DC's YEAR OF OF THE VILLAINS #1 Brings on the Bad Guys


>In DC’s YEAR OF THE VILLAIN #1 written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV with art by Jim Cheung, Lex Luthor has decided once and for all that heroism is a false dream and for man to ascend to his place in the universe, he must embrace his basest, most evil instincts. But this means making an incredible sacrifice to achieve his goal and gain the support of Perpetua, the first being to be imprisoned within the Source Wall, now freed from the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL.

>Beginning with June’s issue #25, Luthor’s plans begin to crystalize in a “prelude” story co-written by Snyder and Tynion with art by Javi Fernandez. In July, he makes “The Offer” to some of the DC Universe’s most noteworthy characters; he alone holds the key to them realizing their full potential. This kicks off an epic event taking over 2019, setting the stage for an all-out clash between the forces of Justice and Doom:

>· July – Year of the Villain: The Offer
>· August – Year of the Villain: Dark Gifts
>· September – Year of the Villain: Evil Unleashed
>· October – Year of the Villain: Doom Rising

>Luthor’s influence spreads across the DCU with a select number of titles carrying a themed “Year of the Villain” banner featuring a haunting image of a Lex Luthor that’s more than he used to be. In addition, certain July issues will receive special “portrait” variant covers featuring characters to whom “Apex Lex” makes the ultimate offer. These covers will be printed on cardstock with minimal trade dress, presenting the art in a bold, dynamic setting and carry an increased cover price ($1 extra) over the standard version.

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>Beginning with the “Leviathan Rises” storyline in ACTION COMICS #1007, Brian Michael Bendis and Steve Epting continue to explore the DCU’s clandestine world of espionage and terrorism. The organization known as Leviathan continues to remove competitors from the playing field while its ultimate purpose (and the person behind it) remains unknown.

>In DC’S YEAR OF THE VILLAIN #1, Batgirl and Green Arrow dive further into this mystery in a story featuring a moody style reminiscent of a spy thriller (courtesy of artist Alex Maleev), where offers are made and suspicions about the identity of Leviathan are raised. Fans can follow the ongoing mystery in ACTION COMICS #1010 (April 24), #1011 (May 11) and SUPERMAN: LEVIATHAN RISING SPECIAL #1 (May 29) before the DCU’s greatest sleuths and detectives join forces to thwart this full-blown threat as the six-issue EVENT LEVIATHAN miniseries begins on June 12.

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>It’s going to be a long hot summer for the Dark Knight as well, courtesy of Tom King and Tony S. Daniel as “City of Bane” begins BATMAN #75, on sale July 17. This extra-sized anniversary issue kicks off a new multi-part storyline tying together all the threads of the first 74 issues of Tom King’s epic Batman run.

>Bane’s minions have moved into Gotham City, taken control and rule with an iron fist; and they aren’t above rounding up any rogue villains that aren’t ready to get with the program. Meanwhile Batman is nowhere to be found – at least not the Batman that anyone knows. And if Gotham City is already under Bane’s thumb, what kind of offer can Lex Luthor make him, and will he accept?

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Another boring event I'll lose absolutely nothing over by skipping.

>more villain wank
Is DC editorial just made up entirely of Zeon-fags? Villains are little more than obstacles to challenge the hero, and yet, everyone acts as if they're more important than the heroes. This edgelord pandering needs to stop already.

>Perpetua, first being imprisoned in the Source Wall
You're gonna sprain something from trying way too hard to make everything EPIC™.

>written by Snyder and Tynion
No thanks

Oh look, instead of a giant dude, it's a giant chick this time. Woopee, you almost did something different.

Seriously, why is damn near every DC even villain a giant humanoid?
>Mandrakk the Dark Monitor
>The Empty Hand
>The Source Wall Titans
>Dr. Manhattan
Fucking hacks.

God this looks and sounds retarded but it has Plas and Question.

Snyder ruined the Source Wall for me honestly, it went from being the representation of the 4th wall into another fucking McGuffin

>Villain book
Sweet, DC has been needing a new villain book since Suicide Squad just became Harley Quinn and friends, I think I’m pretty excited for -
>written by Scott Snyder
Into the trash it goes.

>art by Jim Cheung,
So he's going to draw three pages that look like all his other pages and then some fill-in artist does the rest?

Can't Snyder just end his endless snoozefest so that we can forget it?

>Meanwhile Batman is nowhere to be found – at least not the Batman that anyone knows.
So that's why Tom King had Dick Grayson shot in the head.

