Currently halfway through Kerubim's show. It's a lot of fun and Simone is best girl.
Should I go straight into Wakfu after it or should I watch the movie? Also are there any supplementary materials to read other than the Black Raven comic that might be essential?
watch the movie before wakfu, since you started with the kerub series it sets up plot points that dont become relevant until the post wakfu s2 OVA trilogy, but picking up with wakfu right out of the gate and swapping casts would be pointless whiplash
Seconded. Finish off the Dofus material before starting Wakfu, especially the Dofus movie.
Nolan Peterson
Will do that. I like this world so far. It's a lot of fun. I've nother question though and - based on some discission I've seen in the last thread and the recent Yea Forums thread - what are your non-biased thoughts of Wakfu S3? Because I'm debating not watching it if it actually ruins as much as i've read.
Robert Torres
honest opinion, i thought it was good and fun it has the distinct impression of a manufactured crisis for the sake of new season, but the stakes are high enough and the characters interesting enough for that to not really be an issue. outside of that, a certain romance subplot felt mishandled but there was nothing else i personally took issue with
Anyways.. I mean, after the stuff Yugo and Amalia went through, one can't help but feel a bit of it, even if they don't self insert.
Dylan Robinson
>finished Eciflip city episodes This show is fucking great.
Bentley Cox
Apparently each episode costs about half a million bucks to make and Ankama 1) did not secure enough founds, 2) is incopetent and did not realize they won't have enough funds till they started work on episode 9 or 10 of S3, and 3) hoped they will get the funds later so they ended S3 in a weird way.
Cameron Thomas
>half a million dollars good fucking god, is that normal? Also god damn, that sucks.
John Rivera
Someone said something about the continaution of S3/S4 being a motion comic. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
Ayden Campbell
There's nothing essential about the black raven comic
Gabriel Taylor
There's no confirmation or denial because as usual with ankama everything's in fuzzy limbo
>when she wants hers smaller because she likes small ones Interesting headcanon.
Robert Young
So, the whole world is still intact only because Xelor is embarrassed to tell his fellow gods that time for planned Apocalypse has been long ago?
Luis Bell
They've made and left so many worlds that it matters very little to them. Hell the world is called the World of Twelve because they ran out of names 12 planets ago.
Jayden Parker
She's the kind of girl that will catch her booty in the mirror every now and then and go on a week long fitness spree only to cave to her craving and stuff her face while depressed.
Josiah White
Kali. She first appeared in the ogrest tomes.
Nolan Long
I wonder if Simone has any influence, considering the Krosmoz's other Osamodas-Ecaflip relationship had the tamer completely flattened by the cat's sizeable behind. Metaphorically, of course.
Gavin Clark
Pretty much this. But it won't stop me from looking at lewd pictures of her.
I mean during the series it's somewhat easy to piece together that the relationship happened behind the scenes. Given Julia was infatuated with Simone, she probably approached her and things took off from there. Simone in general seems to take the relationship pretty seriously. She's pretty devastated any time she thinks her date is ruined based on her look or her ineptness to dance. In that respect she's also afraid of what Julia would think. So I think it's safe to say that Julia has her around her finger. Neither show signs of really being the one with the pants though.
Daniel Howard
Simone probably encourages her when Julia wants to get fit, if a little exasperated by it because now she has to do fit things. Then tries her best to comfort Julia when she stops and whines about her ass being fat.
Ian Brooks
I think Simone would be turned on by the whole thing.
>your girlfriend's huge ass and thighs shaking and jiggling all over as she desperately tries to slim it down >said ass and thighs only get bigger as she stuffs herself >the net result is julie never getting smaller and only getting bigger
Could Julie compete with Miranda for the prize of biggest ass in the Krosmoz?
Eli Ramirez
God dammit why'd you have to take this the inflation route? Shit is ruined now.
Michael Ramirez
Impossible, that ass is so fat it threatens the very structure of existence.
Also Dofus and the Movie blows for never actually revealing or so much as hinting about whatever the fuck happened to Lou.
So what? the relationship is over? she got over it immediately and decided to want another dude?
Jeremiah Johnson
everything's over because tots hackery finally did in his own series
honestly with the continuous degradation of the show with each new thing after season 1 it really makes me wonder how the fuck season 1 was even able to be so kino, did some key writing talent leave immediately after?
Juan Reed
The fact Ankama even had any success with Season 1 is a miracle in itself. They are one of the masters of incompetence.
Cooper Sanchez
wanted to punch a wall when that first aired and i still do today
at the very, very end, they give each other a Significant Look so optimistically, you can assume they settled to just deal with it and start loving each other like they both now realize they already did for years
Jordan Campbell
It's... something. i guess. something enough for me to consider watching it.
