Happy 4/13 Yea Forums

How will you celebrate homestuck day?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know what to expect desu

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Homestuck: what went wrong?

Celebrating the fanbaseā€™s demise

Usually they allow threads on 4/13.


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>How will you celebrate homestuck day?
I'm going out on a date

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By drinking heavily and making homestuck porn

by planning to transform myself into a skeletal being upon my Death so I can stalk Andrew Hussie's soul for aeons through the abyss of time, trying to wreak some sort of vengeance into someone who can never pay back what he has Done

this is what hell is, for people like him

>snaps are noncanon now
Thats nice and all hussie but you still dont have my trust.


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You know huss hates all trolls but like 4 of them, right?

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Easy, I won't.

happy 23 birthday john and jade

it's jane's birthday, jade's is dec4

Ghost ship with a skeleton crew. We'll hang him from the bow as our figurehead.

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>I'm going out on a date
With who? Your Eridan body pillow?

if we don't get anything by the end of the day i will find hussie and wring classpect secrets from his skinny neck

I'd slow down, this has to last all day, this will be it.

Despite everything, Homestuck really was a fantastic piece of work once upon a time.

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Damn, now I feel old

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woops i started drinking when nothing happened


better buy those plane tickets now user


With so much steam and steel behind it,
You can't slow it down at all.

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And then he ended up doing things like silently zooming in on something for 20+ pages.

I'd hug Jade's womb

nepeta blesses me with the vigor of the apex predator

it is my mission to kill hussie and feast on his flesh

only then will we know if maids pair with heirs or witches

Isn't it sad?

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The ride never ends

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Is old huss still alive inside that lifeless husk of his.

a little bit
oldhuss wrote all the caliborn parts

so how many hours till we get some news you think at least 12ish right

I can't wait for the disappointment I have honestly been counting down the days waiting for today to happen

No he died the same day his dad did

No with a real woman I'm gonna try to get her into homestuck

Hello I am a class doctor. This is my professional opinion.

-Prince +Bard
-Page +Heir
-Knight +Maid
-Mage +Seer
-Thief +Rogue
-Witch +Sylph

Class pairs from top of this list to the bottom are ranked from most Masculine in form to most Feminine. For whatever that is worth.

Holy shit guys an update

you must have a severe case of stockholm syndrome to be looking forward to anything homestuck related after being shit on by andrew hussie for the better part of a decade.

Yes but buried so very deep

Is this worth getting into?

hussie retconned gender-locked classes, and also i'm of the opinion that maids and sylphs are paired as creation class, heir and witch as manipulate, and knight and page as "imbue" or "equip" or whatever.

so while we're here, if anyone wants me to tell you what their cool classpect powers are, feel free to ask.

and if there's another classpect person in here and you disagree with me then let's just agree to disagree.

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I knew there wasn't going to be anything yet I clicked anyway
Fuck you

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She's just going to eventually leave you when you need her most and you'll be left dreading going to sleep every night because you always dream about her still loving you.


Get out. Get out while you still can. Never look back.


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no run fast user run RUN

No but do it anyways

Hussie has given us the most metal gift of all for homestuck birthday

Don't worry I met her at anime club she already had austism a little bit of homestuck added won't hurt

do you like worldbuilding and cool magic systems? yes, otherwise, no.

Yes. Do it.

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>Inb4 just merchandise announcement

its the gift we want but don't deserve

No, it won't. But remember what I said, and enjoy it while it lasts.

Hey it's me again
So I'm guessing my powers would be like, gaining knowledge from the wind?

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been ten fucking years you guys

where did the time go

>inb4 it's literally nothing no newspost no epilogue no hiveseap no friendsim and no merch

As in, hearing whispers in the wind and gaining knowledge from it?

Hiveswap and Friendsim were stupid ideas anyways, I always just wanted a SBURB simulator. Either that or a Problem Sleuth game, following through the comic's entire story.

I still want to see Chaz's nudes

yeah, you can basically intuit breath-related things like literally wind but also direction and (sigh) freedom. so you could listen to the wind and it could tell you the right way to traverse a maze, you'd never get lost, and it'd be really hard to catch you in a trap or by surprise.

>get through the slow start
>enjoy the transition into a good and enjoyable read
>slowly get put of by it until you leave it while nowhere close to the ending
thats what you should do if you even decide to do it. Game over is a good stoping point since it gives closure to a lot of characters, so thats my 2 cents for ya

What as Chaz anyway

ipgd already spelled out that it's going up today under her stupid "v" persona and ryan north tweeted "homestuck" like he does before every major homestuck content drop
they just completely beefed a proper midnight release and probably did it on purpose because they think it's cute

so the count down is over in 2 days and 19 hours WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN

Should you get into Homestuck?

Look at us. Look at this fucking thread. Do any of us look happy? Each and every one of us could have found joy in life, but instead we found Homestuck.

>tfw a lot of the old guard homestuck artists got REEEEEEE'd off of tumblr for "pedophilia" and deleted their accounts to never return
>all their art is just gone outside of some that's in boorus

feels fucking bad man

Well the Genesis Project is looking to be a SBURB simulator. Albeit it probably won't be done for another 5 years. Just in time for the epilogue.

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V isn't piggy and v was counting down to some nip boy band song

this must be why i see so many homestuck youtube profile pictures when i go into comment sections

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It's been three years. They don't have the right to play the "ten year anniversary" card when Homestuck has only been wrapped up since 2016. You don't have a high school reunion three years after you graduate.

It might be worth pointing out it isn't midnight yet in Washington state, where John lived on Earth.

>caring about class aspects as a power sistem instead of their narrative pourpuse as a tool for character development
you are part of the problem

Lead years nigga

Neat! Thanks for the info

Act 7 went up at midnight. Hussie standardized midnight releases because he didn't want the little kids that comprise the remnants of his fanbase staying up late for random updates. He's just a douchebag now.

some mad thicc arthoe who loves futa and hates outlines

Who doesn't love futa? Besides tasteless faggots.

>v isn't piggy
Shut up piggy

Yes but is Chaz a boy or grill

>V isn't piggy
you clearly don't pay much attention to v
>and v was counting down to some nip boy band song
that's not what I'm talking about

She didn't like futa, that was just one guy who constantly commissioned her nonstop for comics about futa Jade fucking shota Dave. She liked Roxykitten.

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Does it matter?
I assume female, but hey, I literally don't give a shit right now

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What did Homestuck teach you?

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Expect to be disappointed.

>She didn't like futa
prove it

Why would she create a new persona


that kismesitude is real and i feel it towards a fucking webcomic

How many spirits do you think Hussie has haunting him?

That we all have our white whales, and that you better keep your harpoon sharp because you never know when you'll get your shot.

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Explain all the futa art she did prior to that, like the futa googirl CC from Waterworks, or the futa Kanaya she did popping out of the box?
Does anyone have the Waterworks pic still?

>She liked Roxykitten
who doesn't
at least I wont be as big a failure as Hussie

so hopefully this nightmare is over in 2 hours and we can all finally wake up

because her old one was purr-oblematic

i will never get why people act so bitter against the comic

Which kid was the best in the end? Which one was the worst?

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It taught me what not to do when writing a conclusion.


>who doesn't
Fools and dead men.

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What proof do you have thst v is piggy and what hints

Because you touch yourself at night user

you caused thi

Hated all the baggage associated with her old one? Her twitter has been made private and the tweet count has remained static for ages, her tumblr hasn't updated in like a year, it's pretty clear that she has a new identity now.

Rose, John, Dave, Jade in that order

jade was never enough of a character to begin with

>I'm gonna try to get her into homestuck
You monster. Let the poor girl enjoy her blissful ignorance.

I don't even care what we will get. I just want SOMETHING.

Game over is the canon ending fuck the rest of it

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The worst things are the ones that start off great and slowly become worse and worse and peter out in the most horrid way possible. The ending is what people will always remember the most about something, and when its bad they will remember even more.

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darling, myself is not the only thing i touch at night
it's literally ip kayleigh gd

I kinda figured since mages tend to receive the most backlash from their aspect, I'd probably be a guy who'd get side-tracked and separated from the group a lot
I'd be do my own quests and find a lot of rare/powerful items, but everytime I try to stick with a group I just end up wandering off again.
Does that sound right?

Dave > Rose > John > Jade

v and ipgd have similar writing styles and sense of humor. Also they have the same favorite game, Xenogears

Remember when it was supposed to end sometime around 2011 or 2010?

