Young Avengers

What made America Chavez so popular? She's integrated in the middle of the original Young Avengers line up and nobody minds at all. However Noh-Varr and Prodigy are usually left out and nobody cares. So why is America so special? She didn't do anything special in Kieron Gillen's run, just open portals and become a lesbian.

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This is Nadia birthday, right?

I still miss Eli, his first costume too

Cassie should be pissed that they won't rebuild Jonas

They have a back up of his mind

>What made America Chavez so popular?
Nothing. It's the writers who keep trying to push her down everybodies throat. No one actually likes her, at least nobody that buys comics.

>shitty forced character that no one wanted or asked for

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Literally who


Okay, why is she so popular among writers then?

How old is America supposed to be? Isn’t she from another dimension? Was a teenager really appropriate member of the Ultimates?

I really wish Marvel would establish some shit in terms of who’s young enough to been on the teen/younger hero teams and who is too old.

How dense are you? She’s not even popular with writers, it’s mandated diversity hire logic

>it’s mandated diversity hire logic

She's a borderline offensive stereotypical *spicy* Latinx with the added virtue signalling that she's also gay ( introduced in a comic that was so #woke that literally only Kate Bishop *wasn't* gay/bi ) who got a series written by a literally who gay latinx woman right around the time they gave Gay Iceman a book by another literally who who's only qualification was that he was gay and wanted to write what he knew.

She's what they threw at the wall to see if it'd stick after the female White Tiger failed to set the world on fire.

like they do with carol danvers?

She was never popular.

She however was a super dooper, checks all minority boxes at the same time, diversity inclusion character that fits right into the "If you say you don't like it then you're a racist nazi misogynist incel MAGA hat wearing asshole" narrative that media companies keep around.

Because she covers
>Strong willed female character
>gay character
>really super smart female character
>really really powerful female character that never needs saving
>Brown Latinx character
>Created by female writer
>Created by Latinx writer
>Created by gay writer

it's career ending suicide to not love her and use her as much as possible.

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>pandering to SJWs
Why do media companies do this? Do SJWs even buy comics?

No. That's why Marvel Comics was tanking hard during their SJW phase. DC was outsolding them by a mile.

No but they are the single loudest and largest voice in all avenues of feedback to the company.

All social media, all traditional media, and people who are 99% most likely to speak back to the media companies in some way by either email, regular mail, facebook, or any other means of communication in the modern day will likely be someone with a complaint. For every one person saying "Hey nice job guys!" you will have 20 screaming how evil, problematic and misogynistic some thing is and they typically have an angry mob rallying behind them so it looks like a few hundred are pissed for the one that is pleased.

Also they will fucking RUIN your job and livelihood if they are motivated enough. A writer or artist does something problematic and the twitter/facebook/tumblr torch wielding mob will take time out of their day to campaign to have them fired, run out of the industry, and possibly destroyed for all future media based jobs. And creatives are fucking terrified of this since half of their job is reputation based. So in their eyes it's better to be safe and have the Latinx Muslin transgirl freedomfighter character that only spouts political talking points in all dialog and ignore everything that comes of it. Just join in and point fingers at anyone who does not like it and call them an incel, and hopefully no one will ever point a finger at them.

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She had a neat design.
People liked the design so much that they really really wished the character that came with it was cool.
That's it.

It sounds like the executives are the problem then.

Yea that's basically it, the suits at the top really have no idea who the readers are and what a twiter mob is all about. They just look at the daily events and see that somehow 2K people are really pissed off at X medium level writer. They do not know if those are readers or fans at all, but comics are a dying industry that bleeds numbers every year. So they do not want to risk pissing off such an insane number of people so they instantly fire X writer and then start pandering to the twitter talking points because they think this will draw some in because apparently there are 2K people that are very in the know with what happened in some Daredevil or Spider-Man issue. They do not know that it's maybe 5-ish readers at the most and all their contacts and friends on twitter that make up the mob. They also fail to realize that this will not make readers out of them either, the twitter mob is only in it to in their minds Make a better Tomorrow by removing all problematic people from media industries.They just move on to the next crusade.

