. Also, I’m not big on poly ships in general. You do you, but I just can’t see things like that working out. Hopefully it’s fixed once John fixes the canon.

I would like a nice cup of death now please

To be honest, at the beginning I assumed it was Rose with how she was talking about feeling unwell.

>rumble spheres

We just went over this.

Attached: pregnant with babies.png (558x568, 25K)

yes they do, they've been drawn with them. arquius even explicitly says that they exist and have some kind of function

I'm good now that Homestuck is back

Looking very forward to that bimbofication tag coming true

Attached: tumblr_oplrra8TyE1vbk9qlo1_1280.png (1235x1200, 224K)

i missed you guys.

i'm happy this is happening.

yeah but the crypticness usually comes from people who knew what the fuck they were doing
is it just cause john became a hermit and everyone else figured all this shit out on their own?

[s] terezi remem8er was the best thing that happened after Game OVer

I was hoping, but I'll take a preggo Jade too.

I'm not, please let me off the ride

>You do you, but I just can’t see things like that working out.
They don't. It's an impossible degenerate fantasy imagined by dumb tumblr kids and their enablers like ipgd I know you're reading this piggie

>every troll tagged except meowrails


its because they know if john goes he will never return ever.

oh? you got any proof of that, fucker??

>Last I checked Karkat was an asshole to her
She was being kind of a bitch

>Dave didn’t have any romantic attraction to her
She dated Davesprite who is basically the same guy.

roxy literally says that rose told her everything my dude, she is also in the know

I mean, it would be very much in character for him

I guess, calming down and thinking about it, with the theme of this epilogue apparently being the idea of canon itself, having other writers on it is kind of the point. I just hope the writing quality doesn't devolve over time. I still wish it was just Hussie but I guess we'll see.

Attached: 1531953735214.jpg (575x563, 31K)

>or else everything that's happened after they got to their new universe will become "non-canon", whatever that means
It means it will be a forgettable fanfic and no one will give a shit about them or anything in it. And the moment Homestuck dies from everyone's imaginations, it dies as far as it matters to die.


Attached: nepilogue.jpg (750x971, 129K)

Homestuck could have updated RIGHT NOW

What does blame! have to do with homestuck

>John fixes canon
>All endgame ships are hetero
Imagine the backlash

who did she cheat with


read it and weep

>implying it's anything other than karkat getting cucked over and over

>and Dave didn’t have any romantic attraction to her.
Isn't it funny how you can tell when people didn't read the comic.

>He's going to bring back Karezi

the madman

Actually, thinking about it, perhaps it's Kanaya, considering she's somewhere else. Or, I suppose, to be boring, a new mother grub.
I'll take any of them, really.


Attached: tobinge.jpg (614x144, 11K)

>just Hussie
It hasn't been just Hussie for years, I'm certain Vriskagram and everything after was ghosted.

Attached: tumblr_n9j6xfXNhy1qg56ojo1_1280.png (961x803, 336K)


Predictably, I feel depressed and confused

next upd8 when? I feel like one more major one today would be fitting, and then daily updates for a week

Attached: pavizi_future dream rose cease to exist.png (1024x564, 504K)

A funny thought would be that it was with John, and John is just dense as all hell and had no idea until she broke it down into small enough words for him.

day 1 of epilogue: still no aradia

i wonder..

>Seen some people making assumptions about the warnings block, so I'll clear things up:
>The content warnings are not a "joke". They are meant to work like AO3 tags: if it is something that comes up, however minor, we've tagged for it.


but he mentions he hasnt seen her in a while unless he has to go back later

It amazes me how they larp about the comic being "over" when all this other shit is just amorphously extending it for an apparently indefinite amount of time. Why rush a generally disliked ending and then bloat yourself out with tertiary content years later?

Some of the pester logs were longer than this update


Attached: shirts.png (787x1521, 470K)

v said we should clear our weeks, and if it's going to be as long as the setup suggests then we could looking at some pretty damn frequent updates.

source source source i need that shit

cau-au-au-aught again~

here we go



Attached: jade's demands.png (1106x498, 68K)

she also helped poison the relationships between hussie and creative teams but yeah that

>Specific example: the "rape" tag isn't an overwhelming part of the story, but it's a theme that's discussed by the chars in some way. So, we're warning for it so the reader can make the decision about whether they want to a read a story where this topic is involved in any way.

Meat = Vriskchads

Candy = Karkucks

Poor Karkat

Attached: kill all footfags.webm (960x540, 2.96M)

>mfw I have only read a miniscule part of homestuck after missing all the early fun, fucking loved it, but have no idea what is going on, why people are butthurt over the later parts of homestuck and the game
>mfw I will probably get so butthurt that it gives me motivation to learn drawing, writing and knowledge of proper fucking english grammar
Relieve me of the worries like those about the fear of my imminent extinction
At the same time, I feel something 2007-y burning inside me
Forgive my pretentious blogfaggotry, but
Something's coming
Its coming bros, and it won't yield
Fuck Hussie preemtively

Attached: 1554790876415.png (635x457, 302K)

Both are owned by viz

i believe you, but I simply cannot imagine how those are going to be introduced

were you the writer person behind most of it? I really liked the writing in there, it was great

I mean I'm not an expert but shrug

if this isn't the writer then can you pass on my appreciation

reminder of vriska's CANON adult breast size

Attached: tumblr_inline_pi1t1cZ4mE1vgg4m6_500.jpg (500x593, 44K)

Okay, sure, wake me up when we get to the parts with rough sex, bimboification, pregnancy, and Super PACs.

