Let's read Star Wars: C-3PO while we wait for Episode IX

Let's read Star Wars: C-3PO while we wait for Episode IX

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Who's pumped for STAR WARS: Episode IX: The Exposition of the Supreme Leader?

>Star Wars Episode IX: Retcon of the Jewdi

Live stream

It's past eleven...


I'm almost tempted to look at Yea Forums

>yesterday everyone was worried we wouldn't be allowed a SW thread today
>today we have two and they're both fucking dead

The other one hit bump limit...

Threepio, the Left Hand of Doom.

People are watching the stream and absolutely nothing worth noting has happened.

>first cast member up is Daniels
OP is a prophet

Is it just me or does this panel seem pretty stilted? I can't remember similar Celebration movie panels being this guarded in terms of what's being shared.

>best friendo

The TFA panel was even worse. I remember John Boyega basically just slipped that his character was a Stormtrooper and it was clear even he didn't think that he was allowed to say that. And that was about the only substantial info we got from that thing.

>I didn't expect to be in this adventure
>but I got lucky
Jesus, Billy. I was almost expecting him to add
>Carrie died

>Did anybody die?
Good lord

>Finn x Poe shippers made the jump to lightspeed

>now introducing friend of the resistance, recruited by Chewie personally
>this giant penis!

I think they were expecting a better response to that shitty looking droid.

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The 4chinz leak is fake and gay


The Skywalker in question better be anyone other than fucking Rey. JJ retcons that shit I'm gonna to be mad.

>oh shit, Rian killed Snoke, what are we gonna do, we need Kylo Ren redeemed
>I know, let's rip off Dark Empire

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>thinking this is somehow a bad thing

JJ is coming back to save the dumpster fire of Rian Johnson.

>A robot looking like a megaphone bolted to a wheel is an "incredible creation".
>They will kill Lando Calrissian.
>The teaser looks like crap
>Title is weird
The only redeeming thing was the guy playing Chewbacca.

What was the point of wiping the EU if you're just gonna repeat its bullshit? What was the point of wiping Snoke off the board, if they're just gonna bring another big bad Rey and Kylo can team up to defeat? What was the point of Anakin killing Sheev and ending the Sith line, if they're just gonna come back?

is that a fucking Venator in the trailer

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>still butthurt over EU shit

Fucking continuity fags I swear to god. Can't you just be happy they're at least paying homage to it? It was never canon anyway. Lucas didn't give a fuck about the EU beyond it putting dollars in his wallet.

I did just say that the EU was bullshit. I dislike that they're repeating its mistakes. Especially with the benefit of hindsight.

We don’t even know that Sheev is back though. He could just as easily be a force ghost.

Everything we know about Force Ghosts in canon suggests Sheev can't do it. My bet would be a holocron.

The Sith can't become Force ghosts. You can't cheat death with the Dark side, that's the whole catch.
>inb4 Momin
Yeah, I know. It's still cheap and undermines Anakin's sacrifice and the Prophecy.

We have no reason to believe he couldn’t in new canon. He got Shmi pregnant with the Force and has clearly done a ton of research even before he was public.

Lucas canon is old and busted. JJ's is the new hotness. How does it work? Just watch what he did to Star Trek and then ponder how much he respects the source material.

>no one's ever really gone

so, are the /swco/ threads allowed again?

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No, we're under the radar

No. Mods are still in force. Forgive my potentially assholish tone, but keep discussion here specifically on the comics and cartoons just to be safe.

swco really is gone, though.

no mods are fags

>don't let the past die
>resurrect it if you have to

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>Let's talk to fans
>Everybody claims they LOVE the teaser
>What did you like the most?
>The people from older movies

Not even the same director.

That's what I mean. ST has become a fucking clusterfuck tug of war between the visions of a director who has no new ideas of his own and is unable to come up with anything original and a director who wanted to rip everything up and start again.

It's telling that the next couple of projects started off with a clear mandate put on the GoT guys and Rian to have to figure the whole thing out all the way before the cameras start rolling. But hey, the Skywalker Saga was always a halfassed hackjob of retcons and bullshitting, so they're keeping the spirit alive here, yay.

Suddenly getting the feeling that it's just a Kylo Order Star Destroyer. I mean, based on the growing number of FO stuff/tech that suddenly has a red trim to it.

Man, I remember when the celebration was an ongoing livestream that walked around showing people the sites and chatting up random people between panels. They don't do that anymore?

SW Show is doing one if you're willing to sit through that. They're just got through a breakdown of the Teaser, plus they did some other stuff as well (day 2 of galaxy's edge merch, box artwork for ep.9 toys).

Looks like it was just the specific panel livestream, they have another with people walking around while they play cantina music


Who knows, maybe Andi will get another tattoo on camera.

>ST has become a fucking clusterfuck tug of war
It's always been like this, my man. Unless you actually believe Lucas directed each and every frame of the original trilogy.

That's C-3PO? I didn't recognize him!

Probably because of the red arm.

Lack of a silver leg.

Lucas had the story planned out from the beginning. While the other directors might have done things their own way, they still had to follow the plot. ST writers and directors have made it up as they went along.

Because he's not naked.

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>Lucas had it planned from the beginning
Imagine actually believing this

Be fair, user. Lucas planned some version of something. It just mutated a lot as the years went by. Sometimes the days. And it's better for it, otherwise they'd still have heads stuck on android bodies and wackier.

I’m not even criticizing Lucas. He was definitely the leading central voice, which is what the ST needed. But the notion that George planned the whole thing ahead is just what idiots say to make them feel right about their opinions.

HEY! This is work safe board, dammit!

I think he had some very broad strokes planned at least, but the overall image changed greatly year by year. You can still see an inkling of his plans in the early drafts, and it helps to remember the old Poster Monthlys that are posted now and then which give us the name Palpatine (also from the novelization) and detail Vader being horribly burned by Obi-Wan in a duel on a volcanic world (which itself wasn't named). It also details some of the Stormtroopers as clones and talks about how Palpatine, the self-declared Emperor, was actually a weak figurehead propped up by an extremely powerful and corrupt court which included people like Grand Moff Tarkin.

It's interesting to see how it all takes shape over time.

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Yeah, no doubt. But for instance, the Vader twist wasn’t even planned from the outset. And that’s a major, major part of the story.

How many versions of that Ep 9 section did they make??

So how much better are newer droid models? They all seem to be just as useful

There's 5 Star Wars threads right now 4 of them over 100 posts (exaggerating just for this thread which had 97 last I checked). I don't think they remember why generals were made in the first place.

That one doesn't have Episode IX. It cuts off at VIII.

Why isn't Resistance up there?

Turns out nobody at Lucasfilm watched it either.

I can't let the thread die without you getting some applause for that, user.

All the others were 404ed so this one shall no doubt follow.

>Kylo saying it one time means that is the series new motto

She wanted to bring him to the light.
Not join him in darkness

>Starts beating down Kylo in a rage similar to Luke beating Vader
>Only she doesn't stop until the planet itself splits in front of her

>Then goes "lol nah" to the dark side

That irks me more than anything.

We get a legit rage moment in TFA showing a level of temptation to kill Kylo but then go

>Heavily implied that Ghosts aren't a thing anymore
>When Yoda shows back up after Luke reconnects with the Force and is even strong enough to summon lightning to strike the tree

I take it you're responding to stuff in the deleted threads?


yeah, I did

Oh well. Boring conversations anyway.

I was thinking about doing another storytime, something quick, but nothing really stands out. Maybe one of the Age comics. I'll have to poke around.

Altogether the teaser/panel wasn't that bad. The new droid didn't impress too much. I wish they'd just used a battered b1 battle droid head for it even if it made beeps rather than what looks like a megaphone with radio shack crack sticking out the back. The robotics were astounding but it feels ultimately like it was just there to sell toys.

>no Hour With Mark this year
Fuck this gay earth

New rogue one show is soon, isn't it?
Dump the one-off of that one character

Here's the schedule. Doesn't look like too much of interest until Sunday when we get The Mandalorian (if you're into that sort of thing) and The Clone Wars panel (plus I guess Tudyk is always fun). Then everyone's favorite Resistance on Monday. Not sure why the cartoon panels are so late.

