...So why don’t we get more of this? I liked it.
...So why don’t we get more of this? I liked it
Other urls found in this thread:
You liked this, did you?
>These MEN are your friends, Diana?
>More like sidekicks, mother.
Kill yourself.
you are a worthless piece of shit the best thing you could ever do is kill yourself youd be actively making the world a better place if you died
>basing your opinion on the single gif you saw on Yea Forums
Because it was too good to continue existing.
I dunno man it was good, joker taking the tour for fun no evil plan was great.
bought the DVDs
Booster Gold episodes were amazing
i think i saw somewhere they ARE making more
I never saw either but that never happens right?
>He's STILL posting this
>years later
Take your own advice pal.
Sorta weird to dismiss a show off one 6 second scene, i mean they had goddamn Mark Hamill as Joker again
I'm not that user, I was curious if that actually happened or not.
I reckon it's just other people posting it at this point as a joke.
For like a 6 second scene
ah just curious.
CN continuing to sabotage anything they don't have full rights to.
>show decides to shit on someone's favorite superhero by portraying her as a hateful asshole
>shills are surprised this makes said person a touch miffed
Yes, I am am still mad, and I will continue to be mad. Diana is NICE, goddammit. But apparently, both editorial and the majority of Earth's population is too retarded to get that into their thick skulls. This show, every piece of media, and "person" that fails to understand the oh so complex nuance of "She's a nice lady who loves everybody, but acts a bit haughty and pragmatic sometimes." can go straight to hell and burn there in acid fire for the rest of eternity. Fuck casuals, and fuck you.
Ah boy, those 6 seconds must have been awful on you, you clearly aged 60 years
I judged it unfairly and thought of it as discount Timm JLA...I wonder if others felt the same.
>dat Zatanna
Show was based.
>using a little bit of friendly banter is being an hateful asshole
You must be so fun to hang out with.
Now that I think about it more, is it another case of Mattel killing DC cartoon due to poor sales of shitty toys?
>show decides to shit on someone's favorite superhero by portraying her as a hateful asshole
>shills are surprised this makes said person a touch miffed
Yeah I forgot Diana is always tippy toeing around Supes and Bats to make sure she doesn't hurt their itty bitty wittle feewings! What a fan you are...
There's something off with her head and neck...the eyes are way too far into the end of head.
There where toys?
Yes, they were meh; either small 4"-6" with no wrist swivel and meh sculpt or ugly jointed 12" ones.
Where I'm from, the word for that is 'insult', but maybe your people are used to being massive cunts to each other.
Since extremely few writers ever bother establishing any kind of defined relationship she has to any of the other heroes, we honestly don't know for sure if she'd do that. That aside, it's pretty clear she would never outright demean them like that for the sake of a cheap joke.
Well from the actual world, you're a pussy.
>STILL getting this buttblasted
>not wanting to get stabbed is cowardice
>Where I'm from, the word for that is 'insult', but maybe your people are used to being massive cunts to each other.
Where I'm from, the word for you is "faggot". Go cry some more or submit.
That's the 12" right? Such a stupid scale for action figures; doesn't add a lot of articulation, no vehicles and playsets (or far more expensive) and more expensive.
Not sure about the size but yeah, he was a big toy
It's the 12" than, I can tell now for sure.
Mattel and Hasbro will never be based like Keener or any other company they bought, which knew you should stick to one scale.
What, are you actually from Yea Forums itself somehow? Cause here in the real world, "friendly banter" is not a thing that exists. Insulting and belittling one's friends is an excellent way to not have friends anymore.
Dude, if you can’t joke around with your friends, who can you joke with?
>t. that guy no one invites anymore because he can't handle banter.
Your "real world" sounds like a safe-space bubble user.
... Nobody? Cause I promise you, your friends remember the time you made those off-color jokes at their expense, and they hate you for it. Maybe just try not being a cunt.
I'm pissed that Cheetah was in the opening but only ever got a cameo in a short, I'm also mad about how they censored loli Zatanna's legs (unlike what JLU did with Wonderloli) and I think they used Space Cabbie way too much.
I promise you, people only remember you as that guy they can't joke around, and they hate you for it. Maybe just try not being a faggot.
Cause we can't have nice things.
>"You can only have fun with your friends if you treat them like shit."
You're kind of a sick fuck.
>Can't differentiate between some banter and treating people like shit.