Cooper Evans
That drama about Eva having a sister was some of the most forced bit of drama I have ever seen.
Samuel Cook
I don't remember too well. Did Cleo cause some bullshit to happen?
Lucas Myers
cleo is everything eva isn't
Adam Parker
Cleo tried to steal her sisters boyfriend, repeatedly.
Easton Campbell
Mostly that Grovy was mad that Eva never mentioned about having a sister and pouted about it for an episode. Idk, it just seemed like with everything going on it wouldn't be very important at the moment.
Jonathan Johnson
I guess it's a good thing Iops are retarded and are pretty set in their ways when they make a decision.
Brody Russell
She also hates amalia for no real reason. It's a shame. Cleo is super cute, too.
nah grovy made a dumbass fuckhuge deal about it when cleo's existence came to light and he felt personally affronted eva didn't ever say she had a sister cleo's a good sister, and knew he was taken the moment she saw him and eva together. like an even better sister, she's a relentless tease. i dont believe for a single second she actually tried to steal grovy from eva with actual malicious intent that said, cleo is 100000000% a best amalia's good too
So why are there no big torrents for Dofus or Wakfu S1-3 and are all on Megas?
Nicholas Thompson
Did they nerf Cra niggers into the fucking dirt yet? When I first played, they were OP.
Bentley Davis
all the torrents are as good as dead nowadays that, and you can just watch everything with garbage subs on netflix never forget dally and cleome
Eli Butler
They're "not competitive" by which they mean the jackasses who've spent money on their decks can reliably beat them.
Thomas Mitchell
How many fucking names does "Dally" have? Which one is the right one?
Michael Young
I remember still hoping for there to be a chance for them to talk it out or something even after Amalia heard Yugo shittalking about her but then Oropo swooped in and it was the point of no return.
Ethan Parker
is the original game still p2p?
i remember playing that shit back in my early internet days
Trispepin Sir Tristepin of Percedal Percedal of Sadlygrove Pinpin Grovy Brawlinator Idiot dally whichever one tickles your fancy, honestly i might have missed a few
She was too idealized and clever for iop child with a lot of screen time. Especially when compared with Flopin's role plot. Also i hate her voice. It's too loud and annoying for me.
Dylan Hernandez
Whatever might you be referring to, my good tumblr migrant?
Gavin Ortiz
"Cute and Funny" is just another way for idiots on Yea Forums to talk about loli. IE: Take the C and replace the F and you'll have your answer.
Nicholas Martinez
Well that didn't work. you get the idea though.
Connor Ross
>But you have the mind of an adult Now that's the kind of talk I like on my /ss/
Its also got a bit more consistent animation which i'm really enjoying. I've not watched all of Wakfu Season 1 yet, but I adore the Dofus characters. Also please tell me where you got your episodes from.
Jaxson Hughes
attempting to relate to those darned kids and their modern tv shows
This was a cute episode. Simone finding things for her cat GF is cute
Carter Davis
>they have an entire episode dedicated to Whacky Races Jesus. All these references though. I wonder if the French people watching them even know what they are.
Cameron Carter
I swear that Sram girl is a Zone Tan parody.
Aaron Nguyen
I mean she's supposed to be a Dick Dastardly parody, but I can see where you got that from.
>via C&D proofs, otherwise doubt. That being said, you could almost think they made an episode themselves.
Blake Howard
Not them but Zone himself said he had to take down the wakfu flash and can't do any more, because of a DMCA from Ankama. That was years back, so I don't know if there's a post about it.
Ethan Williams
>when you do a thing so good you get DMCAs Well unfortunately for them it's already all over the internet. Based Flash.
Samuel Reed
Someone explain the Ravioli day meme to me. It was in a thread before but I don't get it.
>Indie had a kid >it's Lolite Oh shit that's awesome. This is why I like knowing of a couple things ahead of time.
James Carter
You should have watched in this order Wakfu S1 Nox movie (or you can watch it any time after ep 21) Wakfu S2 Dofus mini series Dofus Movie Eliatrope OVA's skip Season 3 it was trash
Hudson Wright
Actually she is his grandkid
Julian Price
Eh. I heard Dofus came before Wakfu so i had started watching it before S1. I'm on Episode 49 right now, so I may as well finish it, watch the movie, then watch Wakfu.
Nathan Ward
That's fine but it was really nice being introduced to Joris in S1 as this mysterious hooded badass and seeing how much he changed as he grew up.
Luis Barnes
I'd already had some knowledge that he was in Wakfu, too. So Either way I think I'll get the same effect.