Actually I'm wrong:

Comics panel tomorrow (2:30PM – 3:30PM) plus novels and Fantasy Flight if you're into that sort of stuff.

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Cassian and K2SO? I haven't read that one personally and the archive zippylink is toast. Part of the problem of no general, I guess, it's harder to find an active dl. Still I yanked it from read comics so here goes. Fitting since we heard that K2 is going to be in Cassian's show.

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Got to admit read comics has spoiled me. Been forever since I've done a storytime, but if you want people to discuss the comic posting is really the best way.

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the 1000 threads of autism live in you now.

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And here we are, the start of a beautiful budding bromance.

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I don't know. It's neat how they built it, but visually it is just so damn boring. I hate to say it but I don't think JJ has a good eye for this stuff. Lucas did. I'm reminded of the story of when Lucas toured the set of Rogue One and just happened to see the helmet for the tank trooper just sitting on a table. Originally the guy in the tank was just going to be another Stormtrooper but George takes up the helmet and tells them to use it instead. Visually distinct, cool, certainly toyetic. The man knows the business.

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I'm partial to the rubber ducky ones, though the battle droid toaster is kind of fun. Same with the ones that use an astromech head for a body. Weird stuff, but more visually interesting than a megaphone on a unicycle.

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Makes me feel like shouting FOR THE EMPRAH, though I suppose it's a day for it.

All those K-9s

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Ha, yeah, it does have that look doesn't it.

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this reminds me of those retarded looking wheeled battleship's in Victory Gundam

>dat watermark
Yes, that will convince us you're anti-establishmentarianism.

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I stopped watching Resistance after the first 3 episodes dropped for it cause I had other shit to watch.

Is it worth picking back up before Season 2 drops?

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I'm luke-warm about it. It never got bad enough that I stopped watching, but it also never got good enough for me to be anticipating the next episode. Even the season finale, which of course was a cliff-hanger, hasn't got me fired up for season two. I'd say that if you like the sequel era, don't mind an MC who fumbles a lot, and don't mind that everything is taking place at one small backwater, then finish off season one to see if it whets your appetite for season two.

New animated short.

Post or post not, there is no captcha. Which would be nice, actually.


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And people say they never made Leia look ridiculous.

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If only we could get full blown episodes of shit like this.

Oh man they actually used R2-KT. I didn't need this sadness tonight.

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You're forgetting the incest kiss. Also love Han's expression here, perfect reaction to learning that Leia is Luke's sister and finding this scene on rewatch

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>Han fucks everyone

>Samuel L Jackson missing
>affirmative action bitch from Solo missing
>Hurka Durka and Lazy-eye faggot from Rogue One missing
>Lando barely in it
Based and redpilled

Must have found Lando's old raperoom hidden behind a wall panel.

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Now now user, the proper term is "consent-optional recreation lounge"

It was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away from #metoo. Simpler times.


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this is a surprisingly good cover

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I've never liked this thing

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It looks like they glued an air horn to tire

>showing off that you bought a bunch of toys of the pie-faced gook
Wow look how woke you are, I bet your wife's son was really impressed, glad you even put your name there so everyone knows who to praise

>but I don't think JJ has a good eye for this stuff
He doesn't. He has no visual flair of any kind, that's why everything that isn't just a straight up copy of something from the OT looks so boring and lifeless. The worst part is that the design team for TFA came up with some amazing concepts but JJ used almost none of it, and all out of all of the imaginative "junkyard planet" ideas they came up with for Jakku we instead get a planet that's virtually indistinguishable from Tatooine and has no visual identity of its own.

To be Finn's love interest while Poe is gonna fuck Rey

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>Poe fucking Rey
>not fucking Finn
This is not the will of the Force

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Rey and Rose are their beards, duh

>instead get a planet that's virtually indistinguishable from Tatooine and has no visual identity of its own.

You take that back. Jakku, Star Destroyer wrecks aside, was just a bunch of shitty tents and huts in the desert, while even pre-Special Edition 1979 Mos Eisley looked like a bustling town.

Oh no, five threads on a board that can hold 200 threads. How horrible, how will Yea Forums ever survive this atrocity.

Are you guys stupid? Don't you remember how Palpatine specifically told Anakin that he learned how to cheat death from Plagueis in episode 3? This isn't even some EU shit, this is literally in the movies. We're finally going to see the results of that.

Now there is only one :^)

>uses ROTS as evidence
>forgets there's literally a scene where Sheev pulls a "yeah well actually I don't know the secret buuuuut maybe you and me can figure it out, eeeey?"

We need room for at least 50 Shazam/Captain Marvel shitposting threads.

>actually thinking he was being honest
He would never share the secret with Vader.

You mean where he was trying to recruit the kid to the dark side? Do you think maybe he wasn't telling Anakin the full truth?

That's the point though. It's not until Anakin's already in the bag that he reveals he doesn't actually know the secret.

Again, because why would he reveal the secret when he could just keep it for himself? Anakin is his pawn, not an equal. The fact that he's back shows that he knew something after all.

>The fact that he's back
Do we know he's actually back for sure and it's not just some kind of Force hallucination?

I feel that whatever explanation we get for Sheev being back/semi-back/Force-prank/whatever is not going to involve Plagueis in any way. That would require Abrams to give a shit about Plagueis.

They've realized people cared about the prequel trilogy and started incorporating stuff from them into the films, like Luke referring to Palpatine as "Sidious" in TLJ. Despite the negative reception they have accepted that they are a part of Star Wars lore.

So did we ever find out what Snoke was?

Does the Rise of Skywalker mean Rey is a Skywalker? Or will she be Palpatine's daughter like many have speculated?

Is it possible that she could be both?

Nope. He's getting a comic in the Age Of series later this year and that may be our best shot at finding out anything about him. It doesn't seem like anyone is really all that enthusiastic about giving him a backstory though, which makes sense since he literally only existed to be Sheev 2 since the original Sheev was dead.

And now that Sheev 2 is dead JJ just decided to bring back the original Sheev anyway since he needs an Emperor character that badly.

Frankly, he was already back in Battlefront 2 so this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

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I'm pretty sure the writers did that.

Well it's going to be pretty hard to justify why this incredibly powerful Force user exists and yet did not feel the need to make his presence known until long after Return of the Jedi so I'm not surprised nobody wants to open that box. Like the only way you can reasonably justify it is by making him yet another clone of Palpatine that was activated as a contingency plan.

>And now that Sheev 2 is dead JJ just decided to bring back the original Sheev anyway since he needs an Emperor character that badly.
I get that they really fucked Snoke in the JJ to Rian transition, but why are people treating the Sheev return as a bad thing?

One of the primary complaints of the ST is how disconnected it's been from the other six movies. Revealing that the Big Bad all along was Palps, it ties the whole thing together.

Now, whether or not JJ can pull that off is another thing to be discovered...


Yeah but that's just a pre-recorded message. But then again we don't know in what capacity he's back this time so it may just be the same thing.

>but why are people treating the Sheev return as a bad thing?
>Now, whether or not JJ can pull that off is another thing to be discovered...
You answered your own question.

I mean, Sheev existed for a few decades before revealing himself in RotS, so it's not like it's unprecedented.

Sure but at least you knew he was there. It's not good storytelling to just pull Snoke out of nowhere like this. Yeah yeah I know "But the Emperor came out of nowhere in ESB!". You can do that kind of thing, ONCE. You can't do it again in the same series without people asking questions.

Rey is a Calrissian

they already confirmed in interviews, it's the real sheev.

Part of the issue is that Vader's sacrifice loses a lot of its meaning if Palpatine can just come back. The other part is that it's clearly only being done for nostalgia pandering because that's all JJ knows how to do. He's very unlikely to have actually put any thought into how this fits thematically, what it says about the ending to ROTJ or what implications it has for the entire Chosen One storyline. I can guarantee you the only thought here is "well people like Palpatine, I like him too, hey what if we brought back Palpatine?"

I hope we can get a storytime of Dark Empire in honor of this, I always wanted to read that comic but I am much too lazy to read comics unless they are dropped in my lap.

It's both Kylo getting redeemed and the new organization of Force users being called the Skywalkers (Zahn is already laying the ground for that in the Thrawn novels). Rey is just no one and will stay that way, since TLJ thematically hinges on that reveal and it's one of the very few things they set in stone as far back as TFA and, as far as we know, the Lucas treatment.