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back

Attached: Hussiebike.png (133x231, 39K)

what instead of insects trolls were furries

How do you think

Attached: sweater puppy.png (586x823, 165K)

>An epilogue without Nepeta
Impawsibble! Incalculable! Furbidden! Down-right fucking mega horseshit! I outta give this Hussie character a piece of my mind!

Attached: tumblr_inline_p3otjweTQN1uslfre_500.gif (350x354, 857K)

Yeah the meta stuff for sure, but also just the fact that he's having a bit of fun with content warnings. Nadir Hussie wouldn't do that.

A while can be a lot of lengths of time. You could easily say that several months is a while.

we all know it's gonna be vriska, not jade


Attached: 1403223076697.gif (500x346, 204K)

godspeed user

Please, Vriska is flat as a board and about as fertile as a Homestuck fanfic writer's imagination.

This first chapter felt like prime homestuck, I liked it a lot.

Worried that there being multiple writers involved means it might be inconsistent in quality, but if it maintains this then Homestuck will be actually good again for the first time in who knows how many years.

>>So what happened to the MSPA forums anyways?
>hussie decided to pull the plug so he could sell to viz
yeah, that sounds like bullshit gossip to me. What would these things have to do with each other anyway?

>Aranea listed in characters


Attached: 8athtime.png (2928x2268, 2.37M)

Rape was already in the story with both vriska's ancestor and robojane.

I'm too tired for this

Attached: gamshower.jpg (400x400, 68K)

Enjoy one more burger before Rose fucking dies

Attached: burg.jpg (512x512, 70K)

i can assure you, 99% of this all was written by hussie

all other contributions amount to basically looking over his shoulder and saying "hmmmm i see" as well as telling him when it reads (too much) like bad fanfiction

which is the point but anyway

It's ovipositive all over again.

wow. jade is literally a bull.

When is /ourtroll/ Sollux gonna show up?

Attached: sollux2.gif (446x376, 65K)

Is there any fucking art here or is it all just text.

What are you talking about? She's right there in the tags. Every version of her from every timeline in fact.

Attached: FlashyFineDipper-small.gif (540x540, 238K)

but one of the authors credited literally said she's a ghostwriter

I forgot how much I hate speculation and behind the scenes gossip so goodbye forever again

So correct me if I'm wrong here, but we kinda knew what happened before the ending even started right?
John talks with roxy when they're in the weird void place about his retcon powers meaning they don't need to go fight caliborn right away and can do it on their own time. Then we see Caliborn's claymation masterpiece and can put two and two together, seeing the kids ended the game, got their new universe set up, and then at some point went back to face cali.
Then the master piece actually happens, beta kids stuck in the juju, jake hopeslods, caliborn stuck in cal, cal goes on to become le, juju goes on to outer ring, vriska mentions it contains souls of warriors who fought LE before, they come out for final showdown
We just....never get to see that final fight. For some reason.

bye andrew

take that for what you will

what is all internet discussion for 500 alex

>Vriska is flat as a board
Vriska is so tremendously round she gives the illusion of being flat, like the planet earth


>implying she was not dead after closing that door.

I really hope you're right, otherwise this thing has very little value to me even if it is good.

if you're telling the truth then my faith is restored

When did you lose faith in Hussie?
For me it was the kickstarter's aftermath.

oh okay, I read that "this person did most of making it good" as "this person did most of the writing", but yeah, makes sense

maybe I'm just not someone who reads fanfiction too much but I didn't even get the feeling it was meant to be bad fanfiction, so I guess even to literary idiots it's perfectly serviceable


>Hussie literally has Lib Police looking over his shoulder to check if what he writes is WOKE enough

Attached: 1552239266392.png (414x423, 74K)


Attached: canon.jpg (1280x1517, 326K)

You are correct as of this update.

>John lamenting wasting his teenage years
>Literally the same age as me


Attached: 7E0FE7DB-6597-4857-B08B-CD9825D7FCDE.gif (500x346, 101K)

Tell me about who's the one to get pregnant.
Is it fucking Dave? Has the Baby is You come full circle?

please tell us if we can expect another update today or if I can go do something else


I think we'll be getting that but with added details, maybe more consequences than we thought? We didn't know John would be taking other versions of the kids with him for this, unless that changes. It's a bit exciting to see what will happen.

10 years and these niggas havent figured the cueball is englishs weakness

karkat has the biggest tits in all of homestuck

don't forget that act 6 being ghostwritten was confirmed

be glad to see more of the fifth or sixth bustiest character in homestuck

Attached: audiophilekitsune-practice-sexposition-8ooth-2014-11-04.png (2162x3072, 2.95M)

we already knew this
but at least he actually wrote it

gay manlet will never be happy, lel


Attached: homosuck.jpg (100x100, 7K)


Attached: 1550434021566.gif (216x222, 453K)

I can't believe John is going to rape Caliborn

I don't really get why people thought you were V. I mean maybe it's just when trying to figure out who someone is, obviously you're gonna guess people you know. But really it doesn't make much sense. Why would someone already associated with Homestuck use a pseudonym to associate with Homestuck? It's pretty silly when you think about it.