Kayden Adams
Been watching an episode every day since MEGA a shit for downloads and I had read the Black Raven ahead of time out of curosity and knew Miranda and Kabrok were in this and wew. How did Kabrok manage to land this? Her hips are huge and she has the voice of a semen demon.
also was it ever explained if Kabrok use that memory wiper on her in the comic?
Maybe if we get a book 2 movie, which is extremely doubtful
Cameron Hughes
The best ass in the twelve!
Jaxson Morris
>How did Kabrok manage to land this? By saving her from the original Black Crow, having almost lost her due to incorrectly believing she was a slut.
>Also was it ever explained if Kabrok use that memory wiper on her in the comic? I think he used it when she gets knocked out by Korvus's staff. I've not read it in years so forgive me if it's wrong.
Because his name is Sir PerceDAL of Sadlygrove in the English version.
Mason Campbell
Actually age his body
Leo Sanchez
I think thats mostly because they could do more with him since it was a series of shorter episodes. They really captured the 'Im old and dont give a toss" attitude. Also him being both a romantic, and conic womanizer is hilarious.
Also it feels reasonable when we learn he is a demi-god. Which kinda makes his rival Indy seem all the more badass for keeping up
Jack Rivera
And she held Saddida's godly essence. They created this freak beast. Shouldn't the Eliatrope 12 have powers on par with the Gods?
Sex. He will be renewed in a rite of sweat and saliva, whispered words in coils of warm flesh, and the woman for the job is Frida Mofette and her crazy tits.
Blake Powell
user no. Only amalia can do it. The fuck is wrong with you?
Caleb Jackson
>tfw indie stops chasing Lou, gets a gf and eventually kids retiring as an old successful man with a family while Kerub loses out big time and only gets a badass adopted kid and a house who hates him as compensation
>we were maybe going to get Lou lore in the second from what I heard.
I'll be honest, I kinda preferred that Lou's fate remained a mystery in the show. We've all had regrets and things we'll never know the truth of and they did a good job of capturing that with her and Kerub.
I hope Ankama doesn't fall into that 'american audience' trap of thinking everything has to be revealed and explained in detail to understand.
Some of the most painful lessons to learn are "Loving someone does not compel them to love you back" and "There are plenty of fish in the sea." Since Frida lives in the sea, it would be an apt metaphor and angry, kinky sex that helps Yugo move on.
Wyatt Allen
But Yugo's a kid. He doesn't really know what he wants. And Amalia is a stuck up teenager who didn't even bother to try and understand what he was feeling.
Cameron Thomas
My point still stands, and being so young means these lessons must be learned before they scar his perception of love and the fairer sex permanently.
Preferably through hot /ss/ with a big-tittied nutbar that will scar him in other ways.
Ethan Flores
I believe your egenda is personally charged and not something that should be considered. In the same way; i believe that the events of S3 are very unlike what the show should be portraying. Since when was relationship complications something Yugo needed to go through when Eva and Dumbass had three kids in the span of a few years and she essentially just fell on his dick.
Gavin Butler
What do the Percedals have to do with Yugo's emotional maturity?
Jordan Martinez
I'm comparing how those two had very little emotional development but suddenly Amalia and Yugo do.
Lincoln Richardson
Did you miss them fighting one another constantly in both seasons and learning to forgive and support one another? It wasn't what anyone would call quality writing but it was there.
Kevin Sullivan
No I got that, i'm just saying there's a rather large gap of - not writing quality - but the pursuit of a deeper relationship understanding in S3 than there is in the previous two that I think was jarring and somewhat unnatural. I get what they were trying to go for. Maybe it would have worked with full 24 episodes but I don't think the accurately accomplished what they set out to do.
Alexander Price
The most jarring part was Amalia getting swept off her feet by Oro and the kiss. If their relationship as we will get to see until further notice wasn't caped off with that and maybe a meaningful look it would be less unnatural.
The Iop I was referring to wasn't his sister. Likely one of Elely's friends and the two hook up because they find each other kind of cool and teenage hormones.
Levi Long
well done, tot
the fucking idiot
Julian Adams
This entire show is teenage hormones, even in in S3 they might be in their 20s.
Eliatropes ruined everything. Series should have been about Percedal instead of Yugo from the start. Yugo has zero personality he's a blank slate shounen protagonist.
Julian Foster
But without Yugo there it wouldn't be a kids show. Kids need to self-insert as someone. I'm very convinced that's the entire reason why the Yugo and Amalia thing happened in S3.
Brandon Gomez
It is. In season two France 4 said no aging up Yugo or we pull funding for just that reason. Then for some reason they just ran with it as a major plot point.
Adrian Harris
But Fr 4 is kill
Lincoln Rivera
She'd make a fine new Iop goddess.