>Just join in and point fingers at anyone who does not like it and call them an incel, and hopefully no one will ever point a finger at them.
That's why SJWs are so miserable and hateful all the time. They constantly have to be on guard, because one slip-up and suddenly they are the problematic ones that need to be taught a lesson. And rules what is "problematic" change every second. They don't care about social justice whatsover. It's all about their personal social validation and acceptance. It's an extremaly hypocritical, egotistical and cutthroat subculture.

What was "neat" about it, exactly?
Be specific.

>So why is America so special?
mandated diversity, most likely.

Most writer make her just a sassy lesbian flying brick+portals, which is, in the end, innocuous enough. (Having mandate characters for this-or-that reason isn't exactly something uncommon in cape books)
She's not the best person around but doesn't get a pass on it(she gets shat on quite regularly when oversteps her limits)

Most of the hate toward America comes from her horrible, HORRIBLE mini(we talking about Marville-level HORRIBLE here) where she's written as a utterly HORRIBLE person and gets praised for it.

>They do not know if those are readers or fans at all, but comics are a dying industry that bleeds numbers every year. So they do not want to risk pissing off such an insane number of people

And this right here is the main reason sjw stuff has made it's way into tv and print. No one wants to run the risk of angering and alienating an audience when they are doing so poorly and things only get worse each day.

They pander because they think this will attract all those tumblr crowds that already spoke up against the shows so clearly they know about it. They cannot afford to take risks, and in 2019 these risks are things like
>no minority main characters,
>no obviously muslim characters seen on screen
>any "traditional" female role
>black guy not being the smartest character in the show
And they think doing this will grab a large all new young audience.

Yea this is what creates things like pic related. you have to always be in the hunt and ready to point out what is problematic or else someone just might point a finger at them and all of a sudden their job and lifestyle is on the chopping block.

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America isn't popular.

95% of the time when Co is bitching about a push they're full of shit, but poochie was reviled by pretty much everyone who actually read hear, delicious brown thighs creeps notwithstanding.
Her writing is just... Atrocious.

So, what happens when their strategy inevitably fails miserably? I personally think that it'd be best for these companies to either become, or sell themselves to streaming services.

I would guess that America doesn’t have the preexisting links that Noh-Varr and Prodigy have means you can slot her in easily

No company has been destroyed yet. Right now we are in a weird period of directors and writers blaming the fans for not buying enough when something does not perform as well. Anytime a new movie comes out that did not do as well, the director goes on social media and blasts the viewers for not being open minded enough or being straight up nazis and not seeing their movie. They don't seem to understand that random Joe Nobody is actually *not* under the same level of scrutiny that might lose their job and life if they do not praise a movie or book.

Somehow a lot of creatives have forgotten that media needs to be entertaining at its core. A lot of them are just making it overly political, and assuming that it will always attract people that agree with each line. But if the book/movie sucks then no one likes it, even the people that technically agree with it. But when it fails, the creators just to assume it failed because readers disagreed, or are regressive neanderthals that hate seeing correct political points being brought up. So it's impossible to complain about a book beinv 98% politics and 2% story, because they just blame you and label you a MAGA Trump fan.

Then why are Prodigy and Noh-Varr missing? One is black bi and the other is bi. They're still minorities.

>Why do media companies do this? Do SJWs even buy comics?

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>It's an extremaly hypocritical, egotistical and cutthroat subculture.
On the one hand this is SPOT ON.

On the other hand it's also how you get Fawx Gnus types backing up Trump: a dude who hasn't got a single American grandparent who literally married an illegal alien and cheated on her with a porn whore; but 'Family Values' dontchaknow?

Kneejerk tribalism is the problem.

But we're still in the SJW phase

>all this alt-right projection

The old guys in charge do not understand that the tumblr and twitter crowds that complain about a problematic thing in their books actually never read their books. And still will not read it after they correct that "problematic" thing.

The American flag motif on casual wear (ruined by the fact that she's not American she's lesbian-dimensionese), the way the jacket makes her have a bulky upper-body shilouete without making her actual upper-body bulky, the big wavy brown hair and brown skin complementing the largely-white and blue coloring of her outfit (Korra is similar), all these things are appealing in a vacuum.

there are already enough negroes(America) and fags(America, Hulkling and Billy).
No need for further negros and fags

...that' what I bet the editorial was thinking.