I really doubt I'm the one with the illness here user.
Weird how they put 2 Green Lanterns on the poster; seems a bit excessive.
As I've already stated, there is no such thing as friendly banter, it's just an insult wrapped in a veneer of humorous context. Ultimately, you are still insulting someone. And if anything, making it a joke is even worse, because you are essentially saying to the person that the aspect being attacked is not only shameful, but even worthy of outright mockery. You're not being funny, you're being a cunt.
And one day, you might see that is right and you're just being a pussy. Have "fun" with your humorless life until then.
>"It is literally impossible to have fun with your friends without insulting them."
When that attitude inevitably boils over into something truly dangerous, it'll be your own damn fault.
I see what you did there.
I miss the posts that would be made in the threads for this show, the posts that were like this: but jokey.
I said humorless user, though I highly doubt any fun can be had around you. You're the one who sees banter inevitably leading to something truly dangerous here, like you're already looking for excuses to prove how dangerous you are in retaliation. All because you can't take a joke. You're the only one that's sick here.
Nobody in human history has ever been able to take a joke. Or are you seriously about to lie and say you didn't feel a bit annoyed when a "friend" pulls a zinger on you? That shit adds up over time, and eventually goes to very bad places. But please, keep living in your delusional candyland where people have total control of their emotions and unassailable egos. Retard.
It does, but they paint the Amazons as cunts, even after they save their ass Hypolita still acts like an asshole.
I'm upset we never got to see some good TFs.
They had Mxyzptlk, Circe, Grodd, and so many others who coulda transformed the heroines into animals/anthros but all we got was them turning into zombies, trees, body swapping, and birthplace swapping (...?).
Woulda have loved to have seen Mxy grab Zatanna's top hat, pull it over her head, and as she pulls it off, it's revealed her face is now one of a donkey's!
>Nobody in human history ever grew the fuck up.
You can feel annoyed by shit and get over it user. If it takes you to very bad places that sounds like your problem you have to deal with. But please, keep living like an edgelord until you post your manifesto about how the world mocked you and it's "our own damn fault" you couldn't deal with it and were forced to retaliate. Sounds like a great way to live!
Klarion transformed some heroes into kids.
>You can feel annoyed by shit and get over it user
No, you really can't. Even if you don't remember what specifically that person said to, the experience of it will stay in your subconscious. The more of those experiences occur, the more your brain learns to be hostile towards that person. That's just how people work.
You seem like the kinda guy who says school shooters are victims because they got picked on
What is so insulting about being a sidekick?
Batman got way too much screentime. Most of the episodes were basically Batman brave and the bold with a different artstyle. Batman should be banned from these shows.
>Nobody in human history has ever been able to take a joke
oh god, please have mercy on my sides.
Booster and plastic man were really cute and I wish there was more.
No, I am going to rewatch his show to spite your stupid pettiness and idiocy.
Did you actually ever watch the episode this scene was in or have you only ever seen the trailer and have been acting like a little bitch since then?
It has Mark Hamil as The Joker, Swamp Thing, The Trickster and Mark Hamil
I'll always like JLA for giving us this
The toys weren’t even in stores yet before they decided to kill the show... actually I think the only toys that were out were from McDonald’s Happy Meals
>I've never been able to ever let shit go in my life.
>I'm sure this means everyone feels the same way.
>I can't be the sick one.
I've got bad news for you user.
They also had those Mighty Mini figures
So... you have no actual friends then, because I casually make jabs at my friends all the time as they would me, it helps set up a repour with each other, helps you learn about the other persons sense of humor
It implies not only inferiority, but subservience.
>"Not only are you a total scrub compared to me, but you're also my bitch and you better do everything I tell you."
I feel no compulsion to watch this trash because the trailer communicated that my favorite superhero would be portrayed as a brash, mean-spirited bitch. And given alternate media's track record of doing wrong by her, I have no reason to assume that isn't the case here. Fuck this show, and fuck you.
>my favorite superhero would be portrayed as a brash, mean-spirited bitch.
>she called the most confident people she knows sidekicks, knowing they wouldn't get butthurt.
Get over yourself user.
If your this assblasted over a characterization Wonder Woman is clearly not your favorite character, true fans are open to different characterizations and different takes
>Can't tell if DC fucked over Mattel for a change or Mattel just keep fucking up
Oh, yes the obligatory blind bag crap, almost forgot.