Attached: heinous rose.gif (650x450, 38K)

since when

i'm going to wring hussie's neck

candy is the final solution

Attached: 1551316415683.png (745x1028, 122K)

Why would Doc Scratch be his weakness? shaking my head

Erilogue confirmed!

Attached: wwhat noww.gif (450x324, 48K)


Attached: smol rose.png (500x454, 49K)

My body is ready.

Attached: booth2small.png (1400x2143, 2.49M)

thread theme

Attached: nepspin.gif (216x222, 40K)

>telling him when it reads (too much) like bad fanfiction
thought police


Attached: file.png (727x107, 28K)

by the end of the epilogue, ALL the characters will be bimbofied and lactating

Attached: ff6be16d4180860aaf73a47c1b815fb6.png (600x917, 124K)

You need to learn to accept the scraps you're thrown

Attached: 08004-2138.gif.jpg (450x450, 108K)

I have never been able to view this in it's entirety

I don't think I ever did, at least not to put out good writing and do cool stuff

I still think about when he said homestuck would be a warm-up to something bigger and grander, and I keep wondering if that'll ever happen and what it could be

working under him was not the best experience but I have a ton of respect for that guy's smarts and humor

Why is this image like a freakish version of this image

No, I wanted to be free of this.

You are a retard
Doc Scratch's personality is exactly the oposite of Lord English's because he is composed of LE's weakness

Dave certainly rides her like one

Its the epilogue retard

Nepeta was so great wish the fucking clown bitch had never sent her into irrelevance


hopefully a lot. he is /ourtroll/ 100%

Attached: th.jpg (146x212, 7K)

Davekats are mad because Jade ruined their ship.
Even if it's not Davejade I'm happy their ship was shat on for good.

a year and a half ago was the middle of 2017...

We're back in, bros.

Attached: bec.png (656x332, 11K)

You guys ever watch rambo?
that movie is great!

she wrote for daves ghost


Translation:Whenever it reads too much like a real story and not a crowdfunded WOKE psa.

Take A Seat

Attached: Kanaya.jpg (584x778, 36K)

>tfw we get everyone turning into bimbo clowns due to gamzee bullshit

Attached: Luigi screams for help.jpg (480x480, 147K)

literally the only way to save this garbage fire of a story

Attached: Two-Gig.png (700x1048, 202K)

Soon our Prince will return.

Attached: 1299981133093.gif (650x448, 8K)

im going to give some top serkets so hush hush

we didnt do that with reeling in cohen so after that the whole "no editor" schtick wore out fast
quality control is the name of the game


>Hussie would NEVER get a ghostwriter!
>oh btw the epilogue is ghostwritten but not anything else we promise :)

oh wait, shit, I only just read the thingie, hey ipgd long time no see

as in, literally haven't seen you since that tcaf where radiation was around, remember, back when undertale was just a fuckin' demo, I don't think he'd even done the kickstarter yet

Post screenshots

s-shut up

with a bottle of pills no less

The good ending

Attached: tumblr_n0w6q5Ff5s1qg56ojo1_1280.png (1274x1026, 331K)

Consider: Karkat is still mortal, Dave was all over that until Jade suddenly appeared
Karkat's a third wheel, so I'll take what I can get.
Especially if she's the pregnant one.

Attached: bar boob.png (500x316, 212K)

still weird to have the person who canonized troll diapers there but ok

>we didnt do that with reeling in cohen so after that the whole "no editor" schtick wore out fast

Poe's Law got me good

Wait what?

I feel a very unsettling sense of unease
I feel like my tenuous relationship with homestuck will soon end poorly
These 3 pages are ok but who knows what could happen )_)

credits are literally in the epilogue's first page

snapchat i guess

You seem to have forgotten to have them also being pregnant and lactating.

Attached: kanayashrine.jpg (2176x1632, 692K)

they didn't have anybody double-checking cohen's stuff and apparently that went bad, so now they have some quality control, aka a second/third opinion to help refine the writing

Are you talking about Cohen's contributions to the snapchats and hiveswap?

That suicide warning wasn't there just for show user

It looks like the freak one is a parody of the good one but the good one was actually made later and unrelatedly. huh

God imagine if she is
Tumblr will melt down


>V is already having to damage control complaints from twitter ghouls
>they literally went out of their way to write content warnings for EVERYTHING and people are still crying about it

the exposition booth is literally from the comic dumbass. one of the walkarounds

Please be good.

Attached: tumblr_pg78f15C4N1xbw1s1o1_1280.png.jpg (1280x1622, 798K)

>caring about homestuck shipping in 2019
>somehow thinks he's above anyone

It's nothing, he was always talking out his ass.
He knows that he'll never top Homestuck at its peak, he knows his style is nowhere near as unique or subversive as it once was. He's a has been, a husk of his former self, and realistically he was biting of far more than he could chew even at his peak when he decided to create Homestuck.


Attached: John rise up art.jpg (900x506, 70K)

Of course they're crying about it, because they confirmed that those elements will be in.

Attached: spacetime.png (502x800, 388K)

Press F to pay respects to our dearly departed orb.

