Fuck Psychics

Why is this shit allowed? Psychics are the worst mutie scum on the planet, they should all be lobotomized.

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Why do women get so autistic when people are even just mildly attracted to them? It's not like the guy is groping her.

What's up with this you can't even"think"and have sexual fantasy about attractive woman thing ? Not even just a single moment of though

Marvel telepaths are fucking monsters. Ignoring the fact that she invaded his mind and found those thoughts due to her own selfish curiosity, you have to ask why the fuck did she even bother rewriting his mind if she knew he was never going to act on those PRIVATE thoughts. Moreover, god forbid for even thinking about something bad, right? And this doesn't even begin to question how morally fucked this is, altering a person's mind and consciousness to suit your own selfish desires. I'm getting an existential crisis just looking at him.

DC rarely, if ever, has this problem. J'onn had the goddamn courtesy to be a polite man who didn't pry into other minds without permission
Because women are a walking contradiction.
>"I want to be noticed and ignored at the same time"

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Jeez, that is fucking evil.

IRL they wouldn’t care at all because 9/10 males would at the very least respond to seeing her in passing with

> “Nice.”
> “Cute.”
> “I’d hit that.”

I suppose you could argue she might do something like this for someone she knew and saw everyday, especially if there was a large age gap or she could tell it was really upsetting him/her, but I think she’d be so desensitized to it that she really wouldn’t give a fuck.

It’s just dorky guys trying to be clever that end up fumbling it by not realizing all girls get hit on by more guys than they can imagine from somewhere between the age of 10-12 until they get to be 47-50, so it’s really not that big of a deal to them even if they act like it is sometimes.

Beautiful women want to be noticed, but only by attractive and successful men. A fat ugly guy thinking they're attractive is to them what a mangy mutt having sex with your leg is to you.

Why can’t Telepaths just not read other people’s minds?

eh... I'm not super keeping up with whatever reboot pocket universe the X-Men are doing now but I got the impression they were conducting some secret police bullshit so the whole thought police thing is probably actual policy than her offering to do it on her own volition

Regardless this is a common thing for Marvel physics. Take for instance that page where Spider-Man gets shit from a telepath for thinking about her naked AFTER she puts the thought in his head.

This page is from an alternate universe where romantic relationships are haram and having sex or giving birth naturally is considered an abomination. Both of them are secret police who enforce this policy.

>Take for instance that page where Spider-Man gets shit from a telepath for thinking about her naked AFTER she puts the thought in his head.
Ultimate Marvel, and she doesn't give him shit. She just looks varying shades of shocked at the his thoughts suddenly turning toward lewdness.

The thing that always confuses me is why the writers treat these occurences as quirky, lovable moments or interesting displays of skill. It's like they can only write from the perspective of a reader and not from the perspective of a person experiencing the events of the story.

Yea Forums doesn't read comics

>Marvel telepaths are fucking monsters.
Jean Grey telepathically tortured Emma Frost for having dirty psychic fantasies with Scott, she forcibly swapped Peter Parker and Logan's minds to teach Logan a fucking lesson (nearly ruining Peter's life in the process), she brainwashed Angel to force his compliance with her terrible plans and then brainwashed him again when he found out and tried to leave the team, and she turned Bobby gay.

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>It’s just dorky guys trying to be clever that end up fumbling it by not realizing all girls get hit on by more guys than they can imagine from somewhere between the age of 10-12 until they get to be 47-50, so it’s really not that big of a deal to them even if they act like it is sometimes
>so it’s really not that big of a deal to them even if they act like it is sometimes
She offers to fundamentally alter his psyche. I'm not sure how that's just putting on an act, the truth about women is so much worse than just being 'men but put-upon because they're smaller and with tits.' Look at>Beautiful women want to be noticed, but only by attractive and successful men
It's true. Women are biologically programmed to gate keep the human genes and are only attracted to men equal or above them socially. Do you think she would have offered to mind alter Cyclops or Wolverine? Fuck no, she would have lubed up like a greek wrestler at an olive oil convention.
This was an attractive woman shutting the neckbeard down hard with a threat couched as a favor. 8/10 nightmare fuel.

What's the next page? How does he respond?

>she forcibly swapped Peter Parker and Logan's minds to teach Logan a fucking lesson (nearly ruining Peter's life in the process)
Ultimate Marvel.

>and she turned Bobby gay
Unfortunately canon is that Bobby was always gay. We all hate it but Marvel will never budge on it now.

Recent comics have been inept as fuck at handling the X-Men, though.

See You retard.

She later decides she likes him too and tries to jump his bones.

It's less psychics and more psychic characters in the hands of social justice Marvel writers.