Yeah, that's the thing. If you introduce an evil emperor who is strong with the dark side, nobody really questions it- he's just the evil guy at the head of an evil empire and that's all you really need.

But then when he's dead and suddenly there's ANOTHER evil emperor who's strong in the dark side, the immediate reaction is "wait, where did this guy come from and what makes him different from the last guy?"

It is literally impossible for this to be the case without her having a darker skin tone.

>the new organization of Force users being called the Skywalkers (Zahn is already laying the ground for that in the Thrawn novels)
They're really doing this? Isn't that just going to confuse people? Nobody I see speculating about the title has any idea about this because they are all movie only people.

There's no evidence of that, user is making things up.

Well in that case rumor has it that this movie will have these things called "World Devastators", it's gonna be awesome.

Right. I mean, Kylo is an Anakin stand-in, so it makes sense on some level that he'll have to deal with the guy who spoiled the broth in the first place, but I never expected that they'd be so stupid to literally bring him back from the dead. But JJ never was one for subtlety and choosing anything but the easiest, most retarded way.

Her mother was super-super white, like ghost white.

>The other part is that it's clearly only being done for nostalgia pandering
Let's not pretend like the prequels weren't full of that shit too.

Again, I have my problems with JJ too, but this has real potential to actually not only tie the ST together, but bring it properly into the saga as a whole.

For what it's worth, I don't think Sheev is back back. I think it's a Force Ghost/recording/vision/manipulating from beyond the grave type thing. We already know that ghost Luke is going to be around, so this is kind of a cool dichotomy.

Anakin's arc stays in place because he DID stop Sheev's final rise to power, but that doesn't mean it was a permanent fix.

I'll also be the first to admit I've been completely overly hopeful on more than one occasion and I could be wrong.

Nah. Thrawn established that the Chiss call their Force sensitives "Skywalkers". Obviously, this doesn't mean that Rey will go learn from them and integrate their traditions, but it's a canonical precedent they're setting on a thematic level.

I'm hoping that it's not literally Palpatine himself but some kind of shadow of him that haunts the wreckage of the Death Star. Like you can talk to him but it's not quite the same as him being alive or even a ghost, it's just an impression in the Force and the real Palpatine is long dead.

Yes, I know that. But there's literally zero chance in hell they bring in stuff from Zahn's novels to Episode IX.

Slightly related - Thrawn: Alliances was kinda shit. I don't see why people think Zahn's such a great writer.

>but this has real potential to actually not only tie the ST together, but bring it properly into the saga as a whole.
I think you're putting way too much faith in Abrams. He has yet to show he's capable of anything close to this kind of thematic bookending.

I liked the first Thrawn novel, but I made it like four chapters into Alliances and stopped. It wasn't even that it was bad or anything, but stuff came up and didn't have time to read anymore, and once I finally had some time to spare I just didn't feel motivated to pick it back up.

Don't worry, it's also by the guy who brought us the thematic brilliance of BvS and JL... oh shit we're screwed, aren't we?

The first one is good because Eli is a good character.

But Alliances made me realize that Thrawn is a terrible protagonist, and he's barely even a compelling antagonist. It's not particularly interesting to read about a character who is LITERALLY always right no matter what, even when he's wrong.

But also Zahn's prose is just middling as hell.

>Let's not pretend like the prequels weren't full of that shit too.
This is true, but the difference is that they were bits and pieces here and there. We've seen before that when given the reigns of Star Wars, JJ adds very little original content. He basically remade ANH with parts of ESB and ROTJ, and even then he threw things in that mirrored ANH without even remembering why they worked in ANH and just thinking that doing the same thing again was good enough. This is why you get things like the Hosnian destruction adding nothing to the story and existing almost as an afterthought (compare Alderaan, where its destruction presented a significant change in the story's direction), the heroes running around on Starkiller Base and evading incompetent stormtroopers with ease (compare to the Death Star where they were explicitly allowed to escape so they could be tracked), and an entire third act that has no connection to the main plot of the movie purely because he wanted a Death Star for the sake of having a Death Star, and a "droid with plans" MacGuffin purely for the sake of having a "droid with plans" MacGuffin, and couldn't figure out a way to link the two so he just didn't bother.

If you ignore the existence of TLJ things make sense. Ignore the micro level plotting and focus on the macro themes and narrative.

>rey and kylo ren fight a big bad guy and team up

Snoke was not meant to die in episode 8 but since he did and they don't want to confuse everyone by literally ignoring it they're going to just do Dark Empire and use Palpatine.

>Snoke was not meant to die in episode 8
Snoke wasn't meant to die in Episode 8 because he wasn't meant to do anything. Nobody actually had any plan for him.

Correct. The problem here is JJ not figuring any other way of redeeming Kylo other than bringing in a bigger bad, because he can't move beyond his OT frame of reference yet again.

Don't be retarded, the plan was that he's the emperor 2.0 just like everything else in the sequel was OT 2.0

They just didn't expect Rian Johnson, the absolute madman, to completely derail the trilogy like that on purpose.

The only reason he wasn't in the last two was because his doctor told him he'd die if he did it.

I guess he changed his mind.

I have to say, having the ST be a bastard child of a guy stuck in 1983 and a guy who comes in with a dynamite, screaming "Do something new!", is some Josstice League level hilarity.

You'd think these corporations would be smarter about handling their IPs.

>They just didn't expect Rian Johnson, the absolute madman, to completely derail the trilogy like that on purpose.
Why the hell do you people think he was able to make these decisions on his own without telling anyone?

I'm guessing most of his scenes involve sitting

That's the weirdest thing to me.

The ST is so obviously manufactured except that it randomly swerves in the middle to be written and directed by a literal who that completely derails the franchise. Like how did they let this happen to their cash cow? Was there some sort of distraction at Marvel that day or something.

It's very strange.

Of course he couldn't, but the catch is that the chessboard he left off calls for a more inventive director than IX got.

>"wow, Trevorrow is shit, I wish they'd get someone else to do 9"
>it's Abrams again

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It's weird, I don't think Rian Johnson has a particularly good eye either but I find TLJ's visuals less disappointing than TFA and what little we've seen of TROS. Crait was a big Hoth knockoff but the red undersoil was kind of neat. Meanwhile Abrams seems to just stand people in a field and calls it a day.

TLJ wasn't bad looking, but it wasn't really good looking either.

TLJ had a lot of great looking scenes. Crait, throne room, bomber scene, binary sunset even the kamikaze ... all kino
Ach-To was largely underwhelming though, and Canto Bight was nearly as fun as it could've been.

Also, while TFA didn't have a ton of great moments visually, the X-Wing run on Takodana is fucking great.

>Ach-To was largely underwhelming though
Yeah but I can't tell if that's Rian just trying to stay consistent to what we saw of it in TFA or him just not having any ideas for making it look interesting.

Either way I think Ahch-to could've used a bit more work in both movies. Having it just be straight up Skellig Michael is kind of boring, even when Lucas just straight up used Caserta Palace for Theed Palace he added little elements here and there to make it look more Star Wars-y and did things with the lighting so that it didn't just look like they'd walked into it on a regular day.

Rey's introduction and the lightsaber duel deserve a note too, I think, but other than that TFA is really bleh. From TRoS, I like the wuxia vibes they got going with the desert showdown, but again, I have to wonder how much cooler would the scene be if it was in a more inspired environment than another barren desert locale.

I think maybe having some Jedi statues here and there would've helped. Not like the ones in the temple, but something that still looks old and primitive like Skelling Michael but if you saw it you could tell it's meant to represent a Jedi.

Yeah, pic related is pretty fucking rad. Yes, Rey is a Mary Sue, but I watch SW to see cool shit happen and this is pretty cool

And you're right, the lightsaber fight in TFA is awesome. The lighting is slick as fuck, and I think the choreography is great.

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I think the most refreshing thing about the teaser is that literally no one has been able to say "IT'S JUST A ROTJ RIPOFF." That's largely thanks to how Rian left things, but it doesn't even look like JJ is echoing Jedi at all. For the first time in the ST, it feels like they're actually doing something new (even if that "new" something is going back to the DS2 crash site.)

