How did they get away with an all-white cast?

How did they get away with an all-white cast?

Fucking how?

Attached: images (54).jpg (445x689, 56K)

This was before the whole 'diversity" thing became an issue.

2014 was pretty SJW-y.

No it wasn't you fucking retard Over the Garden Wall is younger than Steven Universe you stupid jackass.

The lack of non-whites was rumored to be the main reason it wasn't turned into a full series, no?

A reason, not *the main* reason.

>all white
Dumb retards, pay attention

They told a good story, animated it well, had amazing voice acting, and a hauntingly good soundtrack.

Turns out if you make fucking art people don't really give much of a shit what color the characters are, and the one's that do are just looking for something to complain about.

They literally are all Germanic Whites. Show me one who isn't.

Setting helps

You'll still have people who whine - bitches are inevitable - but it's not nearly as much of a big deal if you have it in an accurate setting and you don't get combative about it.
SSSS has an all-white cast, and there was a brief period where a few people complained, but in the end no one actually gave a fuck that a series set in Scandinavia was white.

Only dumb faggots fixate on ethnicity.

Imagine being such a miserable sack of human shit that the very existence of a show with all white people in it sends you into an apoplectic rage .

So pretty much 90% of Yea Forums?


Wasn't the girl with the skeleton makeup who Wirt had a crush on actually black?

isn't Sara black or something?


Attached: Sara2.png (502x720, 196K)

calm down incel

Why isn't her hair nappy? Where are the full lips?

Why the fuck is everyone's eyes circles? It's a cartoon so everyone is simplified and most black women don't wear their natural hair.

Attached: human-eyes.jpg (780x390, 30K)

There you have, they had to include this girl as a love interest of the protagonist

Attached: 1544601096609.jpg (265x621, 71K)


No you fucktard you piece of shit you don't even belong here you race-baiting /pol/fagging garbage person. Go back to hell and stay there.

in b4 the guy who has that conspiracy theory about Sara shows up again

I assumed she was Indian, I’m not sure why

Did you not notice the girl the main character (forgot his name) had a crush on was black? Look at her hands.

And still Steven Universe is older (March, 2013) while OTGW was released in November, 2014

The real question is, how long was OTGW in production?

If OTGW were released in Nov 2013 SU would be older anyway and SU was a long time in production before since they had problems to decide the kind of animation, as a project SU is older too and whatever policy were applying in SU those were being pushed for all the shows CN owned or were a powerful tendency already in the production of the shows but with time SJWs things got worse