>you're allergic to gluten stop eating that sandwich
>there are other things in the sandwich too, you know

The train for cosplay sex has long since left the station so I need to get a girl into it and have her suggest it if I ever want it

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a character description that has nothing to do with the class aspect system. Congratulations

>tfw we would have gotten a better product if it did

Better to die a hero than live to become the villain, as they say.

"I'm not sure I'd say Jade is a "normie" but she's absolutely kind of a Chad.
From Chad to Cuck:


Dirk is difficult to rank due to having the unbridled power of a full strength Chad but the emotional energy of a 10000 year virgin"

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the fact that im alergic to gluten doesnt mean i cant put mercury on it as well. If im going down, im going to crash and burn properly

OK I guess I haven't seen piggy writing style in a while

I'm looking forward to the failure.
I've had more fun watching Hussie fuck up than almost anything post-2012. Seeing how shit the final update was was fucking amazing.

>that genocide is a viable solution to any problem

We're not going to get anything. Just know that.

I still don't know who these people you're talking about are and I never will.

Webcomics are shit

>i deliberately entered a thread for a series i'm not a fan of and now i'm making a post about how little i care!

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It's better that way.

why isn't john and rose having babies

M8 thats fucking evil

>"you can't fight the homestuck"

what a fucking joke

I was laughing my ass off that whole thread. What a great night.

that in order for things to become good you must become a legendary angelic figure after you die (through worthiness) and cleanse the world of poor character through stomping through darkness

thank you hussie's existence for helping me become closer to Jesus

>best at point of introduction
>best at end

>worst at introduction
>worst at end

That friendships and romance, no matter how fulfilling they are at the time, can vanish from your life at any point and you won't be able to rekindle any of it.

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John got screwed over by gay singularity. Now he is alone on his island as all the gay shit is taking over all while he's getting trolled by some skeleton kid and his fucking clown sidekick

She can't handle all that hammermeat

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john, dave

i can't even tell if i'm in that picture or not. we were united in our rage. it was beautiful

>Start reading this shit 3 days after it ends without even knowing it
>by the time I get to 6 all the threads are dead
>stop reading by mid point of 6 and start skimming it
>get to game over
>watch act 7
>its dog shit
>mfw no one on Yea Forums could tell me to stop wasting my time and leave
Had some good it bits early on but god fucking damn it went to shit
at least i didnt waste my time waiting for this shit and binged it

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not one person could fight the homestuck at its prime, but in the end, like any huge army, it feel down due to their own incompetence, infighting and their lack of resuplies

all i know about homestuck is that the guy who made Undertale is a big fan and there's grey dudes with demon horns, is it worth reading now days? and what's the appeal?

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I support you in everything you do.

I love Aradia so much I hope she is in the update even for a little bit

Humility and not what to do when writing.

>it's real

(Vriska) > Vriska

The guy who made Undertale was a musician for the comic. The beginning parts are good but it becomes utter shit. Read the previous work, Problem Sleuth, instead.

enjoy this thread while it lasts, It will be the last of any form of homestuck.


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What the hell is CST?

Central Standard Time. You retarded dumbfuck.

Gonna cosplay Hussie for a casual meetup!

and jerk off to a fuck ton o gray cartoon demons...

this is cursed, delete

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So, what the hell? I though we already had an "epilogue". I still don't know what sort of thing are you guys expecting to happen.

We had a "credits"

Homestucks are Indians
>a dying breed

that shit didnt happen, it was fucking bad, i would had prefer not getting anything than that stupid jane/roxy homoerotic adventure

We didn't

Will hussie ever do anything ever again? I just want classpects to be explained and then Hussie to do something new.

Fuck you for posting Yea Forums on reddit, and fuck you for posting reddit on Yea Forums.

Itā€™s not even cannon


Does Hussie still do funny internet things or did that die with Homestuck?

The Skaianet Twitter switched back to What Pumpkin earlier. Something's happening.

If you didn't see this in the update, you don't deserve to post here.

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Never read this thing should I?

Hussie himself died with Homestuck.

Homestuck in its prime was essentially a sign that read "Yea Forums please fuck me in the ass"


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Literally nothing about it is worth it

Not to underestimate yourself, but don't get cocky either

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I'm sick, Bird. I need my medicine.

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Depends, do you want to experience sublime, transcendent disappointment?


Hussie died long before finishing homestuck

Make sure to set out your mare milk and toblerones or else Hussie wonā€™t leave anything under your tree.

Of course I saw Peachy, who reading the comic wouldn't see it?

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where did the decade go

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The sheer number of replies this got really says it all.

>50 ips
is everyone who still cares about homestuck here?

>still reading during act 6
glad i moved on before then
if only i could have stayed moved on

Was this the last dying gasp of Hussie?

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that one is kind of cute

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Fox died with it too

Yes, so naturally it had to be stomped out.

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How to write characters with distinct voices

We're probably only getting something on 4:13pm est.

Are you kidding? Toby is one of the few people to come out of Homestuck ahead of when he came in.

>200 posts
>50 ips
>in a single hour
>on a friday night
its gonna be a long long night/day

it'll be 4:13 pm pst because that's the time on john's computer clock at the start of the comic

I missed this. The fake "UPDATE" posts. You don't know what you've got until it's gone I guess...


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Remember that time Hussie had to draw Muppet Babies pornography for Jigsaw?

will we finally be free

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Post the exact moment that this character was irrevocably ruined.

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just look at deltarune, and you will know how fast one can fall

Its above 99.999% of pretty much all fiction but due to the way its structured the later portions of it come off as very underwhelming as its just average compared to the much greater early and mid parts
So yes. The world feels a little different after homestuck. Its changes you a little

You'll never be free, user. Never.

you just did

but my aspect is breath!

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The streets are empty. Wind skims the voids keeping neighbors apart, as if grazing the hollow of a cut reed, or say, a plundered mailbox. A familiar note is produced. It's the one Desolation plays to keep its instrument in tune.

It is your thirteenth birthday, and as with all twelve preceding it, something feels missing from your life. The game presently eluding you is only the latest sleight of hand in the repertoire of an unseen riddler, one to engender a sense not of mirth, but of lack. His coarse schemes are those less of a prankster than a common pickpocket. His riddle is Absence itself. It is a mystery dispersing altogether, like the moon's faint reflection, with even one pebble of inquiry dropped in its black well. It is the most diabolical riddle of all.

"Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, as wind extinguishes candles and fans a fire." -Walt Whitman

Yes, you are certain Walt Whitman said that. One hundred percent positive.

You have a feeling it's going to be a long day.

dave was always a shit character

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just waiting for the mods to gas this thread

i miss a lot of things, this used to be so much fun
this is hell, user. you don't get free from hell.
>was only announced the day before it launched
>nobody knew it was a game until after it launched
>generated massive hype all across the internet
>overwhelmed aaa games in terms of hype
if that's failing i want to see success

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Aradiastuck when?

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Someone post the comic with John killing all homos.

I'm glad this picture was made.

Roll a big fat j and read meowrails fics.

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Remember when Hussie killed DMAC?

anything past this point

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as soon as he became fujobait

M8 it's midnight USA time

I've said it before
I'm just waiting for someone to post chaz' nudes

thats whats coming out today user

The abuse arch.

What the fuck.

Gave me chills. Remember when HS was compelling?

Is today Fap to Aradia Day?

The lawnrings are empty. Blood skims the voids in your porous cranial plates, as if grazing the hollow of a threshed stem, or say, an abandoned cocoon. A sour note is produced. It's the one Agitation plays to make its audience squirm.

It is your sixth wriggling day, and as with all five preceding it blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.


Which version of her though? I like predeath aradia when she is all Indiana jones

So when if ever will shit happen?

Why do davekat fujos like to make this the supposed perfect davekat convo
It's not that great on any level

You fool. Let it be contained.

Ok honest question. How can you guys possibly like Aradia THIS much?

She hardly exists within the comic!

we'll just move to Yea Forums they let us have threads there

Totally agree. It's this sitcom styled shit that laid the groundwork for ruining all of the meteor people. Sure, it may have been funny in the moment, but at what cost?

It fucking happened offscreen in the timeskips.

She's the most attractive character by a country mile.

Hating something popular doesn't make you cool or interesting.

>why do fujos like shitty fujobait
i wonder user
>see, they're TOTALLY gay for each other now!

Lord of Heart gains dominion over others souls, and as a result, access to their aspects.

Since Lord and Muse seem to be locked to time and space and vice versa, that classpect canā€™t exist anyways.

That's every day

Hey n0w, let's n0t get crazy here...