I wasn't here when the trailer hit, were there a bunch of people bitching about the backflip?

Also I notice we went from getting a TIE in TLJ that was finally starting to move away from the OT design, even if only slightly, and now we're back to "just like the OT but with minor changes." It looks like they just took a regular FO TIE and slapped the Silencer's wing panels on it.

Attached: tie silencer.jpg (768x432, 22K)

>I wasn't here when the trailer hit, were there a bunch of people bitching about the backflip?
Surprisingly not, but I expect it will come. It seems like you're not allowed to like Rey without people calling you a SJW shill.

>but it doesn't even look like JJ is echoing Jedi at all.
So far, but I'm not letting my guard down yet. It wasn't until a few months before TFA that we started to realize it was going to be a ANH retread.

The leaked poster also has A-Wings and Y-Wings on it. I just don't get it, they wipe the Resistance, so they'll have to come up with something new for the sequel and lo and behold, Leia just goes and raids another old Alliance storage. But to be fair, the red Stormtrooper designs are neat. The helmets finally look menacing.

>So far, but I'm not letting my guard down yet. It wasn't until a few months before TFA that we started to realize it was going to be a ANH retread.
People were saying it pretty early on when the trailer opened on not-Tatooine + stormtroopers + masked red lightsaber dude

The saddest part is you just know JJ did this in reaction to the criticism that the Resistance just had X-Wings in TFA, and legitimately thinks "well Rian added A-Wings... I know, I'll add Y-Wings!" is a good way to fix the problem.

I still haven't seen any of the new installments. Should I? Maybe this isn't the best place to ask but I'll you fags opinions over several other options.

It depends. Some people will call them cinematic abominations that raped their childhood, some people will say they're hit or miss.

Personally I thought TFA was okay but unimaginative, TLJ was bad, Rogue One was enjoyable and Solo was middle of the road.

why would you try to run someone over with a fighter

When your new boss is an edgelord you do what it takes to impress him

Bro you realize that Holdo was literally written for a novel before she was in TLJ, and Maul is alive in Solo because he's alive in Clone Wars. Disney's Star Wars is all about integrating with their EU stuff.

Also, we know the title, you can call it TROS or ROS instead of Episode IX now. I was thinking ROS because we say ESB and not TESB, but it's too close to ROTS so maybe TROS is better.

Looper was a pretty massive hit (although yes, I didn't like it very much). I cannot blame Disney for doing the same thing they did with Abrams and thinking "Whoa, that guy made a lot of money for his sci-fi movie. We should get him."

Personally I'd love to see a Villeneuve Star Wars, but that's probably not gonna happen.

Watch them and find out. If there's one thing I learned, it's that there are no universally accepted tastes and preferences in SW. But I suppose one thing that should help you is asking yourself how much emotional investment you have in the prior movies and how much you'd like an irreverent Zack Snyder-esque steamroll masqueraded as fanservice. That's pretty much the ST. The Anthologies are more like the PT, I'd say, only less ambitious as films in themselves.

The numbered episodes were a waste of time but the anthology movies were both pretty enjoyable to me. Yes, even Solo. I think it only got as much hate as it did because people were still mad about TLJ.

>Snyder rapes Batman and Superman
>critics hate it
>Abrams and Johnson rape Star Wars
>critics love it

What's up with that?

They're training. Rey's actions are too clean and staged to not be prepped and if Kylo was really going in for the kill, he'd just shoot her.

>people defending and praising TLJ
I never believed the shill meme but there's no other explanation, Disney has to be paying you all to do this

Execution, expectations, personal interpretations. I don't really want to get into the thorny area of discussing TFA/TLJ's quality as films, but I do think that both Abrams and Johnson, for all their flaws, are more effective and competent storytellers than Snyder and that's what makes the difference in the critics' eyes. The ST is more coherent than MoS/BvS.

It pays ok. But it does hell to your eyes and wrists. Thank god the Disney pays for my internet while I'm on the job, or else the bill would be so high I would hardly make any money.

Johnson is a talented director, but he didn't directed a Star Wars movie. Abrams did nothing wrong.

Meanwhile Snyder:

>look at my shaky shaky shots!
>and my symbolism with religion!
>and another one!
>and another one!
>Dude, piss in a jar. That's a huge criticize to... something.
>also let's give all the location the same dark and gritty light even if it is supposed to be sunny or inside a building with its lights on

is there one with ep 9?

What a fucking insane way to train. I hope that's true just because of how ridiculous it is.

>not being on the Elite Plan
I defend TLJ from my penthouse while drinking a delicious glass of rosé. It's not the most exciting job, but the butler makes up for it.

The season final was good. Honestly, I liked it.

they have to give good reviews to star wars to get first look privileges with other things
if you say bad things about them, disney blacklists you, that's how the business works

Didn't stop them from saying bad things about Wrinkle in Time.

Checkmate, conspiracy theorist.

Rogue One is the best and the most Star Wars movie since the OT ended. That movie alone made the revival of the SW franchise in cinema worth it. Solo was okay, I wished its sequel wasn't cancelled because they laid good threads. TFA's first hour is great, then it dives into the abysses when a certain something is revealed. TLJ is Kino, so obviously it's polarizing to people.

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Is Rogue One the only Star Wars movie to show a generic TIE pilot inside their cockpit?

>Rose died of her wounds at the end of Episode 8
>Due to suffering horrendous casualties the Resistance have decided to use forbidden cloning technologies to supplement their forces
>An army of expendable Rose clones are created
>They still remember their love for Finn so he commands them like an army
Would fix a lot desu

>having opinions this reasonable

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Gundam 00 did it first.

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I actually prefer Solo over RO, but agree they both are great movies

They're brief appearances, but both ANH and RoTJ have shots of TIE pilots in their cockpits. Here's a quick screencap I took from the later during the flight into the death star.

Attached: TIE Pilot RotJ.png (1920x816, 1.62M)

>Disney Wars
What's it like to be castrated and feminized?

I dunno, i just let your father watch when i fuck your mother, i don't actually talk to him.

Eat a dick nigger

Just started resistance. Seems very kiddie. Does it get better and if so when?

No and never, it stays that kiddie. Unless you actually care about the ST I'd just stop now

>Johnson says he wants to make a movie that actively divides the people who watch it instead of making a movie that people love
>Disney: "HIRE THIS MAN!"

Truly some 4D chess at work, boys.

Let's not and say we didn't.

I don't think he said that until after they hired him. It was too far along for them to back out.


A lot of people have consistently theorized that Kylo is always holding back when he fights Rey because she really tickles his fancy, so this could be yet another example of that. I think it would be great if IX had a scene where he explicitly reveals this and completely owns her in a fight, but I have a feeling that's not the direction they're going to go with the film. More likely is that they won't actually have a real fight before he joins the good guys.

>They're training
Would make sense if the last film had ended with the "the FO, the Resistance, the Sith, the Jedi, it's all bullshit let's go do our own thing" instead of "I'm going to murder your mentor and all of your friends because I am evil and good is dumb"


That was years ago when he said he wanted movies that people are excited about and make people say it was terrible

(50 second mark)

Technically Kylo did not actually kill Luke, and why should it matter to Rey anyway, she knew Luke for like a day. They have successfully created a character who is so detached from the whole struggle that even after all this she could plausibly be cool with Kylo.

Well Refn said the exact same thing in his OGF documentary and the man is a complete genius so I'm not going to fault anyone else who makes the same claim.

Thankfully they put the line in the trailer so I can back up my statement as well.

Refn also isn't the person who wanted to actively divide the SW fanbase with his movies. what's your point?

When you think about it, he actually is.

Astroturfing shill

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Why does this years celebration not feel as fun as the last one?

The threads seem pretty dead compared to back then

Attached: When Luke says the jedi must end.png (181x174, 69K)

Because Sheev and Vader are the two chars the sequel trilogy hasn’t previously ruined

Until now

Attached: When they want to role the trailer again.png (1366x768, 2.04M)

Think about it. Drive was so good it tore the Star Wars fanbase in half. People realized there were movies out there better than Star Wars. Refn killed the Star Wars fanbase.

>all white men
I told you, there is nothing you can do to make white dudes hate Star Wars.