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how could it get any worse right haha



Hussie said anything is canon, I have the choice to not consider this pile of heaping shit canon. I dunno why hussie thinks he's being funny, but its been 10 fucking years and this is what we get. Thank god Homestuck dies this year

Same, I’m out. I enjoy it more without the stupid theories

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still the best flash

they're crying about how "rapping" in the tags means it's a joke and that nonbinary is tagged
andrew hussie is literally not allowed to joke about anything, at all, ever, why does he continue to extend his hand to these people

WAkey Wakey Karkatfags

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real bimbostuck hours

oh, no, the "warmup to something greater and better" thing was a pretty early sentiment, far before homestuck got bloated out of control and erupted into such a huge thing

it's a nice sentiment to keep in mind for whatever you're doing in life, though, and it's definitely helped me move past some things

Attached: 8utt.png (1280x905, 996K)

who cares.
post more grills.

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hey kid

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see you next update thread

Stop looking at tumblr/twitter posts

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[S] Gamers: Rise Up

what is this? skeletons for ants?

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back to Yea Forums with your retardation.

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How can karklets even compete

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I'm enjoying v desperately pretending that they're totally serious warnings put in there for the good of easily-triggered readers when there's shit like 'clown', 'faygo' and 'early 20th century dance movements' in there.

He's not a furfag

>Karkat confirmed cuck
>Rose has a better and healthier relationship with John than she does with her own wife

Attached: 56.png (468x479, 22K)

is necrophillia in? will kanaya take the body back down to the caverns

do you think there will be another update at 4:13 or will we have to wait until tomorrow?

Post more Jake/Aranea

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>We didn't know John would be taking other versions of the kids with him for this
So even more irrelevant versions of characters that already existed.

this is a 1000 car pileup

he has horns, doesn't he?

No, he just watches his husband get fucked by one instead

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Dave boning pregnant Jade as Karkat watches in the corner

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>Even when its basically confirmed that John barely talked with anyone and kept to himself on his island all this time after all the bullshit

I really hope things work out for John. The dude deserves a happy ending after putting up with everyone's shit

Vriska 8oning pregnant Dave and Jade as Karkat watches in horror

So basically Cohen did what he wanted in the snapchats with no supervision and everyone hated it?

but this is the first she talked to john in months

>the absolute fucking STATE of the homestuck fandom

>it was 90% written by hussie, you guys!

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>kanaya has dragged Rose deep to the caves for months without letting her talk to anyone
And here I thought this shit was exaggerated.

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Good lord what the fuck.

>Literally "We've had a team of people make sure this is bad"

Somebodies got to repopulate her womb and it certainly won't be any of the other faggots.

Can you blame him? He always had a thing for hot moms.


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I missed her.

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Kanaya is a freak, Hussie explains it in the book commentaries


Remember that time Shelby tried to cash in on Homestuck's success with a webcomic of her own?

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What's her name again?

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What is even the point of damage control like this? People will choose to be upset regardless. Addressing it just increase the likelihood of shooting yourself in the foot.

Remember that time Toby tried to cash in on Hiveswap's success with a video game of his own

fat fuck

jape hargly



Attached: Snapshot.png (452x79, 6K)


Remember that time Hussie tried to cash in on Undertale's success by trying to associate with something actually good?

Guys chill da fuck out its just AO3 parody

Jake deserves to be alone for his own good

I have the books and all he says is that she enables girls' bad behaviour because she's so thirsty. Not as bad as what he says about characters like Gamzee and Tavros

Because it's META

Rose's monologue about their existence fading because they're being forgotten wouldn't have made any sense if everyone hadn't spent the last 3 years desperately trying to forget homestuck

Attached: cultural rainbow.png (813x700, 272K)

>tobyfags itt coming out of the woods with ther retardation

Attached: 28151595_214297645792915_1303940337214947328_n.jpg (480x480, 30K)

I liked it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire webcomic, from beginning to end.

Homestuck was never even in hot water for being problematic or anything, why the fuck do they think this is necessary?

Why not just let the man who made the IP successful by writing well... write what he wants to?

so what was she enabling rose to do so she didnt contact her friends or family

The way the updates are presented in the log suggests that we're getting a chapter a day, so unless page three was the end of the prologue, which it could be, then I expect we're in for more updates today.

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muscle touching perversion and oviposition male impregnation

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>Homestuck was never even in hot water for being problematic or anything

It's a CYOA

What the fuck ever happened to that, anyway?

Hey man, we got to do something while we wait for Deltarune!

Normal people think this comic is tame

Caucasiangate was a fucking joke

i miss problem sleuth

good thing hiveswap is so successful we'll just forget about undertale in a few years

did you forget hitlerstuck from january?


I mean in a way that matters at all, not some idiot on tumblr crying.

>Undertlae is on every console in the market >insnaely popular, especially in japan
>got to meet and be interviewed with his idols, being treated as an equal
>meanwhile hussie is in the cuckshed being looked over by a team of trans cultural diversity to make sure the 5 people that still care about homestuck aren't offended

The only good thing toby fox ever made was The Baby Is You

Normal people aren't the vocal core of this comic's fanbase.

>no art confirmed

Attached: 2ufferiing.png (199x214, 5K)

I think it got rebooted into a LN, I stopped following them when they get fired from SU

idiots crying on tumblr are the main consumers of this product user

How do I join the shadow council discord and mege with hussie

Became text-based but somehow shes doing more money

Why can't these people stop getting offended by every damn thing?