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yeah, unless he's graphically imagining her with all his fetishes, she wouldn't care. women are used to being treated like pieces of meat from a very young age by creepos. in fact a more realistic thing for a telepath to be is just pessimistic about people in general.

Oh god I'd forgotten all about that. That was fucked up.

Head Canon > Page Canon
In this case, because Bobby being gay is as stupid now as it has been since it happened.

>it's ultimate so it doesn't count!!
Marvel telepaths are psychos, doesn't matter which continuity

You dumb fuck, love is literally against the law in this universe. She would actually doing him a favor, she didn't offer out of disgust she actually wants him back.

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Cringe, I hate you retards throw a fit that everyone that isn't a straight white guy is present and even more so if they dont act like a 50 year old boomers stereotype of how they should be

>Psychics are the worst mutie scum on the planet, they should all be lobotomized.
This is known.

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>wants him back
>keeps erasing his memories of having feelings for her
I've heard of playing hard to get but this is ridiculous

If you want a gay xman, make a new character who's gay... don't take a 50 year old character whose predominant character trait was being a ladies man and make him a faggot out of fucking nowhere

it's as bad as those "it's time for a black bond/batman/etc" cunts

Many gay people while they were in the closet have had girlfriends, wives and even many, many kids so nah it isn't unusual you're just seething the world doesn't hold the values of the nineteen twenties you have and accept homosexual people long ago. Maybe you're in the closet yourself?

Maybe you're a fag hag.

Isn't that the 1000th time a Marvel psychic has pulled that card?

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>Maybe you're in the closet yourself?
Stop messing with my head, Jean.

>Don't you see, the fact that he was sleeping with women PROVES he's gay!!

that just makes me think of that time Maria Hill had a SHIELD psychic prob Pete's mind to find out about Fury's secret war with Latveria and she was really feeling for him because of all the messed up memories in his head

He gets the fuck out of there at the end of the issue.

>people still trying to pull the "if you dislike X, maybe you're an X, too" card.
That's such a lazy tactic to punctuate a statement that didn't even attempt to address his or her point.

Has a psychic ever turned a gay man straight? I think Scott was always gay but Jean mindraped him to fall in love with her. Then Emma further did it just because she couldn't stand Jean getting all the attention.

It had to be done, user.

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Leah Williams is a shit writer, literately tumblr personified, the worst female writer employed by the Big 2 since Gabby

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Loki once convinced a gay man he was actually an elf and that's why he acted a bit fey.

Very lazy effort to get this plot string unraveling by what's her face.
She could have had Betsy pick up on some unusually affectionate tone whenever he's speaking to or about her, or flattering wording in his writing about her in the team, something subtle but part of her job skill to notice to prompt her to then call the team to have a routine POV scan of recent events and then notice he's always glancing at her from his memory and inform him on her speculations but show trust in him by asking if he thinks her take is misinformed due to natural suspicions created from her line of work and ask if there's another explanation, all without directly violating any consent from him or seeming needlessly confrontational. Cue Dukes confessing or trying to make up some shit that only lands him in more suspicion/tension giving us actual, substantial drama to things instead of all this flat execution this alternate universe has given us. What's the point of all this fuss about laws and false history and secret police and rebels and all when it doesn't feel compelling?

She just straight "catches" some thoughts coming from him and even deflates the reveal. It's like this whole setting is actively trying to attack me with boredom?!

Do people even read comics here?


Guess they just don't have enough time to really set things up properly, this is 4 issues or so. They really should have handled it better though.

To be fair, all muties are scum.

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>Do people even read comics here?
Nobody "reads comics" anymore user.


Is that lucio from Overwatch?

I just don't read X-Men because it's the same shit plots recycled

They act like it’s their god given right to be able to ignore privacy.

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perfection user

But when they try to do something mildly different, you complain because you haven't actually read them and thus don't understand the context behind the page that has been posted.

Bottom-line being that you're complaining about something you haven't read.

At least they were justified in this page.

At least she’s asking him.
Jean would have done it without him knowing.

There is a line and you crossed it, fucker.

IIRC, Marvel Teeps have to actively screen out other peoples' thoughts.

Good I wanna fuck Teenjean in every possible way.

you know I've occasionally seen the excuse that psychic noise is hard to drown out, so if you're just thinking something hard enough they can't help but hear it, which I guess is fine as an excuse. It's at least an attempt anyways. But the big problem there is, even with that, the psychics never really want to compromise and just develop the patience and courtesy to let things slide.

Actually that's a big problem with mutants in general anyways. They want complete and total acceptance regardless of how dangerous, powerful and scary it is to abuse their abilities.

Frankly Im still mad she's not a sexy ninja anymore.

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Skeddadle skeddodl-
ah fuck it, your gay now

Get turned into a tentacle beast man with psychic powers first.

> everyone losing their shit about this
Guys, in her mind she's trying to help him, she probably has giga turbo autism.