The day Noh-Varr did wrong to Kate was the day he was blacklisted forever. The whole point of the breakup originally was that Noh-Varr was an avatar of his fans. Those who desperately wanted Morrison back. Oubliette was the representation of that era in Marvel Boy, the one mini that everyone praise, while Kate represented the idea that changes in one character's history can be for the better. It was supposed to be this whole meta commentary on the history of Marvel Boy. However, most people took it completely out of context and all they saw was Kate = sad, white male ex = bad. Which is why no one is asking for his come back and no one cares about his bad characterization in books like West Coast Avengers (pic related for example is waaay out of character for a guy who has a half-skrull as friend, but since it's established Noh-Varr is problematic then he has to say problematic stuff). Ironically, he has been Hank Pymed for his involvement with Kate since he can't escape her shadow anymore. Because of that breakup, you can be sure a story that involves him will at some point reference Kate in some way.

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Basically what happened to Esquivel. I think he would still have a career if he hadn’t presented himself as a woke author

She's the personification of all the brown LGBT neurotics that reblog diatribes about whites/males/capitalism. They can bitch for hours about what they don't like but the minute they have to actually play the lead role they covet they reveal how shallow they are. That's America Chavez and every story she's appeared in except Ewing's Ultimates, where she's actually written like a human being instead of some gender theory student's pipe dream.

After that trainwreck of that series she's pretty much an easy target to hate. She may have had some fans before that. Looking at the old storytimes it would seem they're were some people who liked her there from Ultimates and were pretty pissed that the first thing Rivierez did was break her up with her girlfriend from that series. If they were to try to rehabilitate the character I'd suggest they'd start with getting them back together.

America now has the literal perfect girlfriend. Just look at this gal.

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lol fuck school shooter joker. its bullshit

I have never really seen her written as a character with a personality, flaws, likes, etc. Everything that makes a human being. She is more written like a weird perfect successful yet disliked by evil white characters, almost parody of sjw thinking, self insert. She is written to be perfect and flawless, with a perfect life where everything is amazing and fun. It just really doesn't fit in the "Everything is terrible and life sucks" Marvel narrative.

is this the new YA lineup?

They're guest starring in an issue of Unstoppable Wasp
It's Nadia's birthday party. Viv is showing up too

And The Winter Soldier

>introduced in a comic that was so #woke that literally only Kate Bishop *wasn't* gay/bi

She still kept lamenting that she's straight and seeing America being so wonderfully lesbian makes her wish she was a lesbian too. No really. She had entire tirade about it.

Not to say, the entire cosmology of America's homeworld is basically "everybody is a lesbian and thanks to that it's a paradise".
I swear that Gabby Rivera had issues.

America (vol.1, 2017-2018) is a brave, political comic, tackling complex social issues.

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The comic only lasted a year?

Well, it was THIS bad.
Even despite Marvel shilling the fuck out of it they had to cancel it. Because the comic was becoming an industry laughingstock.

She's not popular. She's forced.
Here is how you would have made her popular.

>Hello, my name is America Chavez.
>I'm a mutate/mutant/metahuman
>My powers are flight and super strength
>I'm a very patriotic Latina who loves the home she shares a name with.
>I'm cute and I like cute things.
>I have my strengths as a person, but also flaws and weaknesses.

Here is what we got.
>Hello, my name is America Chavez.
>I'm a genetically perfect meta human from the future born to two women. So progressive.
>My powers are everything.
>I'm very self centered and everyone else is the problem, not me.
>Don't you objectify me you shitlords. I am a proud bisexual lesbian pan-trans American trans-nigger pan-pan.
>I have my strength. I have no flaws in universe and everyone loves me and is inspired by me. I can do no wrong and you will never relate to me or my struggles, because my struggles are not struggles. Just annoying hurdles that I need to casually walk around and then complain about how hard it was to jump over them.

Nobody cares.

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You have to be braindead to believe that her exposure signifies power

I hate this so much. I don't call my grandparents mi abuelos not mi abuelx.