Attached: Eustace bagge.jpg (624x474, 26K)

Or shit I guess I mean chapters instead of pages, and larger sub-chapters as in the way that "chapters 1-3" are all part of the prologue. Fuck if I know how Ao3 works.

Reminder that John knows what is aspect is supposed to be so its very likely that he will say fuck it to Rose mission and do what he wants to instead

>not some idiot on tumblr crying.
hussie did nothing BUT pander to idiots on tumblr crying for the past 6 or so years

>Homestuck will have actual bimbofication

Attached: 0AB46594-80FC-4994-8405-CF6D66EC71DA.jpg (750x959, 111K)

Seeth harder.

>Will have "actual bimbofication"
>literally in your own screenshot it says that rape isn't happening it's just mentioned once


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But user, Breath has nothing to do with freedom

>and pregnany, breastfeeding, oviposition

Well, yeah, they're not really in canon right now. I have a suspicion that when John makes his decision and goes back in, there'll be art again.

homestuck reflected the fanbase, how else do you think the pandering to Yea Forums happened

you're just mad a reflection of Yea Forums was a lot less noteworthy than the entirety of the fanbase

I hate twitterposting but this is ridiculous

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i decided to see if cohen mentioned anything about homestuck and he's just been tweeting about nu star wars and avatar the last airbender for the past two days. glad that retard is gone

don't forget m/f tags, so at least one hetero couple

Is it gonna be Karkat or Tavros

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>how else do you think the pandering to Yea Forums happened
what do you mean? mituna existing?

The only time in several years that Hussie actually wrote what he wanted
And he was "cancelled" by his own fucking retarded fandom.

>got to meet and be interviewed with his idols, being treated as an equal
>He doesn't know

Correction: Homestuck refleted Hussie's friends then they broke their wrists around 2012

Now that's just ridiculous


>Please limit your story to cater to me specifically
What a piece of shit

and homestuck is still the superior work.
popularity =/= quality, as always.

kill yourself.

Attached: 04986.gif (650x450, 64K)

Eh, she didn't specifically say yes. And the "nobody will be disappointed" thing gives me hope.

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>and homestuck is still the superior work.
You have to have literal brain damage to think that anything in homestuck after 2014 is even remotely good.
and the comic stopped being ACTUALLY good years prior
but /hst/ is literally just reddit retards so i don't expect you to have any actual taste

>nobody will be disappointed
V underestimates me

people's opinions in a nutshell and why someone might be mad about something being "bad", ladies and gentlemen

>he believed that fake tweet screencap
oh sweaty...

Homestuck has higher highs than Undertale, but also lower lows, and it desperately needs an editor where Undertale is concise.

hahaha jesus

Instead of you retards complaining, I want to see fapfic rewrites of John comforting Rose

>f/f listed first and m/m last
an honest description of homestuck itself

Fuck you I'm disappointed.

Probably the Giga Pause.

>nobody will be disappointed

Attached: anakin.jpg (844x686, 61K)

blame tumblrites. their bullshit made people who were previously unaware / not offended become offended. all of them are degenerates

how about vore, it was mentioned in there, can we turn this into a vore thread

>5 people that still care about homestuck
Homestuck is trending worldwide right now on twitter, it's still very popular. Undertale can ride off success of youubers playing it also unlike Homestuck which nobody big is ever going to make a let's read of

I'm always surprised by the amount of short attention spans you guys have in here. If it wasn't obvious, Rose is talking about how John must go back into canon to "essentialize" Homestuck again. That is, the relevance of Homestuck, the story itself, is only valid and acceptable by the readers (read: good) if John follows Rose's plan.
This ties in with what Rose is saying when it comes to canon, and non-canon. The pieces of the story that are canon are truthful and essential, which is the actual pages in Homestuck. The pieces that are truthful but non-essential is basically everything that happens on Earth C, the snapchats and epilogue. Things that are not canon are fanfiction, ironically implying that that this epilogue is non-canon, which is strange to me.

I lost faith in him around 2013/2014 or so but I still vaguely cared about the comic until one of the logs with jane

How could anyone have read homestuck and not have seen incestuous undertones? It was explicitly mentioned like multiple times.

when the fuck i said homestuck was good after 2014 or implied it?
undertale is trash, deltarune is trash, toby and everything he has done after his music for homestuck has been a piece of tryhard retarded trash.

stay mad tobyfag.

Attached: 0b6a401b273babf4d138e30c68799a1d--roxy-homestuck.jpg (236x249, 15K)

Just checked the tumblr. All the characters have been redesigned to look 10 times worse.

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What if that's the part where rape comes to play

>by a woman
This explains a lot.


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>John will go trcikster mode and rape Roxy

Hussie, you have really done it this time!

Are you mentally challenged?

they didn't "read" the comic they saw fanart on tumblr and cosplayed as the characters but didn't actually read most, if any, of the actual text. this is the primary audience for homestuck now.

Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.

Attached: TobyFox.png (378x320, 306K)

technically isn't everybody like, made from the same dna so they're all related or whatnot

bam, there's the incest

>He believes an old Japanese man who has next to no involvement in the modern gaming industry would recognize a niche American indie game dev.
Sweetie, hate to break it to you, but Undertale isn't even as popular as HS was in its prime, and the new game retreding old waters won't change that...