They are waiting for the next relaunch, which will be after King is done with Batman (he’s on til #106). Until then Snyder and everyone is on cruise control til then.

Yep. Can’t have him putting on the mantle.

Honestly, has Tom King's Batman ever accomplished anything during the entire run? Every he does is met with failure and ends with him mopping around and needing someone else- like Catwoman - to bail his ass out.

nice, the same fucking storyline by the same fucking people all over again

Bleh. Can't they at least do something fun and not retarded while they wait...

Anyone else miss when Lex was a good guy?

Maybe this is actually some kind of Springtime for Hitler type scheme. Even editorial is sick of Batman, so they keep Snyder on it to hopefully kill people's interest altogether.

Snyder's wanking Lex Luthor this time. He's only going to write about Lex Luthor pulling a Doctor Doom.

Tom King that will be tying his Batman run with this Perpetua bullshit.

> snyder, bendis, king
that's a hard pass from me family

I feel like sales for 2019 will be the lowest in the history of the industry. Nothing that's been mentioned from either of the big two has been met with anything but "why?".

DCeased, Leviathan, War of the Realms, year of the villain... all of it met with a "meh, I don't know why I'd read that" from anyone that actually pays for comics.

I miss that version of the Super senpai

Attached: superman-vs-the-superman-revenge-squad-7.png (587x900, 979K)

>mainstream comics
>fun and not retarded
No, everything MUST be dark and super serious all the time so you know that superhero books are mature stories for mature readers.

Real talk though, had there ever been an event book that was lighthearted and not cataclysmically serious? Not even necessarily comedic, just a playful romp.

Really with that name.

By the way,
Seriously. Come up with a different kind of antagonist, DC.

I guess Multiversity was sort of lighthearted?

Well, finally found my breaking point for comics and it's 3 shitty back to back events. Thanks to the user in the win-o thread that recommended I take a 3-5 year break from comics

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Buh-wuh????!! We did this in Arkham War in Forever Evil? The fuck is wrong with Didio?!

Don't forget Faces of Evil as a prelude to Final Crisis.

July's variants will be Year of the Villain themed


Attached: RH 36 variant cover.jpg (790x1200, 1020K)

Why is Oracle included in that?

God seeing this was so satisfying. Shame he had to revert but his stint as a hero was never gonna last.

Honestly starting to think it's not just Didio's fault. Maybe it's the WB execs who are demanding more villain wank bullshit. Do recall the Joker movie is coming soon. ... Fuck, that is actually happening. The Joker needs to fuck off.

Eh. Really only Thunderworld. The event as a whole does take itself pretty seriously, especially the ending.

Nah. Dan Didio loves his villain wank. They've done this several times now. Infinite Crisis had the villains ruling everything, Final Crisis had the villains once again ruling everything, Forever Evil had the villains ruling everything.

Well then print that Earth 3 book everyone wants already! Our Earth 3 threads had some good world building shit

How many times has Bane taken over Gotham? He did this same thing in FE.

Yeah, they're not even doing good villain stuff. Who gives a shit about Bane returning for the 45th time when you could explore some actually interesting things.

You reach a point when reading Batman when you realize a lot of his villains’s goals are boring. Bane in particular is a one hit wonder who keeps reminding people he broke Batman that one time, which was only motivated by his childhood nightmares of a bat

I don’t agree with everything DC does but Christ this board is filled with whiny pussies

How many events is DC allowed to do at the same time?
I think they are going to surpass Marvel, but I guess this is what happens when they pus Bendis in charge.

Yeah let’s just do the same fucking event gimmick repeatedly.

New to comics?

Yeah. Let’s

if only there were someone competent in that would be able to provide a fix

Nope. Reading them since the 90s chief

Tynion is so fucking bad, his New 52 Red hood was even worse than Lobdell's

>Lois Lane and Catwoman
Considering how Lois has been a shitty mom and Selina backstabbed Bruce, I’m not surprised these villains got their own cover.


If you knew anything about Didios publishing history you'd know this is him.

Warners, especially now that they're owned by ATT doesn't give a fuck. The last time they tried Diane Nelson became the biggest villain in the history of comics and they still have yet to rebound. Warners knows damn well it's better to stay away because they know fuck all about comics and their fans, the market isn't large enough to warrant actual consumer research, and the bad press will always be worth a larger "loss" than any comic would gain them.