Times have changed. Glaring issues with the films aside (which have and will be discussed at length), there is also a changing of a guard to factor in as well. Most who are willing to discuss this shit have gone (the fact that the threads are still under mod scrutiny doesn't help), and all that's left is the same mentality that continues to give Yea Forums its rather unsavory reputation. Having one thread shift to flat-out guroposting is evidence enough.

This is no longer an appropriate place to discuss things. If the mods won't see to that themselves, then the posters certainly will.

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>That one lonely slightly dark skinned boi with his eye brow cocked

If you want to discuss Star Wars without Yea Forums retards, the place to go is /m/. That place is practically unmoderated but all the retards from Yea Forums have no idea what mecha is so they don't go there either.

>Kylo was abandoned by his parents carted off to Luke
>Luke tried to murder him because Rian Johnson is hack
>They’re all dead sans Leia
>Kylo has time to reflect on his life, and after Rey’s bond with him he becomes more contemplative and forgiving
>Comes to the realization that “The older generation was shit and tried to murder me, I won’t give them the validation of proving them right”
>Redemption arc stahto

It really isn’t hard. I think RJ and KK don’t want a fucking white male, especially Kylo, to be a hero though

The only difference between Johnson and Wingard is that Johnson still stays around to stir the pot when people don't like his shit

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The loss of /swco/ really plays a role for my own energy, because between the summer of 2015 and its ban from the board that was my primary place to discus Star Wars. Losing that interaction and discussion means that personally a pretty big hype incubator is absent.

I totally get that it does invite non-Yea Forums posting, particularly posts of an inflammatory nature, but between Resistance, the return of TCW, and the significant comics presence that Star Wars has I wish it was unbanned.

Astroturfing RJ fanboy


Do you get paid to shill or do you just spam different boards with your drivel?

I believe I already mentioned the penthouse. Also, seething.

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What if Rey uses a piece of kyber crystal from the death star wreckage for her new saber?

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Almost too interesting for JJ to use but I'd rather she go to Tython or Ossus.

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>Not Dantooine

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Coca Cola is now canon

This consumerism is embarrassing. Imagine being a Star Wars fan in 2019.

This panel is unironically making me a marxist.

When was the last time the SW fanbase was united? 1996? Remember when Lucas hated his fans and disrespected the franchise? I'll take polarizing movies like the prequels and TLJ over bland crap like Infinity War.

The fact that they had to make some public announcement about it particularly chafes me.

It would be one thing if they were in quietly part of the park, but I'm no making a promotional video and bringing out assholes from marketing to talk about how great of an "opportunity" is an unusual brand of awful.

I get that Star Wars has historically been pretty shameless with promotions, but at very least that kind of thing was confined to Wal Mart shelves and wasn't bundled as part of Disney's Authentic Star Wars Experience™.

>RJ didn't want Kylo to be the hero because he's white
>the director who treated Finn like an afterthought and built his whole movie around Kylo being a poor mistreated woobie the heroine has an unprotected Force sex with
Rian is the biggest Kylo fanboy around.

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>The prequels
>Better than IW
Why don't you stop riding that dick long enough to cast some good bait?

KK/RJ/TLJ have literally killed the franchise. At least Lucas walked away with a few billion dollars and lots of Disney stock while Iger and Kennedy mishandled everything and destroyed the overall value of the franchise.

The after show on youtube was shit compared to the one for Rebels though

In five years, Infinity War will be just another half-forgotten "event" like Age of Ultron is now. Revenge of the Sith is still widely remembered and cherished by a dedicated fanbase fourteen years later.

I bet Coca Cola was originally laced with Glitterstim

This is very true.

Has Ahsoka's VA done anything since Ahsoka? Or has she sort of been star wars'd into only doing that role for the rest of her life?

Whatever makes you happy, m8

Can't speak on the voice front but she was pretty involved with Her Universe for a while but I'm not sure how busy she is with that ever since she sold a majority stake to Hot Topic.

FWIW she's married to a former MLB player so she doesn't really have a burning need to work.

>Holdo was literally written for a novel before she was in TLJ
Are you seriously implying that Claudia Grey came up with her, and didn't take her from the movie that came out only months after the novel?

I know all about the novels and comics, but a sequel tease in Solo is far different than pulling a major plot point of an episode film from a novel.

>doing a panel for a game before showing any game footage

why do game companies keep doing this shit at events?

You can tell all of the people now screaming that Star Wars is dead weren't around when Episode 1 premiered.

Because hype exists.

So Cal from Fallen Order seems basically like Kanan, right?

The thing I find so tiresome now is the political shit. Plenty of bitchfits were thrown about the prequels but at least people's criticism tended to concentrate of why they thought they were poorly made films, not that they were bad because they were part of some kind of anti-white feminist conspiracy.

The funny part is when you point that out they'll deny that there was ever any division over the prequels and claim that everyone loved them from the beginning, or downplay it and say that people were disappointed but not to the point of disowning the franchise or claiming it was dead even though the "Lucas raped my childhood" meme literally comes from a review of Episode 1 on Ain't It Cool News.

yes, it's practically the same backstory. I felt like I was watching a trailer for A New Dawn.

Which is especially ironic because the prequels went so far as to name villains like Gunray after politicians and these same people didn't care but because they decided to "get into" politics in 2016 they now see everything as a political attack against them.

No, you fool. I'm saying that if Disney planned a major character like Holdo in advance it's not out of the question that the "Skywalkers" business could easily be them moving the pieces into place in preparation for an episode IX reveal. Especially with another Thrawn novel coming out this year.

There are legitimately people who think prequel hate started with RLM and that everyone is just copying their opinion.

What on earth are you people rambling on about?

the new star wars theme park will have star wars style coca-cola bottles with logos that are written in basic.

One thing's for sure, I will be fucking pissed if Rey does not get a double bladed lightsaber. They have the perfect excuse to give her one. They had better be saving it as a surprise that won't be revealed in the initial trailer.

Why is anyone pretending that consumerism is new in Star Wars?

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That's kind of cool especially since I see it extends to Sprite which is a delicious beverage but I question the bottle design which just looks like a Christmas ornament or a thermal detonator and doesn't seem like it holds much drink.

Expecting some meaningful differentiation between the two given that Cal's co-creator wrote for Rebels. At the very least I'm hoping that we don't get a Lost Stars/BF2 situation where a similar, already-told story outclasses it in every way.

I've had one of these in my room for a long time because it makes for a good decoration and it's just now hitting me how fucking old it is because it was made to promote ROTS.

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>I felt like I was watching a trailer for A New Dawn
Yeah same. I mean, I'm not sure how else an O66 survivor's story is supposed to look. But hopefully he's not just like Kanan. I hope we see Cal (is it Kal?) be a lot more ruthless

I never really thought of the BF2/Lost Stars connection, but that's a good point.
That said, I actually thought the BF2 campaign was pretty fucking great, but it was WAYYYYY too short.
Also almost all the non-Iden levels were pretty dull.

Jedi Fallen Order is out Nov. 15.
Mandalorian is Nov. 13.

Fuck, busy week.

I remember getting pretty pissed at Ebert because one of his reasons for shitting on ROTS was that he didn't get why Grievous was wheezing and then when someone informed him that Grievous was from the cartoon he just scoffed at the idea of watching a cartoon like film is the only possible way to enjoy media. So that memory made me realize that even in the 2000s people were bitching about there being an EU and that movie-only snobs are not at all a new thing.

To be fair, a movie should stand on its own. The idea that you have to watch a cartoon to fully enjoy the movie IS fucking absurd.

That said, Grevious wheezing isn't necessary to understand RotS. You can just accept that this dude wheezes, just like we grew up accepting that Darth Vader had a breathing issue.

But if there's ever a proper Maul film, they'll have to do at least a brief exposition of how he's still alive. "Just go watch the cartoon lol" isn't good enough.

Those were sold in supermarkets.

The issue is that these were actively promoted between sentences where every description of Galaxy's Edge's rides, food, or garbage bins was an attempt to set a record for use of the word "Authentic".

Hell, ROTS had some pretty blatant shots at Bush.

Yeah, the thing about Grievous wheezing is that it does have both out-of-universe and in-universe answers. The real reason is that Lucas wanted to show that the cyborg technology used for Grievous was imperfect, which I think is the answer Ebert was looking for. Instead autists gave him the "well Mace Force-crushed his chest in the cartoon!" answer.