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>smooth teeth
pick one.

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it would be fun just to see you try

Yes sir we are literally under siege by planet fucking Jupiter

As if.
Today is the one day hs cant be contained, especially with all the hype that has been build up

Okay so like

I got into Homestuck in late 2012, it was a time in my life where I was going through major positive changes, and I have that positive association to the comic to this day. And my god it has influenced me so fucking much. I've made so many friends through Homestuck, got to know more queer people, and effectively lost my virginity thanks to it.

What sticks out to me most though is how it inspired me as an artist and aspiring author. For the longest time I felt really shitty about my artwork, and that I would never be able to draw anything 'well.' Homestuck had a style I'd never seen anything like before, those pixelated aliased edges were such a contradiction to everything I knew about good digital art, and yet... Some panels were so incredible, with great composition and details, and still retaining the titular MS Paint aesthetic. I realized that not only was it visually pleasing, but that I could totally draw stuff that way. Similarly, it opened my eyes to how boundless storytelling can be, and inspired me to see writing in a different light.

So above all, Homestuck taught me that you don't necessarily need to be familiar with the most advanced techniques to make good art, and that in how you tell a story, the sky's the limit.

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for real though there are threads on Yea Forums every now and again that get to bump limit. usually op user posts about sburb and it just goes from there

She may be a side character in the comic, but she's the main character in my heart.

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why is CANWC so funny?

I'm starting to like it more than homestuck

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i will always be betrayed by what i love most

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>one character screaming and biting and being a weenie bitch while the other doesn't care
>this is a relationship to these people

she was never ruined

why tf do they always kill homestuck threads anyway? it's a goddamn comic isn't it?

problem here user is that after the reset no one had character beyond being gay for some reason

By starting my own webcomic

oh please,
you would have a better chance at /aco/

Because it's made with genuine mirth and passion, user.

Remember how Dave's alt selves always died?

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Because O is a genuinely funny person who hasn't gotten wrapped up in his fame.

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Her irrelevance insulated her from the terrible writing of the comic's latter half.

Jade never betrayed you. Like the dog she is, she remained loyal.

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two people accidentaly bumpnig is enough to be concidered a healty relationship for this kind of people. They already made a decision, they only seek to validate it

Because of the old /hsg/ threads that were all shitposting while waiting for updates and all shitposting when they got updates.
I miss /hsg/

alot of bad blood between Homestucks and 4chanites, goes back years.

A comic with a reputation for attracting the worst kind of shitposters. The days of Homestuck General were ones of unspeakably inane and off-topic garbage.

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she became Dave and Karkat's pet. She ended up not even being a sloopy second


What will you do if Homestuck updates today?

read it I guess

raid it

Is it worth reading? I got up to I think around the time Dabe was introduced, but this was a while ago. The Rose plot was mildly intriguing, but it didn't hook me even as well as Homestuck Act 1 did.

Take a massive shit on it's grave.

There's only one pet in that house, and it isn't Jade.

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How does it feel to know that every ship exists? And every ship that exists have porn made for it? ESPECIALLY the ones that you hate?

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Probably be disappointed, as per usual.

well shit. i only started going on Yea Forums like last year so I wasn't around for that, damn the shitposts must've been legendary

I WON'T read it, user. Nuh uh, no way.

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Alt selves are doomed to die. That's just how the timeline works.

Shhh, it'll be okay.

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I started to write music because of Homestuck. I would mess around in FL Studio and a small rp group I was a part of really liked the garbage I shat out. I was so happy I could do something people liked, that I kept at it, slowly improving...or so I believed anyways. I would join with a bunch of other fan musicians and even music team members in a huge Skype chat, and it was magical, and we organized albums...and then, comparing my work to everyone elseā€™s, and having to work on a schedule, I realized I wasnā€™t actually good at music at all. Not only that, but I didnā€™t have any talent whatsoever, and no knowledge of how to actually achieve any of that. Itā€™s as if my life crashed all around me, and I stubbornly tried to stick with music for five years before finally letting it fade away.

Homestuck helped to teach me that Iā€™m utterly worthless with no talent, and that my life is meaningless.

im still mad that she is living with Karkat and Dave even though there is a perfectly healty Davesprite out there living alone with his cat-sister

v mentioned FFX and xenosaga on the AMA, two of ipgd's favorite games

I'm sorry, but not even Troll Will Smith could make me forget this shitshow.

>It's now instead of
It feels wrong

a legendary PAIN IN THE ASS

Be honestly surprised

Attached: not a homosex.jpg (1200x1600, 610K)

I know, right? It should be

Yeah, s-same.

Davepeta is garbage, how dare you suggest anything get in a relationship with that hellish abomination

Attached: davepeta dies.gif (650x450, 282K)

marketing is one hell of a drug

Neck yourself.

>>John "not particularly fond of homosexuals" Egbert


>the MSPA forums went down "for maintenance" 3 years ago

>all those all forum stories and lore threads fucking gone
>no one cares

Davesprite shouldnt pay for Nepeta's sins user. She is garbage but she didnt have the right to drag down a better character down with her to the trashy abbys from where she came from. And its not like Jade got a better ending than it

If I'm not actively searching for it then it doesn't exist.

Attached: tumblr_inline_pev3lyavPW1tvtx5j_400.png (359x257, 5K)

remember when it got hacked by syrians

10 years? seems like just like yesterday when I used pour water on cosplayers.

>lethal injections for gay erections
now this is poetry

They never should've merged the two in the first place, Davesprite was one of the best characters in the comic early on and then they fused him with a character that's only good for porn.

Yes it does.

And people are getting off to it.

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10 years, and I never understood why he called it "Homestuck", what a stupid name

I'm sorry about that, user. What are you doing now?


The legend returns

EXACTLY! But we have to work with the leftovers we were given and not by the superior versions of their past selves. Reminder that all of Jade development was erased by the retcon and she spend the long years of travel alone mooping about being a furry neet instead of the fun sibling sass we saw when John was around her

Why do you think ANYTHING is going to happen today besides it being the tenth anniversary of the comic? If that's the only reason then I doubt Hussie has anything planned.

It hurts so much. I can't drink it away.


had at least an announcement (but usually a release) for every 4/13 for the last 6 years

The beggining of the comic is them stuck in houses. As for the greater meaning, probably has to do with LE forever being trapped within the confinements of the narrative, while the kids could escape.

Because James Roach more or less confirmed it on twitter, and Viz has been building up to it.
I'm still not expecting anything though. Contempt and disappointment at best.

I first heard of homestuck back in 2009, back then
I thought it was an adventure time fanfic made by tracing over mii characters

John is a good boy.

And he loves his daddy.

it predates adventure time


We buried that in the past. It is gone and dead now. Do not drudge up these old memories. Is reading this goddamn webcomic not torture enough?

yeah, but it was very hyped

Reminder that gamebro was right

Attached: gamebro.png (513x623, 118K)

John is the daddy of dad now user, get on with the times

Try reading until the end of act 1, maybe. It's not very long.


What's the most dated joke in Homestuck?

The alpha trolls.

Here's to 10 years

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>george didn't make it to 10

All of the jokes about ICP and Juggalos.

Attached: Cosbytop.png (180x152, 12K)

The composer of this track killed himself 5 months ago.

>only 2 exp

Very enjoyable to read until it isn't. At which point you wish you could stop caring about it but you simply can't.

Hussie is gonna kill himself on stream

I miss when the songs actually sounded like they could become iconic instead of sounding like a muddled mess that just blend together.

Reminder that Davekat content is confirmed for the epilogue


too bad

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Piggy go home.

Fox is pulling the trigger

the piss is stored in the nepetas

Can't believe it's already been 3 fucking hours. No wonder 10 years went by so easily. Night night!

Attached: tumblr_mcdp51hF061qj6j8po1_640.png (638x838, 344K)

So where the fuck is it?

Taking bets on what (if anything) we're getting this year.
I've got 5 on Penumbra Phantasm

been up for 20 hours god damn it Hussie you better have something posted by midnight PST I gotta be up at 7am

It's not coming.



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Does anybody even know what his current twitter handle is?

That anyone can do anything, no matter how big of a shitposter they are.

the same as its always been

I'm fed outrage on a silver shit smeared platter and can probably get so buttmad I turn into rage?

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Attached: EverySingleFreedompost.gif (841x1058, 3.56M)

how exactly does one "destroy time"?