I more or less enjoy Snyder and Tynion but holy crap turning Lex back into a bad guy was the most terrible shit i've read.
Its kinda up there with King's Batman run.

Fuck off zoomer, stop acting older than you are.

You can post your collection.

>inb4 i was pirating in the 90s

WOW such a new and interesting event DC!
Fucking creatively bankrupt.
Not to mention this is what, the third event that will overlap DClock? This is getting ridiculous.

Yep. There was so much untapped potential there.

No, it's Didio. This is the fourth time we've had an "all villains" during his reign. Fuck we're getting another Joker's Daughter one-shot aren't we?

Please stop Scott Snyder.

DC obviously doesn't have a lot of good writers now, but it feels like they could at least have tried a little with this event. Because right now it sounds like more of Snyder's "epic" saga, Bendis being Bendis and Bane being portrayed as relevant because he was in a movie.

Maybe they could try to unravel whatever the fuck they've done to Brainiac over the last few years and redo his abysmal Forever Evil issue in the process.

>Lois Lane and Oracle

This Leviathan event is going to change Lois status quo. She's going to be a "villain".

Johns blowing up Earth-3 in its reintroduction and then killing of the Crime Syndicate was stupid.

And yet they had a story in the Beach Special last year and recently appeared in Bendis Superman

The ones in Bendis' shit were apparently a past version of them de to time travel.

>War of the Realms
That's amazing though

>what if villains month was villians year

Oh get bent, that shitshow's casually being overshadowed by No Road Home

I'm so tired of all this focus being put on villains. I don't care about these assholes and whatever bullshit excuses they have for being assholes.

>this thread
Wow, I love how nobody gives a fraction of a fuck about this.

He didn't respond to you

Bane should have definitely been a one off villain, maybe at the end have him commit sepuku or something, you literally can't take him anywhere else after knightfall

Posting the variants

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I've seen this somewhere.
Can't put my finger on it though.

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oh is Manta gonna be back again already?

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Who the fuck is this guy?

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The shill bumping the thread with covers
Is waiting for the one specific one she hope will get a lot of angry replies to bunk the thread over night so she can sleep.

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Only worthwhile one. Which book is it on?

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There it is.

that captain cold one is sick

Fuck shills

And those were all

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>damn near every DC even villain a giant humanoid
You named like 10 out of thousands.

the pitch for this is making me think underworld unleashed again

Didn't they do this with Forever Evil already?

gorgeous af

Dan Didio really took that "Marvel has the best heroes, but DC has the best villains" thing to heart, didn't he.

Forever Evil: Lex is Sex Edition.
This might actually be ok.

Also lulz at Gotham. Bane keeps conquering it in every villain event for two years in a row.

>Forever Evil: Sexxy Lexxy Edition


>Bane's taking over Gotham! Again!
I swear that's all he does every time he shows up lately


Cold day in hell when he lets anyone call him Lexxy.


More than that fucker Ra’s has done.
And I’ll take anyone over The Joker right now.

All the variants are uninspired except for this. It's the only one that worked

idk, Doctor Light?

When Barbara was Oracle. Someone stole the identity in Batgirl.

Now I remember, thanks user!

Not really

That’s on Johns and Frank for being unable to get that shit done. It’s not everyone else’s fault those two are fucking slow.

t. Aaron
Shit is terrible so far

Better than the Joker/Batman wankfests he’s been doling out his entire career.
I missed when DC hired good versitile writers and not the latest Batman fanboy who happens to turn a phrase

ORIGINAL SOURCE: dccomics.com/blog/2019/04/11/dc’s-year-of-the-villain-1-keeps-the-heat-on-this-summer

Cover, JUSTICE LEAGUE #27, on sale July 3. Art by Bruno Redondo.

RED HOOD: OUTLAW #36, on sale July 10. Red Hood variant cover art by Yasmine Putri.

AQUAMAN #50, on sale July 17. Black Manta variant cover by Ryan Sook.

BATGIRL #37, on sale July 17. Oracle variant cover by Josh Middleton.

BATMAN #75, on sale July 17. Bane variant cover by Gabriele Dell'Otto.

BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #3, on sale July 10. Ra's 'Al Ghul variant cover by Jay Anacleto.

DEATHSTROKE #45, on sale July 3. Deathstroke variant cover art by David Finch.

DETECTIVE COMICS #1008, on sale July 24. Mr. Freeze variant cover art by Bryan Hitch.

THE FLASH #75, on sale July 24. Captain Cold variant cover art by Francis Manapul.