The snapchats are actually less than non-canon, they're NOT canon, it seems like from what ipgd's getting at here is that nobody on the team liked the snapchats, so outside of what was in the credits all that crap is explicitly being shoved into the "didn't happen" box.

Well you're posting the tricksters so I can't imagine that you're talking about when homestuck was good.
If you want to argue "Is Homestuck acts 1-5 better than undertale" I would probably agree with you, but that's 2 years out of 7

BASED tobyposter

So what is the actual story here?
How could Hussie write "99% of it" yet there's a self-identified ghost writer, v says she was a major contributor, there is apparently a huge team that scrubbed this thing of anything offensive, etc?

ipgd your comment doesn't match with what v is saying. Were you wrong?

>He's actually fucking making UT2 unironically.
The absolute madman.

>You failed at life.

God fucking damnit, i missed YET ANOTHER THREAD. FUCK MY LIFE UP

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just when I start to forget how ludicrous the homestuck fanbase is, someone starts roleplaying toby fox in a Yea Forums thread

So waiting 7 dog years for Deltarune is fine?

God, that artist was absolutely based

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literally more based every time it gets posted


>Sweetie, hate to break it to you, but Undertale isn't even as popular as HS was in its prime,
It is incredibly funny to me that anyone could even pretend to think this.
Homestuck is a footnote compared to undertale, and it's good it ended up that way because hussie ruined it so thoroughly

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>Women taking credit for someone else's work
As is the norm.

It's almost as if you shouldn't believe everything somebody says just because they have a tripcode.

Reminder that toby fox is going down the same road that hussie went down
deltarune will fucking suck hahaha


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>it's a CYOA, but you get to decide what the epilogue will be
Calling it.

bowmanposting galore!

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do you think they're still alive by now?

>720 replies
only page 7 let's get it to 1000

>someone starts roleplaying toby fox in a Yea Forums thread
god could you possibly be even more obviously from reddit
why are you here
fuck off

Absolutely based

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Doing my part

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My theory. As long as John is outside canon space, it'll take the form of a shitty fanfic. Because that's all it is. Without canon backing it's just a shitty fanfic. All fiction may be equally real, that is to say 'not at all', but it's not all equally respected. I could type here 'and then John raped Roxy to death with his four foot penis', and that is as equally true a course of events as anything written by Hussie.

But no one will care, because it's just some dumb shit I wrote right now.

quantity =/= quality.
i posted tricksters to annoy you, since you kept throwing ad hominems for some reason.

The idea is that Hussie basically wrote it all out, then had several different eyes edit it, some from his inner circle like v (who may or may not be ipgd), and some outside works like the twitter writer who basically went and made sure Hussie didn't accidentally do a Cursed Histories again. Even with that in mind it seems like the content of the Epilogue is still heavy enough to require v to spend the next month doing so much fucking preemptive apologist-ing for stuff we haven't even read yet

>720 replies

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>Undertale is more popular because it's a huge meme.
Yes yes Ness is Sans and whatnot.
Call me back when seeing people wearing Undertale shirts on becomes a common sight, or when UT cosplayers make up 80% of every con in America.

cause I didn't think there'd ever be a homestuck thread until something like today

I'm from the hsgs so long ago that nobody was even doing that shit

>best girl gets what she wants
Good shit

Attached: whap!.png (699x583, 182K)

Cons are outdated sweetie

>I'm from the hsgs so long ago that nobody was even doing that shit
i was in hsg from mid 2010 till we got kicked out and afterwards
fuck off to reddit, your kind belongs there

I mean I get that no one liked them, but unless they get retconned by Huss himself, I would consider them a canon part of the story.
The epilogue refers to Rose being married to Kanaya, which happened in the Snapchats, so there's nothing that states those things didn't happen canonically. Again, of course if the epilogue is stated to be canon.

To think. Homestuck has actually broken numerous websites in its past, but now those same websites can handle fandoms that are whole orders of magnitude greater with ease.

>mfw you actually enjoyed the ending

i missed you guys
please don't leave me...

Attached: OLDKAT.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

welp. new thread with the new update I guess

>mfw no sick halfdead psychoanalist lesbbian childhood friend gf

I know I should've learned this years ago but who is ipgd? Isn't that the old theory person, they work on official Homestuck related stuff now?

>That time Homestuck crashed fucking Newgrounds.

>Call me back when seeing people wearing Undertale shirts on becomes a common sight, or when UT cosplayers make up 80% of every con in America.
that happened when undertale came out, did you miss it?

are we even sure the """ipgd""" in this thread is actually her

people recognize my undertale shirt, not as much with homestuck shirts though

>Thank god I was wrong.
I was so disappointed, but evidently John being a weenie is a constant. he'll never rip her panties off and eat her out until she's a dripping mewling mess of a light slut without prompting I guess.

Yep, they seem more interested in in Overwatch and SW now

No, the Credits happened, the snapchats didn't. The credits were shown over snapchat in part over the end of October, then a few days later in November we got the first part of an entirely different storyline starring Roxy and Jane and Calliope. THAT story is not canon. All the Snapchats that were in the Credits and therefore are in Homestuck are canon, all the ones that weren't, aren't.