Attached: prince of time.jpg (526x975, 59K)

tfw hsg is dead forever but your crabdad plushie will live on

thanks angel

that's my fetish

there was a google drive of over 100 back in like 2015

Attached: freedomendicant.png (596x619, 474K)

You destroy with time.

>tfw you're the reason most of the porn of this character exists


>how does king crimson work?

you can destroy time literally and also destroy with time. Summon weapons out of doomed timelines. kick people *into* doomed timelines. dogpile someone with an army of time clones. time travel backwards and prevent a carapacian from being cloned. Get creative!

Attached: 08927ce20da4f84254bb83a74ae24919.jpg (2500x2146, 486K)

that sounds pretty metal desu

Really hoping for an epilogue or some shit considering it's the 10th anniversary of the comic
Btw Knight of Space here not likes anyone cares

What the fuck does a Prince of Light do, exactly? Seems like a shitty ability that wouldn't help anyone.

what the fuck do i do

Attached: 37f11143824e3176c5610b2a9c43ea920d961832_hq.jpg (338x554, 17K)

go on...

Based and crimsonpilled


What the fuck does a mage even do? What would they even do with space?

Attached: 13952eb31b804c834c0b90d0afa17aa7738bf679v2_hq.jpg (571x918, 61K)

True. I think I have about 50 on me right now? And I know not all of them are in that gif

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This. Penis Ouija was the last straw.

What do you think of this view of Classpects? Not specifically the artwork, but the conjectured powers.

you erase time and leap past it

now user you pulled the same hissyfit on the last thread we had

by reading homestuck, therefore destroying time you could use TO DO ANYTHING ELSE WITH YOUR SHITTY LIFE

I'm so proud of this comunity

Attached: 82tode3umvr21.png (640x334, 317K)

Saw the first season can i just watch the anime ?

heirs allow their aspect to get manipulated, and in turn find themselves weirdly protected by it. Whenever an argument happens around you it ends up in your favor, whether someone punches a wall and sets off a rube goldberg or you just come out looking like the better person - even if the argument doesnt directly involve you. as an heir of rage, rage has to do with disbelief, so you also can basically "become" disbelief, which is a little abstract, so the simple sentence is "if someone doesn't think they can hurt you/are afraid of you, suddenly, they ACTUALLY cannot hurt you."

in my schema of it knights "imbue" things with traits related to their aspect, like how a thief can take it away from things but in reverse. how do you put breath in a sword? well that's easy, now the sword flies. you have a telekinetic sword, or maybe a swordjectile. you can imbue the sword with direction and suddenly your thrown swords can never miss. you can imbue yourself with wind and now you're a faster flier than any other god tier. etc., etc.

a mage of space would make an EXCELLENT sniper or bowman, since they intuitively understand things like direction, distance, mass, density, etc. If you want to rig up a crazy rube goldberg contraption, get your mage of space, it'll never go wrong. Wanna pull off some CRAZY ricochet gunshots? Mage of space time.

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It's my Birthday. Not this stupid day. Everyone can just hang with me.

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Very carefully or not at all.

Yes, the Jojo anime is really well done, but you only have up to the ongoing part 5. So you'll have to read the manga to have parts 6-8 unless you're willing to wait

Eridan is OWED sex

you watch the anime or read the manga, you dont have many other options. So go ahead

>Sharing your birthday with Homestuck

This is why Hussie never properly defined all the classpects. I think it's supposed to be an exercise for writers.

Attached: pajamastuck_girl_style_by_alyssatye_d4a2ck2-pre.jpg (1506x531, 144K)

Fuck off, it's the anniversary of this shitshow starting, we have more right to be here than any other time of year, and I've never seen you in any of the dozens of biweekly threads we've been having since the start of the year.

What about an Heir of Mind?

Attached: tumblr_mxu5evLX9c1rnobgjo1_r1_1280.png (658x600, 450K)

I'd be interested to know what a Mage of Blood could do.

Think Gandalf. Always having all of the answers but never wanting to share them. It's like the opposite of Seer supposedly.

If pages equip others with their aspect, then I guess that everyone in my session is gonna be getting down with the clown. Also if pages get real strong after god tier that's another bonus considering god tier is only a gate, some rocket boots, and a stabbing away from when you enter the session.

fuck forgot image

Attached: PageOfRage.png (338x554, 5K)

>Spiderman pants

Are you also ten??

Attached: Rose_Eyebrows_Fast.gif (500x346, 40K)

I'm pretty sure you can't directly god tier at base level.
Also finding the bed probably is less than trivial, though you could just rocket to Prospit/Derse I guess.

Do your job, mods, you know what happens when you give these fuckers an inch.

Seriously, the Homestuck fandom may be worse than furfags. FUCKING FURFAGS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!

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The reason pages get so strong after god tiering is because knight equipment is bonkers - consider that not only did Jake make a Brain Ghost Dirk real, but he also made a Brain Ghost Dirk real with FUNCTIONING GOD TIER POWERS. Ridiculous. You can banish shit from existence by not believeing in it hard enough.

you sort of intuitively understand how bonds are made, what people are connected by, and how you can poke at those bonds. you're decently good at manipulating and REALLY good at raising an army, since you'd be able to tell "okay this person wants X, this person wants Y, this crowd wants Z, what's the common factor... Okay, let's rock". You're also good at not bleeding out and dying.

since heirs invite manipulation of their aspect, and mind is the aspect of decision making, basically, heirs make people passively dance to their strings. whatever someone does, around you, it's in your service - this isn't very strong on players until you God Tier (wherupon a: it becomes stronger and b: you get the ability to actually turn it off), but it's very strong on NPCs. sneaking missions are no problem when every guard goes "huh, must be the wind". You can also turn into lightning.

destroy fortune of those around you

be a living nuke, buddy up with the enemy, oh wow enemy is really unlucky now
and according to Hussie, light players and seers are always contacted by the queen as exile, so you would have a guide who knows how to send you directly towards the enemy

someone please tell me more about the void aspect and why i shouldnt wish i was something else

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>/hst/ hates it

Practically a free space.

>only a gate, some rocket boots, and a stabbing away from when you enter the session
>any % speedrun
>as a page of rage
what could go wrong

Attached: how_could_this_be_happening_to_me.png (500x459, 49K)

This isn't a general, and it's not off topic because today's the 10th anniversary of the comic starting, there might be an update.

Not fast enough!

you realize that a mod is taking part and posting in this very thread?

I mean you've been banned 3 times so far in less than 30 seconds after each post

conceived my classpect partially through canonical analysis and partially through personal philosophy. Idk if it'd be 'canon' but I'm curious to hear your analysis all the same!

Attached: bardofvoid.png (178x479, 5K)

Canā€™t get rid of me THAT easily jannies.

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void players from what we can tell always have whatever their weapon is AND fistkind, AND can punch good, so enjoy your super strength because you rolled into the bare-handed monk aspect.

void in general isn't just "nothingness" - that's the most basic interpretation, and even that can be useful (see: roxy). void is also hidden things, secrets, and even lack of something. prince of void thirsty for water and he knows wtf he's doing with his powers? empty water cup - no longer empty, void destroyed.

nobody in your session can keep a secret and this will either be a GREAT thing or a TERRIBLE thing.
critical hit class

destroy with luck? you have that one ability from the chaos dude from dota - 1% crit chance, 1000x crit multiplier. you can also literally destroy light. blind a room full of enemies! destroy with information - make someone read things they Weren't Meant To Know!

Attached: 77A8F5AB-0CDF-4A3E-93C9-1E053DCD3F35.jpg (920x1301, 294K)

Credits resolved everything important already, idiots.

because o knows what he's doing and hussie doesn't

post pic user

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HSG, I did something I'm not too proud of. Earlier today at the pharmacy, there was a really great sale on this cheap shampoo, so I decided I was going to buy a container. However, as I was about to take one and head to the cashier, I saw a rather large group of green shampoo containers. The soap inside was nearly the exact same color as sopor slime. I have this fantasy about being a troll for a day, and that fantasy includes sleeping in a recuperacoon. In a fit of desperation to fulfill my dream, i bought all the tubes of green shampoo. The cashier gave me a very strange look and I began to regret my decision, but the deed was done. I sped home and then took the shampoo up to my bathroom. I emptied all the bottles into my bathtub, being sure to plug it up first. I threw the empty bottles out, stripped naked, and eased myself into the tub. It wasn't completely filled up with the slime, but it smelled amazing, like green tea almost. I stayed in there for what seemed like forever, just thinking about being a troll. I even masturbated in the fake sopor, pretending my dick was a bone bulge. It was only when I went to get out of the tub that I realized what I had done. How was I going to rinse all this soap off my body? How was I going to wash it out of the bathtub? I'm writing this still half covered in the stuff. Help, HSG

Except that Caliborn's Masterpiece happens after the Credits which means the Alpha kids are stuck on Caliborn's session and the Beta kids are in the juju and after Vriska uses it they're ?????????