HARLEY QUINN #63, on sale July 3. Harley Quinn variant cover art by Frank Cho.

HAWKMAN #14, on sale July 10. Shadow Thief variant cover art by Bill Sienkiewicz.

NIGHTWING #62, on sale July 17. Talon variant cover art by Greg Capullo.

ACTION COMICS #1013, on sale July 24. Lex Luthor variant cover by Frank Quitely.

SUPERGIRL #32, on sale July 10. Brainiac variant cover art by Kaare Andrews.

SUPERMAN #13, on sale July 10. Lois Lane variant cover art by Adam Hughes.

TEEN TITANS #32, on sale July 17. Lobo variant cover art by Alex Garner.

WONDER WOMAN #75, on sale 7/24. Cheetah variant cover art by Jenny Frisson.

CATWOMAN #13, on sale July 10. Catwoman variant cover art by Stanley "Artgerm" Lau.

>The shill bumping the thread with covers
And a retard too

And here are the Year of the Villain Banners
No artist credited

Attached: DC_YOTV_offer_banner_5caeb3787fb6a9.92086832.jpg (1965x365, 468K)

Attached: DC_YOTV_banner_dark_gifts_5caeb3ec6cdf40.31155583.jpg (1982x370, 596K)

Attached: DC_YOTV_banner_evil_unleashed_5caeb443999da7.91319998.jpg (1979x372, 830K)


And also Marvel's recently announced cash-in, shittons of #1's for this July (every fucking quarter since CB becomes EiC), and their upcoming December shenanigans

SHAZAM! must bring more fill-in artists, and Johns is also busy with movie/TV shit

Attached: DC_YOTV_banner_doom_rising_5caeb478045335.56854537.jpg (1988x370, 830K)

>this is real
>Tom King is ACTUALLY gonna make DUKE Batman
>in 5 years there will be Dukefags on Yea Forums talking about how kool he was as batman
post yfw

Attached: Autism.jpg (376x711, 117K)

So its a worse version of Forever Evil? Doomsday Clock hasn't even ended and DC is just brushing it under the rug instead of picking up the pace on the release schedule. Holy shit, fire some of the staff.

I want my fucking 3 Jokers.

>Poison Ivy

Wuh-Oh. This isn't gonna turn out well.

Not until Doomsday Clock ends

>Dan Didio really took that "Marvel has the best heroes

Then he must be retarded if he believes that. Only Spider-Man and the X-Men are worth something.

Hold up, did Identity Crisis ever get resolved?

Fuck, meant Heroes in Crisis.

when was the last time DC put out an event that was actually good desu?? one million?

2 more issues and honestly its drifted off into a self contained prestige miniseries at this point (and so has doomsday clock), none of the other writers really give a shit anymore

can someone give me a quick rundown on this perpetua shit?

only issue i read was the one with brainiac

Holy shit, is Doomsday Clock still going?

It keeps getting delayed because the artist is piss slow and Johns didn't pre-write this shit


>Identity Crisis
Stop reminding me, Yea Forums

>No Orca
Lame. Her and Nightwing/Dick are the only reasons that I actually read DC.

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I know it's bound to happen, but I hope the newfags of the future would have better taste than that.

Attached: bitch are you serious.png (271x273, 21K)

I wonder what her backstory is

What a shit post


Year of the Villains started the moment they signed Bendis and it's still not fucking over.

I dunno maybe Final Crisis.

DC fucked up by getting rid of their talented good writers after Final Crisis, also the lack of talent and knowledge is a symptom of the newer generation, before the old guard was holding it all together now those guys are retiring or dead or off being successful in other better paying fields or they're working on their own creator owned content maybe.

*Morrison still top obv. but he's part of the old guard of true talent in comics least far as writing goes.

Why is Lois with the villains?

Because DC (Didio, Harras, Lee) hate her and want to turn her into a evil supervillain.

It's why they had her abandon her son in space and leak Sanctuary to the public.

They want her to turn evil so they can break Lois and Clark up so Clark can be a hip young swinger like Spider-Man. Because DC thinks marriage is worse than the Holocaust and want to ban it.

because the press is the enemy of the people and the heroes

>written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV
When will it fucking stop?

That’s on Tom King who writes women similarly to Frank Miller. Either they’re perfect house wives who have no thoughts of their own or massive cunts or both.

Because only Tom King’s self insert heroes have feeeeeelllllliiiings.

heroes in crisis