ICP is actually really good
learning about them was the best thing that came out of homosuck

How long is Karkat expected to live anyway?

>Vriska: "cuck"

I know the people here are degenerates but you take the cake.

Attached: karkat RAGE with LONG SLEEVES.png (352x294, 45K)

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>wanting to be recognized by undertale fans

Only a few more years.

No wonder Dave left him.

Old tripfag from /hsg/ who wormed her way into Hussie's inner circle

They claimed they weren't V but I think they pretty clearly are based on typing style and smug assery.

less than the average human lifespan

Where is fucking act 2?

rate today's update
i'm feeling a solid 7/10

tell me this shit isn't dope


they wormed their way into hussie's inner circle over the dildo present that i started

I actually like this perspective and I think you're right. The Earth C shenanigans IS literally fanfiction as presented by the story itself. I think I would take back my previous statement where the truthful but inessential parts of the story would be the implied "between the lines" stuff present throughout.

I really hope the story goes in the direction you're implying where once John goes back into canon, the comic pages will become present again.

Karkat is a mutant, not a low blood. He could live around the same age or less than a red blood, or maybe he has the lifespan of a limeblood, as it's implied he is a mutation of that strain.

Skaianet countdown is still going and looks like it will end on the 16th. I'd expect news then.

no i mean are we sure that this is actually the real ipgd and not some weird LARPer with nothing better to do

>no Jack Noir tag


It's 7/10 if this is just AO3 formatting the whole way through.
It's 9/10 if they hotswap formats around a bunch and introduce good new art.
This guy has the right idea.

Not like NUkarkat is worth anything
Hopefully he dies soon

That would be pretty neat actually.

Can we be? Even if it was actually them it's not like we could confirm it either way

What is with the obsession with that backround character?

i can't tell if all of these are real reddit posts or fake ones

Oh, fuck, I'd forgotten about the gift we sent.

They are talking a8out Jack Noir, not Karkat

>They claimed they weren't V but I think they pretty clearly are based on typing style and smug assery.
She's clearly cephiedvariable, who seems to be a different person than V.

Ah I see, I wasn't aware that the Snapchats still were going past the credits. Then yes, the rest of those would be categorized as not canon.

not everyone has read the comic and never will.
but they can pretend to care.

they updated the website whatpumpkin.com/
but it only links to other web sites

look buddy I like him too but his time has passed

He killed people, got away with it and doesn't afraid of anything

It was a nice gesture but the results weren't that good.
Do it properly or don't do it at all, faggot.

Attached: Hussie's Presents.png (1280x960, 2.06M)

>not a single dancestor tag

What was the point of these fucks again?

void is useless


Why would you want them here?

Its not even their tripcode, check the fucking archive

strange how these threads attract people who didn’t actually read the comic

but user she just forgot it :)


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Fuck off.

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It’s not fucking FAIR

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>Yea Forums filename

But you can still see the countdown if you go to

The wolf head at least had to exist.

I'm very happy and optimistic about this. I know it'll bite me in the ass lately, but this finally feels like Homestuck again.

You can be a Saint, or you can be a Grinch. Those are your two choices. Choose wisely

I have one question. Just one. How the fuck can he end a ballad about gods, demiurges, curses and difficulties, growing up and friendship. with bimbofication, lactation and cuckoldry? Why Skaia, cradle of Genesis and spirit of creation didn't personally fucking kill him with a pillar of light out of nowhere for such "creativity"?
and bad joke.

Attached: 1.png (401x199, 121K)

to be shitty like most of later Homestuck
job well done

Any other artists going to draw panels for this fanfiction?


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>tfw during the time I was really into Homestuck I was an underage using tumblr
>never was in these threads during the golden days
>didn't organize photos of fanart then and have nothing to remember it by with no homestuck folder
Shit kinda sucks

Well I mean it was that or this
The choice is obvious

Attached: freckle jade.jpg (960x1280, 307K)

I am fine with a canon epilogue by either Hussie or ipgd honestly. Her writing was close enough before and it can be close enough again.

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Oh I think that's the one I read

I don't know what this is but it's making me cringe out of my skull.

I want to fuck that John

Man, the final boss fight against Karkat was the best

dumb frogposter

This, fuck you cynical losers. I'm just happy to have more Homestuck.
>t. ending apologist

aranea is tagged isn't she?

when did she even write Homestuck before?

It was a decent fan adventure but I stopped reading it when more ocs showed up.
They had a pretty decent flash for crystamethequins

no one wants to fuck john, he got cucked by a fucking skeleton

By the same token you could ask how he filled a ballad about gods, demiurges, curses and difficulties, growing up and friendship with furries, juggalos and puppet ass.

Sue me faggot.

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She wrote fanfiction. Look up Family Never Ends and People Don't Do That.

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looking back through the archives ipgd never refers to hussie as just "hussie", only ever as "andrew" yet this mysterious person has called him just hussie twice

You're a battered housewife is what you are.

If John was more proactive and free he'd be drowning in bitches

Attached: pregnantrose3.jpg (500x523, 70K)

dumb "dumb frogposter" poster

bitch just got busted

that user is implying you are a fake fan just attention whoring, and is right.

Does this undo Davepetasprite yet

meat candy

Attached: meatBar1.jpg (610x315, 16K)

>fake fan
Why I never.

