This comic is overrated as fuck

This comic is overrated as fuck

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I'd agree except it seems like most of the fans fucking hate it at this point

the epilogue dropping tomorrow will totally redeem the comic just you wait

I'm just happy the snaps are gone. Justice has been served on that front at least.

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That's because Hussie managed to squander literally everything he's ever done with it as a story. I'm not even sure how he managed it, but he did.

he tried to make a game but picked a company that stole the money and his dad died
he tried to make his own game but he sucked shit at it so he started to abuse his girlfriend halfcunt the vapid truth. after they broke up he started the comic again but he lost the inhuman drive that let him update 4 times a day at any time


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you'l see in 23 hours 6 minutes

I'd love to kick the shit out of andrew hussie's ass and post it on his website as a trophy. happy 4/13, i'd say. to myself, i'd let the picture speak for itself on the website.

I'm pretty sure it went downhill once he got that girlfriend in the first place.

It seems to be a trend that single weird guys create great shit, then that attracts some cunt, which either completely changes his mental state leading to a decline in quality or the bitch manipulates him into having the story go the way she wants it to, effectively giving the cunt complete control.

Don't look at the point he broke-up with his gf as the point when the quality of the comic declined, look at when they got together.

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Remember that Kickstarter and The Odd Gentlemen literally ruined this comic after years of build up

Yeah, I don't get why people latched onto Cool and New Web Comic when it's such tripe to slog through.

I just rewatched the credits, because I wanted to see where the canon ended, and I realized how big a lie the "John lives the rest of his life alone" meme is. They show up for his birthday 3 years in a row, with the third year him saying himself that he doesn't want to make a big deal of it anymore, so it makes sense when he spends the next one alone. And, with the banner staying up all tattered, I don't think he's living in his house still, just that they threw his birthday there every time, so what seems to be him despondent is him reminiscing, except for the part about Jane's dad dying.

>except for the part about Jane's dad dying.

The reason the ending is sad is because the beta kids still have to fight Caliborn to close the time loop, which means separating from all their other friends and spending an uncertain amount of time trapped in purgatory leading to an uncertain fate.

also the alpha kids are trapped alone on future earth or the lands of colours and mayhem

Jane's dad died of old age sometime between John's 19th and 20th birthday, at least I assume so since he takes this pic.

I get that, I'm talking about people like Steel Corridor who did all that "Breath doesn't mean Freedom" shitposting, and how John is a tragic character not because of any timeloop shit but because he "didn't hook up with anyone and all his friends hate him", when that's obviously not the case.

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Homestuck aged like milk and arguably wasn't good outside of the novelty factor when it came out. This is especially true after Hussie stopped taking commands and started writing a story in what was now a pointless obfuscation of prose and a bad framing device. It doesn't help that for some obscene reason there was a whole trend of artists riding out that self referential irony bit that leaked onto a artists in the animation and comics industry itself.

I think Homestuck actually made a lot of other art worse and was a fucking shitty influence on artists who mostly followed it because of false hype.

>Yeah, I don't get why people latched onto Cool and New Web Comic when it's such tripe to slog through.
It has an incredibly polarizing style of humor. You either love it or hate it. To me the biggest appeal early on was just trying to figure out what was even going on. Early shit was really just a primer for it getting really convoluted. The convoluted aspects of it were a part of the fun, but if you're the kind of guy who'd rather just look shit up on a wiki than obviously you're going to hate the comic.

Early on there was at least good pacing, but it got bogged-down with too much shit related to trolls and shipping, which attracted a bigger, more cancerous, more profitable fanbase, and Hussie putting the comic into a deathspiral to appease them.

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>Jane's dad died of old age sometime between John's 19th and 20th birthday, at least I assume so since he takes this pic.
wasnt that his dad

This. Closing the suggesion box was the begining of the end.

To me the flaw with Homestuck is that Hussie got too much of a god-complex, thinking he could ignore basic pillars of storytelling to convey high concept ideas which just didn't satisfy in reality.

Like oh you're not supposed to care that this character died miserable because a ghost of him from another timeline got the validation? Or you're not supposed to care that the ending is an inconclusive prologue to events revealed way earlier, because "real life doesn't have satisfying endings?" The character that shits on everything and never matures is ultimately the reason anyone has any semblance of a happy ending, because that's just how it is sometimes????

No, John's dad was killed by Bec Noir back during Act 5 Act 2.

I don't think Hussie believes half the stuff he's saying. Platonic ideals make sense, but this "truest self" bs sounds like something a fan said he loved about the comic, and he coopted because he realized he didn't know how to finish it without taking another megahiatus, and was just tired of the whole thing.

yeah wasnt that a photo of him was my question

Oh, yeah, it is. Well, nevermind then.

Dude no John's sad that his Dad died. You know to Jack? Jane's Dad isn't a real replacement for his own Dad and he knows it. That's what he's sad about there. The Dads might seem like carbon copies to us, but they're not to John. That's the feeling I get from it at least.