Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this girl?
Peni Parker
Because Yea Forums has aa plague of pedophiles who need to be taken out back and shot.
Fuck off already you disgusting spamming pedophile!!! Tired of seeing this shitty loli spammed on Yea Forums. It's just as annoying as Raven threads.
cuz shes cute and ya'll are weebs
I'm not really, but I do post about her and write creepy things so people like and don't feel welcome.
because if youre on this board youre either queer or just a nonce
Cause she’s an adorable girl with cute feet!
She's a sexy girl
Very cute and funny.
Because she's 14 and she looks 11, and flat chests are delicious. Also it triggers the whiny moralfagging nu/co/ immigrants as a bonus.
More like PENIS Parker :DDDD
Hoshino is a God. He's one of the few that truly understands my need for cute girls to engage in lewd acts with cute stuffed animals, goofy magic snowmen, and enchanted fox children.
Gotta make sure she's 18 tho
Based and redpilled (formerly blue)
Because she's cute
I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know if it's because of something there, or if it's just the anime schoolgirl thing.
I do know a few of the memes she's got though.
literally because she's cute? OP, you are either a fucking woman or a faggot to not like her. sometimes I forget this gay board is filled with both..
No. Penis POCKET. (A pocket for my PENIS.)
She cant climb walls on her own. Garbage spiderman
I want to be her
45% are just filthy closet loli lovers, 45% are funposting an on-topic loli on Yea Forums and 10% are elder sperglords who perform druidic rituals to an Alan Moore idol made out of deer bones to try and erase manga and anime from existence who are ironically spending as much time obsessing over Peni as people who just think she a cute.
A lot of Yea Forums professes ephebophilic love for her. In truth, most of them are probably just trolling for laughs, but enough people keep taking the bait (or just find it funny in its own right) to keep it going.
She's actually pretty minor in the movie. She's physically present in a lot of scenes, but doesn't get much direct screentime and only has a few cute moments. It's more the anime schoolgirl thing; people are more in love with her concept than anything she actually did.
non-ironic loli-lover reporting in
But then all you'll get are people who want to do creepy things to her. I just ignore those people cause if they really cared they'd report rather then bitch.
prime baby-making material
Penis Parker
Because she's Asian.
>she's a parody of Yea Forums characters
>Yea Forums likes making stealth Yea Forums threads
>also she's a girl, so the waifufags come out of the woodwork
she's peak spiderc*nny
that's what
imagine fucking her on top of her robot
>Y-yeah just trolling, haha what if they showed more of her sexy feet in the sequel that would sure show them haha
Ravenfags are not pedos, in fact they usually draw her older and thiccer
Ravenfags are the worst posters on this board
Also on the gay side of this thread, Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this guy?
I prefer her looking closer to prepubescent personally. Yea Forums keeps trying to pull a MLaaTR or Incredibles and give her tits and it pisses me off