>I don’t know what amazons are
Diana would never straight up insult her friends. It's not about "hurr hurr they can take it git gud scrub", it about not being a rude sack of shit.
>"If you're not okay with a character acting like a cunt for no reason, you aren't a true fan."
Jump off a cliff and hit every jagged rock on the way down.
>t. loser who couldn't form friendships because he couldn't take the bants
Not that I'm playing devil's advocate here, but so did Killing Joke. And that sucked.
Yeah, but it has the Trickster, Swamp Thing and Actual Mark Hamil played by
You really don't understand how friendship works do you user? Friends take friendly jabs at each other without being cunts all the time.
>their itty bitty wittle feewings!
I’m not that user, but please, no baby talk. Even for banter.
It's only an insult to someone insecure in their own capabilities, which neither of them are. Maybe take your own advice, the world is clearly too rough for you if that's what you consider an insult.
Are you a femanon?
>friendly jabs
Not a thing. If you allegedly like someone, why is your method of expressing that to disparage them? Oh right, because you're an asshole who's full of shit.
It's not about insecurity, it's about the nature of the relationship. If someone you know is not your sidekick, do not call them that. Maybe try showing some fucking respect towards your so-called friends.
Again, are you femanon? Only female friendships are like that.
>it's about the nature of the relationship.
If you don't get why each of the trinity could call the others sidekicks as banter, then you don't get the nature of their relationship at all. Not everything is always meant as a slight, maybe try showing some fucking respect towards your so-called friends by granting them the benefit of the doubt some day.
Either he really doesn't, or he's a master baiter fishing for (You)s.
I know the only toys I ever saw for it were from happy meals, same thing with Young Justice.
Welp. My kid got that one, and it's a pretty neat toy for a 7 yo. Wanted the cap Marvel one from that line but I havent seen him anywhere.
>master baiter
Not true at all anons, you don't treat them like shit and if they are your friend's you know what can be said and can not be said. There's a difference between what you're talking about and what most anons here are talking about.
What an insufferable fag.
>Wanted the cap Marvel one from that line
CN hates action cartoons and will always sabotage them.
>then you don't get the nature of their relationship at all.
Nobody does, cause they don't really have a relationship. Writers and editors don't give enough of a shit to actually define their interactions, so it's totally inconsistent.
Also, no. When you insult someone, it's an insult, period. Doesn't matter how you try to make it jokey sounding, it IS a slight.
>benefit of the doubt as a sign of respect
At no point in history has anyone ever earned that kind of trust. Seriously, are you just that fucking naive?
the shit ive seen.
That isn't how it works
Well have fun being lonely seething in hatred and distrust forever. The rest of us will rely on one another to achieve actual progress in life. Imagine where we'd be today if we'd all let every joke get to us as much as you do. Fucking nowhere is where.
I knew I was inevitably baiting a tard here, but yes. Big red cheese Captain Marvel. Shazam the wizard powered Billy Batson Marvel. You know, the OG.
And yes, I know nu52 made Shazam his "official" name but that's retarded, and I've taught my boy to call him Captain Marvel.
No the only naive person here is you, maybe you should stop posting on Yea Forums go outside and meet some real people.
Also you know if you hated the show so much the better thing to do would be to stop posting and let the thread die, but because you keep being a little bitch the thread is still alive
Fucking nowhere is where we are now. The world is a total dumpster fire that refuses to stop burning. So much for the power of friendship.
>It's not the censuses use of Captain Marvel anymore
>Hurr derr you're the tard
Fuck off you should've been clearer and you know that
>Fucking nowhere is where we are now.
>He said on the biggest interconnected network we have ever made, not screaming it into the void.
Only a retard would assume he means the Marvel character in a DC thread user.
>new action cartoon comes to CN
>immediately gets death slotted to early mornings with no advertisement while shows like TTGO and Adventure Time gets more ads and better timeslot
Happens everytime.
I have met real people. Not worth the trouble.
Also, sorry, but this entire website exists ostensibly for the purpose of discussion. If you do not want to have a discussion, that's your problem.
Shitposting about SIDEKICKS aside, that episode is actually one of the best
>Lex with a beard
>Circe with a beard
>I have met real people. Not worth the trouble.
>No let me teach you about friendship you naive cunts! Friendly banter is a myth!
You don't need us to tell you how we had already figured that out, right?