Attached: tumblr_ok01ppkYUi1s7rrm6o1_1280.png (720x756, 354K)

Hit me up classpectanon
On a base level, I see it as imposing order into situations to prevent harm, but I'd be glad to have your take

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remember when hussie's gf would post in /hsg/

are they still together?

Attached: 1DB85C21-5904-49BE-9181-DAF2BEBFE6E5.png (500x209, 47K)

>This isn't a general
So? You idios always turn non-General HS threads into Generals by action alone.
and it's not off topic because today's the 10th anniversary of the comic starting...
Not an excuse, there have been several Yea Forums-related anniversaries that come and go without discussion.
>there might be an update.
And there's the key word, come back when you actually get new shit that's not a fucking fan-made video game and/or not an assumption. And that's assuming the mods actually let you come back like they do for the /trash/ Generals (excluding /tlhg/ because they're THAT toxic).

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Haha, a classic

Attached: 2B4FB7D1-EC75-44E0-8913-215781BCF9B9.jpg (920x1301, 441K)

the mods clearly disagree with you you autistic shitnigger. eat a fucking bullet

>i entered a thread full of things i don't like and now i'm getting upset!

yeah, that works - you invite the creation of order and rules, so things in your session may go more orderly and structured, people make schedules, dungeons get solved, and generally productivity goes up. since doom also is associated with death and decay (by virtue of being life's opposite), you also make enemies easier to hurt just by being there. Neat!

Please refer to this graphic here

Why do you care this much?

>So? You idios always turn non-General HS threads into Generals by action alone.
citation needed my man. we've been in a state of intermittent homestuck threads since the general was banned nearly 5 years ago. successive threads get pruned and we're fine with that because it shows the welcome was overstayed

Just filter the thread user. It's one day a year, keep your panties from getting into a twist.

Attached: priorities Kan.gif (400x491, 60K)

Did you ever meet anyone else who read homestuck ?

>the mods clearly disagree
Theyā€™re either dead or masturbating to cub porn, only a lazy a jannie now and heā€™s too afraid to do anything.

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Most of my friends, actually

Once. I cracked their skull with a lead pipe, lite their shitty bodypaint on fire, and stole their wallet.

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Any Arm Retrieval fans here?

How about Mage of Time?

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A character's arc being an allegory for another canonical character?
How far down does the Hussiehole go?

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voidlings are cool

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Any of you guys read worm?

Mages of time are kind of like seers in that they get information from alternate timelines, which can really manifest in a bunch of ways. Maybe glasses that let you peek into other timelines? Or a general sense of "if you do this the timeline's gonna doom, so please don't", or even seeing hallucinations of doomed timelines overlaid onto your vision, shit like that.

>Vriska (Vriska)
Ok, I laughed.

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It's just a webcomic, nigger.
Why chimp out over something you can filter?

I just cannot fucking fathom this level of triggered autistic cringe. Like, who fucking hurt you, user? Did the general give you a booboo five years ago, and you never recovered?

asking more specifically this time, what are some things an active void class would do compared to passive?

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Fuck off Makin. No one wants you or your kind here

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Even after he got lobotomized and forced into faggotry Dave is still my fav

The End!
Itā€™s the principal of the matter, would you allow furfags onto /aco/ for a single day and expect them to fuck off for the other 364 days? No, no you fucking wouldnā€™t.

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It really is a thing that depends from class to class, you can't make sweeping judgments based on just "active" vs "passive" except that active void classes do things for "themselves" and passive ones do them to "others" but sometimes that distinction can get pretty blurry.

>It's a "Corprophagic Toddlercon Furry believes he is superior to anybody" episode.

Attached: 1555120114022.png (76x84, 1K)

But user you get a satisfying ending

>there have been several Yea Forums-related anniversaries that come and go without discussion.
You know why? It's because nobody cares about those anniversaries, when people are invested they make threads for a show / comic / movie's anniversary.

Even after "abuse" arc?

It was so goddamn long, but it was pretty fun to listen to and got me into the pcp

How would it be regarded if it did end then?
Maybe we can say with a good, bad, and middling ending with a different modern opinion of the comic based on all those outcomes.

you're the person that saved loli scat furry porn on your hard drive, so...

>the principal of the matter
Oh just shut the fuck up, you little sperg. You don't have some higher cause like that, you're just upset that people enjoy something you don't.
Don't even begin to act like that's comparable either, this is a webcomic being posted on a board for comics and cartoons. It's like Pokemon being allowed onto other boards outside of /vp/, which it generally is.
So I don't know what your shitty, autistic point is.

It's been five years man, and we've gone nowhere despite everything. You really think posting some fucked toddlercon furry scat is gonna change that? Your spregout is a sad, pathetic whimping tantrum that easily beat out the old general even at its most autistic.
You are the problem. You are everything you hate. Grow up you fucking child.

Were already allowed once a week slowpoke


Attached: latest[1].png (146x229, 18K)

Probably fairly well, anyone with any amount of real taste knows that Act 4 was the comic's highest point.

>feeding the troll
When will you ever learn

No I don't. I get Ward

Attached: worm ward.png (2512x8472, 2.93M)

If I knew that the day was some kind of special holiday for furfags then probably.

how about something like knight/thief of void and a mage/seer of void?

He's pretty bad at it, doesn't even begin to compare to Squidspam.

is not the cutest character in that starting to get really overrated fancomic

Attached: 008161.png (285x352, 8K)

Hmmm... Still not working... What to do, what to do... oh!

This oughta do the trick!

Attached: 1779465 - Chikkbug Rose_Quartz Steven_Universe.png (1280x1237, 1.41M)

You don't need to be good anymore, look how many (You)s this low quality stuff gets him. It's a disgrace

(((Hero))) fags actually believe this

Attached: t3z7df94s9p21.png (786x942, 1013K)

Attached: 1778059 - Gnome-No Peridot Steven_Universe.png (617x578, 82K)

Thread is 10 posts from bump limit, genius


We have Zootopia threads. They don't even need a specific day

Attached: IMG_3841.jpg (1233x1532, 242K)

And when another thread is made Iā€™ll be watching...

Attached: 1782086 - Ruby Sapphire Steven_Universe.png (1000x1000, 223K)

This isn't even a troll. This is, like, genuinely autistic rage. It doesn't matter if anyone replies to him. He does it because he is having a tantrum.

I think all of Act 5 is on par with Act 4, and then it shits the bed with mediocrity starting with Act 6.

when was it ever good

Why not go bother the people on cripplechan's /homosuck/?

The trolls getting focus was the beginning of the end.

Attached: 2708D584-C0C5-4234-8B38-203580127478.png (1069x1115, 138K)

i didn't say good, i said overrated

the retard is cute though

Attached: 00816.gif (650x450, 138K)

I'll be at a night job then sleeping all day so, enjoy your merch sale and literally nothing else ya morons.

Here's a preemptive laugh at the fucktards who thought something was gonna happen.


Attached: tumblr_njoxekbA5O1remrfeo1_1280.png (919x871, 196K)

>I'll be watching...
God, you're pathetic.

Because cripplechan is a dying site, itā€™s also not Yea Forums.

Attached: 1784527 - Peridot Steven_Universe cloktowur.jpg (744x1052, 213K)

Wish I had it in one single page

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a knight of void can imbue shit with voidiness - so imagine invisible swords that only you can see, or just, you know, turning invisible on and off at a whim. You can carry as many throwing knives as you want because they're all "hidden". Your gun has a secret, second gun inside of it.

a seer of void can divine void to share with other people (a mage leads with info they have, a seer shares for others to lead with) - so a seer can tell you secret horrorterror stuff that's useful, or maybe just where the queen hid the ring when you prototyped a frog and she took it off, and don't expect to ever be able to hide from a seer of void, either.

What's it like over there, anyway? I stopped bothering to visit years ago.

I enjoyed the rapid fire introductions and change in pace that Act 5 brought

4 hours and we hit the bump limit

and only 7 more mins till we hopefully get an update

im getting really tired of reporting this shit, this thread's existence literally doesn't fucking change shit about how you chose to live your life. If you hate the comic and think fans of it are fucking degenerate trash then fine just leave the fucking thread, we aren't invading your personal space or any sort of nonsense like that, we're having a single thread to celebrate the 10th anniversary of a comic and your sad soul feels the need to spam it for no reason. fuck off.

