Do you miss steven universe?

do you miss steven universe?

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>implying I ever cared about Söyven Universe


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Reminder Navy stole a ship because Steven relaxed.


Why are people like you so obsessed with saying "Nigger"? You're so whiny about not being able to say a word without being seen as racist, despite the fact that you simultaneously insist there's nothing wrong with being racist.

Because its funny lel


Attached: FE67C182-6306-46FA-9594-A3772EC7D5A2.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

It's the absurdity of the subject. There exists a word that, for decades really, has been used to absolve feral subhumans of their violent crimes because "he called me a 'nigger'.", whether it was actually uttered or not.

It is racist, it has always been racist, founded by an ignorant immigration officer or some shit that couldnt pronounce Niger. This particular situation is just some stupid meme, but is a reaction to how fucking crazy things are.

Not like GF is any better

It's a joke, man


>There exists a word

And in what universe does it exist, user?

We've wrapped around to using a word as a slur to just using it as a joke word. I think it shows that there's a number of people who care less and less about the hurtful origins of the word and are just re-purposing the word for edgy comedy. Probably doesn't help that the black community used it as term of endearment for years. It cheapened it.

Im almost 23 and i still act like an edgy teenager

Im just like this now

It had the decency to end earlier.

Fuck off nigger


Yeah, but it's easier to focus on other things when the hiatus is between seasons than mid-season. Looking forward to seeing how the movie turned out.

at least it had decent animation and a good ending.

Pink Diamond represents Lucifer who rebelled against the Trinity Godhead, which the Diamond Authority stands for.

Lucifer held special station over Earth as the Morning Star(Venus) before his downfall, much like how PD held dominion over Earth.

Lucifer decided that humanity did not need God to rule them. PD decided that the Diamonds needed to leave Earth alone.

Lucifer becomes the deceiver, or Devil, to convince Adam and Eve and other angels to rebel. PD becomes Rose Quartz, and convinces humans and other Gems to rebel.

War breaks out in heaven, resulting in the Devil being cast out with his demons, bound to the realm of the Earth. Rose Quartz and the Crystal Gems are left behind on Earth.

PD's Earth colony was established 6,000 years ago. Biblical Chronology places the rebellion in Eden approximately 6,000 years ago(give or take from our current year).

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This guy gets it.


Nope. The show has a lot of issue that makes it unwatchable for me, from inconstant art style to unlikable faggy jew looking protagonist who could be played by Jonah Hill in live action movie version.

the stupid irony racists like OP are way more annoying than any actual fans of the show. why did that hitler thread get 400+ replies

>Good Ending

>Someone spent at least 120 seconds of their life making the above image

Pathetic that is

There's a goat on my goat on my goat on my goat

KEK, I don't believe it but it sounds very accurate.

You fucking cucks are so sad. You're so offended by the concept that you can't just call someone a slur with no consequences