Asher Walker
Fug. God fucking damn it. This is tots revenge.
Brandon Thompson
If Tot can self insert as Iop so can kids
Samuel Scott
They deserve it.
Dylan White
>or we pull funding Then they died. The pricks.
Tyler Campbell
Imagine how much bullshit could have been avoided if they just went with the 'Yugo is short' thing and shown him grown up at the beginning of the specials.
Christopher Torres
If yugo ages slowly then why was he like 10 and his dad was still visually the same looking?
Kayden Ross
>Natural character developmet >Shipfags hate it Everytime
Caleb Miller
That drawback was given to him after season 1.
David Rogers
Enutrofs are very long lived, despite their premature aging. Ruel's like 200 or something
Luis Adams
Alibert is as well.
He must have really changed a lot by the beginning of the series because he doesn't feel like much of an Enutrof, especially to have lived so long.
Though who really knows how lifespans work in the Krozmos.
Any idea how interacial or kid traits work? Does Elely retain any traits of her mother other than her skin color or is she all Dally? Or do kids of a specific race take on the passive of that race and rin with it?
Like would an Iop born from a pretty smart mother will still be a dumb Iop?
Charles Collins
They'll inherit personality and cosmetic traits, but yeah an Iop will always be dumb no matter who the parents are. Maybe a little clever for an Iop, but still a dumb Iop. There is no big genetic aspect to it.
Dominic Wilson
Give him an anime protag moment where he strengthens his resolve to want to fill Amalia with his semen and make her flowers bloom. Or something like that. Mostly the first part. Just make him have a personal goal or a relationship goal and have him attenpt that as his struggle.
Isaiah Myers
Just to correct myself, there is a genetic aspect but it doesn't hold sway over god governed aspects.
Strong warriors will breed strong warriors and the like. But if you start breeding Iops for intelligence they'll eventually stop being Iops, rather they would become warrior cast of some other god.
And there is a difference between reincarnated souls of a particular god and a soul choosing to follow a god.
Leo Ward
Since race and god aspects sort of determine a good portion of who someone is in the Twelve I wonder if there are parenting books for each race on how to raise a child of every other race.
I’ve not watched S3 yet but how does Eva get along with her kids?
Jason Perry
And even if the stay with a god but aren't, I'm not sure how to put this, following the path of that god? Behaving in accordance to their god? Whatever. If they aren't behaving like a member of that god's flock they get less power from that god and less traits.
She gets along with Flopin and Elely respects her and fears her wrath.
Jace Jenkins
Is there an example of someone who is godless between Doofus and Wakfu? Or is that Nox?
Hudson Peterson
Nox was a Xelor, actually. Godless wise would be any generic human looking person in the background in Wakfu, maybe. They could just have little to no faith but still be Xelor, Feca or the like.
There are entities who are their own shit though. And being like Vigilantes who are blessed by lesser gods and spirits.
He wasn't a Xelor, but he was so powerful that he changed what Xelors looked like, most likely because he accomplished something that even Xelor could not
Nathan Cooper
He was a Xelor, just no talent for magic. And Xelor himself can and has on one occasion rewound time he just think it's super wrong and could break the Krozmos if abused.
Easton Fisher
What is Xelor's opinion on Nox? Does he think he was a cool dude?
Isaiah Reyes
Nox is very officially a Xelor according to Ankama, dunno from where people are pulling the idea he wasn't
Ryder Brown
>France 4 said no aging up Yugo or we pull funding This is a popular fan theory but there's nothing to support it
Jonathan Walker
>really like the world and design aesthetic of wakfu >game is a boring piece of shit this pains me
I'm only ever going to watch the shows desu. I wish they'd go full on with animation production instead of game production because apparently all the games save for Dofus aren't that great.
Jaxson Wright
I know this pain. Tried the Wakfu mmo multiple times but I get 20 or so hours in and come to hate it. Same with Krosmaga.
Wyatt Smith
Isn't Krosmaga a cardgame or something tho
Gavin Cook
I've wanted to try out Dofus but to me Wakfu just looks prettier to look at. But I don't have much options in games anyway since regular 3d games give me severe motion sickness for some reason. And yeah, at least the shows and especially Kerubim are very visually charming. I really like the 'Ankama style'.
Grayson Parker
Yes. Pay to win in the worst way. Not only can you pay for good cards but you can pay to upgrade those cards.
It's so much fun being in the early ranks and having someone drop max level infinits on you.