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Aranea is tagged

Ehh. Call me back when John porks Roxy.

How do I delete someone else's post

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user, who gives a shit.
move on already, you will hate the ending and you know it damn well, so what gives?
its not the comic and how it end what you hate, its your life that got wasted.

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What's with crybabies and their cowboy dads?

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Who the fuck brings meat to a picnic

But davepeta was the most based post scratch sprite

With all this talk about choice is this going to be a choose your own adventure fanfic?

but the start of the ending is good and i want to know if it will be good throughout or go to shit

I'd fuck it

I get the feeling she's the one who gets punched in the face.

he got cucked by: dave/karkat, a fucking skeleton, vriska and terezi

I mean, it's canon that it's not canon, if that means anything

do you know how to read it says there that some things are just going to be discussed by the characters in the story

What do you think detransition is referring to

And Kanaya.

yes it is he was a cunt

Homestuck is going back to user suggested commands hopefully

Who the fuck brings candy to a picnic? At least cold cuts might make sense.
Although, really, it's because that's just what cherubs eat. I would have thought Roxy might have thought to add some different food, though.

So he goes to the game overtime line? Then what happens to jasprose

>Eridan: Wwalk into thread.

so who's writing the epilogue?

>implying that won't happen when you pick candy.

You don't want user suggested commands with the current fandom. Trust me.


God tiers don't need to eat right?
But ghost do?

I am.

Lmfao I love how apparently this was just taking the piss out of people and Yea Forums and twitter took it completely at face value.

Good job numbnuts.

Or perhaps he goes back before the timeline split. Who knows, really.

Who the fuck makes out with a fucking skeleton

apparently Hussie except several people have also edited it/rewrote it USSR Stalin-style.


>make a webcomic
>3/4ths into its story it gets massively popular
>fans make better content than the original work, including porn
>comic quality starts rapidly spiraling downward
>hold a smug "I know what I'm doing" online presence aura despite playing everything by ear and letting other people fuck up the story
>decide to run a scamstarter to make a video game while the iron's still hot
>it's wildly successful
>unironically gloat about how much money you made
>3rd party game company embezzles a shitton of your funds on their own project, gives little to show for it
>retard friends embezzle the remaining funds on weed and food
>have to make a spin-off vn game to get funds again
>have to sell MSPA to Viz to stay afloat
>have to keep milking a dead cow to stay relevant with additional epilogue content

>guy who lived in your basement makes his own scamstarter
>barely a 1/4th of what yours made
>ultimately makes a more massively successful game with limited funding
>even has a second game demo out but doesn't promise the release date
>modestly refuses to make another scamstarter or beg for more money
>everything he made will forever be more cared about than Homestuck

Hiveswap episode 2 never ever. Cheers, faggots.

My feelings exactly.

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we have no idea if hussie actually wrote most of it, the person claiming to be ipgd here probably isn't actually her

It mentions that his diet had been bad recently if I recall, so presumably they still need to eat to stay in decent health, even if they come back from trivial deaths.

>rose and kanaya marriage is cannon

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Maybe something even today. Main dude from homestuck reddit said that "more that one thing coming"

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80/20 rule as always, also
>best troll
I will stab you

The trans discord army

i never wanted to be reminded of this self-insert festering garbage again fuck you

AKSHULLY user, it's just not not-canon. But they are outside of canon.

>watching Red Panther at the movies
intense fighting scene between protag and antag
slouch down my seat and yell, "YO, THIS NIGGA FINNA DABBED ON"
everyone laughs
lowblood sucks his teeth and says, "You aight, blue boy"
Hear "He cute" from one of the girls

Alright fags what's your god tier?
Mage of Mind here.

Nice Zebruh pic. Have more?

But it's also Canon it is a bad one with kanaya never letting her talk to her family and then throwing her out when she got sick

alright but why aren't any of the kids speaking with one another? i thought they'd be all over the friendship thing

I'm full of pain

I need update

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I hope you guys like Eridan wank

who needs nepeta when you got vriska

Knight of Light.

Fuck Pages and fuck 8lood Players.

Hello fellow mage, Mage of Time here

>multicolor horns AND pink hair AND vitiligo AND amputee AND overly-muscular woman
It's like those deviantart OCs all over again

Yeah but if he had tried he could have fucked whatever he wanted

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Bard of mind I fucking sucks dick

They don't have much in common and john is depressed and rose was stuck in kanaya rape dungeon

Considering how almost every character in Homestuck already is a cunt, then our point still remains.

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FUCK YOU!!!!!!!

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Heir of Heart

he's a cuck exactly because he didn't try

Page of Breath

that's not me you dumbasses

3 in a fucking row

Rogue of Hope.

I'm a naive dumbass.

Maybe is just from John's perspective and everyone except Rose has been talking all day

I can't believe Dave is gonna be fucking dead

Nah, I just disagree with you and you don't like it.

Weenie confirmed

Classpects are for weenies

Most of them didn't go on a murder spree because of silly hats

knight of breath

Yeah, but I'm saying he could have, and should have.

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We literally run this board.

thief of time

t. Page of Blood

>everyone's just forgot about hiveswap

yea, you run a board that had all of the people who liked homestuck kicked out 5 years ago and it's been invaded by reddit ever since