Motherfucker, the existence of the Internet, if anything, only facilitates the current shitpile state of the world. People being able to talk to each other just makes things worse.
Again, keep being delusional, and don't come crying to me when one of your "friends" sets your house on fire because they've had enough of your shit.
You're the only one crying user.
I feel like CN hates cartoons in general with how they're treating their shows.
You're stupid
>saturday mondey is a classic timeslot
>CN america isn't the only CN and USA isn't the only market
>action cartoons based on franchises don't need good time slots or good ratings to stay alive
DC cartoons dies because of Warner and their shitty deals with toy companies, not because CN.
They promote the shit out of TTG. I think its time to accept that normies just don't like good shit
This. Shows don't live or die on the US market. Networks care just as much about Europe and especially Asia
>one of your "friends" sets your house on fire because they've had enough of your shit.
Banter is how you spot and weed out those psychos before you ever tell them where you live retard. Maybe you'd know that if people didn't cut you off before you reach that point.
>saturday mondey is a classic timeslot
Which is another way of saying its outdated.
This isn't the 90's anymore. Nobody airs new episodes in the early morning unless they're trying to burn a show off they can write it off on their taxes.
it was a fucking joke holy shit
>ignoring latinamerica
Or, just don't go out of your way to insult people you want to hang out with. If you absolutely NEED to be a cunt, then you deserve it when your friends go psycho on you. Prick.
I don't think you get how businesses work. No studio on the fucking planet would intentionally sabotage a product like JLA.
>t. the kind of psycho that proves why we need banter to weed them out early.
I live in new york. I just know WBB is still a thing because it's a spongebob tier hit in korea
>t. Person who feels bad for serial killers and school shooters
It's corporate bias. Not necessarily for a specific brand, but they prefer something they think will sell well. If they had faith in the show, they would've continued the primetime premieres instead of shelving it early in the morning.
Even then, that's still an improvement over how they treated Beware the Batman. However you feel about that show, that was the most cartoonishly blatant sabotage of a show I've ever seen.
Kid, just go back to and stay there.
CN would. Just look at how often they threw in random hiatuses for SU. Just look at how they're treating DC Super Hero Girls now.
>TTG makes a tribute to other DC cartoons
>even Krypto the Superdog and Legion of Super Heroes show up
>no Beware the Batman
So, what is the deal with that show?
>Diana tries to brag in front of mommy
Chill you oversensitive weenie. You'e acting like she told Superman and Batman that they were worthless manchildren that will never have 1/10th her worth.
Dude. She made a little banter to look better in front of her warrior queen mother at the expense of two men she trusts to have her back in combat situations every day.
When Jessie Ventura called his squad a bunch of slag jawed faggots he wasn't actually insulting them. He was bantering. You would know this if you socialized you autist.
No, the utter neglect, bordering on actively malicious slandering of Diana's character is a fucking joke. Is it really sp fucking hard to get it into one's thick skull that she's supposed to be nice? Or is being nice not "cool" or "badass" or "epic" enough? Nope, a character can only be imposing if they're a hateful jerk. Fuck right off.
Also, I hate that try hard hairstyle they gave her in this show. It just screams "HEEEERP, ME AM WAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRR!!!!11111". Yes, we get it, she's a warrior. She's also a diplomat, a sociologist, a linguist, a historian, and a goddamn princess. She ain't a fucking Klingon, you brain dead retards.
>Friendly banter is not a thing that exists
You don't have any friends off the internet, do you?
I know you're exaggerating for comedic effect, but that is exactly how he interprets that line. See for reference.
Imagine how a simple line can kill threads
Bronze age Diana CONSTANTLY made cracks about "male chauvinist this" and "just like a man that."
I liked it too, My guess is that it didn't sell enough toys. So maybe go buy sum toys and it will come back.
>>show decides to shit on someone's favorite superhero by portraying her as a hateful asshole
>someone's favorite superhero
>wonder woman
Why lie like that? Anyway, it wasn't hateful, it was confident/narcissistic, a perfectly fine character flaw a lot of beloved characters have
So you understand you just described this interaction right?
>implying Diana would ever need to brag in front of mommy
>implying Hippolyta is enough of an asshole to make this a thing in the first place
Oh great, it's fine that they're shitting on Diana, because they're shitting on Polly as well. Kill yourself.
And yes, for the record, Hippolyta does not hate men. She and most Amazons are cautious of men because of the Hercules thing, but unless the writer is a retard, it does not boil over into outright prejudice.
