So Yea Forums, left or right?

So Yea Forums, left or right?
protip: rights the better one

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Kind of crushed on right as a kid.

right is clearly better

Right does posess some neat skills

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Left, obviously

the only proper answer

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Was this the show that perfectly demonstrated 2D>3DPD?


Right. More feminine and way more cute.
But well, that was what I thought when I was a kid, so yeah. Don't judge me bad in ''that way''.[/spoiler[

>But well, that was what I thought when I was a kid, so yeah. Don't judge me bad in ''that way''.
What on earth do you mean? Whats wrong with liking her for being more cute and feminine?

Nothing. I was trying to trigger some anons.

What's with all the AmiYumi threads lately? This was some hot garbage chasing the anime fad haha at least Teen Titans tried.

Right just on voice alone

They both look pretty good today and already are loving mothers

>pink hair

We're talking about cartoons here, not 3DPD

>locking Yumi into the hellzone
woah shit

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Other than Ami and Yumi, which of these girls did you like as a kid?

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Jenny, Kim Possible, the Tenchi ladies, and the aunts from Sabrina

Why was this show so cute to look at?

Puffy ami & Yumi and Jenny. Without a doubt, those were my waifu when i was a kid.
How a human and a robot work?

Ami and Yumi and a little bit of Totally Spies

Looking back Ami is a top quality waifu
>Sweet as fuck
>Calm warming voice
>Happy bubbly attitude

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You have no idea how obsessed with jenny i was, as for ami and yumi i wasnt technically allowed to watch CN then but i would sneak their show from time to time since i thought they were hot back then

because kawaii desu ne.

None of them, actually. I watched a little bit of Sailor Moon but then decided I liked Pokémon better and didn't look back. Watched some Cardcaptivators too, it was okay, couldn't really get into it as much, I blame the English voice acting making everyone sound like they were half-asleep on that one. I hated Buffy and Charmed with a passion because some fat nerd girls who were also self-proclaimed vampires at my school were obsessed with those shows and got into a years-long feud with me and my bros over tables in the school cafeteria and I associated those shows with them ,so even when my mom (who loved Charmed but was indifferent to Buffy) turned one on I'd leave the room because it made me angry. I also watched a couple episodes of Totally Spies but the voice acting bugged me on that one too, they all talked like weird stereotype bitches instead of actual people so it came off as annoying to me. I wasn't allowed to watch Xena and my mom would never specify why (although she loved it), after watching a couple episodes as an adult I'm still not entirely sure. I wanted to get into Puffy-Ami-Yumi but it was never on so I didn't get to watch it as much as I wanted. The rest of these I was mostly indifferent towards.

Anybody remember the "girly" show White Swan? It was a live-action show about a girl with a big butt that dressed sort of like Emma frost from X-Men that would recite poetry and limericks while beating up lumber jacks and protecting a sacred forest. I watched two episodes as a kid, instantly fell in love, but now I can never find it anywhere and nobody knows what the fuck I'm talking about. Anybody else remember this one?

Yumi should have been a nudist


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I don't know a single guy that actually watched Charmed and didn't just happen to catch it every now and then cause his mom was watching it all the time.

I thought that episode never aired in the US

Threadly whinepost about the lack of a proper english release.

Ami was a top waifu.

Sabrina and XJ9. That's all.

Is there some sort of HQ download link to the whole series?

I fucking wish, I can't stand TV rips.
There's only a shitty TV rip, and a nip audio DVD rip. Unless you feel like muxing the TV audio into the nip rip, then you're shit out of luck.

I want to bust all over her belly

>Cartoon Network made an animated series about Japanese pop idols before Love Live and Idolmaster


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>no atomic Betty
shit list

right is the only cute one

left it is an uggmon

in order of boner strength:

Sailor Moon > Tenchi Muyo > Kim Possible > Totally Spies > Cardcaptor Sakura > Sabrina: TAS >>> ***POWERGAP*** >>> Xena > Buffy > Charmed