Well, it does indeed stand on its own. What bothered me is that he wanted to know more about the character and then when he was given the opportunity to learn more he went all "Nah fuck cartoons they're for kids lol." It's as if he forgot that he was watching fucking Star Wars. Especially annoying because this was about the Genndy Clone Wars which fucking rocked.

I don't really see the issue, though. They're going to sell Coke at Disney parks regardless, and the Galaxy's Edge version just has a different logo to help it blend in. The same people bitching about this now would still bitch of the place had regular Coca-Cola logos.

Attached: star wars coke.jpg (780x438, 51K)

Ah, now I see what you're saying. You could be right.

The good old days when people were allowed to take shots at the president without the president throwing an absolute shitfit and demanding the FBI investigate anyone who makes fun of him.

>product placement is bad
>except when it happens in supermarkets
What did you think, they weren't going to have branded gear in Galaxy's Edge?
They're talking about the attention to detail, and I think having specially designed bottles is pretty rad. Obviously coke and sprite aren't canon, just like the t-shirts they'll sell in the park aren't canon. But it adds to the immersion better than if it was just regular Dasani bottles floating around.

>The same people bitching about this now would still bitch of the place had regular Coca-Cola logos.
This. I can already imagine them saying "I can't believe Disney would allow them to ruin the aesthetic with these blatant corporate logos, Disney can't even do immersion properly Star Wars is dead!"

Wait is that what people are throwing a shitfit over? The way they were talking I thought they announced Episode 9 would have actual Coke featured in it complete with logos.

I think the takeaway here is that people don't know what "product placement is."

It's already happening

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>one of his reasons for shitting on ROTS was that he didn't get why Grievous was wheezing
That's dumb in itself, not everything needs to be explained. It's like complaining that it wasn't explained in ANH why Vader has to wear his suit and breathe so heavily.

Honestly it's nowhere near as awkward as the part in Heir to the Empire where it spends a few paragraphs describing this tasty new drink that Lando introduced Luke to called "hot chocolate."

>Wait is that what people are throwing a shitfit over?
Yes. It's proof that a high percentage of anti-SW shit is just blind hatred.
There are definitely reasons to bash TLJ and other decisions that Disney has made, but this is not one of them by any stretch of the imagination.

Ebert was notoriously a brainlet. He thought Mad Max 3 was the best Mad Max movie and he originally gave Unforgiven two stars.

>are products sold a theme park canon
These fucking autists. Is Coke canon to all of Disney's other movies too because it's sold at their parks? Does there need to be a page for Coca-Cola on the fucking Snow White wiki?

>Does there need to be a page for Coca-Cola on the fucking Snow White wiki?
Don't tempt them

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I hope they intend to list every person who visits the attraction as a canon character.

The hate for the Palpatine reveal made me realize that no matter what Disney does in TROS people will say they're "desperate" and "losing it." I guarantee that if it makes money, they will refuse to accept that it was a success because they were so convinced that SW was dying. The BP and CM conspiracy theories were a test run for this. A test run that failed, but it won't stop them from doing it again.

>the GFFA
Who the fuck calls it this? I guarantee this guy only watches the movies and whines about anything EU.

>The hate for the Palpatine reveal
Surprisingly, I've seen mostly positive things about it so far.

But yes, there's definitely going to be that vocal conspiracy minority. Solo flopping was literally the first time they've EVER been right. They still swear that TLJ was a flop despite it making $1.5billion and RotS (...fuck, they made it the same fucking acronym as Ep III) will make just as much at least.
Yet they'll still call it a failure.

Side note - seriously... did they have to make it the same fucking acronym? What are we supposed to call it?

This is actually on the star wars canon subreddit. I've seen people use the term, but it's pretty unnecessary.

>The hate for the Palpatine reveal
I dunno, I can see the logic here. For me it's not about Palpatine himself, I love Sheev but I don't trust JJ to handle this well.

Uh, user? It's The Rise of Skywalker which is either TROS or ROS, not ROTS.

>Solo flopping was literally the first time they've EVER been right.
Even then I don't think they're right about the reasons Solo failed. They imagine that there's this massive backlash against TLJ, that literally everyone who saw it immediately swore off Star Wars and that's why Solo flopped. But Solo isn't a good litmus test for a backlash because nobody wanted Solo in the first place, normies weren't excited about it, hardcore fans weren't excited about it, the movie just didn't have an audience. It also didn't help that it premiered around the same time as Infinity War.

I guess the fact that it's being actively featured bothers me. As a detail I think it's pretty neat, but a stereotypical facet of American consumerism being promoted alongside the work and details that are going into making Galaxy's Edge feel genuine feels a little off.

Coke, like restrooms are a necessity at Disney, but I can't recall hearing anything about how twi'lek prostitutes holophone number are going to be painstakingly scrawled in every toilet stall.

oh fuck, I'm retarded. I was thinking it was "Rise of the Skywalker"

Nevermind, ignore me. Also thank god, because Rise of the Skywalker would be a fucking terrible title

I think we should petition Kennedy to change the title to Rise of the Skywalker just so user can be right and not look foolish.

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>CM conspiracy theories
What I love about this is that they played their hand too early by trying to swamp Rotten Tomatoes with bad reviews before the movie was even out.

Wasn't Grievous just a shitty Darth Vader-ersatz they made up for Revenge of the Sith, before Anakin turns into Darth Vader?

So who do you think Second Sister really is?

To be fair the Star Tours ride actually was considered canon in the old EU. They had to make some retcons to explain how a tour vehicle could possibly be involved in a Death Star battle, but there really was a post on the official Star Wars website explaining it.


Ironically this explanation was not provided until 2013, over 20 years after the ride was created and not long before they decided to make Legends.

It's Rig Nema and we'll finally get the answer to that most elusive of questions

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So, is does a daily active /sw general/ exists on some secret board? I know about /tg/, but I don't want to risk that board to be tainted by Yea Forums once it's known, the nice guys over there don't deserve that

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And then they went so far as to post screencaps of the review count as if it was some shocking display of censorship. When anyone who looks at the numbers could see that Captain Marvel somehow had more reviews before it was out than Infinity War has after a year of being out. They literally posted the proof of their reviewbombing, over and over.

>twi'lek prostitutes holophone number are going to be painstakingly scrawled in every toilet stall
Now that's a park I'd visit. Though you might as well cut out the middleman, just have the Twi'lek hookers in the bathroom stalls.

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>nobody wanted Solo in the first place
You know, people always say this, but I think it's a little disingenuous. Yes, it's true - no one really wanted the movie. But you know what else no one wanted?
An Iron Man movie
A Captain Marvel movie
An Aquaman movie
A movie about stealing the Death Star plans
A 3D movie about smurfs

The problem isn't that no one wanted it, it's that Disney didn't MAKE THEM want it. There was no real marketing push, and it came out too close to TLJ without being tied into it (plus all the behind the scenes stuff that fucked with it).

You're right though - fan response to TLJ had almost nothing to do with it whatsoever.

Also, the idea that one movie can kill a franchise beyond recovery is laughable. Batman, Fast & Furious, DCEU, Bond, X-Men... so many franchises have survived low points.

>but I can't recall hearing anything about how twi'lek prostitutes holophone number are going to be painstakingly scrawled in every toilet stall
There isn't a massive corporation that provides that service, even though there should be.

Dude, it's a theme park. There's nothing more corporate than that. You're getting your jimmies rustled over literally nothing.


Anyone think Bariss is one of the inquisitors?

/toy/ also has one, but it's really slow and is fairly similar to the /tg/ one, just with more action figure related posting.

besides that, there is nothing like that anymore.

>plus all the behind the scenes stuff that fucked with it
Yeah, that didn't help. For a significant chunk of 2017 the only news coming out about Solo was that its production was shitting itself. Disney didn't really start marketing it until maybe 2-3 months before it premiered and by then they'd lost the narrative.

Is there any good ST stuff with sexy Twi’leld? Lucas has a knack for sexy aliens that I fear Disney never will

You know what's interesting about Solo is I even saw this article some time before Solo released where it was revealed that Disney expected Solo to bomb.