>muh banter
We've been over this. Friendly banter is not a real thing.
Are you aware that you aren't normal?
This is why you don't have friends user. You've shunned them all for making jokes.
the animation was okay but it did feel like the old JLA cartoon
>We've been over this. Friendly banter is not a real thing.
Just because you decide it isn't, doesn't change the fact that it is a very real thing for everyone else.
He thinks we should cater to psychos rather than avoid them, you really think he's got any self-awareness?
The toys came out towards the tail end of the series, the whole buy toys to save the show argument doesn’t work for JLA
user, maybe you should take a breather you clearly aren’t well and should probably get some fresh air I’m sure it’s a nice day out.
Also all characters have different interpretations depending on the media/context they are portrayed in maybe you shouldn’t be so assblasted for a different interpretation when there are other interpretations that show the version of the character you want. Much like how Batman: The Brave and the Bold showcases the campy Batman it didn’t invalidate the other versions
>thinks it's okay to treat friends like shit
>"You're the crazy one!"
Whatever you say, Joker. Don't you have a forehead tattoo to get done?
No, basic logic says that's not a thing. There is nothing friendly about verbal abuse, user.
>Whatever you say, Joker.
>Advocates for psychos to retaliate to banter.
>Says the retaliation would be our own fault.
You sure you're the one who should be calling others that? You sound like the only damaged on in this thread.
>banter now equates verbal abuse
Next you'll cry about microaggressions. Grow a fucking pair or just end it, it won't get any easier from here on out.
Just end yourself. Put you out of our misery.
I don't advocate for retaliation, I'm just pointing that retaliation is that natural result of continual insults.
And yes, continually ridiculing someone does indeed constitute verbal abuse.
If we can have camp Batman, emotionally healthy Batman, suicidal Batman, and cruel sadist Batman, surely we can have multiple interpretations of Wonder Woman that include the neck snapping murder happy warrior, the emotionally healthy, and sex hair with a touch of arrogance.
>And yes, I know nu52 made Shazam his "official" name but that's retarded, and I've taught my boy to call him Captain Marvel.
You're a good parent and I'm happy to know people like you are still pout there, raising their kids good and proper. Well done user.
Outside this scene when was she arrogant?
They would if they thought giving the show a fair shake would come at the opportunity cost of something else they can sell easier.
CN wants goofball comedies like Teen Titans Go and Unikitty. JLA was Warner Brothers Animation's attempt at meeting them halfway. Not full goofball, but still lighter in tone and 15 minutes per episode.
But that wasn't good enough for Cartoon Network, so they made an example out of JLA. They sent a message, "Give us EXACTLY what we want, and ONLY what we want."
And immediately after, WBA started working on Thundercats Roar. So, message received.
>continual insults.
>continually ridiculing someone
You're thinking of a roast user, not banter.
AKA "Writers are lazy sacks of shit who can't be bothered to do research on a character."
Get a character right, or get out of the industry. Fucking hacks.
Calm down, sidekick.
>Is this establishment Sneed's Feed and Seed, Diana?
>More like Chuck's Fuck and Suck, mother.
Her design makes her look arrogant.
Same thing, in practice.
>i think i saw somewhere they ARE making more
Just your wishful thinking playing mind games with you again, user.
More like hot.
Absolutely Based
For you.
Really don't get the hype for it. The stories were simple, the animation sucked and the art was super bland and too devoid of any detail. Every other character seemed like they were only there to make Batman look cool by how much of a joke they were.
The stories were simple but entertaining. The artstyle was good. Batman was an actual problem. Batman is always a problem in DC cartoons.
>Same thing, in practice.
Maybe if you weren't such a faggot the people in your life wouldn't feel the need to roast you all the time, and you could learn the difference.
I utterly fail to see how insulting someone could ever constitute a gesture of affection. Stop being a cunt.
Oh cry me a fucking river.
I liked everything but the fact that the ships weren't my preferred ones
It was a good show
It means you’re comfortable enough in the relationship between eachother. You can poke a little fun at eachother and it won’t hurt because you know ya love eachother
The art was a huge turnoff for me. It's just too simple, and some of the characters just ended up looking awful.
>comfortable in a relationship
Also not a thing. Hedgehog's Dilemma.
>it won't hurt
Insults always hurt, regardless of context, framing, or severity.