Attached: 3 horses.jpg (880x720, 596K)

>Doing this instead of creating a Homestuck-dedicated board like they did wwith Pokemon and MLP also Touhou

hey you
stop posting SU

Attached: 1331447060085.png (242x274, 33K)

that was a pretty sexy comic bro

maybe, it's been a while

/homosuck/ is a rather boring place full of tripfags

It was a simpler time.

Except that's retarded, the comic isn't as popular as it used to be, just like how Pokemon discussion only really gets big around the release of a new game or how MLP hasn't been relevant in years.
It's why making both of those boards turned out to be mistakes.

Did a typo actually make me write with Eridan's quirk?

Attached: eri.jpg (300x449, 27K)

So this mean nothing for today?
At leas there's something to jerk it to in here

See , that's the only reason why he's doing it along with .

Don't stop.

Attached: 1293641011739.jpg (441x450, 63K)

They've barely even posted about Homestuck today. It's aimless shitposting about anything and everything.

November 2011 was when they introduced the parent kids. January 2010 was Intermission, Hivebent was summer 2010.

Probably regarded a bit below problem sleuth tier if it got a cohesive ending before Hivebent since that was only acts 1-4, notably before the troll introduction slogfest.

Around problem sleuth tier if it got a cohesive ending before even introducing the trolls in act 4.

A bit fonder than people look back on it now if it ended after act 5, but mostly the same. It'd have all the bad troll fanbase stuff, so a lot of the negativity from that point would still be here, but it wasn't beyond redeemable and Hussie probably could've scrambled something together from all the open plot points remaining.

Its 2 am where hussie lives, hes sleeping, retard

I only go on there once or twice a month, it's the same as it's ever been, except they can post porn.
There's this weird spammer who keeps posting anti-nwo pro-left propaganda, which is a strange cross section.
Nah, eri doesn't put Gs at the and of words like Doing.

HSG. Home...

what a lazy faggot

At least it was before the mods fucked erythang up.

Attached: real_mutherphukkin_Cs.jpg (992x1207, 84K)

Do you know a single thing about the guy? Guy has a fucked sleep schedule.

When I re-read it, 5.1 was actually shockingly short. The mistake was integrating them into the rest of the story to the point that they dominated 5.2-7. Same with the alpha kids.

haha good luck, mods are gonna realize pretty quickly that it's just him and no one else posting that shit.

>It's why making both of those boards turned out to be mistakes.
As someone who regularly visits /vp/ you REALLY need about which threads you want to regular and choose based on the thread's community, the only cool places you'll find there now are the TCG threads and the drawthreads. The furshit there is also an issue, it's almost as if the 2012 sticky only got rid of the porn.

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God I want to give Meulin a really thorough scrub down and keep her as my own.

Attached: tumblr_pp6ad27sSM1vg9ypzo8_1280.png (850x850, 130K)

Its kinda how everyone hates trickster mode but the thing takes 10 minutes to get through

Mags of Void my Good user

I know right? Guy's probably been asleep since yesterday.


remember Homestuck?
Remember how bad it was?

Reminder that bard is basically the best class in the game.

Yeah, it's definitely a contextual reading-as-it-happened and the hallmark of a shift in tone/fanbase pandering rather than the actual content.

my last question about void if you mind is about heir and thief, thanks for answering all my questions regardless

Sometimes I find places where enthusiastic, happy HS fans still exist and it's as surprising as it is saddening. I wonder how their hopes and dreams weren't crushed to dust and ground into the dirt.

Really just get in there with the holy water and exorcise the clown stink from her immortal soul, you know what I mean?

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thats a funny way to spell prince

>haha good luck, mods are gonna realize pretty quickly that it's just him and no one else posting that shit.
The only problem is that he's a known ban-evader AND possibly using a VPN. And yes people can be THIS autistic, remember Bui?


Attached: 73a.png (680x410, 346K)

I don't believe you.

I sure wish I knew their secret.

well shit. and no I haven't been on the site long enough to know bui?

The cosplayers are bloody awful grey bodypaint getting everywhere, people spitting in buckets or spraying silly string into buckets and getting silly string banned from conventions, getting their unsocialized asses banned from public spaces, etc...

Deltarune's release was one of the few times Yea Forums was good in recent memory
>the ENTIRE AAA gaming industry
>some weeb with a twitter account

heirs allow void to be manipulated, so, if they need to be hidden they'll be hidden, even if they're just being overlooked in the landscape, and if they need to find someone they can find someone, or hide someone. people will keep secrets in a way advantageous to them. you can become PERFECTLY invisible, not like other void invisibility which can be detectable by, like, breathing and shit.

thieves of void steal nonexistence from other things, so you can roxy rogue it up but selfishly, or you can take someone's hiding spot, switch locations with them. take an enemy's hidden secret weapon, now it's yours. steal someone's ecrets, shit like that.

you go grimdark immediately (joking). you just kind of know where to look to find things that are lost or hidden. it's not intentional, you just collect right socks and car keys. and you just so happen to guess your way into everyone's secrets.

Princes don't have dick, user

Their secret is probably that they never even read Homestuck. Like how most Touhou fans don't even play the fucking games.

see my spiel here
you don't have to love everything about the comic, I certainly don't, I just look past it because what I do love about it I REALLY love.

I'm happy for you user

bui was a former king of the shitposters who would wipe /vp/ with spam he also loved goodra and was a furfag

I really loved what I loved about it, too. I miss all of that. I'll never have something like that again. I need major positive changes, but it's over for me. I'm almost 30.

They were dated at the time, too.
That was part of why they were funny.

Bui was/is an autistic furspammer from Yea Forums that would spam his shitty paw fetish everywhere, he migrated to /vp/ when it was made (due to its lack of mods) and eventually got a VPN/proxy that allowed him to bombard he board with his furry porn. He eventually left after /vp/ after furry porn bans became much more common there but he comes back sometimes to remind us he's still around.

There's also Slugfucker. His autism is on par, if not worse, than Bui and archived on YouTube.

Attached: 1973-Nepeta.png (510x436, 29K)

only now realized that did this before me

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Attached: YOURE SUCH A FUCKING BITCH. I LOVE IT.png (677x530, 16K)

Excuse You

Attached: still the best 1973.gif (500x427, 85K)

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while we're on the topic of spammers, remember teehee?

I get it dude, I'm only in my early twenties and still developing severe depression, shit's hard. Take care of yourself best you can

Oh yeah. He found a second wind on /r9k/ for a short time.

Will do. Thank you.

Happy anniversary, merchandise sale.

Attached: 1300141112782.png (477x401, 10K)

I wonder if there were teen fans who purposely entered shitty relationships to fill their black ā€œā€romanceā€ā€

haha i wonder if they're browsing this thread right now

Space Marine - Heir of Mind, Land of Pixies and Devils
Jiminez - Rogue of Rage, Land of Soil and Heat
Zelenin - Sylph of Doom, Land of Silence and Pillars
Gore - Mage of Blood, Land of Warships and Blockades
Alex - Knight of Time, Land of Venom and Metronomes
Arthur - Prince of Space, Land of Storms and Frogs

Vriska is just the 8est.

I don't know what those are but I'm going to assume they're gay for faggots

it happened at least once
rails were actually the best thing to come out of the quadrants

you're absolutely correct

Funny how nobody was even talking about your trick ass until you turnt up.

Attached: 1545083287622.png (150x140, 12K)

mage of blood sounds metal as fuck, whats that all about?

: )

titled it here

>he thinks we're getting a merchandise sale
This is the funeral, not the anniversary.

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Ive Fallen And I Cant Get Up

There's way too many nice people here.

Well fuck i just woke up and missed the whole thread, oh well happy 413 lads.

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Will the full release have more classes than the beta?

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How to do a comic

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It's been so long since I read Homestuck I can't even remember any of the headcanon voices I had for the characters.
I think John was Finn from Adventure Time and Rose was Raven from the Teen Titans show, the old one (maybe? Or that could've been Aradia). I miss when I could read everyone's conversations in the voices they had, now they all feel like strangers to me.


Worst Aspect: 8lood
Worst Class: Page

Have you ever seen Brad Neely's Professor Brothers? John is Frank and Dave is Steve.

>How to do a comic


mmm Iffy on Heat and Silence, since they're already used for other aspects. Warships and Blockades sounds chill though.