Evan Ross
It really matters when you hopped onto Wakfu:
>Tristepin de Percedal is his original name. >Tristepin, or "sad pine", was officially localized as "Sadlygrove" for the English descriptions on Ankama's website. >His nickname in the show is "Pinpin", which some translators kept, while the subbers who used Sadlygrove created "Grovy". >When Wakfu content started getting bigger in America with the official dub and Krosmaga, they took Percedal from his original full name/title, and used it instead, with Dally the new equivalent to Pinpin.
SO NOW YOU HAVE >Tristepin de (of) Percedal, Pinpin for short >Sadlygrove of Percedal, Grovy for short >Percedal of Sadlygrove, Dally for short Depending on how early you found Wakfu, whether at the beginning, later through Yea Forums subs, or through current official media.
Hudson Edwards
Think the one from the mega uses Dally as his nickname.
Robert Rogers
Finished Dofus >Simone leaves for Bonta NOOOOOOOOOO Also a little peeved we don't hear what happened with Lou. I guess we'll never know since they won't have the money to make a new movie.
Either way, goodass show. Loved pretty much every moment.
The last time I checked in with Wakfu subs was helping out with fan-localization on Season 3 as it was airing, and before that was all the way back with Season 2. I wouldn't be surprised if people have gone back and altered subs to get everything to match or something.
>>Simone leaves for Bonta That is her best option though. At least there they could survive the floods.
Thomas Wilson
Boy I'm in for a tone shift when I watch the movie next aren't I?
Thomas Phillips
Well yeah. ButOgrest's Chaos is not a subject in it.
Ryder Flores
Holy shit, that takes me back. Yeah, we were tryyyying to be super accurate, gramatically correct, and have the definitive subs... But we definitely took eons.
I would watch the quicksubs before getting started on my notes for our subs, and often pitch lines the quicksubs used if they had the better/snappier translation.
Gavin Taylor
Ah shit I have the timeline off. Unless she and Julie live for another 200 or so years they won't have to worry about the floods.
Noah Jones
I've yet to learn what an Ogrest is. Is it a girl Ogre?
Nathaniel Sullivan
There was a bit in season one I think? Maybe season two. Where Alibert tells Yugo the tale.
The myth goes that 200 years prior to Wakfu an ogre named Ogrest fought off the gods for power but was denied and wept so hard he flooded the world.
Real story Otomai, son of Feca and a genius alchemist, accidentally made a humonculus one day that he named Ogrest. He raised Ogrest as his own and discovered the child was exceptionally strong and durable and had a unique power where his tears would expand in size exponentially. Eventually Ogrest fell in love with one of Sadida's dolls, Lacrima, who manipulated him into collecting Dofus so she could gain power. He gathered the Dofus and drove off the gods who opposed him but it wound up not being what she wanted and she dumped him. So then he cried and cried and flooded a good 75% of the world. That is known as Ogrest's Chaos.
Carter Diaz
Oh dear, so basically all the characters I loved in Dofus are fucking dead.
I'd like to see Lou stories but I feel that it's best for both those characters if that's the end of there interaction at that point. Even if Lou doesn't move on either it would be good storytelling if she had nothing to do with KK outside of memories.
Noah Nelson
I think it would be a nice 15 minute episode to both explain and cap off the relationship. It wouldn't take long.
It was because his original design was too hard to animate or something like that so they changed it into an easier to animate design.
Ryder Rivera
>wakfu and dofus threads appear on Yea Forums >decide to give Wakfu a shot >start watching >dick is already out >all the girls are literally semen demons >have to take time between episodes to drain my nuts to these elfs, red heads, and cat people how do you people watch this stuff without needing to nut?
Also to add onto this; why is Kerub suddenly super important? Dofus had it some that he was just a badass adventurer and did didn't really dabble any further than that other than that Dofus he has in his house in the first episode.
Henry Bell
The thing about being a badass adventurer who is the son of a god, is that he got involved in/took responsibility for a lot of things, not all he told Joris.
Nathaniel Scott
But aren't all Ecaflips son of Ecaflip god? He just chooses favorites?
John Reyes
Ecaflips are followers of his ways. Kerub is his direct son.
Grayson Ross
Finished the movie. Pretty good, though the pacing was weird. Probably because french? I'm not sure why I have problems with Wakfu and this movies pacing but Dofus' TV pacing I think is spot on. Maybe episodic episodes just worked better to tell this story? It was a little messy. Felt like it had a lot of story to tell but not enough time to tell it or they weren't sure in what order to tell it in.
Great animation though. There was one part where Bakara was chasing after Joris on the Football field that seemed odd. Like both the animation and the lack of sound effects seemed like there was a problem. This was also in Wakfu so I've no fucking idea if this is director choice or if they had to siphon some budget from that part.
What did you guys think of the movie when it came out?
