What does Yea Forums think of bojack horseman? I think it's one of the best western cartoons in recent years...

what does Yea Forums think of bojack horseman? I think it's one of the best western cartoons in recent years, and maybe one of the best western cartoons ever made.

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Peaked during season 2 and 3, 4 wasn't terrible but 5 was as forgettable as it was meaningless. Felt like watching the wheels turn for no good reason. Also Todd is pointless and Diane becoming the moral centet of the show was fucked. "Hey this person is as imperfect as everyone else oh wait actually she's always right and the mouth piece for the show how". Terrible considering how much I loved it even when it first premiered and nobody was giving it a shot.

Really good

It hits copper and thinks it's gold.

It has good dramatic set-pieces with no real emotional insight/context of substance and the brunt of the show is hackney comedy of the most droll and dreary kind.

It hits a few great moments and each new season I'm tempted to watch again in hopes of seeing that one guilty pleasure cathartic moment that is contradicted by all sorts of things, but just roll with it and let me indulge. And it USUALLY delivers that. It has just become increasingly less worth it to try and find that moment because they stopped putting it at the second to last episode because I guess they were afraid people figured it out.

comfy yet bojack learns lesson
poor diane
bojack really disappoints you at the end
escalation of losing friends, finally kills sara lyn. too depressing and no relief. even that sarah lyn wins oscar scene was traumatic.
Bojack mom too sad
that nobody blames what Bojack did makes me uncomfortable and disappointed at the show
no sad but strangling -and also bojack gets away as usal- was too much

Their theme message of "real life doesn't have conclusion like the show, you have to keep live with it" and "in the show, nothing ever ends because they have to make another season" weirdly makes each other's sense. That's why I like the show.

Bojack Horseman isn't funny. Nor is it deep. Nor does it have good art design or animation. At the end of the day, it really doesn't offer anything unless you're naive and sheltered from the human psyche, in which other platforms have done it infinitely better.

Something needs to happen this season or I'm going to stop watching

Pretentious is an overused word, but Bojack Horseman absolutely qualifies. It caters to the people who enjoyed the sad parts of Rick and Morty.

This, but it still hits home for me and is one of my favorite shows to rewatch.

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There is a general resentment to Bojack on Yea Forums I've discovered.
The 1st season is mediocre at best until the second half when the story picks up with Herb.
Some of it is liberal bullshit, but he majority is solid.

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I don't really find it all that funny, but I watch it because I genuinely get sucked into the drama. It's a dramedy and while it doesn't nail drama or comedy completely, it's still a worthy attempt that is still worth the watch.

Yea Forums is often put down for being contrarian and this attitude rears its head most with Bojack. Hence why this thread was made, the OP just wanted to bait people.
My guess would be that the show is its own thing and that's what puts a target on its back. It's liberal, but is constantly mocking hollywood and liberals. It is an adult comedy, yet also treats its audience like adults and not as unsupervised twelve year olds. It is grimdark and yet doesn't bask in its grimdark attitude. It's a show that refuses to be put in a box and, understandably, that's going to piss off the reactionary crowd that makes up most of Yea Forums.

I liked it fine when it made fun of everyone, and made it clear this is a show without role models. a real adult cartoon in every sense, full of horrible people you can laugh at and feel for.
then they started trying to actually make statements, and the creators flat-out admitted that was their intent. They wanted to pick certain groups and make them feel special and cared-for because people are against them for being obvious fuckups. that's when I stopped watching. It'd be like if a cringe comedy like Curb Your Enthusiasm took some kind of stance regarding people with anxiety or something.

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I like it. I don't agree that the series has seen some steep decline either. Season 5 had some great episodes. A lot of the sharper humor is relegated to background gags, but even if the plots and dialogue aren't as smart as they think they are there's a strong sense of identity and meaning to them. It's a greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts kind of show.

Same could be said about Rick and Morty.
Atleast Bojack makes me feel tho, and not repulsed and disgusted watching it.

todd and the asian girl are annoying.

It's a good show. Not like there isn't anything better to watch and Yea Forums will bitch about anything even if it wins an oscar

What's weird is that it offers a very pro-liberty sorta liberal view about egalitarianism which for some reason is the sort of leftist view that has Yea Forums constantly bitchfit about. Whereas Rick and Morty has more of a juvenile leftist view based on rejection of society and traditions (God is dummmb, Religion is for idiots!) which everyone seems to think is EPIC and makes the show edgy and principled for.

I liked it at first but now It doesn't really feel like it intends to go anywhere. I got the impression that the characters were actually evolving at first, but now it feels like endless drama is being fed into their lives purely for the sake of keeping the show going. Things like Diane and Peanutbutter fucking behind Pickle's back just makes me roll my eyes.

Pomo judentrash if I am being honest.

I mainly watched it for Todd and Mr Peanut Butter

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But bojack came first

This is so fucking funny

I just like laughing at silly animals being miserable. Shits hilarious, yo. Ya'll poeple just like it for what it is not.

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Who the fuck is talking about Rick and Morty? At least that had comedy in the first two seasons before it got up its own ass. Bojack is just boring, shitty looking, unfunny, and babby's first depression if you find it deeper than a puddle.

I agree with you.

>Yea Forums will bitch about anything
Is there even one board where they won't?

Rick and Morty premiered a year before Bojack did.