What characters looked awful?
If Jack Kirby debuted today you'd hate him you brainlet
Batman and Superman seemed fine with the comment
Have you been diagnosed?
Oh yeah, that annoyed look they shot each other just screams content. Dumbass.
Clark might be able to brush it off, but Bruce is absolutely cataloguing this.
>Project O.M.A.C
>Priority One: Wonder Woman
Also, it doesn't really matter, it's still rude. Don't be a cunt to your friends.
All of them really but this design actually offends me. Look at her FACE.
Jack Kirby's art was bounding with insane creativity, this show was just scribbles.
But she looks fine
>true fans are open to different characterizations and different takes
Not that guy, but i'll never accept a Wonder Woman that dates Superman, and this show did treat her like a shit character. Like all the times WW dated SM before.
That's Animal Man
I don't know. Even DC Universe kept it out of its Batman celebration event, but left that shitty Filmation series in. It's not the in the Bottom 10 worst DC's produced. The most play it gets is using Magpie's redesign.
This cartoon was so weird. Big Barda was a more likable character than Wonder Woman. It's like they tried to portray Wonder Woman as if she was DCAU Hawkgirl, but forgot to give her any of the charm Shayera had. She just came off as super narcissistic, haughty, violent, and hateful person that always screwed things up and made everything worse for everyone around her who were forced to clean up her mistakes.
You look fine.
I think she looks cute.
This thread turned out to be more entertaining than I thought it would be. Thanks autistic banter user!
I hope in the future you find friends who are nice to you and who you can banter with. I don't know who insulted you in the past but that person must have been a real cunt to fuck up you up so emotionally. Anyway, good luck in life
I felt Superman was the bigger problem this time. Some episodes would even treat Batman as a joke sometimes, but the only jokes they'd do about Superman were all about how awesome he was. There were nothing but jokes about how good and great he is. Sometimes even at other character's expense.
What show did you watch? WW was cute.
To be fair, Wonder Woman was easily the worst character in this cartoon. Which is sad, because her design is great. I think i read somewhere that the shows producers and writers were forced to depict her a certain way because of Diane Nelson.
>super narcissistic, haughty, violent, and hateful person
Prff, would a person like that react so smoothly to this?
She wasn't. She was constantly trying to show off her powers and being extremely violent. She was constantly stalking Superman and annoying him by trying to be near and helping him when he did not need. She was constantly advocating about killing enemies and such which would off-put those around her. She was also constantly demeaning or putting down her teammates.
The only good side is that she was shown as a major fuck-up who was always getting tangled in her own lasso, and needing others help, which she hated.
She still comes off as a cunt, though, just an exasperated cunt.
Maybe learn to take a joke because actual people make jabs at their friends all the time, and also considering how everyone else in this thread is telling you, “you are wrong” maybe take that to heart
>"Just take it and pretend it doesn't hurt when a "friend" says some shit to you."
How about you just fuck off.
Besides, the point of all of this was that this show did wrong by Diana, just like damn near every other cartoon featuring her has so far.
Every time they pair Wonder Woman with Superman in something, they've to portray her as a stuck-up and mean bitch, because they want to sell Superman as a power fantasy where he's able to win and tame this irrational and wild powerful woman with nothing but his manly manliness and fantastical prowess.
Stop posting
It's the truth. The show producers and writers confirmed they were forced to write the character a certain way and have the SMWW because DC mandated them. Even the writer that wrote the date episode between SMWW said he hated doing it, which is why it probably sucked so much.
Are you the same autist that hates Kingdom Come?
Pure kino
I thought the Grundy Christmas special was adorable
>I'm time's rat guy
Based and boosterpilled
I love the competent but still a screw-up Booster, this show was a good blend of both characterizations also being voiced by Bater is always great
No, but i agree that SMWW there sucks.
fpbwp classic sidekickposter
I miss having this with new eps
Much appreciated, user-kun. Doing my best here.
Did you get the Captain Marvel Family figures from the new movie?
>I liked it.
Worth watching just for Wondy's Sexy Sexy Hair, alone, senpai.
Not yet, but his bday is coming soon. I haven't been able to watch the movie yet and of course he wants to go. Can any user give me a clue if it's appropriate for a 7 yo? I mean, the movie should be aimed at him and I'm not worried if he gets a spook or two, I want to know if a scene I head about involving a strop club is explicit or not per example.