I thought the nigga just got lucky on his first adventure, tried to fool Ecaflip, and became his favorite? I was under the assuption of something different if he’s actually a son of Ecaflip. Eapecially since in Dofus he wasn’t allowed to leave Ecaflips little pavillion unless he pretty much attempted to switch gods.
Leo Edwards
I was bothered by Bakara being an absolute bitch the whole time, sure Khan is a jackass but she literally could not care any less about others in actual danger and doesn't have very flattering dialogue.
I mean she started to care for Joris but that kinda went away when the White Dofus came into play. I was a little werided out by that. It showed them all what they wanted but it wasn’t really manipulating them because they all felt that way. Bakara picking it up was weird. The characters heel-turned on my expectations of them a few times and I could never settle on if I liked them or bot. Even Kerub seemed off.
Jackson Howard
Dofus worked the best because it was planned to be episodic from the start, Rather than France4 forcing it on a saga story like Wakfu.
With Wakfu, I think season 1 had the best mix of main plot and 'filler' to show the party in different situations. Than season 2's plots got rushed because France4 started interfering and then from the specials onward Tot made the show more about a handful of characters instead of the world they're. Such a mess.
Bakara wanted revenge for his brother and went power mad with the dofus.
Elijah King
Kerub is super important because the movie was written by Tot, who can't resist the idea of making characters sons of gods or gods incarnate.
But then!
Tot explained in a blog he killed Kerub because he's a character someone else originally made so he deserved to die.
Xavier Gomez
>Prime Kerubim vs Prime Goultard
Place your Bet Yea Forums
Luke Evans
>he killed Kerub because he's a character someone else originally made so he deserved to die wat
Samuel Martinez
Isaac Baker
>France4 forcing it on a saga story like Wakfu Other way round, france TV wanted only episodic stuff, it's Ankama that always pushed for sagas.
in the Wakfu S4 section, when he mentions Welsh & Shedar: >[Welsh & Shedar] was canned because it was too much of a saga and too mature >Instead we pitched Kerubim. I was so hurt by this I only wrote a single episode of kerubim >For a long time I only saw Kerubim as the little son of a bitch who took Welsh & Shedar's place >I only reconciled with him by writing the movie (and killing him)
Evan Fisher
>self inserting as shitty iop >making one stupid decision after another >being this butthurt about someone else's character >basically killing whole franchise I'd say Tot can fit in Disney pretty fine.
Bentley Diaz
You misread. I said France4 was forcing episodic stuff on a saga.
Bentley Morgan
I looked up for Tot posts from years ago out of curiosity. Mainly these two posts: > > Although he was clearly hurt by France4 cancelling Welsh&Shedar, they had already started making Kerub's Treasures before that. Not too long before it probably, though. They had been making Welsh&Shedar at Ankama Japan for about two years, but it was apparently really hard to make it work because japanese and french culture was too different. The japanese team also apparently didn't care much about the Krosmoz universe (as shown by the Ogrest OVA, that Tot agreed was great but the only thing he asked was for Ogrest to be brown and they made him green). So although the story was respected, Welsh&Shedar was nothing like what Tot wanted, and in those two years they had finally managed to storyboard all of episode 1. They planned to send it to FranceTV, if they greenlighted it the japanese team would continue, if they didn't the french team would take over. As we can see, in the end the series was entirely cancelled instead. He's been trying to pitch it to new publishers (streaming services particularly), but there doesn't seem to be any news regarding that.
Tot was also pretty mad regarding some of the animators that worked at Ankama Japan, unable to work with their style on Flash, and then reusing their animation techniques on Ping Pong the Animation and such after leaving.
Aaron Taylor
pretty funny considering Kerubim was the most consistently written thing to come from Ankama.
Nicholas Butler
seems like a waste of a design desu
David James
It's a real shame Netflix forced them to cut the season in two, her fight could have been amazing. Of course, the sacrier had to sacrifice her screentime to fit the new schedule.
Joseph Reed
Kerub at best doesn't die but wouldn't ever win directly or remotely fairly. If up against Dark Vlad then he might actually die along with half the countryside.
Brayden Taylor
At least she gets screentime in the ogrest tomes..
Andrew Clark
Those the comics or one of the OVAs?
Aiden Ross
The comics.
Nicholas Cruz
Tot always has someone else to blame for his company's sizeable project failure rate.
Josiah Moore
So basically the company and its heads are incompetant, but the art designers and the animators aren't? god fucking damn it. I wouldn't care so much if it didn't look so good, but fuck i like it.
Landon Gray
Are they worth reading?
Carson Reed
Hell yes. They tend to be a lot more violent than the show but style have the esthetic and that whimsical myth style.
So, is the Wakfu Manga cancelled? Heard nothing about Tome 5.
