Post cartoons set in Asia

Post cartoons set in Asia

no anime allowed

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Wait, when didnthey meet Quetzalcoatl?

Rain of Terror

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Aladdin was set in Agrabah which was fantasy Arabia. No one is impressed with your factoid about the original story being set in China, gtfo with that shit.

>Aladdin was set in Agrabah which was fantasy Arabia

Which is in Asia moron.

Why is Europe considered separate from Asia again? And why isn't Greenland it's own continent?

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Mountains being a natural divider and noticeably different races living between them, is what I'd guess.
As for Greenland I'd guess due to population being too small and a bunch of the land being ice making the actual land smaller than you'd expect.

>And why isn't Greenland it's own continent?
It's on the north american continental plate.

Europe, on the other hand, is on the same plate as asia and should be considered the same continent. In fact, some people already do this, referring to it as Eurasia.

Europe = white

Where do you think Arabia is, retard

> every weekday!

how many episodes did this have?

Greenland isnt actually that big, it's a wierd side effect of putting a 3D globe on a 2D surface, shit gets warped. It's actually no bigger than mainland US

>have an Arab man clash with a Mesoamerican god despite them being literally a world apart from one another
For fucks sake

>Why is Europe considered separate from Asia again?
for the same reason gringos separate the American map in two continents, pure stupidity and the need to feel special.

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Technically more because most maps are still made with the latitude/longitude lines ships have used to navigate since the 16th century. If you take the actual size and shape of everything into account, Earth actually looks more like this

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>an arab man
>with a genie, flying carpet, and talking parrot
>that go on adventures that sometimes take them to other parts of the world and even not of this world

>calling Muslims Asians so you don't have to admit the ones doing all the raping aren't Indian, Korean or Chinese

Not anymore


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Fictional Asian countries (influences from Japan/Tibet/Korea/China)

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In fairness, you can derive a boundary between the two where Panama ends much easier than whatever the fuck they think separates Euros from Asians

So they just zipped off and discovered a whole new continent probably a good century before even the Vikings got there? Fucking why?

>Fucking why?
Because it was there.

Should I bring up the constant pop culture references that Genie does? There's a reason why people think Aladdin takes place after an apocalypse.

Personally I always assumed Genie's pop culture stuff was a perk of his INFINITE COSMIC POWERRRRRRR giving him access to all of spacetime, plus his ten thousand year isolation cracking his sanity somewhat

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I always assumed that the pop culture references existed for comedic relief rather than to be literally interpreted as being plot or story relevant.

But I haven't seen the film or the series in many years so I could be remembering it incorrectly.

Only for cultural and historic reasons, I think the Ural is used as a geographic frontier

>Tierra de fuego
>It's located in fucking antartica
Spaniards were fucking retarded with their places names.

So, the same reason why anime and manga are separated from the rest cartoons and comics.

I think it's a cultural reason, because you could say the same with Africa and Asia and with Asia and Oceania.

In the matter of Iceland, it's the biggest island in the planet, but It's not that big, actually.

United Arab Emirates.

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Saudi Arabia

By the way do you guys know another cartoon made in middle east?

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No it's that they discoverd these isles with the help of the fires set by the natives

That cartoon was everywhere for a while and it just vanished one day. What happened?

S1 ended.

it's a supremely magical being thing

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>Arabia is not in Asia
Imagine being this retarded

Asia is for slanty eyed yellow people. Arabs are brown so they're in Africa.


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Your mum's dinky asshole is brown too, guess that explains all the Africans in it.

Genies have "infinite" power I assumed he would watch the outside world like a tv set in his lamp where he can fast-forward, rewind, and change channel but not actually impact them while stuck inside the lamp

Not a cartoon, it's stop motion dumbass

Ancient Mediterranean fuckery.

ACKSHULLY Aladdin wasn't in that episode, so they didn't meet until Return of Malcho and Malcho's replacement VA was SHIT.

user, did you forget the part in the movie where he flies to China?

A snake with wings, I don't know if it is another hint I'm looking hints on everything anymore.


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I need to leave Mr.OP. See you.

Guessing you didn’t see the episode

>Middle East
>Middle of EAST

Iago is a parrot from south america

Explain Russia then

Does Russia count as part of Asia?

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>for the same reason gringos separate the American map in two continents
There's a canal dividing Europe and Asia?

The fuego part is literal, dipshit. It isn't about how hot the place is.

Russians are Turks and Eskimo that adopted a Slavic language

>I always assumed that the pop culture references existed for comedic relief rather than to be literally interpreted as being plot or story relevant.
They are just comedic relief, at best the closest thing to 'plot relevant' a reference is are some of the character interacting with genie's transformations/references.

>Every weekday
>Latest episode 11/25/95
>1220 weeks ago
>8539 days ago
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