So I think Disney knew that too much was going wrong and the movie was going overbudget and it was going to be hard for it to make a profit and that the best they could do was make sure the story was heading in the correct direction to set up for their other Star Wars plans. But the moment it underperformed people started turning around and acting like Disney was completely blindsided by this and that everything was falling apart for Disney.

I think the timing of release was by far Solo's biggest issue. I went to see it, but hardly anyone else I knew did, even people who I'd think of as pretty big SW fans. It wasn't that people didn't want to see it, but IW was the big film at the time and most people don't visit the cinema that often.

Yea Forums has been on that theory for a long time. Filoni even said Barriss wasn't killed off because he had plans for her, which fueled them even further. I think most people expected Seventh Sister to be Barriss.

They did the same with TLJ. Even though Disney knew it wouldn't make TFA numbers (and following the precedent for ESB and AOTC also making a lot less than ANH and TPM), people still acted like Disney wanted it to make as much as TFA and that because it didn't, it was a massive failure.

>I think most people expected Seventh Sister to be Barriss.
Hell, even when we saw her face clearly and could see her markings were different from Barriss's people still tried to make excuses, like saying maybe she changed her markings or maybe it was just because of the difference in art style.

Actually labeling a thread as a general is like painting a big target on it. If you want to have a Star Wars discussion your best bet is to just create a Star Wars thread if there's not one up and because the board is reasonably slow the thread will last for a while and the discussion will cover a lot of things.

I’m hoping for a Barisd redemption arc, Filoni loves his waifus so her coming back would possible

I think a pretty good rule is to start a thread about a SW comic or a cartoon. Several SW threads have been deleted in the last day, but the OPs were all about the trailer. If you start discussion about a comic, Clone Wars, Rebels etc. then it will usually be left alone even if discussion wanders.

Yeah. I even made a Darth Maul thread the other day which didn't strictly mention the cartoon but just to be safe I used a picture of Darth Maul from the cartoon and the thread lasted and had some good discussion. All you have to do is remind people that there are in fact Star Wars comics and cartoons.

Fittingly enough, the drop from TFA to TLJ is *exactly* the same percentage as TPM to AOTC.

And guess what - RotS made more than AotC. Yet people act like it's impossible for ROS to improve too.

I think the mods are finally coming around to allowing Star Wars again. We just need to avoid more /ss/ shit

ST era specifically, or just Disney era SW? The ST really does not seem to give much of a fuck about aliens at all. We got Hera in Rebels, I suppose, but then she's not exactly as sexy as Aayla Secura or Darth Talon.

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and I think that's for the best when it's a format like that. Anchor the discussion with on topic stuff around the comics and cartoons, branch out a little bit, and then go about your day when the thread ends. That's how the old Yea Forums star wars threads used to be like before they metastasized into /swco/.

We don't need a 24/7 general, just an occasional thread to talk about shit.

Pre Disney era, because you’re right there is a severe lack of sexy or even regular aliens in the ST and all the new designs are pretty mediocre

>Leland Chee
Well there's your problem. He had an obsession with making all continuity fit regardless of how awkwardly it's done, so it doesn't surprise me that he took a theme park ride nobody is supposed to take seriously and decided it needed to make sense within continuity.

Just found out that Star Wars actually already had a droid named Dio, and it's not some old Legends creation, it's literally from Battlefront II.

Would it have killed them to use a different name? Or at least go with "D-Zero"?

I'm not seeing the issue

It's lazy and careless to give two completely unrelated droids the exact same name.

The new droid sidekick for BB-8 (a droid sidekick for a droid sidekick) is named D-O.

Ah, I see. I didn't watch any of the Episode 9 news besides the trailer so I didn't know.

D-O is D-O

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>The Chosen One is supposed to bring balance by destroying the Sith
>does this
>Snoke and Kylo rise
>"well they're not Sith so technically the prophecy is still fulfilled"
>turns out Sheev is still alive so the Sith aren't dead
>Chosen One didn't fulfill shit

So are prophecy just now complete bullehit? Or is the force just completely fucking terrible at keeping itself in check

He should be obscured by shadow for 90% of the movie and only reveal his face close to the end.

Sheev is dead but is coming back idiot Sith can do that don't u remember momin

that would be great

That’s an awful design

I think it's still too early to judge, we don't really know exactly how Sheev is still alive or if maybe it turns out to be some kind of fakeout. But this is JJ Abrams so my guess is the answer is some complete asspull that Pablo and LSG will have to run damage control for.

First off the Chosen One prophecy was always complete bullshit just like all prophecies are. I don't know why you guys are taking a prophecy like it must be the law, when has that ever been the case?

Second, Vader did kill Palpatine, it's clearly a thing like Dracula where he comes back to life.

It's not a bad design for a background droid, but if this thing is supposed to be heavily featured then yeah it needs a better design

>Second, Vader did kill Palpatine, it's clearly a thing like Dracula where he comes back to life.
But then Vader's sacrifice loses weight if the guy he died to kill can just come back. That was the issue with Dark Empire as well.

It's head looks like one of those small lego pieces

>I don't know why you guys are taking a prophecy like it must be the law, when has that ever been the case?
Well the prequels revolve pretty heavily around it, and by extension the OT does retroactively. It's going to be awkward if something that had become such a significant part of the saga's storyline turns out to not actually matter in any way.

His sacrifice not only bought the Galaxy 30 years of peace, it stopped Sheev from going full-on space hitler for the rest of days.

The thing with Dark Empire is it only happened like 6 years after ROTJ or something. The ST doesn't happen for some 30 years so to put Palpatine out of commission for that long was still a pretty worthy sacrifice.

Oh, well there's no shortage of sexy twi'leks in the old EU, just head to Wookieepedia, they probably have a category for it.

My personal favourite is Yuthura Ban from KotOR. Tattooed Sith Twi'lek in uniform does things to me. Shame there's no happy dark side ending for her, screw redeeming bad girls, that just ruins them. Yes I was mad about Ventress, fuck Dark Disciple.

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>turns out the jedi were wrong
That's the lesson of the entire saga. Why don't people understand that?
The whole point is that the Jedi are fucking stupid.

I think it was pretty clear it didn't matter when the supposed Chosen One ended up massacring the Jedi and strangling his wife to death.

Also, Snoke coming out of nowhere and being just as devastating to the galaxy as Palpatine was already undermined Vader's sacrifice so it's not like bringing Palpatine back can make things any worse.

But then he ends up fulfilling the prophecy anyway which is the entire point of ROTJ. Anakin fulfilled it, just not the way they expected him to.

Honestly I like the idea of Sheev basically being the Star Wars satan who just keeps fucking with everyone because he’s pure evil what personally I think what will happen is that Sheev was killed but managed to imbue himself either into a physical object or a clone body

It canonically bought the galaxy 2-5 years of peace, with the NR under the enlightened rule of Mon Mothma. The second she left power everything went to shit, and the NR devoured itself and was a shadow of its former self. The void in power directly enabled the First Order to enslave and terrorize countless innocents at least a decade prior to the events of TFA.

How the hell do you define the timeskip leading to the ST as peace?

This is true, but like I mentioned the official explanation there was that since the prophecy technically only meant the Sith, then Snoke technically doesn't factor into it. That's bullshit since he's indistinguishable from a Sith but at least it stands as a technicality. If Sheev's back then even that doesn't stand anymore.

We didn't need the entire ST to say that. The entirety of the EU and the Old Republic Era in particular dabbed on the Jedi ideology and faults pretty damn hard. And Disney Wars/RJ only offer normie-level criticism of the Jedi.

Why do people always assume the ST did "something new"?

My guess is that he did cheat death, but in the same shitty way a lot of EU Sith did. His consciousness is still around but it's bound to a place (possibly the DS2 wreckage) and he's basically an eternal prisoner.

>turns out when Sheev exploded he actually sent his Force energy into the Death Star
>Sheev literally became the Death Star
>after its destruction he's been slowly piecing himself back together

Alright well for one thing we don't know the exact words of the prophecy because they have never quoted it verbatim in canon but they also never specified how long the Chosen One would bring balance to the Force for. Alternatively, we don't know if Anakin is actually the Chosen One, maybe he was just another cog in the machine and the real Chosen One is Rey, or even Ben.

That would explain why he sounds so happy. He'll be able to move around.