Brayden Young
No, Tot said Sassine is working on it right now, and he'll work on the S4 webcomic as soon as he finishes.
James Baker
>krosmaga >unfair You don't need an OP deck. Just git gud. Or lucky Seriously though, just open like 3 gold packs and sell your holographic and infinites to buy the deck you want. Its not that much trouble.
Jordan Smith
Apologies for being a bit off topic, but I found a few concept art of Abraca that the Catfish Deluxe team didn't publicly post on their tumblr. Most of them are from an exposition ("The Art of Video Games") in 2015/2016 from the Art Ludique museum in France. I'll share the rest if you guys are alright with it.
If you mean what Abraca itself is, it's a relatively new Transmedia IP that Ankama is working on. The concept art I posted is from older production work/a different direction on the Abraca game, and now MadLab Animations is currently working on the show.
And here's a whole bunch of them to finish this off. Small sidenote, but it seems that the mustache dude in the far left bottom is actually going to make an appearance in the animated series.
Oh it's 3D. Interesting. so this isn't made by the same people as krosmaga and the other stuff right?
Andrew Bennett
i honestly like Doofus more then Wakfu, its better inmo.
Brayden Kelly
>doofus rude desu
Brandon Lee
Tot seems more and more like an asshole the more i read this thread.
Thomas Lopez
Same desu. Still waiting on downloads to finish for Wakfu but I think I see how S3 ended up the way it did.
Evan Perry
I hope Wakfu series will die. I'm tired of Tot's ego and self-inserts in the show.
Justin Rodriguez
Nope, it was developed by their Canadian branch. I'm still heavily disappointed that they didn't make a cool action adventure game with all those neat designs. They even created a number of 3d models and stages. Hopefully 'version one' of the Abraca game will someday be fully realized.
JEsus how do they have so many branches when they're not doing so well?
Henry Butler
I don't think anyone knows how. They are a freak of a company who should've died years ago, such is their incompetence.
Brody Stewart
Abraca was originally an online 2d side-scrolling action rpg originally announced in 2015. Similar to Dofus, it'd have several character race/classes, but they're based on fairytales (so the known classes are based on princes/ses that have frog powers, jack and the beanstalk, the big bad wolf, wicked witches, arabian nights with genies and all that, etc with NPCs based on plenty more stuff (little mermaid, wizard of oz, frankenstein, etc). they had super cool design by the catfish deluxe team. Still similar to Dofus, it'd be a transmedia thing with a game, a cartoon, a comic, a webcomic and webseries, novels, etc.
Then that got canned and replaced in 2016 by a simpler party game with shitty designs, the cartoon's been stuck in dev hell for years and missed the game's release but hey, maybe it'll come out in 2019, and basically none of that transmedia stuff ever happened.
I probably wouldn't lay all the blame on just the heads, and I'd even say some of that incompetence was an asset because a large part of what made Wakfu S1 work is that it ignored most trends and preconceptions of making animated series. But that basically only worked because at the time Ankama could afford to burn the tons and tons of money that the Dofus MMO, their only real commercial success but a really huge one, provided.
Nathaniel James
Dofus had World of Warcraft levels of subscriptions in several countries back in its heyday (and not current Wow, but back-then-crazy-WoW) and was a cheap flash web thing (then turned cheap java thing for dofus 2.0) so it was really, really profitable and provided Ankama with super deep pockets for years.
Justin Lee
Where'd that all go? Into productions and other games with barely any returns? I hear Wakfu game and Krosmaga aren't very good.
Henry Murphy
>maybe it'll come out in 2019 I think I read somewhere that it's meant to come out 'early' this year. But with the non-existent marketing of this series, with the only way to get recent news of progress is by digging through the animators instagrams or other social media, who knows what ""early"" means to them. Apparently some character designs by Catfish will show up in the series but probably not to the extent I'll hope for. Pic related.
Also FUCK the design choices they went with the party game. It's fine if they realized the original idea was too ambitious but why the fuck did they decide to go with the ugly ass minecraft square shit in the designs? Fucking revolting.
Can someone hit me up with a mega for this series? I have had the hardest time finding this shit.
Aaron Baker
Christian Flores
Just finished the episode that Zone based their flash on. I'm actually impressed by how good it actually looked. It looks like it would have been part of the show itself. The hilarious thing is that parts of it are better animated that the episode it was based on.
I'm surprised they C&D'd it considering it was probably one of the big things to draw attention to their show.
The cartoon definitely got delayed, but I'm still hoping it'll release this year. Ntamak still shares its progress on Instagram, and they're making keycharms, so there should be some marketing for it sooner or later.
And none of these except dofus were massively successful?