Some strong moments, but it's a small scares at most, it's not gruesome at any point, and he won't get any of the adult references (nothing graphic, just some induendos)
They just show the exterior, no actual stripping, although some kids thought some Sivana scenes were scary, and of course a bit of swearing
No you only see the Strip Club exterior, the two scenes that had some scares to them were the boardroom scene and the door scene
>...So why don’t we get more of this?
Because FrostyStorm was too pure for this world, user.
Thx bros! Glad to know...
>Friendly banter is not a real thing.
Whats it like never having other male friends in your life. I'm a fucking faggot and me and my buds still banter all the time, so either your friend groups are even worse and overly sensitive then a bunch of literal homos or you've never had a friend in your life
It was fun and lighthearted. Booster gold was hillarious and it has many cute moments.
I really liked it but it wasn't meant to be.
Haven't even watched the show but that sounds like something she'd say.
You and your "friends" are cunts and you should commit group suicide. I'd be just about the only genuine moment of solidarity you'd have.
>"I've never read a WW comic in my life."
You know what, go and join brodouche and company in their kool aid party. Fucking casual.
Here is the clip that seems to bother some anons here.
It's not that bad.
This is what the autist is freaking out about? Goddamn. What a spaz.
It's not bad at all.
The amazons are cunts, but that is part of the joke so it's allright.
How does the episode end anyway?
Does WW stand up to her mother and tells her she has male friends?
>Cause here in the real world, "friendly banter" is not a thing that exists. Insulting and belittling one's friends is an excellent way to not have friends anymore.
Spoken like somebody who doesn't actually have any friends. Joking around and making fun of each other is pretty much a given in a friendship, since that's around the point where you figure out that you know each other well enough to be able to take a fucking joke.
Either learn to laugh at yourself more or just admit you're a thin-skinned pussy.
This show honestly got me to care about Firestorm.
IMO, only supergirl.
Honestly? Excellent bait.
If one of you friendly anons could compile all of the sidekick's autism for me, that'd be great. I'd do it myself, but I've got a graveyard shift I need to get ready for, and I'll probably need some good laughs for when I get back home.
And don't get too buttblasted, sidekick! That's what we real folks call, "a joke".
And to think that single joke still gets someone rilled up to this day, it's quite hilarious to see such dedicated shitposting for such a small thing.
I can taste the salt over the internet
Best versions of Zatanna and Firestorm
Oh cool that cover art has 2 green lanterns, maybe i will check it out!
They have enough room for 3 Batmans, a Batman villain and 2 Supermen but they only have 1 female character and no GL and no Booster Gold.
I liked her.
this is my first time on Yea Forums in fucking forever, how are you still triggered over this lmao
>They promote the shit out
>It's corporate bias.
>CN continuing to sabotage anything they don't have full rights to.
One of the first thing the new AT&T head of Warners did, once all the DOJ shit was fully done and they could fully execute, was shit can a number of the Turner people or get them to take 'early retirement' by getting rid of the old hybrid system that Ted had forced on AOL/Time Warner of allowing all the Turner networks to exist as their own things. So even though CN was owned by Warners, they could shit on DC or Warner Animation for their 'own' profit as if it wasn't going to all end up in the same bank account, bottom line.
THIS is no longer going to happen. It doesn't help GL-TAS or JL Action or anyone/anything else.
But it will no longer happen to DC/Hanna/Mad, Warner Animation properties at CN.
Super trips confirm that Superwoman > Superman. Give us Clara Kent dammit.
Imagine being this offended that the matriarch of a matriarchal society of warrior lesbians in a cartoon scoffed at men. Imagine letting it ruin a whole cartoon for you.
Like what?
Juvenile monster of the week shovelware super childish with no big pay off arcs
No thanks
>...So why don’t we get more of this? I liked it.
52 episodes seems right.
>you will never be WW's sidekick that she casually molests
>52 episodes seems right.
Justice League also had 52 episodes, from Secret Origins to Starcrossed.
It hurts
Same. I can't help but smile when I read "THE HEAT IS ON" now.
I never could get over the style choice.
>tfw no supermommy milkers
>I liked it.
me too
>and I think they used Space Cabbie way too much.
Fucking this. Patton Oswald killed his wife, then killed this series.
Same here, it actually got me into DC everything.
Me too, and then I started reading comics published since CoIE and he was a dumbass or a douche there, what a disappointment.