Maybe we should migrate to /m/ like an other user suggested, looks like this place has either cool or no mods

*turns down music*

The Techno Union army is at your disposal, Count.

*turns music back up*

So is Sheev SW's Ganon/dorf?

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>For fuck's sake...

>Sheev put his conciousness into a Kyber crystal
>Rey goes to the Death Star because she needs a new one to fix/make a new lightsaber
>Sheev is now her lightsaber and they're like fucking Elric and Stormbringer

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That’s actually a good analogy, Sheev becomes the ultimate Sith Lord and keeps coming back

So what news was there today? Just Fallen Order and Galaxy's Edge?

>Why do people always assume the ST did "something new"?
Where did I say it did something new?

Honestly, I still kinda want to see that Boba Fett movie. I'm not even that much of a SW fan, just thought it would've been cool.

Rogue One is probably the best SW movie.

Yeah, as far as I know. I was expecting them to announce some of the Journey to Rise of Skywalker books, but nothing at the Del Rey panel.

right in the feels

Fake Star Wars fans having shit taste. Checks out

I still don't get what was wrong about Rogue One.

It had the best aerial/space battle in the entire franchise.


>I still don't get what was wrong about Rogue One.
Then you will never be a real Star Wars fan, faggot

Was referring to caring about Boba Fett over, say, a movie adapting Kotor/Kotor2 or literally any of the EU shit.

I mean, I admitted that I'm not even that much into SW.

>calling people fake fans
>literally ever

The new Thrawn novel is going to have more Krennic/Tarkin rivalry so I may actually read this one

I'm stoked about the Dooku audiobook too

>old republic

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Typical kneejerk reaction to anyone saying anything that isn't absolute hate for NuWars. Also, a blatant attempt at trolling due to the obvious ad hominem.

Get them triggered enough, and watch as they start spamming guro again.

>Caring about a corporate shill like Pablo


A new apprentice of Dooku's will be in Dooku: Jedi Lost, before he took on Qui-Gon. The audiodrama will feature Dooku as a Youngling, Padawan, Knight, Master, and Sith... earliest being 10. There will be a strong focus on him leaving the Order and his desire to be The Chosen One.
Alphabet Squadron will be set shortly after the Battle of Endor and focus on five Rebel pilots, with General Hera Syndulla being part of the novel. Shadow Wing will be their "nemesis."
Master and Apprentice will feature scenes of Dooku and his apprentice Rael Aveross. Obi-Wan will be 17ish.
Thrawn: Treason will feature Eli Vanto as well as exploring the culture of the Chiss Ascendancy more. We will see Krennic and Tarkin butting heads more, as their rivalry continues. Thrawn will get caught in the middle of it.
Black Spire is about normal everyday people coming together to establish a Resistance base in Wild Space following TLJ. Cardinal will return.

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>hating on based pablo
People can work for corporations and still be good, user.

Sounds like absolute shit.

Why is Disney so averse to having an Imperial storyline with a non-defector protag? They sabotaged BF2's storyline and have gone out of their way to ignore potential storylines with Sloane or CIena or any other Imperial protag

He's a corporate shill who has only retained his position due to being a glorified yes-man for Kennedy.

You're right there are good corporate writers out there, but hacks like Hidalgo aint it.

Alphabet Squadron has a companion comic - TIE-Fighter that's all about the imperial pilots.

>buttmad KOTORfag still salty that Pablo took a shit on him

>Lucasfilm employee being forced to whiteknight shitty employees.

It's be sad if it weren't so pathetic

Time for a new topic to loathe over.

'Sisters of the Force'

>everyone who disagrees with me is paid by Disney!

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So this is the kind of anti-white indoctrination Disney wants to push on our children. You know what, I don't want Kennedy fired anymore. I want her in prison. She is blatantly committing genocide and getting away with it.

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I googled this and apparently it's just a new line from Her Universe? I don't see the issue

its a fucking kids book get over it its harmless u retard

>Vader Immortal has Scott Lawrence as Vader
I mean I'm not going to play it but I'm glad they're using Lawrence again and not fucking Chad Vader

>no no Disney would never use books to push their agenda on unsuspecting children and indoctrinate them into believing their political agenda
Maybe someone like you who is raising your wife's child by another man doesn't care, but I'm raising my own children and I'll not subject them to this brainwashing.

The violet-haired slut is at the bottom, I see nothing wrong


The fact that she exists at all is a problem you fucking shill

how was the rebels panel

It was gay like everything else in Disney Wars, so you would've loved it beta fag

thanks user, very original

I'm so glad Disney is banning all white men from Star Wars, as a white man myself I feel we are overrepresented and it's time to submit to women and Persons of Color as our new superiors! Thank you Kathleen Kennedy for political correctness and for moving Star Wars in a woke and progressive direction!

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Just let the incel get triggered about women existing.

inb4 le epic quip or any other form of reply

I'm glad to see they are giving Dooku some love for once.

Is anything recent outside of the Thrawn books worth reading?

that would require there being anything recent to be released. there's been fuck-all books since Alliances came out. M&A comes out next week and it's by one of the better nucanon authors, so check that one out.

Master and Apprentice is out in a few days, it's nice to finally get a Qui-Gon-centric book. Apparently the authors of Master and Apprentice and Dooku: Jedi Lost communicated a lot so there's going to be intentional links between the two.

Calling the Galaxy Far, Far Away the "GFFA" goes back a ways. I don't know how common it is, but it's been happening for a while. Hell, when the New Jedi Order series killed the New Republic and formed the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances (or whatever it was called), this was a direct nod to the fans who referred to the galaxy as GFFA.

wow, there really isn't a lot that has come out. I stopped after the first Thrawn book and there's hardly been anything since then.

TLJ really calmed the demand, huh? A Qui-gon book sounds interesting though.

>Is anything recent outside of the Thrawn books worth reading?
I say this as a fan of nucanon who's read all the books - I do not understand why people think Alliances is good. Thrawn was good, but alliances is one of the worst nucanon books yet.
It's not Aftermath-tier bad writing or Heir of the Jedi-tier pointless, but I do not see what anyone loves about it other than the author's name.

There's been a fewYA or junior books in the time, but they took a bit of a break. Is that really a bad thing? We're about to get a TON of books:
>Master and Apprentice
>Alphabet Squadron
>Black Spire
That's 4 full novels in just six months.
There's also some YA books, plus the soon to be announced Journey to Episode IX books.
Also the Dooku audiobook.

2019 is a big year for canon releases.

new chiss and clone war lore and vader written by someone competent. what's not to like?

Does anyone else think Cavan Scott was an odd choice for the Dooku book? I mean, I like his Star Wars work so far, but it's all been children's books.

I would have killed for it to have gone to Luceno.

Fuck, when's Luceno going to get another book?

for all we know he's been writing one of the journey to 9 books since he isn't on the roster for all the announced books this year.

Repetitive plot, a boring protagonist, and weak prose.
But I'll give you the lore - that was interesting. Zahn just really isn't that great of a writer.

I'll admit, I've never read the original Thrawn Trilogy, so I've never cared about him as a writer. But after reading Thrawn and Alliances, I don't get it.

That's a shame. Tarkin is probably my favorite nucanon book so far.

frankly, I would love to see Luceno's take on Snoke to see if he can salvage a dead end plot point.

I'm sure no one read them, but the Choose Your Destiny books are actually pretty good, and Adventures is legit kino for what it is. I'm excited to see what he does with a more serious, lore-heavy book.

thrawn was just the first bit of new star wars after the OT that reinvigorated a lot of the older fans before the PT came in. it's mainly just nostalgia for that time than liking the old trilogy for being interesting.

So, what if Sheev, rather than still being alive somehow or a Force Ghost or whatever, gets brought back to life by someone.The good guys figure this out, and then use the same technique to resurrect Luke.

The Rise of Skywalker is a reference to Luke Skywalker Rising from the grave.

Yeah, I don't doubt that the first trilogy was great.

But I feel like if the new ones were written by literally anyone but Zahn no one would be saying that Alliances is one of the best nucanon books. It was such a chore to get through.

someone post the mega link

Seems like a cluttered plot.

I can't see them actually bringing Luke back

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Valance the Hunter

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This the marvel panel?

it was

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this pic is so comfy

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