Star Wars 9: Rise of Skywalker
Rey has to be a skywalker, right?

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Plagueis created Anakin by impregnating his mom with the force. This is the "creating life" Palpatine mentions in Ep III. Palpatine copied this technique to create Rey from the afterlife. Prove me wrong.

Who laughed at the end of the video?

I await new Palpatine memes


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>not one Alien in the trailer

I know I did.

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Skywalker is what Rey names the new force adept order, having taken to heart Luke’s insistence that the Jedi should end.


I guess we at least will get more Sheev memes out of this

>Rise of Skywalker
>possible TLJ rectons
>death star
>fucking Palpatine
>all those leaks
They are basically screaming COME BACK WE CHANGED

Trailer ep 9 in one image

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This is such a retarded idea but you're probably right.

Why is everyone saying the Emperor? It was was clearly Hamill's Joker laugh. Not trolling here, for me that was 100% obvious
Is it just some joke by people or are they just hoping because of the "nobody is forever dead" thing?

>We are all Skywalkers!

>Why is everyone saying the Emperor?
Because we watched the panel and saw Ian McDiarmid come on stage immediately afterwards to say
>roll it again
in his Palpatine voice, you fucking casual.

I'm glad the senate is back.

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>calling people casual
>watching Disney panels along with tons of other plebs

>Snoke is Palpatine for some reason

>death star
Are they doing another death star plot?

It didn't work for them when they just rehashed the original trilogy in Force Awakens, why do they think it'll work this time? I don't know anyone who actually enjoys the new sequel movies.

I'd rather be a Skywalker (Luke version) than a Vader-Ren.

The Joker

With Abrams, the chances of that happening is at a record 90%.
But this time, the death star IV will be literally a giant star that explodes other stars because star wars.

Oh well, let's see what mystery box man might manage to do.

I sincerely dread that Ahsoka will be in this movie. Not because of "hurr hurr Disney ebil!", but because, frankly, the movies were never good. Space opera just doesn't work all that well in feature length format, and Ahsoka is so good because had room to develop over time.

No, seriously, Disney, a minor cameo at most. You leave my girl alone.

They're clearly going to the wreckage of the (presumably 2nd, the first was pretty conclusively blown to smithereens) Death Star in the teaser. 1:37-1:45

If she's alive, she'd be a perfect replacement for Leia. And you know this Filoni


Why is he so fixated with the Death Star?

JJ hates the prequels, so I don't think she'd be used at all.

Or Kylo Ren is reclaiming his Grandfather's name

I can't think of a worse ending: Kylo Ren going to the good side, or Rose still being alive.

But we saw the second one explode pretty much the same way the first did, how would there still be a chunk of it so intact as we see it in the trailer?

Its true. Yea Forums bitched for YEARS about TLJ but now they are all hyped for this

I want then to go all out with a million sheev clones fighting the whole resistance and then a force ghost battle between Luke and the Emperor

Great. So, there's no timeskip between 8 and 9?

If JJ doesn't give Rose a gruesome death then I will never forgive him

I want to see her tied to two of those gay horse things and pulled apart, I want to see her thrown into a giant fan, I want her to fall into a pit of molten metal and struggle as she is burned alive, I want a xeno to burst out of her from within, something, ANYTHING

That's disappointing. Look I love Sheev too but having him back doesn't fix anything and might even fuck things up even worse depending on how they do it.

No, a timeskip was confirmed at the panel. Why would that make any difference to there being Death Star wreckage? If it's lasted 30 years it would last another five.

Yea Forums doesn't care about story or even the lore, they just want their memes

Filoni is a bad and incompetent director just like Abrams and Johnson.

You'd think the incels over there would already be bitching about how it's obvious that Rey will be the one to kill Sheev for good and succeed where the worthless white male (Luke) failed because of KK's feminist SJW agenda.

There's no way it's not going to be a massive asspull

In an universe with cloning and space magick ghosts, bringing back some dead old evil guy is literally no problem at all.