Is Calvin & Hobbes overrated?

Is Calvin & Hobbes overrated?

Boomers seem to think it's the highest of masterpieces

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You bet your sweet as it is, now go and read it you swarmy bastard

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that would literally be putting them away. You can change "save them for your child" and "put them away for your child" and they have identical meanings.

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Shhhhhh just let this thread die in peace. If he doesn't want to enjoy the best comic ever let it happen

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Why is it the best? What makes it any different from something like Steven Universe that teaches values based on the creator's views on what's males one a healthy you?

I don't know why everyone worships it so much honestly. Most strips give me the impression that the author has a very high opinion of himself.

Calvin and Hobbes was a fun comic. But fuck all these faggots thst can't let it go and produce the most overly smaltzy crap using it.

You aren't cute or endearing.

>what makes it better than Steven Universe
Consistency in quality.

It captured the kind of magical thinking that kids have very well. It was drawn exceptionally well. It had the good sense end in its prime. It was never exploited for commercialization. It was so good, it made other comics look bad in comparison.

Steven universe teaches you anyone is redeemable, even space hitler. Just talk to them. That's all you fucking need.
C&H teaches you parents are kinda shitty, but kids are kinda shitty too. Actually the world is kinda shitty, if you get right down to it. But all things can be fun if you make them.

So, you know, it's actually relatable and relevant. SU reeks of the creater having a sheltered upbringing. C&U feels like the creater is kind of an asshole, probably a bit pretentious, but at least they have a frim idea of what's going on.

>but C&H is also saying anything is redeemable, in it's own way.
There's a difference between redeemable and tolerable. Actually, thinking about it, C&H does every aspect of SU better than SU does.
If you want to talk about overrated properties...

Why don't have an opinion of your own?

It hits the perfect balance of enjoyably for children and adults. Sometimes really deep and profound but never in a tryhard look how smart I am sort of way.

Also the writer's insistence on not commercializing it with merch is pretty admirable. Most hippies talk a big game but it's all talk.

>Also the writer's insistence on not commercializing it with merch is pretty admirable.
Why? What great evil would befall the world if you could buy a Hobbes plushie ?


Because he didn't want to have a billion dollar sellout empire identical to Garfield in every way.

His integrity was worth more than what could have easily competed commercially but there would have never been an end to it. Dude just wanted to be a cartoonist in peace apparently.

It doesn't matter. All of these schmucks are hypocrites who go see Disney movies every month.

It's not a Boomer nostalgia thing, though. A people who were kids in the 90s thing. So Gen X to older Millenials. It's not so much amazing in general either as it was amazing compared to newspaper comics at that exact time, which were dreadful. They were the low years of Garfield where he made non-jokes, the little girl on Family Circus accidentally said a cute kid pun each strip, and the other strips were about kids these days and their newfangled rock music and Elvis and were about 40 years out of step with the culture. Compared to that shit, C&H was actually brilliant.

Honestly, the Simpsons in the 90s also became a huge hit just because some actual thought was put into it. There was a lot of pop culture that was lazily churned out by a committee of marketers and execs at the time and didn't even try, think of how long Urkel was king. Options were more limited and if the only thing on was yet another Jim Carey movie adaptation cartoon or rapping Yogi Bear or a rapping product tie in and its token team of "diverse" kids, or a preachy lesson cartoon like Captain Planet and its "diverse" cast, kids would have to watch it. There was barely anything on the Internet, and not as many tv channels, no streaming services. It was a very different time.

Dipshits are always calling Gen Xers "boomers" and Millennials "zoomers"
Nobody knows what words actually mean

I don't know what I hate more, that their child is named Bacon or Susie (as an adult even) is acting like Calvin.

Oh no he made a spelling mistake
His points are all invalid now
You've won

Oh no(comma) he made a spelling mistake(period)
His points are all invalid now(period)
You've won(period)
(Congratulations, "Congrats" isn't a word) (period)

it took some real efford to write that
thanks for exerting some efort user

You will die.

perhaps eventually
i hope to achieve immortality before then however
maybe not in a organic way but more machinelike

So will you. Such is the way of all flesh.

Right. Boomers were kids in the 50s or 60s, not the fucking 90s. The first Boomers were born in 1946 and the last were born early 60s.

>Is Calvin & Hobbes overrated?


/end thread.

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The worst part is that the meme was originally "30yo boomer", there was an acknowledgement that baby boomers can't be 30-years old by definition, but now everyone has forgotten that.

I was gonna say this is an edit, but an upload from 2012 actually does say "Donald Trump".

No one forgot it idiot. When people say boomer they are ironically referring to people in their late 20s - 30s. Idk why you and that other guy are going back and forth over a non issue. “People are using memes!!!!”

The original joke was that she was scared of something as ridiculous as Donald Trump. I guess you can say it aged poorly.

Fuck you faggot i find it cute and endearing, take your shit taste and go.

Its actually really stupid.

Its called philanthropy.

when you are rich and powerful, and more importantly, have the infrastructure and means to put this empire in effect, you should. and arguably have the moral duty to do so.

He *could* have incorporated, set up a trust and management system. And, had the profits from Calvin and hobbes, generating revenue for Grants to students,artists, whatever he wanted.