Attached: IMG_0185.jpg (728x266, 54K)

>implying it's not a "beta" in the modern aaa sense

ever since that ancient YT video John and Dave have always been Matt and Pat from TBFP in my mind
>that died too a few months ago
how fitting

Does that make Baby Cakes Tavros?

Attached: IMG_2362.jpg (320x320, 8K)

It was Matt's fault, but at least Pat & Woolie finished all the DMC games before the channel got shitcanned, and in time for them to play DMCV on Woolie's channel. I hope they do more joint let's plays like that.

>Pat bump limit already
Fucking hell, you bastards.

Don't forget Liam sicking Matt's wife on Pat solely because he offered to help him with Warframe.

homestuck ruined my life

Join the club.

Me too, bitch.

Attached: d.jpg (1205x664, 160K)

>Don't forget Liam
Why would I want to do that? That scumsucker doesn't deserve to be remembered.

I don't think that beautiful bastard has got a good voice match among the HS cast.

Bad things have to be remember so that they aren't repeated.

ruined mine worse bitch

I miss hsg

The threads, the character or the community?

Boss of Wheels reporting in

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>take classpect test
>Knight of Space

Attached: 1532317766989.jpg (372x371, 76K)

I'd like to blame Homestuck for the mess that my life is but honestly it's just because of mine own acerbic personality.

there will be like 10 others today, or 100's if the mods have a difference in opinion about it.

Attached: bd80f89262119dddff7d3a62ff81e5c6.jpg (1000x1193, 617K)

i really doubt it

chaz's nudes specifically, sorry for not clarifying
still waiting

Please post them

I need them

I need nudes of all the old trips

dont be sad, you can affect anything spacey about you and your weapons. suddenly you're super dense. suddenly you're moving really fast, and all of you moves evenly because it's god tier powers so no worries about pulping yourself. suddenly your warhammer is about 10000x denser right at impact. suddenly your sword is stretched out to twice its length, just for a quick stab. etc.

I'm still waiting for someone to post the futa googirl CC she drew.

All I have are Eszett's nudes and the video they shot, you want those? It'll take me a bit to find them because they're stuffed in among a few thousand other pics.

Attached: tumblr_ppvd00cOA51vafaqmo1_400.png (314x242, 8K)

give me the one of his feet

>100's if the mods have a difference in opinion about it.
Well let's see...
Looks like it'll be the former, they'll only tolerate one thread at a time nothing more.

Can i like, manipulate my personality or some shit like that?

Attached: IMG_8485.png (338x554, 3K)

It's not about the abilities man, it's the "knight and space player" thing meaning I have to gather my frogs solo.

you allow other's personalities and identities to be manipulated, and as an heir, this usually benefits you. you're easy to make friends with. people fall in love with you easily. or with others. you can probably turn into a disembodied spirit for Heart Shenanigans.

this is the year i finally go beyond act 6
im right at the end of myststuck and all of the neat lore has made me more inclined to finish it and i hope to god it stays this interesting for a few more pages

holy shit new news

That does sound cool



For all of you in the central timezone:


There's always a new low

Thanks Huss

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how not to handle anything i create

based CANWC poster

Attached: cool and new.png (1200x1700, 2.39M)

that is entirely fanon, albeit a popular one. IIRC latula had nothing to do with space frog breeding, which should've been enough to disprove it but it's persisted for some reason.

thanks user


CANWC is an overrated piece of shit and there has never been a fan adventure that lived up to even homestuck's lowest moments

>IIRC latula had nothing to do with space frog breeding
This is never implied, and I'm not even under the impression they even got that far.

Attached: 1413291034580.png (775x800, 538K)

Yeah, Latula was being bred by Porrim instead

the fact of the matter is, if it was a knight pattern it would've been mentioned in some regard with latula, and i think its absence is worth noting as a pattern-breaker that disproves the theory.

God I wish that were me being bred by porrim

From the wiki:
>We have observed this player has been the Hero of Space, assisted by Hero of Time. It is believed that a Knight was to assist the Hero of Space in their breeding quest, but this is incorrect. While Dave and Karkat were both Knights, it was Dave and Jade's frog that sucessfully bred a new universe. Karkat, on the other hand, did help Kanaya. But in his attempt to do so, infected their genesis frog with cancer. This is alluded to when the Red Miles, created by Jack Noir, destroyed their genesis frog and stopped their chance of winning the ultimate prize. It is not known who would have helped breed the genesis frog in the dancestor session, as it is said they never made it very far to know. It's likely that the Vast Croak plays a large role in this.
So apparently it's implied that because Karkat was a Blood player, that's why the universe they made had cancer.

She was particularly close with Porrim, though the alpha trolls were a poorly fleshed out afterthought anyway.

So today was for fucking nothing? Good to know.

the wiki is a dread tome full of rampant speculation and very little actual substance. try not to rely on it.

Just upload all of your homestuck related pictures please

This seems like a silly thing to be hung up on. For one thing - using a lack of evidence as your counter evidence is just wrong. As another, we barely know anything about the Beforean session, so a lack of knowledge there is to be assumed.

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Based central poster

God, FUCK 8lood players.

It's all just stuffed into a porn folder, I'd need to sort for those too.

Minute of silence for all the people in the world with no swag.

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if they want us to draw patterns based on the classes then they would show us - like that mages end up having some kind of disability (easily demonstrated by meulin). it wouldn't be hard to throw a throwaway line about it in there if it was a pattern.

can blood players do blood magic this is my only question

depends on the class but FOR THE MOST PART, yes, blood players can literally dick around with blood, presumably once they GT, since we know that the aspects can be fooled around with in both symbolic and literal ways

share STD's

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They get cucked by Spidertrolls.

What the fuck is blood magic in the context of sburb, pretty sure it doesnt even have mana

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aries pride
w0rld wide

Attached: kn0w y0ur place.jpg (500x346, 42K)

who here also has the horsefucker sign

Attached: 1024px-Sagittarius.svg.png (1024x1024, 23K)

>tfw shitty sideways 69 sign

Rarely disclosed life fact: An astrological horsefucker I be.

Attached: tumblr_mtgsaxIJfN1s2hszno1_640.png (606x458, 16K)

Agreed. I'm surprised so many people even here sing praises about that cringey fan adventure that just reeks of reddit.

Arian master race

Attached: 1546102650564.png (1330x1000, 245K)

Nah man
If you think about it, that's how 69s are done IRL
It's a regular 69 sign sex-wise

>tfw my sign is so weird can't even make 69 jokes with it

>katnep user is a sadge
yep I knew it

Attached: salihombox23553.png (1024x1024, 648K)

Homestuck is just a failed attemp at being the spiritual successor of the Mother saga, from beginning to end.

Attached: 1074935 - Homestuck MS_Paint_Adventures Terezi_Pyrope.png (1019x1509, 353K)

a reminder

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Better to keep your pride and be a spiritual successor to Mother and fail rather than be a complete ripoff of Mother and become a worldwide success.

Mere hours until Vriskachads fucking win again

Andrew? Andrew Hussie, is that you?


No, user, you didn't understand. Homestuck FAILED at being any kind of successor to Mother, that's my point.

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It's like, when I first gazed upon Nepeta I knew immediately that I wanted her to be happy. That I'd do anything if it meant she could smile. And that included supporting her ships. Especially the OTP.

I swear Hussie captured something divine when he drew her likeness into our reality.

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10 years of disappointment

fuck nepeta
fucking 8itch

I can't say I blame him.

>fuck nepeta
i wish

On the other hand, I want to spray bug killer down Vriska's throat until she succumbs to poisoning or suffocation. Which isn't a healthy way to think about anybody, fictional or not.

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:33< shut the frick up!

Attached: nepetavomit_rainbow.png (590x450, 12K)

How am I supposed to sleep now? Fucking asshole is doing this on purpose.

Nepeta is the sexiest Homestuck character, prove me wrong faggots.

The hottest characters of either gender are Aradia and Dad Egbert, respectively.

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Is grimdark Rose best Rose?

She looks like she fucks Equius

Nepeta looks like she wishes she could fuck Equius

Attached: NepParty.gif (650x450, 180K)

>Was about to ask a retarded question about Equix acting more like Vegeta
>Realize that Vegeta Saiyan perfectly fits the letter limits as a troll name.

We never saw her in action.

Attached: 10 year old timeline.jpg (800x600, 111K)

It's viable to think of Vriska like that. In fact, I'd honestly be worried if you thought otherwise.