Dylan Jenkins
No. Wakfu was moderately successful but no where near Dofus.
Chase Garcia
I want to watch Dofus but after watching a csons of Wakfu I just feel weird knowing that Everyone and everything in Dofus is dead and forgotten at the bottom of the ever growing seas and it only gets worse over time.
Christian Martin
Well Joris and Kerubim are still around in Wakfu. And Simone and Julie moved to Bonta, which hasn't sunk yet, so they should have lived full and happy lives.
>Simone and Julie become the new goddess of Lesbos
James Martin
They could very well have become spirits of love for the valentine's holiday if their business did really well which I'll believe it did. There are such things I think. At least, there are christmas spirits.
>Wakfu S3? Wait holy shit what? Season 3 actually happened?
Elijah Watson
Half of it did.
Caleb Taylor
Half of it did. Though some people prefer not to think about it.
Henry Thomas
Due to the runaway success of Dofus and the general idea of applying disruptive strategies they weren't conservative with their money. They have plenty of projects like Wakfu, Abraca, Slage, Dofus Arena, Dofus cube, Dofus Donjons, Boufbowl that had years of development and the ones that aren't stuck in dev anymore were either canned, or released and left to die, each had its own planned TV project and/or boardgame, etc cause they (probably rightly) thought the big bucks were in transmedia but since they never managed to hold a schedule they could never get a product and its spinoffs to appear at the same time. Like, the shitty Wakfu toyline (and the less shity but just as forgotten one) came out after they're finished the french S2 but before they'd managed to get the english version out, the Wakfu series itself came out long before the game it was supposed to promote and they had to hastily create a shit web game to tie it with.
And then there's their own white-dwarf-like magazine eventually killed by the press crisis in france, and the comic publishing arm, right in the middle of the comic publishing crisis. And they put mad money into it. Like, Teotl of all things got a quality minute-and-a-half animated trailer and don't get me wrong, I have a huge soft spot for Teotl but it seems obvious a comic about gory gritty super sentai in south america wasn't gonna get big enough to justify an animated trailer, especially when the angle for all the other marketing about it was "lol aren't sentai super shitty and goofy" when the comic takes the exact inverse angle.
Jason Sanders
I wonder if we'll ever see lesbians of their caliber in an American cartoon.
Lazy last minute bisexuals obviously do not count.
And then, yeah, they sunk a considerable amount of resources in the dofus movie (and some other projects) and thought they could release it without any decent marketing, just through word of mouth from the dofus drones. And that may have worked at the peak of the Dofus/Wakfu craze but not when it came out, and it was a challenge to even know it was out and find a theater showing it and the reviews were all "that shitty videogame company preying on our children's wallets and rotting their minds with violent sexist games is making a violent sexist chinese cartoon movie now" and there's a grain of truth in that as the movie's basically meaningless to anyone who isn't invested in the krosmoz in the first place.
Xavier Carter
Nope, because where France understands that love is best served slow-cooked and wholesome, Americunts just whip it out at the last minute, coming off dry and tasteless. Sorry for the food metaphors, but it really is like throwing a chuck roast in a 425F for an hour and tossing it to a starving man who won't mind that it's basically leather.
Aaron Hernandez
Rather, they know love isn't a political statement.
This desu. Love should be portrayed as natural if you want it to be respected. It's hilarious that fags here in America will eat up any form of representation and not even realize that what they are getting is half-baked and actually kind of insulting.
Ian Brown
Love should not be used as a political statement but it will.
Carter Hughes
Do I get to be a robutt?
Dominic Nguyen
Blame the social justice elements working under the flag of lgbt rights and other causes. If a gay or lesbian character isn't absolutely perfect or anything bad happens to them, they lose their shit and want the writer's head on a pike.
Now there's a trend of execs finding they can use that to promote shit quality movies, because any criticism can be dismissed as 'angry white males'
So I've noticed that Sufokian fogger tech is remarkably similar to Nox's Razortime. Is there some connection or did they just develop similar tech by coincidence?
Obviously. I'm talking about from a design point of view, they look like they've come from the same school of thought. Like they come from a singular engineer.
Hunter Nelson
I'd say Amalia's mother had a better one, personally.
Carson Turner
>IT WAS ME YUGO IT WAS ME ALL ALONG I don't like it, to say the least.
why's large breasts on a skinny cartoon girl so delicious?
Michael Ortiz
Elijah Diaz
>he doesn't know
Asher Bennett
Robert Hall
Reminder there's an active guild on the dofus monoaccount server
Jack Green
Well I'll be watching the rest of Wakfu shortly. Probably a new thread then. I guess I'll also go ahead and get S3, too. Thanks for the recommendations and thoughts on S3.