>gnoring the fact that she invaded his mind
I don't think she invaded it. She just can't help perceiving it.

Yes she is tumblr with the dial on max but I disagree that she's a shit writer, Emma Frost Black was pretty good characterization, her Barbarella x Dejah Thoris run is very good.

This AU is off kilter it doesn't make sense particularly the prohibition regarding sex and relationships because seemingly there's no inherent deterrent against natural inclinations I don't know how these societal rules are supposed to be imposed under those circumstances. I think the incongruity at the world building stage of development is being reflected in how the writers are portraying the world.


Then the story needs to address that because even if it is accidental, then it's still a far more complicated situation than the writers realize.

>Then the story needs to address that
Telepaths hearing people's thoughts involuntarily has been a feature of the psychic arena since forever this is a well known story element to non casual X-Men readers.

I know Jean Grey complains that people need to "stop thinking so loud", implying that she couldn't stop hearing their thoughts if she tried. I don't know if that's true for all of them.

almost as if SOMEONE wants to control what you are thinking...

He says he doesn't want to lose that attraction to her, and storms out of the building. He doesn't show up to work for a few days, shenanigans happen, the two have a heart-to-heart at his place, she realises that she laso likes him. End of the issue.
This is from Age of X-Man: X-Tremists, by the way. Decent read, for an event AU.

>the psychics never really want to compromise and just develop the patience and courtesy to let things slide.

Is this all psychics or just Jean Grey? I haven't read much of Psylocke or Karma or any of the others, but I feel like Jean is always the one flipping shit about people's thoughts.

>I don't know if that's true for all of them.
Varying degrees but generally true, first encounter of Psylocke and Maggot illustrates this.

>The gay was just a story, I'm Karnak.

I'll bet she has the asshole of a 7 year old

No you don't, you're gay.

Hard mode: post telepaths that aren't pieces of shit.

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I'm surprised there still wasn't an event severing every psychic ability on Marvel universe.

No one would want to undo it

Then why don't they wear Magneto's helmets? I know I would if I had to hear the dumb ass shit normies are """thinking""" 24/7


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>actual contract killer is still a better person than 99% of psychics
And thanks for reminding me I need to finish Hitman.

That's...a good question. Why doesn't everyone who's anyone have a Magneto helmet? Is it some sort of mystery alloy like Cap's shield? I'm not up on my X-Men lore.

How? Erasing someone's memory of his own name for having dirty thoughts? Good job, you've made the Imperium of Man's approach to psykers justified.

Don't even ask it was fucking ridiculous.

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Anti-telepathy technology is expensive and works by blocking out signals en-masse. Magneto's powers are nerfed a little when he wears the helmet because he's blocking a part of his body that interacts with the magnetic fields. Also makes putting it in a soldiers helmet or shielding a whole facility a bitch because now you have to figure out how to run a radio or laser or other type of communications array around it.

Sure, he later said to Magneto that what he did was wrong and not the way, but he still did it and should be collared

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>X-Men AU where there’s a secret police and a resistance movement.
Pray tell, what’s actually different about these X-Men minis?

J’onn, Miss Martian, and Saturn Girl. All telepathic heroes in the DC Universe are good people.

Can J’onn get transported to the Marvel Universe, smack the shit out of the X-Men telepaths, and teach them some fucking ethics?

The X-Men let in people who have attempted and have actually committed genocide, they have no standards in who they let in.

>Jean Grey telepathically tortured Emma Frost for having dirty psychic fantasies with Scott,
They were having psychic sex and Emma was being a cunt

>she brainwashed Angel to force his compliance with her terrible plans
Angel was manipulating a time machine he didn't know shit about

>she turned Bobby gay.
No she didn't

Just because other stories do shit doesn't mean you can skip setting up the rules in your own story.

When there isn't at least a pretense of consistency in a shared world is a good way to lose readership.
The epitome of narcissism is ignoring preexisting precedent.

It's really an accomplishment when Dr.Manhatten is more human than your average Marvel psychic

He wasn't handsome and women like to read about cold women and obsessive guys kek

I wish I could marry all the The Stepford Cuckoo and moved them to the most ghetto part part of downtown.

What comic is this one?


Age of X-Man: X-tremist

Emma Frost sucked

>tortured someone for shagging your boyfriend
yeah, nah

>messing with a time machine
yeah so make him stop messing with the time machine, dont force him to stay in the present against his will

>no, she didnt
she absolutely did

>worked with Mastermind to manipulate you, mindraped Storm, fucked your husband, being a cunt about it and expect you to be all calm and civil
It would be dumb and out of character for Jean to not humilliate and kick the shit out of Emma.

>yeah so make him stop messing with the time machine
That's what she did

>she absolutely did