Why Is Kanaya The Best Troll

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Because I want her to fuck me into the ground with her fat girlcock.


We all want to be John

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>tfw she'll never mating press my ass
why live

Reminder that this is canon to the Homestuck universe.

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This text dump was unironically better than anything non-Caliborn in the comic since Act 6 started

If this backstory was released in 2011 no one would have given a shit. I wish Tumblr never existed. Every time they have a fucking meltdown over something they push Hussie into making the story worse.

The first faint glimmers of light are running over the horizon here on the east coast, a little before 6 in the morning. No signs yet of the fabled Andrew or his webcomic.

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WoooOOOoooooo spooky tumblr boogieman

You're right

I wish Twitter never existed


Kill yourself.

Come on, give us the epilogue and hardcore Davekat pandering Hussie

time travel mechanics within a linear-narrative-based continuity, mostly

we're gonna need another thread soon

Attached: pain.png (460x460, 91K)

He became music

Sorry, this is the only thread we get today.

>Sleeveless trenchcoat


but nothing happened yet

Attached: DELAYDELAY.gif (498x280, 1.51M)

Shouldn't have made one so early, then!

Just gotta cut off the sleeves.

Shut the heck up Serket

Attached: 02223.gif (650x450, 19K)

I hope he made lots of nephetti!

Attached: 1554132875516.png (746x830, 107K)

We can migrate to

I want to put my dick in Nepeta.
I want Nepeta to put her dick in me.

What's her endgame? Why would she go through such great lengths to ensure Lord English will exist?

Attached: calamity.png (1000x1124, 973K)

She wants to fuck him.

She's just being a good cherub mother to her unborn, immortal manchild. And the other one too I guess.

user she destroyed the green sun and the dream bubbles do you really think that is great lengths for her? Shit must be like playing games with a kid for her

>Hijacking an unrelated thread using Homestuck as a joke.
Don't do that you fucking spaz. That always alers the mods, not to mention that it's something that only the degenerates at /tlhg/ do.

But was Caliope who destroyed those. That's Calamity, her mother.

>721 replies
>Thread is still up

Praise the Nepsphere.

Attached: she is my mews.png (720x840, 313K)

>7 hours
>still nothing


Praise Kanaya's big fat girl cock, for when we die we will all suck upon its magnificent girth and allow her to violate our assholes with its length.


Wait what who's Calamity

The Cock of Kanaya is a false idol worshiped by lustful and misguided souls! I spit on it!

Reminder that LE will soon be in Smash

Attached: steve-lord-english.gif (604x453, 158K)

"overrated piece of shit" describes Homestuck perfectly.

Homestuck is garbage and has fuck all to do with MOTHER. stop claiming it's a successor, jesus fuck. Undertale is a ripoff but at least can be called a spiritual successor.

Her mother, mentioned by Aranea in I think A6I5. Read the Skaianet history documents, they go a bit more into detail on her character and are full of the same kinds of ridiculous shit from early Homestuck.

Homestuck isn't overrated, it's just not popular for the good reasons. Its plot and the way it handles time shit, its multiverse and cosmology, time loops etc is very interesting and original. But most people only care about either the fandom or relationships between the characters

I frequented /HSG/ back in 2010, and feel quite nostalgic! I was just a dumb kid,but tolerated by the others despite my shitposting and beginner-level art.

Drew something to celebrate the occasion. Shine on, you sloppy, sloppy webcomic.

Attached: homestuck celebrating his birthday.png (1174x1500, 2.61M)

cool, man

Thanks For The Lube. It Will Help Greatly Once I Penetrate You.

oh noooooo!

Attached: 1538906843667.png (284x324, 4K)

I miss HS, it was a huge deal to me as a teen

Attached: tumblr_oi38caMWda1r2py8co1_1280.jpg (1015x1198, 169K)

Hasn't Hussie himself said that Homestuck is overall about Teens talking about their feelings and that the setting and lore are just a backdrop?

Bend Over At Once user And Make Sure To Remove Those Pants. This Is An Order.

Very cute and full of energy!

If I'm remembering correctly, Hussie said in the books that the lore, worldbuilding, and expanding upon Sburb game concepts were always meant to take a backseat to the character interactions, and thus such things got less focus starting around A5A2. A shame since that's what I like most about the comic, too.

He shouldn't have fucked up and made those more interesting than the characters then.

I don't know, but if he did then either he was trolling (he does have the 6 letters format after all...) or he was simply wrong. Death of the author. It happens.

Vital mewtrients to help you make it through today:

Attached: 1491077317981.gif (400x368, 134K)

>not nepeta porn
you fucked up

But again that's wrong, the lore and the setting have always been at the center of everything in the comic, Lil Cal have been explicitely described as "the most important character in Homestuck" for fuck's sake. And it's like a 100% lore-focused character.

Why would there be pron on Youtube??? And of Nepeta of all things???? You're a bad purrson.

Attached: tumblr_mso6hoYSDa1srzu06o1_1280.png (800x650, 18K)

nepeta is for lewd

Not enough best kid

Attached: roxy.png (540x405, 314K)

Kinda surprising that she has the most consistently good porn.

Will we ever get a satisfying conclusion?

It's because she's the sexiest, user.

Im really happy for you, user.
It makes me happy to see the positive this comic has done for people, instead of focusing on the cringe. Personally Homestuck really pushed me to do better with my art and the community helped me a lot in my bad times.

Attached: tumblr_ph684tAUOU1r2py8co1_1280.jpg (1280x1280, 219K)

Vriska tho

Not enough interactions between best kids

Attached: IMG_20190413_125012.jpg (312x250, 19K)

I am incensed! You're goin' to jail mister! And trust me, I've already furgotten where the key is so good luck finding it yourself!

Attached: 1542526646884.png (424x416, 7K)

yeah nepeta is a bad character and equius sucks ass

Vriska isn't even half as sexy as Nepeta, anzon.
>I've already furgotten where the key is
You can't even lock me in to begin with then. I'm gonna go find some Nepeta porn.

Aradia is, but Nepeta is a close second.

What a load of crap

For me it's eri

Attached: 8af1402c8df247e9a17527b0718541ffef611ba3.jpg (1280x1280, 920K)


Criminals apprehended: 0/1
Tea bags found: 12/33
Your Rank: Pretender Kitty!

Attached: 1550434021566.gif (216x222, 453K)

Why did he keep killing the angels anyway?

they deservved it

Reminder that he wwas Nepeta's server.

He was probably pissed for being dumped and just needed something to shoot.

Nepeta: Still the sexiest, 1986.

It made me think a lot about time shenanigans and really helped me in analyzing how time works in different fictional works. Time shit have always been one of my favorite topics in fiction because it's just so interesting to see what each author does with it. And Homestuck's concept of "time loops you can technically break but if you do you're dooming the timeline" is really unique.

And even beyond time stuff Homestuck gives a lot to think and theorize about in general. Like with the classpect thing. It's really well done and can be applied in other works of fiction to define a character's personality or even in real life. Like first I was convinced my aspect was time because of what I mentioned earlier but then I found out I met pretty much all the criteria for being Knight of Space and I was pretty confused. But then I read a theory someone made about Knights taking interest in their opposite aspect and it just made so much sense.

All the things that are there but not explicitely stated and you have to actually go hunt for them, that's amazing. My only regret is reading the comic after it ended, because I would have loved to be there to theorize about it at the time.

Nepeta is cuter but I'm pretty much affirmative Vriska is sexier

Vriska's only sexy when she has a cock, Nepeta is always sexy.

Really? Always thought Vriska was femdom bait: the character

I want futa Vriska to rape me, but otherwise I don't really care for her.

Well idk I personally just want to fuck her

Well whenever you degenerates exhaust any last drop of life from this thread, I found one on Yea Forums that could use a direct injection of fresh blood.

Attached: 1538848626954.jpg (308x308, 20K)

>He doesn't want Vriska to fuck his throat and make him her slut

Can we make it to 800?

quick post homestuck futa

fuck jannies

and most importantly, fuck niggers


Attached: 34 - fEw69.jpg (600x455, 84K)

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*wwalks into thread*

>SU porn in the Yea Forums thread
I warned you about linking to different boards and making threads in 'em, but you didn't listen...

lord english

Attached: 1440301320093.png (640x480, 490K)

Vriska is maledom bait, made for hatesex and choking.

No, Vriska is made for submitting to and letting her violently rape you so that she doesn't kill you.

A relationship between Vriska and me would be a cherub relationship. We'd each try to dominate the other and take the lead.